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Remote Sensing and GIS techniques have been proved to be efficient tools in the delineation, updating and morphometric analysis of drainage basin. The present study incorporates a morphometric analysis of three sub-basins of Fatehabad area of Agra district using remote sensing and GIS techniques. The morphometric parameters of the sub-basins are classified under linear, areal and relief aspects. The drainage pattern exhibited by the main river Yamuna and its tributaries shows a dendritic pattern indicating homogenously underlain material while the mean bifurcation ratio values suggest that the geological structures are not disturbing the drainage pattern. The form factor value of sub-basins suggests that the main basin is more or less elongated. Circularity ratio values of the three sub-basins fall within range of elongated basin and low discharge. The area has low density indicating that the region has high permeable sub-soil material and dense vegetation. The values of drainage texture, drainage density and infiltration number indicate that sub-basin-III has the highest infiltration rate and low runoff, hence contributing most to the underground water resources. This study also indicates porous and permeable sub-soil condition in sub-basin-III. The values of sub-basin-I indicate low permeable subsoil material owning to high infiltration number value, hence low infiltration and high runoff.  相似文献   
Seasonal changes of tide signal(s), temperature, salinity and current were studied during the years 2004-2005 in the northernmost Gulf of Aqaba, which is under developmental activities, to obtain scientific bases for best management and sustainability. Spectrum analysis revealed permanent signals of tide measurements during all seasons, which represented semidiurnal and diurnal barotropic tides. The other signal periods of 8.13, 6.10-6.32, 4.16 and 1.02-1.05 h were not detected in all seasons, which were related to shallow water compound and overtides of principle solar and lunar constituent and to seiches generated in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. Spatial and temporal distribution of temperature, salinity and density showed significant differences between months in the coastal and offshore region and no significant differences among the coastal sites, between the surface and bottom waters and between coastal and offshore waters. Therefore, the temporal and spatial variation of water properties in the northernmost Gulf of Aqaba behave similarly compared to other parts. The coastal current below 12 m depth was weak (3-6 cms-1) and fluctuated from east-northeastward to west-southwestward (parallel to the shoreline), which may be related to the effect of bottom topography and/or current density due to differential cooling between eastern and western parts in the study area, and windinduced upwelling and downwelling in the eastern and western side, respectively. The prevailing northerly winds and stratification conditions during summer were the main causes of the southward current at 6 and 12 m depths with average speed of 28 and 12 cms-1, respectively.  相似文献   
Speckle interferometric binary system HD375; Is it a sub-giant binary?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Atmospheric modeling is used to build synthetic spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for the individual components of the speckle interferometric binary system HD375. These synthetic SEDs are combined together for the entire system and compared with its observed SED in an iterative procedure to achieve the best fit. Kurucz blanketed models and the measurements of magnitude differences were used to build these SEDs. The input physical parameters for building these best fitted synthetic SEDs represent adequately enough properties of the system. These parameters are: T eff a = 6100 ± 50 K, T eff b = 5940 ± 50 K, log g a = 4.01 ± 0.10, log g b = 3.98 ± 0.10, R a = 1.93 ± 0.20R , R b = 1.83 ± 0.20R , M v a = 3 · m 26 ± 0.40, M v b = 3 · m 51 ± 0.50, L a = 4.63 ± 0.80 L , and L b = 3.74 ± 0.70 L , in accordance with the new estimated parallax π = 12.02 ± 0.60 mas. A modified orbit of the system is built and compared with earlier orbits, and the masses of the two components are calculated as M a = 1.35M and M b = 1.25M . Based on the estimated physical and geometrical parameters of the system, which are confirmed by synthetic photometry, we suggest that the two components are evolved subgiant (F8.5 IV and G0 IV) stars with the age of 3.5 Gyr, formed by fragmentation.  相似文献   
We report the first measurements of radio frequency spectrum occupancy performed at sites aimed to host the future radio astronomy observatory in Indonesia. The survey is intended to obtain the radio frequency interference (RFI) environment in a spectral range from low frequency 10 MHz up to 8 GHz. The measurements permit the identification of the spectral occupancy over those selected sites in reference to the allocated radio spectrum in Indonesia. The sites are in close proximity to Australia, the future host of Square Kilometre Array (SKA) at low frequency. Therefore, the survey was deliberately made to approximately adhere the SKA protocol for RFI measurements, but with lower sensitivity. The RFI environment at Bosscha Observatory in Lembang was also measured for comparison. Within the sensitivity limit of the measurement equipment, it is found that a location called Fatumonas in the surrounding of Mount Timau in West Timor has very low level of RFI, with a total spectrum occupancy in this measured frequency range being about 1 %, mostly found at low frequency below 20 MHz. More detailed measurements as well as a strategy for a radio quiet zone must be implemented in the near future.  相似文献   
Genetic programming (GP) has nowadays attracted the attention of researchers in the prediction of hydraulic data. This study presents Linear Genetic Programming (LGP), which is an extension to GP, as an alternative tool in the prediction of scour depth below a pipeline. The data sets of laboratory measurements were collected from published literature and were used to develop LGP models. The proposed LGP models were compared with adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model results. The predictions of LGP were observed to be in good agreement with measured data, and quite better than ANFIS and regression-based equation of scour depth at submerged pipeline.  相似文献   
