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祁连成矿带成矿规律和找矿方向   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在系统分析区内成矿条件和区域成矿特征的基础上,提出海相火山岩型、接触交代型(矽卡岩型)、变质(包括沉积-变质)型、沉积型(含喷气-沉积型)、构造蚀变岩型等是该区的主攻矿床类型。通过对祁连成矿带地质、矿产、物探、化探、遥感等资料的综合分析,并结合野外调研和室内的再研究,共圈定69处成矿远景区,其中A类5处,B类23处、C类41处。在此基础上,结合最新的地质找矿成果,优选出铜、金、铅、锌、钨远景区16处,作为今后矿产资源评价首选地区。  相似文献   
在拉轨岗日构造带佩枯错新发现了一条韧性剪切带,至少存在3期变形。韧性剪切作用可能与应变能转化的热能有关,应变能常沿断裂集中,形成方解石脉;然后,经由北往南的逆冲推覆,形成(叠瓦状)逆冲推覆构造;最后,由于山体重力势能的作用,伸展跨塌。该剪切带成为藏南拆离系的组成部分。  相似文献   
王宏志  邹早建 《海洋工程》2014,28(3):421-432
While passing through a lock, a ship usually undergoes a steady forward motion at low speed. Owing to the size restriction of lock chamber, the shallow water and bank effects on the hydrodynamic forces acting on the ship may be remarkable, which may have an adverse effect on navigation safety. However, the complicated hydrodynamics is not yet fully understood. This paper focuses on the hydrodynamic forces acting on a ship passing through a lock. The unsteady viscous flow and hydrodynamic forces are calculated by applying an unsteady RANS code with a RNG k?ε turbulence model. User-defined function (UDF) is compiled to define the ship motion. Meanwhile, the grid regeneration is dealt with by using the dynamic mesh method and sliding interface technique. Numerical study is carried out for a bulk carrier ship passing through the Pierre Vandamme Lock in Zeebrugge at the model scale. The proposed method is validated by comparing the numerical results with the data of captive model tests. By analyzing the numerical results obtained at different speeds, water depths and eccentricities, the influences of speed, water depth and eccentricity on the hydrodynamic forces are illustrated. The numerical method proposed in this paper can qualitatively predict the ship-lock hydrodynamic interaction. It can provide certain guidance on the manoeuvring and control of ships passing through a lock.  相似文献   
本文在野外剖面调查的基础上,结合薄片观察,对川东南地区三汇剖面寒武系洗象池组237块碳酸盐岩样品进行了系统的碳氧同位素组成研究,结果表明,δ~(18)O值主要分布在-8‰~-6‰,平均为-7.63‰;δ~(13)C值介于-5.53‰~3.44‰之间。利用碳氧同位素数值计算古盐度及古温度结果表明,绝大多数Z值高于120‰,且δ~(13)C值大于-2‰,古海水温度主要集中在19~25℃,说明整体为海水-咸化海水沉积环境与温暖或炎热的亚热带气候。认为洗象池组沉积期海平面变化有五个阶段:早期缓慢上升与下降,中期快速海侵,中后期缓慢海退,后期动荡,末期海退。三汇剖面洗象池组储集层岩性主要为颗粒云岩及晶粒云岩,储集空间以溶蚀孔洞、粒间孔与晶间孔为主。多期的海平面的下降,对应碳同位素多旋回负漂,从而发育向上变浅的多旋回韵律性地层,形成纵向上的多套储集层,洗象池组储集层的形成与演化受海平面变化控制,主要发育在古地貌较高处与滩体向上变浅旋回的上部。另外,依据δ~(13)C值显著的正漂移,明确了芙蓉统地层的底界,为四川盆地寒武系地层的划分提供了证据。  相似文献   
In the context of disaster normalization, the concept of “resilience” has been gradually introduced into the field of disaster prevention and mitigation in urban communities. In order to resist the increasingly frequent disasters caused by extreme weather, it is necessary to shift the focus of building resilient urban communities to the level of stormwater management. Community resilience is a disaster prevention and mitigation capability based on community resources. In order to solve the deficiency of