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The paper describes a two-dimensional bay–river coupled numerical model for storm surges along the Andhra coast of India. The effect of the Krishna and Godavari rivers on the surge development is analysed. A comparative study of the surge generated by a tropical cyclone with and without the inclusion of rivers is done in detail. Three cyclones that struck the Andhra coast in November 1977, May 1990 and November 1996 were used for the simulation studies. It is found that the idealized model without a river overestimates the sea-level elevation as compared to a more realistic bay–river coupled model. The temporal variation of surge values at the mouth of the rivers is also studied for all three cyclone cases. It is found that the effect of the presence of rivers depends on the strength of the cyclone, its point of landfall and the location of the rivers with respect to the landfall point.  相似文献   
光纤布拉格光栅波长解调系统的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
光纤布拉格光栅波长解调系统利用光纤光栅的平均折射率和栅格周期对外界参量的敏感特性,将外界参量的变化转化为其布拉格波长的移动,通过解调布拉格波长的偏移来确定待测物理量的变化。采用波分复用技术构成光纤光栅传感网络,提出了由光源、布拉格光栅传感网络、光栅波长检测电路构成FBG波长解调系统的硬件设计方案。利用LabVIEW丰富的功能函数库,设计光纤布拉格光栅波长解调系统软件的各功能模块。最后在室内进行了FBG波长解调系统的调试实验。结果表明:在相同测试环境下,传感器的测试波长变化较稳定,数据的重复性较好,系统软硬件运行稳定可靠。  相似文献   
根据金川超镁铁质岩体主要造岩矿物和副矿物的共生组合关系及各种矿物的化学成分特点;选用5种较成熟、使用较方便的矿物地质温度计、压力计(主要是辉石温压计和角闪石压力计),对岩体形成的温、压条件进行了估算,其结果为:成岩温度为1000~1300℃(上限可到1400~1500℃),成岩压力约为5×10 ̄8~11×10 ̄8pa。金川超镁铁质岩体的主要岩石类型为尖晶石二辉橄榄岩,这一岩石类型在复杂体系相关系图中的稳定区域大致处于5×l0 ̄8~15×10 ̄8pa的范围,这与矿物温压计估算的成岩温压条件是一致的。  相似文献   
Water content and movement in soil profile and hydrogen isotope composition (δD) of soil water, rainwater, and groundwater were examined in a subalpine dark coniferous forest in the Wolong National Nature Reserve in Sichuan, China, following rainfall events in 2003–2004. Light rainfall increased water content in the litter and at soil depth of 0–80 cm, but the increased soil water was lost in several days. Heavy rainfall increased soil water content up to 85% at depths of 0–40 cm. Following the light rainfall in early spring, the δD of water from the litter, humus, illuvial, and material layers decreased first and then gradually reached the pre‐rainfall level. In summer, light rainfall reached the litter humus, and illuvial layer, but did not hit the material layer. Heavy rainfall affected δD of water in all layers. The δD of soil interflow slightly fluctuated with rainfall events. The δD of shallow groundwater did not differ significantly among all rainfall events. Light rainfall altered the shape of δD profile curve of water in the upper layer of soil, whereas heavy rainfall greatly affected the shape of δD profile curve of water in all soil layers. Following the heavy rainfall, preferential flow initially occurred through macropores, decayed plant roots, and rocks at different depths of soil profile. With continuing rainfall, the litter and surface soil were nearly saturated or fully saturated, and infiltration became homogeneous and plug‐like. Forest soil water, particularly in deeper soil profile, was slightly affected by rainfall and, thus, can be a source of water supply for regional needs, particularly during dry seasons. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
