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Dry saline soils are common in the arid and hyper‐arid basins located in the Chilean Altiplano, where evaporation from shallow groundwater is typically the major component of the water balance. Thus, a good understanding of evaporation processes is necessary for improving water resource planning and management in these regions. In this study, we conducted laboratory experiments with a natural saline soil column to estimate evaporation rates and assess the liquid and water vapor fluxes under different water table levels. Water content, electrical conductivity and temperature at different depths were utilized to assess the liquid and water vapor fluxes in the soil column. We observed movement of water that dissolves salts from the soil and transports them to areas in the column where they accumulate. Isothermal liquid flux was predominant, while thermal and isothermal liquid and thermal water vapor fluxes were negligible, except for deep water table levels where isothermal and thermal water vapor fluxes had similar magnitude but opposite directions. Differences observed in total fluxes for all water table levels were due to different upward and downward fluxes, which depend on changes in water content and temperature within the soil profile. Both the vapor flux magnitude and direction were found to be very sensitive to the choice of empirical parameters used in flux quantification, such as tortuosity and the enhancement factor for local temperature gradients in the air phase within the column. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文利用中国科学院上海天文台40厘米双筒天体照相仪所拍摄得的10对底片(历元差16─70年),经PDS测量仪测量,共确定了疏散星团Mll天区872颗恒星的相对自行,其中85%以上恒星的自行测定精度好于±0″.1/百年.利用所测得的相对自行和新的数学模型,确定了不同星等组恒星的分布参数并计算了团中心距r≤25'内785颗恒星的成员概率,其中成员概率大于0.7的恒星共有541颗.详细的讨论表明,新方法不仅在理论上更为严格,实用上也是可行的,可以使星团成员确定取得更为合理的结果.  相似文献   
The features of 30-60-day convection oscillations over the subtropical western North Pacific (WNP) were investigated, along with the degree of tropical-subtropical linkage between the oscillations over the WNP during summer 1998. It was found that 30-60-day oscillations were extremely strong in that summer over both the subtropical and tro]~ical WNP, providing a unique opportunity to study the behavior of subtropical oscillations and their relationship to tropical oscillations. Further analyses indicated that 30-60-day oscillations propagate westwards over the subtropical WNP and reach eastern China. In addition, 30-60-day oscillations in the subtropics are affected by those over the South China Sea (SCS) and tropical WNP through two mechanisms: (1) direct propagation from the tropics into the subtropics; and (2) a seesaw pattern between the tropics and subtropics, with the latter being predominant.  相似文献   
广西大雾天气的气候及环流形势特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1971~2006年广西89站大雾资料,对广西大雾的气候特征和地域特征进行分析,结果表明:广西大雾分布极不均匀,四周多,中部少,局地特征明显,表现为四个多发区和一个少发区;广西各月都可形成大雾,秋冬春季多,夏季少.雾日主要集中在11月到翌年1月,6月份最少;广西雾日的年际变化波动性很大,波动无明显周期,规律性差,总体略呈下降趋势;区域性大雾天气过程最多出现在11~12月,大多只维持1~2d,少数可维持3~5d;全区性大雾天气过程最多出现在12~1月,大多维持1~3d,少数可维持4d以上.  相似文献   
胜利油田渤19区块注交联聚合物开采多年后,因注入水的水质不达标导致聚合物过度交联形成强凝胶,造成聚合物注入区块许多油水井的堵塞。对现场聚合物垢样品所做的化学组分、表面元素能谱及红外光谱的研究表明,垢的主体结构由交联的聚丙烯酰胺组成,交联体吸收了大量水分,在交联体内小环境中因富集而形成氯化物矿物晶体无机垢结构,而在成垢的过程中又将地层内的一些粘土矿物包裹于交联体内,形成具有聚合物-矿物复合结构的强胶凝态物质,严重影响聚合物注入—调剖—驱油过程中的聚合物溶液的流动。  相似文献   
A comprehensive synthesis of U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes of zircons from granulite/pyroxenite xenoliths entrained in Phanerozoic magmatic rocks and inherited xenocrysts from the associated lower crust rocks from various domains of the North China Craton (NCC) provides new insights into understanding the Phanerozoic evolution of the lower crust in this craton. Episodic widespread magma underplating into the ancient lower crust during Phanerozoic has been identified throughout the NCC from early Paleozoic to Cenozoic, broadly corresponding to the Caledonian, Hercynian, Indosinian, Yanshanian, and Himalayan orogenies on the circum-craton mobile belts. The early Paleozoic (410–490 Ma) ages come from xenoliths in the northern and southern margins as well as the central domain of the Eastern Block of the craton which mark the first phase of Phanerozoic magma underplating