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Advances of Soil Microbiology in the Last Decade in China   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Soils are fundamental to preservation and sustainability of life-support system on Earth. Soils develop as the most dynamic and complex interface linking atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. Soils harbor enormous diversities of microbial communities as the primary driving forces for global exchanges of matter and energy on our planet. Despite of its profound importance, the invisible soil microbes have for long been underappreciated. In the early 2000s, there has been growing awareness that soil microbiology has attracted huge interest from nonsoil scientists due to the introduction of three domain phylogeny. It is also known as tree of life theory which is widely recognized as the most accurate reflection of the relatedness of all organisms and provides us with a tool to classify and elucidate the largely untapped resource of soil microbial communities. In January 2005, the Department of Earth Sciences of National Natural Science Foundation of China organized a workshop of ‘Soil Biology and Soil Processes’ with focused discussion on soil microbiology research frontiers. The workshop outlined research priorities, cross disciplinary research opportunities, technological needs and potential breakthroughs within soil microbiology. This workshop has witnessed the rapid advances of soil microbiology in soil nutrient transformation, global environmental changes and environmental remediation over the last decade in China. This article will give a brief review on soil microbial researches in the past decade in China, present the status quo of funding system and highlight the challenge and opportunities for future soil microbiology in China.  相似文献   
空间邻近性是地理学第一定律,近邻旅游地相互作用定量化研究对丰富旅游地理学理论与实践意义重大.以近邻旅游地黄山、西递和宏村作为案例地,在格兰杰因果分析的基础上,运用当前经济研究中使用极为广泛的DY溢出指数(Diebold&Yilmaz spillover index)分析近邻旅游地的溢出效应.结果表明:宏村和黄山、西递和...  相似文献   
朱世恒  何晓庆  朱平 《气象科技》2016,44(6):902-906
近年来我国大部分地区在冬、春两季多遭受冻雨灾害,自动气象站的风向风速传感器容易因冻结而无法正常工作。针对冻结故障的实时检测问题,本文设计了一种基于ZQZ-TF型风传感器的故障自动检测装置。该装置通过检测风传感器的工作电压和工作电流,实现对传感器实时状态的监控。同时,结合具体的故障诊断算法,能够快速判断风传感器是否被冻结。系统的核心硬件电路、软件算法可分别集成在自动气象站风向风速数据采集电路和嵌入式软件中,具有结构紧凑、操作简单的特点。经验证,该装置能够实时检测风传感器冻结故障,且工作稳定,检测精度高。  相似文献   
This paper develops a wide-band multi-spectral space for color representation with Aitken PCA algorithm. This novel mathematical space using the broad-band spectra matching method aims at improving the accuracy of color representation as well as reducing costs for processing and storing multi-spectral images. The results show that the space can present our experimental original spectral spaces (i. e. Munsell color matt and DIN-6164 color chips) with high efficiency, and that the spanning space with three eigenvectors can present the original space at more than 98% CSCR, and when 5 eigenvectors are used it can cover almost the whole original spaces.  相似文献   
A statistical analysis is performed to investigate the significance of peak ground acceleration to velocity ratio (a/v) on the displacement ductility demand of simple bilinear hysteretic systems. Three groups of earthquake records representative of low, normal and high<a/v ranges are used as input ground motions. The design yield strength of the inelastic systems is specified from the base shear formula in the 1980 National Building Code of Canada (NBCC 1980) and that in NBCC 1985 respectively. The former case represents the common practice of specifying seismic design base shear based on a peak site acceleration, while in the latter case the base shear is specified based on peak ground velocity and a/v ratio. Mean displacement ductility demands are obtained for the three groups of ground motions; and the corresponding dispersion characteristics are examined. The results show that the ground motion<a/v range has a significant effect on the displacement ductility demand, and it should be accounted for in design strength specification.  相似文献   
