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基岩水与平原水转换关系的地球物理勘查技术探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基岩水与平原水转化关系的研究是搞清地表水与地下水转化途径、方式及流量进而进行水资源评价的一个重要内容.本文以河西走廊地区为例,分析了地球物理勘查技术对解决上述问题的可能性,同时结合该地区地质地貌特点,选用了EH-4电导率成像系统、自然电位法技术组合进行了实例勘查,取得了较好的效果,为前人的假说提供了科学依据,也为该内容的研究提供有效的手段.  相似文献   
余庆县小腮地区的钒矿赋存于下寒武统牛蹄塘组近底部,具有品位低、厚度大的特点,矿石类型属炭质泥岩型钒矿.钒在原矿中的价态主要以V^3+形式存在,其次为V^4+和V^5+,其中V^3+主要以类质同象形式取代Al^3+、Fe^3+等氧化矿物及硅酸盐矿物,而V^4+、V^5+则全部以吸附状态赋存于云母类矿物中.矿石通过“原矿—破碎—磨矿—浸出—固液分离—萃取—反萃—沉钒—脱铵—五氧化二钒成品”提钒工艺,其五氧化二钒浸出率达85%,五氧化二钒总回收率为79.20%,在环境保护上能得到较好的控制,所得产品质量达GB3283-87冶金用V20599牌号标准.  相似文献   
南海西沙海槽S14站位的地球化学异常特征及其意义   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:16  
西沙海槽具备良好的天然气水合物的形成条件,并已发现与其有关的地球物理标志--模拟海底反射层(BSR)。通过对西沙海槽S14大型活塞站位的孔隙水和沉积物样品进行化学组分、酸解烃和热释光等方面的分析测试,结果发现在海底之下4~5 m区间存在着较明显的高盐高烃异常,其中酸解烃中的甲烷、乙烷、丙烷含量及其热释光值均有所增高,孔隙水中的绝大部分离子及其盐度也存在着明显的升高,这一高盐高烃异常可能是下部与天然气水合物有关的孔隙流体沿着断层向上迁移所致。这些地球化学异常以及模拟海底反射层等地球物理标志显示该站位之下可能存在天然气水合物。  相似文献   
提取了一个在海上长达5年的Argo剖面浮标观测资料,对观测资料进行评估和质量控制,通过对浮标观测资料进行综合分析,帮助人们了解Argo浮标的观测过程及其资料的应用.  相似文献   
With the development of modern oceanic observation technologies,coastal survey data have been experiencing a substantial growth.The integration management of the data from different disciplines,different sources and different formats has become a major research field in coastal geomorphology by using Geographic Information System (GIS).This paper puts forward a new methodology framework of GIS techniques in coastal ocean geomorphology,including data acquisition,process,analysis,and representation.It focuses on some major GIS techniques to study the land-ocean interaction mechanism,such as spatial analysis,submarine topography model and three-dimension (3D) visualization,and apply its result to coastal urban planning,harbor site selection and geomorphology environment about coral reef and islands on the continental shelf.The case studies cover the whole coastal ocean to serve the social community,economical development and diplomatic rights for decision-making all round in the coastal zone.The research shows clearly that the application of coastal multi-source geospatial platform has changed the traditional coastal geomorphology science dramatically from its research scope,fields and methods,however,as made clear in this paper,extracting accurate information from remote sensing data and GIS databases for coastal geomorphological applications is a nontrivial challenge that requires the combined knowledge and skills of information scientists and geomorphologists.  相似文献   
在海底沉积物声速预测中,把不同海域的物理性质完全不同的沉积物试验数据拟合出一个统一的方程存在不足,不但数据过于离散,而且方程中参量的物理意义不明确。借鉴Wyllie等建立的时间平均方程的思路,基于声传播过程中路程、时间和声速之间的基本关系,引入了表征固液双相之间的堆垒方式和耦合状态对声传播路径影响的耦合系数,建立了沉积物声速预测模型。将鹿回头外海、南海南部和北部的沉积物测量数据进行线性回归分析,分别得出适用于不同海域的沉积物声速预测模型,拟合的复相关系数较大,偏差较小,证明该模型能够反映声速随孔隙度的变化规律,且各参数物理意义明确,具有一定的研究和理论探索意义。  相似文献   
盐单胞菌属一新种的分离与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对即墨市大桥盐场的底泥样本进行微生物的可培养研究,分离出1株革兰氏阴性的中度嗜盐菌YC-SA28T.16SrRNA序列比对及系统发育分析结果表明.YCSA28T可能为γ-变形菌纲盐单胞菌属的新种,通过系统分类学研究发现,YCSA28T的16SrRNA序列与亲缘关系最近的盐单胞菌属模式菌株Halomonas ventos...  相似文献   
以RANS方程为控制方程,基于有限体积法,在动量方程中添加源项,建立了具有造波‐消波功能的数值波浪水槽。利用建立的源项造波数值波浪水槽,模拟了高桩挡板透空式防波堤在规则波作用下的消浪效果,完整地再现了堤前堤后的流态,分析了挡板相对入水深度对透浪系数的影响。在与试验值及拉帕公式对比后发现,数模计算结果与试验值较接近,拉帕公式偏大。研究了堤顶相对宽度、相对水深、相对波高对透浪系数的影响并提出修正公式,修正公式与计算值和试验值吻合较好。  相似文献   
