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近年来云降水物理和人工影响天气研究进展   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
雷恒池  洪延超  赵震 《大气科学》2008,32(4):967-974
回顾和总结了中国科学院大气物理研究所近5年(2003~2007年)的云降水物理和人工影响天气研究,内容涉及云和降水物理研究、云和降水数值模拟研究、人工影响天气研究和云化学研究等诸多领域。随着国家和社会对人工影响天气需求的日益增加,云降水物理仍是重要的研究方向,会随着观测和理论研究的发展而取得突破性进展。  相似文献   
高原涡诱生西南涡特大暴雨成因的个例研究   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
赵玉春  王叶红 《高原气象》2010,29(4):819-831
利用多途径探测与再分析资料,通过诊断分析、数值模拟和敏感性试验,对2008年7月20~21日一次高原涡东移诱生西南涡并引发川中特大暴雨的天气过程进行了初步分析,探讨了西南涡特大暴雨发生的中尺度环境场特征,特殊地形和非绝热物理过程在高原涡东移诱生西南涡特大暴雨中的作用。结果表明,高原涡形成后沿高原东北侧下滑,在四川盆地诱生出西南涡,川中特大暴雨在西南涡形成过程中由强中尺度对流系统(MCSs)的活动造成。高原涡东移诱生的低层偏东气流在川西高原东侧地形的动力强迫抬升作用下,释放对流有效位能激发出MCSs产生强降水,降水凝结潜热加热反馈驱动西南涡快速发展。地形的动力作用仅能形成浅薄的西南涡,降水凝结潜热的加入才能使西南涡充分发展。高原涡的发展主要受地面热通量影响,它的发展与否在很大程度上决定西南涡能否形成。盆地周边高大山脉对西南涡的位置分别有不同程度的影响,而盆地周边高大山脉上叠加的中小尺度地形对西南涡和暴雨带的整体位置影响不大,在一定程度上影响暴雨的落区。  相似文献   
商丘市近40年日照变化特征及突变分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
对商丘市1961~2000年的年日照和各季节日照资料的分析表明,商丘市年日照时数和各季节日照时数都存在不同程度的减少趋势,年日照时数减少率约为22 h/a,且这种减少的趋势在变缓.使用Mann-Kendall法进行突变检测表明,商丘市年日照时数和各季节日照时数在1982年存在突变现象.  相似文献   
利用2004—2006年ACE、WIND卫星观测的太阳风数据和相应时期反映磁暴大小的Dst指数,针对200个不同级别的磁暴事件,分析了磁层顶日下点距离R0与磁暴Dst指数的线性相关性。分析显示,在极端太阳风条件下,Dst指数时间序列比借助于Chao Model计算出的磁层顶日下点距离R0的时间序列延迟了约3h。经修正时间延迟后,对磁层顶日下点距离R0与磁暴Dst指数的线性相关性进行分析。结果表明:发生超级磁暴时,二者线性相关系数的均值为0.77;大磁暴时,线性相关系数的均值为0.74;中等磁暴时,线性相关系数的均值为0.47。此外,用最小二乘数据拟合得到了不同级别磁暴时的R0-Dst关系图。  相似文献   
雷州半岛雾的气候特征及生消机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用分别位于雷州半岛北部、中部和南部的湛江站59a、雷州站46a和徐闻站42a的气象资料,分析了雷州半岛雾发生的规律及生消机理。结果表明:三站年雾日数变化趋势基本一致,呈"W"状,局部峰值明显升高。三站的年平均雾日数分别为24.7d、30.4d和21.0d。雷州半岛雾日主要出现在每年的1—4月及12月,3月雾日数最多,7月雾日数最少。近10a湛江站夜间雾发生频率为90%;短雾多,持续时间在4h以内的占75%。雾形成的天气形势可分为高压入海型、低压前型、冷锋前型、静止锋前型、鞍形场或均压场型5类,主要是平流雾、锋面雾和辐射雾。3种雾消散的天气形势是新冷空气补充南下、雾滴出现碰并沉降形成小雨或日出后雾滴蒸发。统计雷州半岛三站2000—2009年雾次频数得出,成雾概率最大的气象条件是气温为15~25℃、T-Td≤1.0℃、Δp3在-3.5~-2hPa和1.5~2.5hPa之间、风向为NNE-ESE及风速小于5m/s。L波段雷达探空大雾个例分析表明:雾顶高度在1.5km左右,雾中温度随高度增加而减小;雾中相对湿度大于92%,1.5km之上急剧减小,3km以上保持不变;T-Td为1.2~6.4℃;近地面风速为2~6m/s,风向随高度顺时针旋转,雾中有暖平流。  相似文献   
较全面地介绍了北京气候中心气候系统模式(BCC_CSM)研发所取得的一些进展及其在气候变化研究中的应用,重点介绍了全球近280 km较低分辨率的全球海-陆-气-冰-生物多圈层耦合的气候系统模式BCC_CSM1.1和110 km中等大气分辨率的BCC_CSM1.1(m),以及大气、陆面、海洋、海冰各分量模式的发展。BCC_CSM1.1和BCC_CSM1.1(m)气候系统模式均包含了全球碳循环和动态植被过程。当给定全球人类活动导致的碳源排放后,就可以模拟和预估人类活动对气候变化的影响。BCC_CSM1.1和BCC_CSM1.1(m)已应用于IPCC AR5模式比较,为中外开展气候变化机理分析和未来气候变化预估提供了大量的试验数据。还介绍了BCC_CSM1.1和BCC_CSM1.1(m)参与国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP5)的大量试验分析评估结果,BCC_CSM能够较好地模拟20世纪气温和降水等气候平均态和季节变化特征,以及近1000年的历史气候变化,所预估的未来100年气候变化与国际上其他模式的CMIP5试验预估结果相当。初步的分析表明,分辨率相对高的BCC_CSM1.1(m)在区域气候平均态的模拟上优于分辨率较低的BCC_CSM1.1。  相似文献   
