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真猛犸象(Mammuthus primigenius)是晚更新世古北界最典型的动物之一,曾广泛分布于欧亚大陆和北美地区。了解真猛犸象的食物结构对探讨其演化乃至灭绝极具科学意义。目前,通过真猛犸象化石及伴生动物群的C、N稳定同位素分析揭示真猛犸象的食物结构,国际上已有不少报道,却缺少东亚地区的研究案例。为此,本文以黑龙江省大庆博物馆馆藏的东北地区晚更新世真猛犸象及伴生动物群的骨骼化石为研究对象,开展了包括真猛犸象、披毛犀、马科、牛科等9种33个个体的C、N稳定同位素分析。研究结果显示:在所有动物中,真猛犸象具有最高的δ15N值,高于植食和肉食动物。显然,与其他动物相比,真猛犸象具有独特的摄食行为,可能受到生态环境、生理特点、食粪行为等多个因素的影响。结合国际上已发表的关于真猛犸象化石的同位素数据,笔者发现:真猛犸象的食物来源较为稳定,食物专门化程度较高。由此可见,真猛犸象具有的独特摄食行为,可能是其不能很好适应更新世晚期环境和气候变化而造成灭绝的动因之一。

IntroductionSeismicprocessisextremelycomplicatedjustashasbeenprovedbytheeallhquakepredictionpractice.Thecomplexityofseismicprocessmainlydisplaystheinhomogeneityofseismicspace-timedistribution.Therearealotoffactorscausingthecomplexity,includingthemediumofseismicsource,themechanicalprocessofseismicsource,mutualeffectofgroupseismicactivity,andsoon.Studyontheseismicactivitylawstillremainsinalowlevel,especiallyintheaspectofseismicoccurrenceprocess.Manyscholarstrytostudytheseismicactivebehavioringr…  相似文献   
The main portion of the inner radiation belt en-countered by spacecraft in low-Earth orbits (LEOs) is concentrated over the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) where satellites observed the highest particle flux. The anomaly arises from the Earth’s magnetic field being less intense in the region centered near the east of the Atlantic coast of South America. The trapped radiation belt particles therefore have their lowest mirroring altitudes over the center region of the SAA. Drift shells in t…  相似文献   
从数字高程模型中自动提取山脊线和山谷线,在测绘领域有着重要的意义。地形断面高程极值法是其中一种常用的方法,但此方法在提取过程中容易产生遗漏。针对此缺点,本文提出了基于尺度空间及多角度判断的地形断面高程极值法,主要步骤是构建影像金字塔,然后从上到下逐级提取并加密。试验验证了该方法的有效性,提取得到的山谷线或山脊线较为完整,并与实际地形相符合。  相似文献   
Phenology is a sensitive and critical feature of vegetation and is a good indicator for climate change studies. The global inventory modelling and mapping studies (GIMMS) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) has been the most widely used data source for monitoring of the vegetation dynamics over large geographical areas in the past two decades. With the release of the third version of the NDVI (GIMMS NDVI3g) recently, it is important to compare the NDVI3g data with those of the previous version (NDVIg) to link existing studies with future applications of the NDVI3g in monitoring vegetation phenology. In this study, the three most popular satellite start of vegetation growing season (SOS) extraction methods were used, and the differences between SOSg and SOS3g arising from the methods were explored. The amplitude and the peak values of the NDVI3g are higher than those of the NDVIg curve, which indicated that the SOS derived from the NDVIg (SOSg) was significantly later than that derived from the NDVI3g (SOS3g) based on all the methods, for the whole northern hemisphere. In addition, SOSg and SOS3g both showed an advancing trend during 1982–2006, but that trend was more significant with SOSg than with SOS3g in the results from all three methods. In summary, the difference between SOSg and SOS3g (in the multi-year mean SOS, SOS change slope and the turning point in the time series) varied among the methods and was partly related to latitude. For the multi-year mean SOS, the difference increased with latitude intervals in the low latitudes (0–30°N) and decreased in the mid- and high-latitude intervals. The GIMMS NDVI3g data-sets seemed more sensitive than the GIMMS NDVIg in detecting information about the ground, and the SOS3g data were better correlated both with the in situ observations and the SOS derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer NDVI. For the northern hemisphere, previous satellite measures (SOS derived from GIMMS NDVIg) may have overestimated the advancing trend of the SOS by an average of 0.032 d yr–1.  相似文献   
以陕北黄土高原的QuickBird全色影像为例,设计了4种几何精纠正模式并试验其对纠正后影像平面精度的影响.结果表明:①在控制点(GCP)均匀分布的条件下,随着GCP个数的不同,GCP残差的变幅远大于纠正后影像均方根的变幅;②利用实测GPS点一正射纠正模式纠正后的影像精度最高,1∶10 000地形图一正射纠正模式次之,...  相似文献   
本文从学校定位及专业实际出发,探讨了测绘工程专业目前存在的问题,研究测绘工程专业人才培养模式和培养计划的基本思路及课程结构体系.从专业设置管理体制的建立、测绘工程专业专项建设经费的设立、实训基地的建设、现代化教学手段等方面对人才培养模式及培养计划实施的保障体系进行了探讨.  相似文献   
宋凯  钟若飞  杜黎明  吴琼  郭姣 《测绘科学》2019,44(5):126-131
针对室内移动测图中GPS信号缺失,导致无法获取精确定位坐标与导航的问题,该文研发了一套室内背包式移动测量系统,该系统能够利用三维激光定位与测图的方法实现快速同步定位及地图创建和室内三维激光点云获取,可以应用在室内或地下的环境中进行数据采集,在不损失作业效率的前提下获取系统作业轨迹、高精度点云等多种数据结果。为了对系统的精度进行验证,使用该系统在实验室大楼走廊中进行实验获取室内三维激光点云,并将实验结果与采用常规测量手段得到的结果进行对比分析。实验表明,此系统的相对精度和绝对精度分别能够达到0.048和0.047m,在室内三维信息获取过程中相比较于传统作业方式显著提高了作业效率和数据质量,能够满足室内建模与测图要求。  相似文献   
李绮  张姣 《北京测绘》2021,35(6):722-726
"三旧"改造是广东省特有的改造模式,也是未来城市可持续发展战略的重要组成部分.为了全面掌握"三旧"改造用地的工作情况,实现对"三旧"改造项目有效地动态监控,项目采用地理信息系统(GIS)、三维可视化、倾斜摄影、云计算等先进技术,构建了"三旧"改造数据库,搭建了"三旧"改造信息管理平台,并阐述平台实现的相关关键技术.实践表明,平台在改造项目批后、改造项目建设进度等方面起到良好的监控和管理作用,实现了"三旧"改造的精细化管理.  相似文献   
针对利用光谱混合分解提取不透水面特征通常受到端元类型和数量的限制,同时植被变化会影响估计精度的问题,该文提出 了一种综合季相和植被变化信息的不透水面提取框架.基于混合像元部分分解算法——混合调谐匹配滤波(MTMF),设计了多季相组合MTMF(SCMTMF)特征和多季相叠加MTMF(SSMTMF)两种策略,构造了不透水面的多季相MTMF特征,将不透水特征与多季相植被指数结合利用支持向量机实现对不透水面的精确分类.结果表明,利用多季相特征得到的不透水面提取效果相较于单季相有较明显的改善,该文所提出的策略有利于提高不透水面的估计精度.  相似文献   
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