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China has abundant reserves of magnesite, making it the world’s leading source of this strategic mineral. Sparry magnesite is the main type of magnesite deposit, and is easy to exploit. It occurs mainly as the sedimentary-metamorphic type. Production is centred on eastern Liaoning Province, where a world-class large to super large magnesite ore processing and production facility has been developed. Hydrothermal metasomatic deposits, associated with ultramafic complexes and eluvial deposits produced by weathering, are two other important types found in China. The Western section of the Bangonghu-Nujiang metallogenic belt is an important target region for prospecting lake-sedimentary magnesite deposits. Based on a systematic analysis of material from 62 magnesite production areas, this study investigated the metallogeny of magnesite and delineated 13 magnesite metallogenic belts. Maps were produced showing metallogenic regularities in magnesite deposits, the metallogenic system of the magnesite deposits, and the distribution of the metallogenic belts of Chinese magnesite deposits. It provides a theoretical basis for forecasting the location of potential magnesite resources in China. Finally, it explores some key scientific issues, including the formation processes of ultra magnesite ore-concentrated areas, and their sources of magnesium.  相似文献   
基于约束的城市街道网自动综合方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,基于约束的地图自动综合成为研究的热点。本研究在基于约束的地图自动综合理论的基础上,提出了一种城市街道网自动综合方法。该方法依赖于街道网综合中的约束和改进的动态决策树结构,它很好地将约束融入了特定的数据结构,实现了街道网的渐进式综合。实验证明了方法具备可行性。  相似文献   
2013年7月31日~8月1日陕西关中盆地爆发了一次强飑线灾害性天气过程,为揭示此次飑线生命史期间对定点地形变观测的影响特征与机理,本文结合多普勒天气雷达和气象资料,系统分析了关中盆地内4个地形变观测数据。结果表明:(1)飑线过境时的短时气压突变是造成定点地形变的主要原因,引起最大的地倾斜和地应变分别达9.70×10~(-3″)和21.02×10~(-9);(2)气压变幅与地形变的弹性响应量具有较好的线性关系,二者持续时间较一致,为2~4h,其中,钻孔体应变的动态气压系数达4.04×10~(-9)/h Pa;(3)宝鸡、乾陵和华阴台对飑线的响应能力较好,西安台则较差;(4)除水管仪外,垂直摆、洞体应变和钻孔体应变等对飑线的响应均较为灵敏。上述结果有助于合理识别和科学推定飑线所导致定点地形变异常变化的物理本质,进而减少实际业务中的误判;同时,还能为定点地形变观测台站的科学选址、仪器的优化布设及不同空间尺度大气负荷模型的实证等提供重要的参考依据。  相似文献   
Northern Norwegian shelf regions are highly productive, supporting fisheries rich in commercially important species such as cod, herring and capelin. It has been long recognized that the mesoscale jets, meanders and eddies associated with interactions between the North Atlantic Current, Norwegian Coastal Current and regional bottom topographic features such as troughs, banks and shelfbreaks play important roles in transporting and retaining zooplankton. To investigate zooplankton distributions and their correspondence with the physical fields, three large-scale surveys with mesoscale resolutions on physical and biological fields were conducted in northern Norwegian shelf regions between latitudes 68°15′N and 70°15′N in springs of 2000–2002. Survey results provide insights into the relationships between zooplankton distributions and the physical features such as fronts, the Norwegian Coastal Current and eddies related to topographic features. The physical and biological data are integrated and analyzed focusing on water types, estimation of geostrophic currents from direct current measurements, along-shelf transport of zooplankton, and retention of zooplankton by the mesoscale meander–eddy over a typical bank area on the shelf. The estimated mean transport in the upper 100 m on the shelf in the survey region is approximately 6.4×103 tonnes wet weight day−1 northward. High zooplankton abundances were found over both Malangsgrunnen and Sveinsgrunnen banks. The specific accumulation rate from northward–southward transport in the upper 100 m over Malangsgrunnen was approximately 0.08 day−1, while variable currents with an offshore gradient of zooplankton abundance over Sveinsgrunnen implies an offshore dispersion of coastal-originated zooplankton cohort.  相似文献   