青藏高原“三江源地区”雨季水汽输送特征   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
利用40年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和青藏高原三江源地区的降水资料,分析了三江源地区的水汽输送特征.研究表明:在东亚和印度季风驱动下的西南暖湿气流是三江源地区空中主要水汽来源,其次是来自西边界中东高压中的偏西气流和西风带中的偏北气流,这3种大尺度环流背景的气流汇集到三江源区,使该地区6-9月处在水汽辐合区内,同时在高原大地形的动力作用下,三江源地区近地面层维持定常的切变、低涡等天气系统,源源不断的降水为这一区域形成江河源头创造了条件.在水汽输入的各边界中,南边界季节变化特征显著,冬、春季水汽输入量小,夏、秋季水汽输入量大,9月达到全年的最大值.西边界的水汽输入量季节变化特征不明显,一年四季有水汽输入.北边界冬、春季水汽输入量小,夏、秋季水汽输入量大,6月达到全年的最大值.水汽输出主要在东边界.从三江源地区空中净水汽输入(输出)量收支的月际变化来看,6-9月水汽是收入的,5月收支平衡,10月到次年4月水汽是支出的,三江源地区的这种净水汽输入(输出)量收支的月际变化与该地区降水量的月际变化基本一致.冬、春季以西边界的水汽输入为主,夏、秋季以南边界的水汽输入为主.青藏高原三江源地区主要水汽输入边界的水汽通量近40年来呈现减少的变化趋势,这将影响到三江源地区未来的降水变化.  相似文献   
Interdecadal variation of the relationships between ENSO and the summer interannual climate variability in China is investigated by using techniques of sliding correlation analysis with the tropical Pacific SSTA and the observed surface air temperature and precipitation from stations in China. The results indicate that there are stable and robust relations that the Northern China is relatively dry during the developing phase of ENSO while the Yangtze River valley is relatively wet during the decaying phase of ENSO. On the other hand, interdecadal variations of the relations are also found in other regions. Over the time both prior to the Pacific decadal climate shift (before the late 1970s) and after it (after the late 1970s), during the developing phases of ENSO the summer precipitation anomaly in South China changed from below to above normal, whereas that in Northeast China changed from above to below normal; the summer surface air temperature anomaly in North and Northeast China changed from cooling to warming, whereas that in South China changed to cooling; during the decaying phases of ENSO the North China changed from wetter to dryer while the Huai River valley changed from dryer to normal; North China, Yangtze River valley and South China tend to be warmer. Based on the composite analysis of the NCAR/NCEP reanalyze datasets, significant differences existing in ENSO-related atmospheric circulation anomaly in East Asia during pre- and post-shift periods may be responsible for the interdecadal variation of relationships between ENSO and surface air temperature and precipitation in China.  相似文献   
利用常规气象资料、自动站资料、卫星云图、CINRAD-SA多普勒天气雷达资料以及NCEP再分析资料,结合飞行探测数据,对影响2011年4月17日河北抚宁县森林大火的一次冷锋云系进行分析.结果表明:1)宏观分析,过程降水的水汽仅来自冷锋自身所携带的微弱水汽,水汽辐合值较小,不利降水;2)微观分析,冷锋层状云系在水平和垂直方向上存在较薄的过冷水云区,小粒子数浓度大于20 cm-3的云区占一定比例.飞机催化作业后,雷达回波强度增强,CAS(云气溶胶粒子探头)探测的小粒子数浓度、云含水量及粒子平均直径均有明显变化,说明该次冷锋云系有一定的增雨潜力.  相似文献   