地震干涉技术可以将任意2个检波器接收到的数据合成为在若干检波器之间传播的波,就好像其中的一个检波器作为一个虚拟震源来发挥作用。它可以从混沌无序的地震信号中发现有用信息,从地震噪声中提取有用信号以此推断地震波穿过介质的地质构造。基于反褶积算法,对其理论公式进行了较详细的推导,实现被动源地震干涉成像,证明了反褶积算法的可行性;并将其结果与互相关算法的结果进行对比,分析了2种方法在信噪比和分辨率方面的差异。数值计算表明,反褶积算法的纵向分辨率比互相关算法的高。对其进行的加噪试算表明,震源叠加后的反褶积算法呈现出高信噪比的特点。  相似文献   
为了解黄河口及邻近海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼的群落结构动态,分别于2014年、2015年、2017年和2018年的6月利用大型浮游生物网对黄河口及邻近海域进行4个航次的表层水平拖网调查。根据鱼卵、仔稚鱼的种类组成、数量分布等群落结构特征,运用生物多样性指数、聚类分析和皮尔逊相关性矩阵分析等方法对该海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼的资源分布进行了综合研究。结果表明,4年调查共采获鱼卵3 829粒,仔稚鱼234尾,隶属于7目14科15属。鱼卵的主要优势种为鳀(Engraulis japonicus)和短吻红舌鳎(Cynoglossus joyeri),仔稚鱼的主要优势种为斑鰶(Konosirus punctatus)和虾虎鱼科未定种Gobiidae sp.。生物多样性各指数均以2015年最高,2018年最低。利用R语言对鱼卵、仔稚鱼年间种类组成相似性进行聚类,将4个调查年份划分为3组,各分组之间主要的分歧种均为鳀。生物多样性各指数与环境因子之间皮尔逊相关性分析表明,盐度与鱼卵、仔稚鱼生物多样性的关系较为密切。分析认为,黄河口及邻近海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼群落分布和多样性的年间变化特征体现了鱼类对环境变异的响应。  相似文献   
为了得到金属尖端在发生电晕放电时尖端处的电场强度,该文首先采用实验室实验得到不同高度、不同形状、不同材质的金属尖端发生电晕放电时的环境电场阈值;再采用有限元法计算二维泊松方程,得到尖端处电晕触发阈值,由此得出以下结论:环境电场阈值随金属尖端高度的增大基本呈线性减小趋势,随着尖端越来越尖,环境电场阈值呈先减小后增大的变化趋势;高度、形状对金属物尖端处电晕触发阈值无影响,尖端处电晕阈值为定值;给出尖端处电晕触发阈值为158.75 kV·m-1与空间分辨率的拟合公式,可为今后电晕放电数值模拟中判断电晕放电的起始时刻提供参考。  相似文献   
四川松潘马拉墩晚三叠世侏倭组的遗迹化石及沉积环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川松潘马拉墩晚三叠世侏倭组首次发现大量遗迹化石。本文根据不同遗迹属在不同层位中的相对丰度建立了两个遗迹组合,即Megagrapton-Arthrophycus组合及Neonerei-tes-Phycosiphon组合,大致相当于Seilacher (1967)[1]Nereites遗迹相。同时利用遗迹化石及沉积特点进行了沉积环境分析,认为侏倭组的沉积环境为大陆斜坡下部至盆地边缘。  相似文献   
Based on the analysis of the induced earthquakes in China and abroad, we get some ideas about earthquakes induced by pumping water out of a well or injecting water into a well. The induced earthquakes usually occur near the well, and they are generally small earthquakes. The earthquake sources are shallow, and they belong to the main shock-after shock type of earthquake or the swarm-type of earthquake. The magnitude and the quantity of the induced earthquakes obviously depend on the pressure and the quantity of water pumped or injected. These earthquakes happen as soon as pumping or injecting occurrence, or after ten or twenty days, they may occur at the time of injecting mud or injecting high pressure water when a well is being drilled, or at the time when the ground water is being normally exploited. A large quantity of hot water has been exploited since 1990 in Xi’an, and the quantity of water exploited has been increasing year by year, as a result the groundwater level has been dropping with the water pumped out and the water level is high in summer and low in winter. The earthquakes in Xi’an region belong to the solitary-type and they spread outside Xi’an city where the wells are concentrated but no earthquake happens. The seismic frequency and the energy released have no relation with the quantity of water exploitation or the water level in the well. It is considered that geothermal exploitation does not induce earthquakes in and around Xi’an because of its specially geological condition. Foundation item: Project sponsored by the Landslide Office of Shaanxi Province and Society of Disaster Reduction of Shaanxi Province.  相似文献   
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