storm and flood management in the current construction of resilient communities in China, it is necessary to establish a quantitative evaluation system to evaluate it. This paper uses the analytic hierarchy process and Delphi method to establish a community resilience evaluation system from the perspectives of community material space level, community management level and individual level. Then three communities in Hefei City, Anhui Province are selected for practical application of the system, and corresponding optimization and transformation strategies are proposed. The results show that: (1) The resilience of community stormwater management is closely related to the integrated environment of the community, the allocation of flood control facilities and the daily disaster prevention and mitigation management; (2) The ability of disaster prevention and mitigation and the awareness of public participation of the residents in all communities are relatively weak, and the communities invest less in the popularization of stormwater management wisdom; and (3) Resilient communities should not only pay attention to the construction of non-engineering disaster prevention measures, but also to the application of small-scale green infrastructure oriented toward stormwater management.  相似文献   
通过对1951—2020年罗甸县逐日降水观测资料、2010—2020年罗甸县各乡镇逐日降水观测资料的统计分析,计算出要素保证率80%的值,采用线性趋势分析、等值线分布、Mann-Kendal检验、Morlet小波方法分析罗甸县境内暴雨的时空分布特征。结果表明:近70 a罗甸县年暴雨日数、近11 a罗甸县各乡镇总年暴雨日数均缓慢增多,区域暴雨次数逐渐减少,在年际变化中,均存在显著的3 a左右周期振荡。暴雨集中发生在5—9月,近70 a占全年暴雨日数91%,各月暴雨日数时空分布差异显著,暴雨发生最多月份为6月,近70 a平均每年1.3 d,占全年暴雨日数的36%。各乡镇年平均暴雨日数分布区域性特征明显,存在2个多值区(西北部、东南部)和1个少值区(西南部)。暴雨多发生在夜间,尤其大暴雨以上量级降水在夜间发生的概率高达93%。降水强度等级从北向南逐级减小,与罗甸县略呈“撮箕口”朝南地形较一致,从西北、北、东北向南逐级减小,在西部、东北部存在较稳定的2个极端暴雨中心。各乡镇连续暴雨次数分布差异明显,呈北多南少分布。总体而言,西部在年暴雨日数、暴雨强度、连续暴雨次数及连续降水量均居全县首位,在天...  相似文献   
烟台市进行了国土空间规划平台的升级,发布了“烟台市国土空间规划‘一张图’实施监督信息系统”。该系统基本满足了烟台市的各项发展规划需求。本文梳理了该系统的构建过程,分析了该系统的技术特点,总结了使用方法及理论,为国土空间规划平台的应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   
地面加热对飞机颠簸影响的动力学初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用积分变换法求解考虑了地面加热作用的中尺度二维不可压缩流体的Boussinesq方程,得到一组描述地面加热作用激发的垂直风场、水平扰动风场、扰动气温场的解析解,进而用动力学分析的观点定性讨论了飞机颠簸与地面加热场、风场、温度场空间分布及时间变化的关系,对动力和热力性气象因子对于飞机颠簸的影响进行了初步分析。  相似文献   
基于GOCAD平台的复杂地质体系的动力学建模研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立地质体系的三维模型并进行动力学数值模拟是进行地质过程研究的最有效途径,但数值模拟软件一般都存在直接建模难的问题.本文在分析建模软件GOCAD与动力学数值模拟软件FLAC3D的数据文件特点的基础上,提出了利用GOCAD软件建立六面体模型,通过数据接口程序,完成FLAC3D中复杂地质模型的构建.用这种方法建立了安徽铜陵...  相似文献   
湖南省中心城市竞争力比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简单分析城市竞争力的概念及研究意义,从综合经济实力、基础设施水平、科技实力、资金融通能力、对外经济能力和教育与人口素质等6个方面构建了城市竞争力的指标体系和城市竞争力计算的测度模型,进而运用因子分析法和聚类分析法对湖南省14个中心城市的竞争力进行测算和分析。结果表明:湖南省城市竞争力与综合经济实力具有一定的相关性,综合经济实力强的城市竞争力一般也较强;湖南省中心城市竞争力呈现出明显的非均衡发展特点;城市竞争力的总体水平不高;中心城市竞争力的空间结构表现为东部竞争力强西部竞争力弱的局面。最后,提出了提高湖南城市竞争力的几条对策:更新观念,大胆创新,增强城市的综合经济实力;找准相对优势,提高自身竞争力;加快竞争力强城市的产业升级步伐,提高经济增长质量。  相似文献   
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