since the final cratonization of the NCC in the Paleoproterozoic. The magmatism coincided with the northward subduction of the Paleotethysian Ocean in the south and the southward subduction of the Paleoasian Ocean in the north. The subduction not only triggered magma underplating but also led to the emplacement of the diamondiferous kimberlites on the craton, marking the initiation of decratonization. The late Paleozoic event as represented by the 315 Ma garnet pyroxenite and/or lherzolite xenoliths in Hannuoba was restricted to the northern and southern margins of the craton, correlating with the arc magmatism continuous associated with the subduction of the Paleotethysian and Paleoasian Oceans and resulting in the interaction between the melts from subducted slabs and the lithospheric mantle/lower crust. The early Mesozoic event also dominantly occurred in the northern and southern margins and was related with the final closure of the Paleotethysian and Paleoasian Oceans as well as the collisional orogeny between the NCC and the Yangtze Craton. The late Mesozoic (ca. 120 Ma) was a major and widespread magmatic event which manifested throughout the NCC, associated with the geothermal overturn due to the giant south Pacific mantle plume. The Cenozoic magmatism, identified only in the dark clinopyroxenite xenoliths in the Hannuoba, was probably induced by the Himalayan movement in eastern Asia and might also have been influenced by the subduction of the Pacific Ocean to some extent. These widespread and episodic magma underplating or rejuvenation of the ancient lower crust beneath the NCC revealed by U–Pb and Hf isotope data resulted from the corresponding addition of juvenile materials from mantle to lower crust, with a mixing of the old crust with melts. The process inevitably resulted in the compositional modification of the ancient lower crust, similar to the compositional transformation from the refractory lithospheric mantle to a fertile one through the refractory peridotite — infiltrated melt reaction as revealed in the lithospheric mantle beneath the craton.  相似文献   
Biological soil crusts greatly affect soil surface properties, which, in turn, may alter seed germination of vascular plants. We investigated the effects of two types of biological soil crusts (moss crust and algal crust) at different ages on the seed germination of Bassia dasyphylla and Artemisia ordosica. We also investigated the effects of crust conditions (living crust and dead crust) on seed germination of B. dasyphylla, A. ordosica and Eragrostis poaeoides. The presence of both algal and moss crusts significantly enhanced the germination of B. dasyphylla and A. ordosica compared with uncrusted soil. Crust age had no significant effect on the germination of either B. dasyphylla or A. ordosica for both moss and algal crusts. Germination of B. dasyphylla differed significantly between moss and algal crusts, but germination of both A. ordosica and E. poaeoides did not. Germination of A. ordosica, E. poaeoides and B. dasyphylla was significantly higher on living algal crust than on dead crust and uncrusted soil, while living moss crust enhanced the germination of both A. ordosica and B. dasyphylla but had no significant effect on E. poaeoides.  相似文献   
海洋地震拖缆是海洋油气资源勘探中的关键设备,为研究海洋地震拖缆的动力特性及其在不同频率正弦激励干扰下的动力响应,建立了零浮力拖缆的数学模型,设计了一套完整的实验方案,通过弹性测力机构放大张力信号以排除环境干扰,测量了不同拖曳速度与激振频率条件下拖缆首部的张力变化及缆上位移响应情况,初步分析了正弦激励作用下零浮力拖缆的动力学响应。弹性测力机构具有良好的线性度与可重复性,拖缆受到的水阻力与拖曳速度的平方成正比,数值计算与实验结果对比验证了数学模型的正确性,初步分析了正弦激励作用下零浮力拖缆的动力学响应。  相似文献   
周海龙  刘宝昌  王骕  李闯 《世界地质》2017,36(3):1008-1014
与传统的钢制钻杆相比,铝合金钻杆具有密度小、比强度高、无磁等优点,因此在钻井作业中具有较大优势。钻杆在井下工作环境恶劣,如与井壁发生碰撞,将导致钻杆变形,降低其强度。笔者通过Ansys LS-DYNA以及Workbench进行仿真,研究Φ147 mm铝合金钻杆与孔壁碰撞后的变形状态,以及产生裂纹后对其强度进行分析。结果表明,Φ147 mm铝合金钻杆在使用过程中,钻杆主体段相对薄弱,在2 m/s的速度下与钻孔壁发生碰撞会产生塑性变形,从而降低铝合金钻杆的性能。钻杆主体段的裂纹长度1 mm时,在载荷作用下,将发生裂纹扩展,导致钻杆断裂。钻杆主体段有裂纹时,在疲劳载荷作用下,有裂纹的钻杆所能承受的载荷是无裂纹钻杆所能承受载荷的五分之一。  相似文献   
朱世恒  何晓庆  朱平 《气象科技》2016,44(6):902-906
近年来我国大部分地区在冬、春两季多遭受冻雨灾害,自动气象站的风向风速传感器容易因冻结而无法正常工作。针对冻结故障的实时检测问题,本文设计了一种基于ZQZ-TF型风传感器的故障自动检测装置。该装置通过检测风传感器的工作电压和工作电流,实现对传感器实时状态的监控。同时,结合具体的故障诊断算法,能够快速判断风传感器是否被冻结。系统的核心硬件电路、软件算法可分别集成在自动气象站风向风速数据采集电路和嵌入式软件中,具有结构紧凑、操作简单的特点。经验证,该装置能够实时检测风传感器冻结故障,且工作稳定,检测精度高。  相似文献   
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