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刘勇  程怡 《江苏地质》2009,33(2):187-190
现代科技发展带来了物探装备和技术新飞跃,探测能力、性能以及准确性有了大幅度提高,使物探方法应用于找矿初期成效非常明显。以发现山东省韩岗煤田为例,说明在找矿方法上要采用物探先行、钻探验证、物探指导钻探的勘查方法,还应在整个井田勘探中均坚持物探在先、钻探验证的勘探原则,减少了钻探盲目性,提高找矿和开发矿产的效率。  相似文献   
浅对流云(Shallow Convective Cloud,SCC)对于认识和预报深对流强雷暴、辐射平衡以及气候变化有着十分重要的科学和意义。然而浅对流云水平、垂直尺度较小,并且生命尺度短,对其观测技术有限,目前针对浅对流云的观测研究仍然较少。本文采用2009~2010年CloudSat、CALIPSO(Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation satellite)和MODIS(Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)卫星融合产品2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR和2B-GEOPRO对SCC进行研究,研究分析表明内蒙古草原区域SCC出现频率有明显季节变化,主要发生在夏季和秋季,其出现频率水平分布呈现西北低、东南高的趋势,与海拔梯度变化密切相关。SCC平均云底高度,8月最高,12月最低,呈现明显的冬夏差异。通过比较不同地区SCC云底高度发现,随着观测区域海拔高度增加,SCC云底高度有上升趋势。除此以外,海拔越高SCC云底高度变化幅度越大。  相似文献   
自然邻近关系在空间数据库管理系统中具有十分重要的地位。为了克服Voronoi图受空间目标位置的影响,本文采用约束Delaunay三角网,针对在二维欧式空间中离散面目标的自然邻近关系查询问题。首先对离散面进行三角剖分,然后将代表相同邻近关系的三角形合并成一个union,进而建立面目标自然邻近关系表达结构-Unions Delaunay。通过与Unions Delaunay相结合建立空间索引结构-R-tree Gridfile来实现对空间目标自然邻居完备的候选集提取以及索引结构的更新。对比实验结果表明R-tree Gridfile索引结构能够有效支持空间目标的自然邻近关系查询。  相似文献   
中国明对虾2个群体的杂交子一代早期分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田燚  孔杰  杨翠华  张天时  罗坤 《海洋学报》2007,29(3):157-161
目前,对虾研究主要集中在基础遗传学和遗传改良的潜力研究等方面[1,2].不同的地理群体代表不同的遗传资源,尤其是对虾人工养殖迅速发展的情况下,对不同的群体生长发育性状特点进行评估是非常重要的.遗传改良的目标是提高对虾人工养殖群体的产量,这就需要育种计划不仅要建立在对虾自然群体相关性状差异的研究上,还需要进一步了解不同发育阶段主要经济性状的遗传特性.对虾幼体生长情况和存活率一直都是养殖者和科学工作者关注的问题.已经有研究证明美国大西洋牡蛎和港湾扇贝群体间在幼体生长发育和存活率方面存在遗传差异[3,4].杂种优势在生物界是一个普遍的现象.  相似文献   
在R和I波段对Mkn 501进行了测光观测,并结合历史文献得到Mkn 501在近30年间的光学、红外和射电等多个波段的光变曲线;讨论了光变与色指数之间的关系,发现色指数(B—V)与(B—R)之间有强相关,相关系数r=0.73.利用DCF方法分析了多波段光变的相关性,发现B波段与4.8GHz和红外波段的光变存在一定的正相关,利用CLEANest方法对B波段的光变曲线进行频谱分析,结果表明Mkn 501的光变曲线存在2个可能的周期,即(10.06±0.04)年和(21.60±0.17)年.  相似文献   
Using earthquakes relocated in north‐east Taiwan, we estimated b‐value distribution along a cross‐section located near the Ryukyu slab edge, and four b‐value anomalous areas are evidenced: (1) a high b‐value body lying on top of a low Vp, low Vs and high Vp/Vs sausage‐like body was considered as a region of enhanced partial melt or water supply above which seismicity occurs; (2) beneath the Ilan Plain, an anomalous area characterized by b‐values slightly higher than 1.1 might give evidence to the magma conduits to the Kueishantao Island; (3) above the Ryukyu Wadati‐Benioff zone, at depths ranging from 90 to 110 km, a high b‐value anomaly might correspond to the depth where dehydration occurs in the subducting oceanic plate; and (4) a low b‐value area located within the Ryukyu slab, at depths ranging from 70 to 90 km, might be linked to the compressive mechanisms shown by focal mechanisms and the bending of the subducting plate.  相似文献   
提出基于模糊Hopfield神经网络的大气降水粒子分类,它是通过计算样本间的模糊关系的相似程度,再加上Hopfield网络所特有的高稳定性,对大气降水粒子进行分类.通过对各降水粒子所对应雷达回波数据的分析,验证了方法的可行性.  相似文献   