高云  付世晓  曹静  陈一帆 《海洋工程》2015,29(5):673-690
Laboratory tests were conducted on a flexible riser with and without helical strakes. The aim of the present work is to further understand the response performance of the vortex induced vibration (VIV) for a riser with helical strakes. The experiment was accomplished in the towing tank and the relative current was simulated by towing a flexible riser in one direction. Based on the modal analysis method, the displacement responses can be obtained by the measured strain. The strakes with different heights are analyzed here, and the response parameters like strain response and displacement response are studied. The experimental results show that the in-line (IL) response is as important as the cross-flow (CF) response, however, many industrial analysis methods usually ignore the IL response due to VIV. The results also indicate that the response characteristics of a bare riser can be quite distinct from that of a riser with helical strakes, and the response performance depends on the geometry on the helical strakes closely. The fatigue damage is further discussed and the results show that the fatigue damage in the CF direction is of the same order as that in the IL direction for the bare riser. However, for the riser with helical strakes, the fatigue damage in the CF direction is much smaller than that in the IL direction.  相似文献   
Four cruises were conducted during 2002--2003 in the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent coastal areas. The data presented show a clear coast to open sea gradient in nutrients related to the river inputs. Maximum values of chlorophyll a were typically observed at intermediate salinities at surface water and coincided with non-conservative decreases in nutrients along the salinity gradient, indicating that removal of nutrients was related to phytoplankton uptake. The seasonal variations of nutrient concentrations were just opposite to those of chlorophyll a, indicating that the seasonal variations of nutrients were mainly controlled by phytoplankton uptake, whereas riverine inputs merely weakened or balanced its extent. During the estuarine mixing, phosphate demonstrated some remobilization during all the four cruises; whereas both conservative and non-conservative behaviors for dissolved inorganic nitrogen and silicate were observed in the study area, indicating that both biotic and abiotic events may affect their behaviors during the estuarine mixing. Under the influence of freshwater inputs with high value of ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus, the estuarine and coastal waters impacted by the Changjiang plume were high ( 〉 30) in ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus, but rates of primary production were apparently not constrained by any kind of nutrient elements. However, the low ( 〈 1 ) ratio of silicate to nitrogen in most of the study area might be linked with the rapidly increasing frequency of harmful algal bloom (HAB) incidents in recent years in the coastal waters impacted by the Changjiang plume.  相似文献   
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