萤石是中国重要的战略性矿产资源。本文通过分析萤石资源现状、供需格局、产业发展以及近年来萤石行业发展面临的新形势和特点,为保障中国萤石产业可持续发展提出加大勘查投入、提高资源保障程度、合理有效开发、促进产业升级等建议。  相似文献   
1. INTRODUCTIONAs a wide range of size distirbution including usually a certain POrtion of cohesive material is thecommon feature of the sediment constituting hyperconcentrated flows. it is desirable to study the settling properties of mixtures of cohesive and non--cohesjve sediment particles at high concentrations.Past studies on the settling of discrete particles in a suspension of fine cohesjve sediment is scarcein the literature. The Sediment Research Laboratory of Tsinghua Universi…  相似文献   
由于大桥水库地震台网各子台台基和地下结构的特殊性, 造成震级计算上的较大偏差。为此, 利用该台网各子台同一型号地震仪的垂直向速度量记录, 测量了震级为05 ~54 的462 次地震的振动持续时间, 制作了该台网的持续时间震级公式和便查表。在方法上, 不同于通常的按一次或二次曲线的拟合, 而采取计算机自动分段按折线拟合的方法, 以阻尼最小二乘法完成其计算。先进行分台拟合, 比较异同之后, 合并数据再拟合, 最后给出了适宜于鲁坝、瓦吉木两台和大石头、凉风岗、瓦坡支和彝海子4 个台使用的两套平均持续时间公式和便查表, 以供大桥水库地震台网测震分析使用。  相似文献   
对2005年"海棠"台风倒槽造成河南特大暴雨过程的湿位涡分析结果表明:倾斜涡度发展是暴雨产生和加强的重要机制之一,暴雨产生在eθ线陡立密集区内,湿位涡在这次暴雨过程中边界层内925hPa具有MPV1>0、MPV2<0的特征,此次暴雨产生在正的MPV1中心附近,有利的地形条件在一定程度上增加了降水量。  相似文献   
刘庚  吴晶  周聪  倪泰山  魏梦怡  王松 《地球物理学报》2023,66(11):4533-4551

本文采用剪切波分裂分析方法, 使用安宁河—则木河断裂带及邻区的42个流动和固定地震台站2013年1月到2019年12月的近震波形记录, 获得了各个台站的剪切波分裂参数结果.由于区域主压应力场以及局部地质构造的影响, 该区快波偏振方向的空间分布具有明显的分区特征: 以冕宁为界, 安宁河北段石棉—冕宁段周边表现出NW-SE快波优势偏振方向, 与华南地块主压应力方向一致, 表明区域应力场对中上地壳各向异性起主要约束作用; 安宁河南段冕宁—西昌段周边表现出差异性的局部快波优势偏振方向, 为NE-SW, 与其他区域明显不同, 揭示了该区具有局部构造特征和应力环境; 则木河断裂带北段快波优势偏振方向与安宁河北段优势偏振方向一致, 为NW-SE向, 表明区域最大主压应力方向的优势作用.安宁河北段的石棉—冕宁段附近台站, 在康定MS6.4和石棉MS4.5地震前后, 快波偏振方向均有变化, 暗示中上地壳各向异性特征受到地震应力积累与释放过程的影响.此外, 位于安宁河断裂和则木河断裂交界处的西昌地区(XC27台), 既是构造交汇区, 也是各向异性特征分段的边界, 具有最大的慢波时间延迟, 说明该区构造复杂、各向异性程度最强, 值得关注; 木里县(MLI台)、普格县(PGE台)、鲜水河断裂和龙门山断裂交汇处(HCP台)以及美姑县(XC36台)均具有较高的慢波时间延迟, 且快波偏振方向与周围台站不同, 考虑到这些台站位于断裂带交汇或分段的端部, 亦是值得关注的地方.

An integrated geophysical survey which combines vertical seismic profile method, shallow reflection seismic method, electric sounding, soil temperature measurement and radioactive gas measurement was used to investigate Zhaoshuling landslide in the new site of Badong County and to assess the stability of the landslide. By rational use of these methods together with borehole geological profile and other geological information, the spatial distribution of the landslide body, the formations and structures within and without the landslide body were determined and the stability of the landslide was also assessed, thus making great contribution to the successful and rational investigation and assessment of the landslide.  相似文献   
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