On the basis of the mean air temperature, precipitation, sunshine duration, and pan evaporation from 23 meteorological stations in the upper Yellow River Basin from 1960 to 2001, the feasibility of using hypothesis test techniques to detect the long-term trend for major climate variables has been investigated. Parametric tests are limited by the assumptions such as the normality and constant variance of the error terms. Nonparametric tests have not these additional assumptions and are better adapted to the trend test for hydro-meteorological time series. The possible trends of annual and monthly climatic time series are detected by using a non-parametric method and the abrupt changes have been examined in terms of 5-yr moving averaged seasonal and annual series by using moving T-test (MTT) method, Yamamoto method, and Mann-Kendall method. The results show that the annual mean temperature has increased by 0.8℃in the upper Yellow River Basin during the past 42 years. The warmest center was located in the northern part of the basin. The nonlinear tendency for annual precipitation was negative during the same period. The declining center for annual precipitation was located in the eastern part and the center of the basin. The variation of annual precipitation in the upper Yellow River Basin during the past 42 years exhibited an increasing tendency from 1972 to 1989 and a decreasing tendency from 1990 to 2001. The nonlinear tendencies for annual sunshine duration and pan evaporation were also negative. They have decreased by 125.6 h and 161.3 mm during the past 42 years, respectively. The test for abrupt changes by using MTT method shows that an abrupt wanning occurred in the late 1980s. An abrupt change of the annual mean precipitation occurred in the middle 1980s and an abrupt change of the mean sunshine duration took place in the early 1980s. For the annual mean pan evaporation, two abrupt changes took place in the 1980s and the early 1990s. The test results of the Yamamoto method show that the abrupt changes mostly occurred in the 1980s, and two acute abrupt changes were tested for the spring pan evaporation in 1981 and for the annual mean temperature in 1985. According to the Mann-Kendall method, the abrupt changes of the temperature mainly occurred in the 1990s, the pan evaporation abrupt changes mostly occurred in the 1960s, and the abrupt changes of the sunshine duration primarily took place in the 1980s. Although the results obtained by using three methods are different, it is undoubted that jumps have indeed occurred in the last four decades.  相似文献   
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