The influence of the Bz and By polarity of the IMF on the location of the dayside regions of precipitating, low energy electrons recorded by the DMSP F-2 satellite, is investigated. The average differential electron flux was determined for 2 months during local summer. It is found that the spatial distributions are similar for electrons in the range from 50 to 183 eV. The region of maximum intensity for Kp? 2+ over the Southern Hemisphere is located on the opposite side of noon from the Northern Hemisphere. The current intensity carried by precipitating electrons in the cusp region agrees with that measured by the TRIAD magnetometer. When the IMF is northward a marked asymmetry of the low energy electron precipitation between positive and negative By cases is observed. For positive By the maximum electron flux occurs between 0800 and 1200 M.L.T.and ?76 and ?83° M.L.A.T.and for negativeBythe region occurs between 1200 and 1500 M.L.T. and ?79 and ?82° M.LAT. The dynamical variations associated with substorm activity when the IMF is southward obscure the expected By effect.  相似文献   
The intraseasonal oscillation(ISO;14-97-day periods) of temperature in the upper 2000 m of the global ocean was studied based on Argo observations from 2003-2008.It is shown that near the surface the ISO existed mainly in a band east of 60 E,between 10 S and 10 N,and the region around the Antarctic Circumpolar Current(ACC).At other levels analyzed,the ISOs also existed in the regions of the Kuroshio,the Gulf Stream,the Indonesian throughflow,the Somalia current,and the subtropical countercurrent(STCC) of the North Pacific.The intraseasonal signals can be seen even at depths of about 2000 m in some regions of the global ocean.The largest amplitude of ISO appeared at the thermocline of the equatorial Pacific,Atlantic and Indian Ocean,with maximum standard deviation(STD) exceeding 1.2 C.The ACC,the Kuroshio,and the Gulf Stream regions all exhibited large STD for all levels analyzed.Especially at 1000 m,the largest STD appeared in the south and southeast of South Africa-a part of the ACC,with a maximum value that reached 0.5 C.The ratios of the intraseasonal temperature variance to the total variance at 1000 m and at the equator indicated that,in a considerable part of the global deep ocean,the ISO was dominant in the variations of temperature,since such a ratio exceeded even 50% there.A case study also confirmed the existence of the ISO in the deep ocean.These results provide useful information for the design of field observations in the global ocean.Analysis and discussion are also given for the mechanism of the ISO.  相似文献   
Qi  Chongchong  Fourie  Andy  Du  Xuhao  Tang  Xiaolin 《Natural Hazards》2018,92(2):1179-1197
Natural Hazards - The prediction of open stope hangingwall (HW) stability is a crucial task for underground mines. In this paper, a relatively novel technique, the random forest (RF) algorithm, is...  相似文献   
思政教育是德育工作的主渠道,围绕立德树人的教育目标,在地理议题式教学开放的环境中进行合作探究,把学生的思政教育融于教学内容,在探究活动的体验与感悟中,做到学用贯通、知行统一,在辩证与分析的过程中锤炼理性思维、培养有责任担当的优秀品质。  相似文献   
黄河水库南屯进行勘查的主要目的就是通过物探方法初步查明地下溶洞存在的情况以及区内的地质概况,为该区地质灾害的评价提供必要的参考依据。通过多种物探方法实验,发现激电中梯、激电联剖及视电阻率测深效果相对较好。由于区内地下水较发育,而且已知塌陷部位都不同程度的含水,水导电性能好.。因此,在地表观测时呈现视电阻率低阻趋势。当溶洞中没有地下水存在时,视电阻率呈现高阻异常。这样就可以通过视电阻率的反映来发现地下溶洞。  相似文献   
本文针对地质环境领域业务系统的特点,提出了一种信息系统上线安全检测的方法,深入探讨了上线安全检测实践中的基本流程、测评方法与测评成果,为提升地质环境信息系统安全运行和服务能力提供了技术支撑.  相似文献   
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