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庄艳峰  陈轮  许齐  王钊 《岩土力学》2008,29(7):1773-1777
通过自行研制的循环往复水流试验装置,研究了不同频率的正弦循环水流对反滤系统的作用机制,建立了与试验模型相一致的定解条件,并求得孔压微分方程的解析解。理论分析表明,土的固结系数与循环往复水流的频率的比值越小,靠近边界处土体的水力梯度就越大,土体内部的水力梯度就越小。试验中,当周期为0.5 min时,边界处水力梯度振幅接近系统平均水力梯度振幅的2倍;当周期为62.5 min时,则基本没有边界水力梯度集中现象。实测结果与理论分析结果较为一致。这种水力梯度边界集中现象,容易加剧渗透边界层的冲刷,降低反滤系统的渗透稳定性,应当在试验研究和工程实践中引起注意。  相似文献   
底摩擦重力试验在倾倒变形岩体稳定性研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
底摩擦重力试验(底摩擦试验)是利用相似理论分析原理,将研究原形按几何比例和各种物理力学参数,制作相似模型及确定相应的边界条件。然后按照相似边界条件进行加载试验,再现曾经发生过或今后将会出现的物理力学现象,进而了解其发展演化规律及其对工程的影响。澜沧江某水电站坝肩主要为典型的倾倒变形岩体,为探讨倾倒变形岩体在天然重力场条件的变形破裂发展趋势。试验采用模拟重力场条件的岩体底摩擦模型试验技术模拟分析岩体倾倒变形进一步发展演变过程及特征。  相似文献   
中国南方含油气区构造-沉积类型及其勘探潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南方含油气的复杂构造区根据构造—沉积类型的不同,可将其分为四种类型。通过对不同类型典型含油气区的生烃量及非构造运动天然气散失量的化学动力学计算,认为这四种类型含油气区的油气聚集潜力从好到坏依次为:喜马拉雅运动抬升暴露型、燕山运动抬升暴露型、反复抬升—沉降型和海西—印支运动抬升暴露—后期浅埋型。主要构造运动发生越晚,对油气保存越有利。  相似文献   
地裂缝是西安市典型的城市地质灾害,地下水位的变化是诱发地裂缝活动的重要因素。以西安地铁六号线暗挖段施工降水为研究背景,基于有限元数值模拟计算,分析了地裂缝场地施工降水引起的地表沉降规律和地层应力变化特征。计算结果表明:当地下水位下降时,地表沉降量上盘大于下盘,地裂缝带两侧地表存在差异沉降的现象,最大差异沉降量与地下水位下降深度近似呈直线关系;不同位置处地表的横向沉降呈现出"Z"形的变化特征,差异沉降区随地裂缝位置的变动而变化,且差异沉降量与横向地表位置近似呈二次函数曲线关系;地层竖向应力随着地下水位下降而增大,地裂缝位置处地层应力存在突变现象,上下盘应力影响区与地层深度近似呈三次函数曲线关系;基于分层总和法计算了地下水位下降时地表沉降量的解析解,并与数值模拟结果进行对比,发现两种方法计算结果基本一致,得到了计算地表最大沉降量的经验公式。研究结果可为地裂缝场地地铁隧道及其他地下工程安全施工提供科学指导。   相似文献   
The high‐precision δ60/58Ni values of twenty‐six geological reference materials, including igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, stream sediments, soils and plants are reported. The δ60/58Ni values of all samples were determined by double‐spike MC‐ICP‐MS (Nu Plasma III). Isotope standard solution (NIST SRM 986) and geological reference materials (BHVO‐2, BCR‐2, JP‐1, PCC‐1, etc.) were used to evaluate the measurement bias and intermediate precision over a period of six months. Our results show that the intermediate precision of Ni isotope determination was 0.05‰ (2s, n = 69) for spiked NIST SRM 986 and typically 0.06‰ for actual samples, and the δ60/58Ni NIST SRM 986 values were in excellent agreement with previous studies. Eighteen high‐precision Ni isotope ratios of geological reference materials are first reported here, and their δ60/58Ni values varied from ?0.27‰ to 0.52‰, with a mean of 0.13 ± 0.34‰ (2s, n = 18). Additionally, SGR‐1b (0.56 ± 0.04‰, 2s), GSS‐1 (?0.27 ± 0.06‰, 2s), GSS‐7 (?0.11 ± 0.01‰, 2s), GSD‐10 (0.46 ± 0.06‰, 2s) and GSB‐12 (0.52 ± 0.06‰, 2s) could potentially serve as candidate reference materials for Ni isotope fractionation and comparison of Ni isotopic compositions among different laboratories.  相似文献   
通过对陇川盆地开展地热地质调查,查清其地热资源分布:盆地内共出露地热点11处,热储结构类型为带状型和层状型,盆地中部为层状型,两侧盆地边缘为带状型,其中北西部受断裂控制明显,南东部受节理裂隙控制明显。其储热层为变质岩及新近系芒棒组的花岗质砂砾岩、细砂岩;地热水受大气降水影响明显,循环深度都在1 600 m以上,大部分在1 800~2 400 m之间,主要来源于深部热源,通过断裂、裂隙及砂砾石孔隙作为导水、储水上涌通道,接收来自山区补给的地下水混合出露于地表,补给距离在1.5 km以上,如南宛河温泉温度最高,地下水循环深度最深,补给距离最远,达10 km;盆地北东和西部水温高,循环深度深。   相似文献   
The mineralogy of the high-volatile bituminous coals and associated strata from the Greta seam, Sydney Basin, Australia, has been evaluated in this study. Although the seam is not immediately overlain by marine strata, percolation of marine water into the original peat bed is indicated by the petrological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, which resemble those of coals with marine roof strata. The upper and lower sections of the seam have contrasting mineralogy. Pyrite typically comprises 40 to 56 wt% of the mineral assemblage in the marine-influenced upper part of the seam section. The lower part contains much less pyrite (typically <5 wt%, organic-free basis), and also relatively abundant dawsonite (up to 14 wt%, organic-free basis). The minerals within most coal plies are largely of authigenic origin. These include pyrite, siderite, clay minerals (mainly kaolinite and Na-rich mixed-layer illite/smectite), and quartz, most of which have a relatively early, syngenetic origin. Minor Ti-bearing minerals, anatase or rutile, and phosphate