The shadow of a rotating black hole with nonvanishing gravitomagnetic charge has been studied. It was shown that in addition to the angular momentum of black hole the gravitomagnetic charge term deforms the shape of the black hole shadow. From the numerical results we have obtained that for a given value of the rotation parameter, the presence of a gravitomagnetic charge enlarges the shadow and reduces its deformation with respect to the spacetime without gravitomagnetic charge. Finally we have studied the capture cross section for massive particles by black hole with the nonvanishing gravitomagnetic charge.  相似文献   
Backshore sediment samples from 22 beaches along the Antalya and Finike Gulfs have been studied for their grain size, chemical and heavy mineral composition. Data presented here suggest that well- to moderately-sorted (0.41 Φ–0.92 Φ) medium sand (1 Φ–2 Φ) represents dominant mean grain size in most beaches. In contrast, some beaches from the western part of the Gulf of Antalya (Göynük, Kemer-Kiriş and Beldibi) are composed of pebble- to boulder-size grained beaches which are located close to mouths of short and steep-gradient ephemeral rivers entering the sea from the Western Taurus Mountains. The heavy mineral assemblages are dominated by detrital opaque minerals (14–58% magnetite, chromite, and hematite), pyroxene (8–65% augite), amphibole (3–15% tremolite and actinolite), epidote (3–25%), garnet (2–9% pyrope and almandine) and micas (3–20 biotite, muscovite and chlorite). The very high concentrations of heavy minerals (up to 86% of bulk sediment) together with the significant concentrations of some elements found in beach sediments from the Gulf of Finike and western Gulf of Antalya (Fe: 18.40%; Cr: 10.00%; and Ti: 1.32%) are indicative of ultramafic origin, mainly derived from the ophiolitic rocks of the Antalya–Tekirova nappe on coastal hinterland.  相似文献   
Coastal flooding has caused significant damage to a number of communities around the Firth of Clyde in south-west Scotland, UK. The Firth of Clyde is an enclosed embayment affected by storm surge generated in the Northern Atlantic and propagated through the Irish Channel. In recent years, the worst flooding occurred on 5th January 1991 with the estimated damage of approximately £7M. On average, some £0.5M damage is caused each year by coastal flooding. With the latest climate change predictions suggesting increased storm activity and the expected increase in mean sea levels, these damages are likely to increase. In line with the expansion of flood warning provision in Scotland, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has developed a flood warning system to provide local authorities and emergency services with up to 24 h warning of coastal flooding within the Firth of Clyde and River Clyde Estuary up to Glasgow City Centre. The Firth of Clyde flood warning system consists of linked 1-D and 2-D mathematical models of the Firth of Clyde and Clyde Estuary, and other software tools for data processing, viewing and generating warning messages. The general methodology adopted in its implementation was developed following extensive consultation with the relevant authorities, including local councils and police. The warning system was launched in October 1999 and has performed well during four winter flood seasons. The system currently makes forecasts four times a day and is the only operational coastal flood warning system in Scotland.This paper summarises the development of the warning system, gives a review of its operation since its launch in 1999 and discusses future developments in flood warning in Scotland.  相似文献   
In this study, the zeta potential of montmorillonite in the presence of different chemical solutions was modeled by means of artificial neural networks (ANNs). Zeta potential of the montmorillonite was measured in the presence of salt cations, Na+, Li+ and Ca2+ and metals Zn2+, Pb2+, Cu2+, and Al3+ at different pH values, and observed values pointed to a different behavior for this mineral in the presence of salt and heavy metal cations. Artificial neural networks were successfully developed for the prediction of the zeta potential of montmorillonite in the presence of salt and heavy metal cations at different pH values and ionic strengths. Resulting zeta potential of montmorillonite shows different behavior in the presence of salt and heavy metal cations, and two ANN models were developed in order to be compared with experimental results. The ANNs results were found to be close to experimentally measured zeta potential values. The performance indices such as coefficient of determination, root mean square error, mean absolute error, and variance account for were used to control the performance of the prediction capacity of the models developed in this study. These indices obtained make it clear that the predictive models constructed are quite powerful. The constructed ANN models exhibited a high performance according to the performance indices. This performance has also shown that the ANNs seem to be a useful tool to minimize the uncertainties encountered during the soil engineering projects. For this reason, the use of ANNs may provide new approaches and methodologies.  相似文献   
The Nev?ehir Castle region located in the middle of Cappadocia with approximately cone shape is investigated for the existence of an underground city using the geophysical method of electrical resistivity tomography. Underground cities are commonly known to exist in Cappadocia. The current study has obtained important clues that there may be another one under the Nev?ehir Castle region. Several 2.5-D resistivity profiles totaling approximately 4 km in length surrounding the Nev?ehir Castle are measured to determine the distribution of electrical resistivities under the study area. Several high resistivity anomalies with a depth range 8–20 m are discovered to associate with a systematic void structure beneath the Nev?ehir Castle. Because of the high-resolution resistivity measurement system currently employed, we were able to isolate the void anomalies from the embedding structure. Using 3-D visualization techniques, we show the extension of the void structure under the measured profiles.  相似文献   
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