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Abstract— To constrain the metamorphic history of the H‐chondrite parent body, we dated phosphates and chondrules from four H6 chondritic meteorites using U‐Pb systematics. Reconnaissance analyses revealed that only Estacado had a sufficiently high 206Pb/204Pb ratio suitable for our purposes. The Pb‐Pb isochron date for Estacado phosphates is measured to be 4492 ± 15 Ma. The internal residue‐second leachate isochron for Estacado chondrules yielded the chondrule date of 4546 ± 18 Ma. An alternative age estimate for Estacado chondrules of 4527.6 ± 6.3 Ma is obtained from an isochron including two chondrules, two magnetically separated fractions, and four bulk chondrite analyses. This isochron date might represent the age of termination of Pb diffusion from the chondrules to the matrix. From these dates and previously established closure temperatures for Pb diffusion in phosphates and chondrules, we estimate an average cooling rate for Estacado between 5.5 ± 3.2 Myr/°C and 8.3 ± 5.0 Myr/°C. Using previously published results for Ste. Marguerite (H4) and Richardton (H5), our data reveal that the cooling rates of H chondrites decrease markedly with increasing metamorphic grade, in agreement with the predictions of the “onion‐shell” asteroid model. Several issues, however, need to be addressed before confirming this model for the H‐chondrite parent body: the discrepancies between peak metamorphic temperatures established by various mineral thermometers need to be resolved, diffusion and other mechanisms of element migration in polycrystalline solids must be better understood, and dating techniques should be further improved.  相似文献   
Adverse effects of invasive alien species (IAS), or biological pollution, is an increasing problem in marine coastal waters, which remains high on the environmental management agenda. All maritime countries need to assess the size of this problem and consider effective mechanisms to prevent introductions, and if necessary and where possible to monitor, contain, control or eradicate the introduced impacting organisms. Despite this, and in contrast to more enclosed water bodies, the openness of marine systems indicates that once species are in an area then eradication is usually impossible. Most institutions in countries are aware of the problem and have sufficient governance in place for management. However, there is still a general lack of commitment and concerted action plans are needed to address this problem. This paper provides recommendations resulting from an international workshop based upon a large amount of experience relating to the assessment and control of biopollution.  相似文献   
The main purpose of this work is to report the presence of spurious discontinuities in the pattern of diurnal variation of sea level pressure of the three reanalysis datasets from: the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and National Center for Atmospheric Science (R1), the NCEP and Department of Energy (R2), and the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ERA-40). Such discontinuities can be connected to the major changes in the global observing system that have occurred throughout reanalyses years. In the R1, the richest period in discontinuities is 1956–1958, coinciding with the start of modern radiosonde observation network. Rapid increase in the density of surface-based observations from 1967 also had an important impact on both R1 and ERA-40, with larger impact on R1. The reanalyses show discontinuities in the 1970s related to the assimilation of radiances measured by the Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer and TIROS-N Operational Vertical Sounders onboard satellites. In the ERA-40, which additionally assimilated Special Sensor Microwave/Imager data, there are discontinuities in 1987–1989. The R1 also presents further discontinuities, in 1988–1993 likely connected to replacement/introduction of NOAA-series satellites with different biases, and to the volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo in June 1991, which is known to have severely affected measurements of infrared radiances for several years. The discontinuities in 1996–1998 might be partially connected to change in the type of radiosonde, from VIZ-B to VIZ-B2. The R2, which covers only satellite era (1979-on), shows discontinuities mainly in 1992, 1996–1997, and 2001. The discontinuities in 1992 and 2001 might have been caused by change in the satellite measurements and those in 1996–1997 by some changes in land-based observations network.  相似文献   
正1 Introduction The Gremyachinskoye potassium salt field lies within the Safronovskaya area and is confined to the preoverthrust zone–the 20-25 kilometer band conventionally recognized in the southern termination of the Volga  相似文献   
Litvinenko  Yuri E. 《Solar physics》2003,216(1-2):189-203
Traditional models for particle acceleration by magnetic reconnection in solar flares assumed a constant electric field in a steady reconnecting magnetic field. Although this assumption may be justified during the gradual phase of flares, the situation is different during the impulsive phase. Observed rapid variations in flare emissions imply that reconnection is non-steady and a time-varying electric field is present in a reconnecting current sheet. This paper describes exploratory calculations of charged particle orbits in an oscillating electric field present either at a neutral plane or a neutral line of two-dimensional magnetic field. A simple analytical model makes it possible to explain the effects of particle trapping and resonant acceleration previously noted by Petkaki and MacKinnon in a numerical simulation. As an application, electron acceleration to X-ray generating energies in impulsive solar flares is discussed within the context of the model.  相似文献   