minerals, fluorapatite and goyazite, were probably also formed during early diagenesis. Other minerals have features that indicate late-stage precipitation. These include abundant cleat- and fracture-filling dawsonite, which may be the result of reactions between earlier-precipitated kaolinite and Na2CO3- or NaHCO3-bearing fluids. Minor albite may also be epigenetic, possibly precipitated from the same Ca–Al bearing fluids that formed the dawsonite. The most abundant detrital minerals in the Greta coals are quartz, poorly ordered kaolinite, illite and mixed-layer illite/smectite (I/S). These occur mainly in the floor, roof and other epiclastic horizons of the seam, reflecting periods of greater clastic influx into those parts of the original peat-forming environment. Detrital minerals are rare in the coals away from the epiclastic horizons, probably owing to almost complete sediment bypassing in the depositional system. Alternatively, any detrital minerals that were originally present may have been leached from the peat bed by diagenetic or post-diagenetic processes.  相似文献   
本人在借鉴前人成果并结合施工经验的基础上,系统总结了砂卵石地层与非开挖钻进施工的适应性,对非开挖钻进施工中出现的问题进行了归纳和分类,并对其原因进行了分析和探讨。同时,为了解决非开挖导向钻进在复杂地层特别是砂卵石层中的施工难题,考虑采用注浆预加固技术对砂卵石层进行预先加固,以提高其强度,保证非开挖导向钻进的顺利进行。更进一步地,对水平孔中注浆预加固的三种方法(垂直注浆法、导管注浆法、随钻注浆法)在导向钻进工程中的概念、适用范围、优缺点以及实施控制要点等进行了对比和研究。  相似文献   
Role of solar activity on modern climate change, particularly in the decadal scale is an important scientific issue. This paper reviews the recent observation of decadal solar signal in earth’s climate, with focus on the mechanism of solar radiation, ultraviolet radiation and cosmic rays on climate system ,and its validation. The paper points out that the assessment of uncertainty in observations, amplification process of the climate system, as well as possible future impact of solar extreme events are challenges in the present study. Finally, the keys of breakthrough are pointed, to provide a reference for future research.  相似文献   
This paper presents an instability theory that can be used to understand the fundamental behavior of an acidization dissolution front when it propagates in fluid‐saturated carbonate rocks. The proposed theory includes two fundamental concepts, namely the intrinsic time and length of an acidization dissolution system, and a theoretical criterion that involves the comparison of the Zhao number and its critical value of the acidization dissolution system. The intrinsic time is used to determine the time scale at which the acidization dissolution front is formed, while the intrinsic length is used to determine the length scale at which the instability of the acidization dissolution front can be initiated. Under the assumption that the acidization dissolution reaction is a fast process, the critical Zhao number, which is used to assess the instability likelihood of an acidization dissolution front propagating in fluid‐saturated carbonate rocks, has been derived in a strictly mathematical manner. Based on the proposed instability theory of a propagating acidization dissolution front, it has been theoretically recognized that: (i) the increase of the mineral dissolution ratio can stabilize the acidization dissolution front in fluid‐saturated carbonate rocks; (ii) the increase of the final porosity of the carbonate rock can destabilize the acidization dissolution front, while the increase of the initial porosity can stabilize the acidization dissolution front in fluid‐saturated carbonate rocks; (iii) the increase of the mineral dissolution ratio can cause an increase in the dimensionless propagation speed of the acidization dissolution front; (iv) the increase of the initial porosity can enable the acidization dissolution front to propagate faster, while the increase of the final porosity can enable the acidization dissolution front to propagate slower in the acidization dissolution system. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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