With a detailed study on petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry of some important Ordovician carbonate well core samples in Tazhong uplift of Tarim Basin, the distinguishing symbols of hydrothermal karstification are first put forward as the phenomena of rock hot depigmentation, hot cataclasm and the appearance of typical hydrothermal minerals such as fluorite, barite, pyrite, quartz and sphalerite. The main homogenization temperatures of primary fluid inclusions in fluorite are from 260 to 310°C, indicating the temperature of hydrothermal fluid. The fluid affected the dissolved rocks and showed typical geochemistry features with low contents of Na and Mg, and high contents of Fe, Mn and Si. The ratio of 3He/4He is 0.02R a, indicating the fluid from the typical continental crust. The hydrothermal fluid karstification pattern may be described as follows: the hot fluid is from the Permian magma, containing dissolving ingredients of CO2 and H2S, and shifts along fault, ruptures and unconformity, and dissolves the surrounding carbonates while it flows. The mechanism of hydrothermal karstification is that the mixture of two or more fluids, which have different ion intensity and pH values, becomes a new unsaturated fluid to carbonates. The hydrothermal karstification is an important process to form hypo-dissolved pinholes in Ordovician carbonates of Tazhong uplift of Tarim Basin, and the forming of hydrothermal minerals also has favorable influence on carbonate reservoirs.

We present Galaxy Evolution Explorer ( GALEX ) far-ultraviolet (FUV) and near-ultraviolet (NUV) imaging of the nearby early-type galaxy NGC 2974, along with complementary ground-based optical imaging. In the ultraviolet, the galaxy reveals a central spheroid-like component and a newly discovered complete outer ring of radius 6.2 kpc, with suggestions of another partial ring at an even larger radius. Blue FUV–NUV and UV-optical colours are observed in the centre of the galaxy and from the outer ring outwards, suggesting young stellar populations (≲1 Gyr) and recent star formation in both locations. This is supported by a simple stellar population model which assumes two bursts of star formation, allowing us to constrain the age, mass fraction and surface mass density of the young component pixel by pixel. Overall, the mass fraction of the young component appears to be just under 1 per cent (lower limit, uncorrected for dust extinction). The additional presence of a nuclear and an inner ring (radii 1.4 and 2.9 kpc, respectively), as traced by [O  iii ] emission, suggests ring formation through resonances. All three rings are consistent with a single pattern speed of  78 ± 6  km s−1 kpc−1, typical of S0 galaxies and only marginally slower than expected for a fast bar if traced by a small observed surface brightness plateau. This thus suggests that star formation and morphological evolution in NGC 2974 at the present epoch are primarily driven by a rotating asymmetry (probably a large-scale bar), despite the standard classification of NGC 2974 as an E4 elliptical.  相似文献   
基于UC/OS-Ⅱ的UCGUI和LWIP资源整合的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了针对实时内核UC/OS-Ⅱ的资源扩展,主要是UCGUI和LWIP的资源整合,探讨了两者在UC/OS-Ⅱ中的移植方法,丰富了UC/OS-Ⅱ的功能.  相似文献   
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