A longstanding problem in thermophysical modeling of cometary nuclei has been to accurately formulate the boundary conditions at the nucleus/coma interface. A correct treatment of the problem, where the Knudsen layer gas just above the cometary surface (which is not in thermodynamic equilibrium) is modeled in parallel with the nucleus, is extremely time-consuming and has so far been avoided. Instead, simplifying assumptions regarding the coma properties are used, e.g., the surface gas density is assumed equal to zero or set to the local saturation value, and the coma backflux is neglected or given some realistic but approximate value. The resulting inaccuracy regarding the exchange of mass, energy, and momentum between the nucleus and the coma, may introduce significant errors in the calculated nucleus temperature profiles, gas production rates, and momentum transfer efficiencies. In this paper, we present a practical, accurate, and time-efficient tool which makes it possible to consider the nucleus and the innermost coma of a comet (the former assumed to consist of a porous mixture of crystalline water ice and dust) as a coupled, physically consistent system. The tool consists of interpolation tables for the surface gas density and pressure, the recondensing coma backflux, and the cooling energy flux due to diffusely scattered coma molecules. The tables cover a wide range of surface temperatures and sub-surface temperature profiles, and can be used to improve the boundary conditions used in thermophysical models. The interpolation tables have been obtained by calculating the transmission distribution functions of gas emerging from sublimating porous ice/dust mixtures with various temperature profiles, which then are used as source functions in a Direct Simulation Monte Carlo model of inelastic intermolecular collisions in the Knudsen layer.  相似文献   
A data base for the composition and emission rates of more than 100 thermal manifestations including boiling geothermal systems and 23 volcanoes along the 1900 km long Kamchatka-Kuril (KK) arc is presented. These results were used to estimate mean fluxes of volatiles from the KK arc. The fluxes from the KK arc are compared with the fluxes from the best studied Central American (CA) arc and with the compiled literature data on global fluxes. The error ranges and the OUT/IN (in)balance calculations are also discussed. The estimated fluxes of volatiles from volcanic fumaroles and the observed, normalized to the Cl content, fluxes from hydrothermal systems are very close, with the higher hydrothermal flux from Kuril Islands due to a larger number of the acidic Cl-SO4 springs on the Islands and their outflow rates. The total volcanic SO2 flux from the whole KK arc is estimated to be higher than 3000 t/d. The measured S and C fluxes from hydrothermal systems are much lower than the volcanic output due to the loss of these components in the upper crust (mineral precipitation). The Cl/3He ratio is inferred to be a stable indicator of the arc setting for hydrothermal and volcanic fluids with a mean value of (2 ± 4) × 109. Comparison of the obtained volcano-hydrothermal fluxes with fluxes calculated from the erupted solid volcanic products at Kamchatka and Kurils during Holocene time reveals that the total estimated volatile output from the KK arc is compatible with the total magmatic output if the intruded to erupted ratio is close to 7, i.e. almost the same as assumed for the Central American arc. Calculated fluxes as well as the ratios for OUT/IN fluxes (volcanic + hydrothermal output/slab + mantle input) for CO2, S, H2O, Cl, N2, 4He and 3He from the KK arc normalized to the arc length are in general close to the global estimates. The fractions of CO2 and S in the total volatile output at KK arc derived directly from the mantle wedge are 18% and 16% (mole basis), respectively. Fractions of mantle derived H2O, N2 and Cl are much lower, less that 5% of their output.  相似文献   
Synthesized sphalerite solid solutions (FexZn1−xS) in the range 0 < x < 0.5 have been studied with the use of Raman spectroscopy. The main objective of these experiments was to learn how the iron content of sphalerite affects the Raman spectra. Raman intensities over the whole range of concentrations suggest a structure change in the rather narrow region of mole fractions of FeS between 0.15 and 0.25. Analysis of literature data as well as our own results on Raman scattering and X-ray powder diffraction suggests the observed phenomena might be due to a change in the percolation state of the crystal lattice. The ratio of intensities of some Raman lines can be, in principle, used for the compositional analysis of sphalerite.  相似文献   
The idea of market-based carbon emission trading and carbon taxes is gaining in popularity as a global climate change policy instrument. However, these mechanisms might not necessarily have a positive outcome unless their value reflects socioeconomic and environmental impacts and regulations. Moreover, the fact that they have various inherent exogenous and endogenous uncertainties raises serious concerns about their ability to reduce emissions in a cost-effective way. This paper aims to introduce a simple stochastic model that allows the robustness of economic mechanisms for emission reduction under multiple natural and human-related uncertainties to be analyzed. Unlike standard equilibrium state analysis, the model shows that the explicit introduction of uncertainties regarding emissions, abatement costs, and equilibrium states makes it almost impossible for existing market-based trading and carbon taxes to be environmentally safe and cost-effective. Here we propose a computerized multi-agent trading model. This can be viewed as a prototype to simulate an emission trading market that is regulated in a decentralized way. We argue that a market of this type is better equipped to deal with long-term emission reductions, their direct regulation, irreversibility, and “lock-in” equilibria.  相似文献   
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