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Potential ecological risk of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and arsenic (As) in agricultural black soil in Jilin Province, China was analyzed by the methods of risk assessment based on dose–effect relationships and ecological risk index. Heavy Cd-contamination occurred mainly around the coal mine region. The accumulation area for Pb appeared mostly in the suburbs and roadsides, whereas the higher As content was mainly found in the farmland of suburb and coal mine vicinity. In acute toxicity test, Cd, Pb and As in the soil had adverse effects on both roots and shoots growth in soybean with the greatest toxicity of arsenic and the least toxicity of lead at the same concentration levels. Exposed to Cd, Pb and As, the EC50 (50% effective concentration) values for the growth of soybean root (shoot) were 212.59 (376.70), 528.53 (828.69) and 194.60 (299.03) mg/kg, respectively. Results of potential ecological risk index showed that soil contamination from Cd in some samples had very high potential ecological risk; Pb contamination for almost all sampling sites had moderate ecological risk; while soil contamination from As had low ecological risk. With the present accumulation rate, concentrations of Cd, Pb and As in agricultural black soil near coal mine would reach the threshold values in 68, 175 and 120 years, respectively.  相似文献   
Introduction Greeting the coming of the 21st century, Professor HU Yu-xian and other Chinese scholars briefed the trend of earthquake engineering in China and aboard (HU, 1999; HU, ZHOU, 1999). The experiences and lessons learning from the destructive earthquakes in China and abroad in re-cent years, the damage action of the large velocity impulse in ground motion in near field in seis-mic design, numerous earthquake examples show that there are many weaknesses in aspects of earthquake p…  相似文献   
西藏“一江两河”中游地区风成地层沉积时代、沉积相和磁化率等研究结果表明,早在800KaB.P.前西南季风就已存在,受全球气候波动和青藏高原隆起的影响,其盛行衰变与东南季风具有较好的一致性,主要表现为本区地层所记录的气候变化信息不如东南季风区详细;而且西南季风因高原屏障作用给本区带来的降水愈来愈少,气候明显地向干冷化发展。  相似文献   
发展互花米草开发华南热带海滩   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
互花米草是禾本科多年生高秆型草本植物,原产北美洲大西洋海岸,70年代末引入我国,本文在大量试验基础上,对互花米草在华南热带海滩的生长适应性,生物量和收获量及其在促淤造陆,改良土壤等方面作了论述,并对互花米草的抗污染作用和作为饲料,饵料等的经济作用也进行了定量分析,认为互花米草在华南热带海滩具有广阔的开发应用前景。  相似文献   
This paper presents a novel approach for assessing the precision of the wet refractivity field using BDS (BeiDou navigation satellite system) simulations only,GPS,and BDS+GPS for the Shenzhen and Hongkong GNSS network.The simulations are carried out by adding artificial noise to a real observation dataset.Instead of using the δ and σ parameters computed from slant wet delay,as in previous studies,we employ the Bias and RMS parameters,computed from the tomography results of total voxels,in order to obtain a more direct and comprehensive evaluation of the precision of the refractivity field determination.The results show that:(1) the precision of tropospheric wet refractivity estimated using BDS alone (only 9 satellites used) is basically comparable to that of GPS; (2) BDS+GPS (as of current operation) may not be able to significantly improve the data's spatial density for the application of refractivity tomography; and (3) any slight increase in the precision of refractivity tomography,particularly in the lower atmosphere,bears great significance for any applications dependent on the Chinese operational meteorological service.  相似文献   
根据客家文化景观基因理论及其"地域机制",以客家扩展聚居区炎陵县为例,结合历史文献查阅和实地调研,发掘分析该县客家文化的景观基因。研究结果表明:(1)迁徙由来、地域背景分别是客家文化景观的共同基因、本土基因;(2)由共同基因以"反客为主"的作用方式与本土基因形成了地方客家景观本质特性的主体基因;(3)保护与传承意识形态是决定其主体基因能否在世代遵循并坚守着"原汁原味"文化传统和文化精神传承过程中的人为基因。基于这些独特基因构成内在相关联的地域机制而所表达的特征,提出了应加强客家文化景观基因的数字化保护管理、传承开发政策等对策。  相似文献   
河北省主要农作物生产时空格局变化特征及安全评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹永强  李维佳  袁立婷 《地理科学》2018,38(8):1319-1327
阐述主要粮食作物的时空格局变化特征,对中国粮食安全决策意义重大。基于河北省县市近15 a (2001~2015年)的农业数据资料,采用分段线性趋势以及生产指标-产量波动系数来分析河北省主要粮食作物的时空变化特征,并对河北省粮食作物进行安全评价。结果表明:从产量与播种面积来看,近15 a河北省主要粮食作物变化趋势经历了由波动减少到稳步增长2个阶段,且变化趋势显著;从空间格局变化来看,大致呈由南向北逐渐递减的规律分布,其中不同农作物分布规律各有差异;从粮食安全方面来看,河北省70%以上年份粮食波动系数均超过中国粮食安全平均水平,粮食波动系数较高,粮食安全风险较大;但从人均粮食产量来看,安全程度相对比较乐观,粮食安全状况渐趋于平稳。研究可为河北省粮食生产时空布局的优化、结构调整与社会经济协调发展提供依据。  相似文献   
杨文越  李涛  曹小曙 《地理科学》2016,36(4):491-501
通过构建交通CO2排放模型对2000~2012年中国30个省(市)的交通CO2排放时空演变特征进行了分析。并采取“由大到小”逐步回归的建模方式,在传统的固定效应模型(面板数据模型)基础上引入时间固定效应,构建了双向固定效应模型对中国交通CO2排放的社会经济、城市形态、交通发展等方面的影响因素进行研究。结果表明:2000~2012年期间,中国交通CO2排放总量和人均交通CO2排放量分别以9.29%和8.69%的年均增速增长,前者的区域差异呈先增后减趋势,后者的区域差异则首先呈周期性波动,而后一直保持减少趋势。人均GDP和城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入对人均交通CO2排放具有显著的正向效应,表明社会经济发展和居民收入水平提高是交通CO2排放增长的主要驱动因素。城市人口密度对交通CO2排放亦具有显著的正向效应,这意味着未来中国应加强对城市人口密度的规划控制,以避免因人口过度集聚而额外增加产生交通CO2排放。公共交通发展水平对交通CO2排放增长具有显著的负向效应,但小汽车拥有率对交通CO2排放的影响并不显著。  相似文献   
从“水-能源-粮食”3个维度对粤港澳大湾区的生态系统服务进行评价,利用珞珈一号夜光数据修正生态阻力面,运用最小累积阻力模型构建并优化湾区的生态安全格局。结果表明:1)粤港澳大湾区生态源地总面积为9 626.1 km2,主要分布在研究区东部和西部的山地、丘陵地区,对应位于江门市、惠州市中部和肇庆市;2)生态廊道共计38条,总长度为2 023.09 km,其中最短为11.76 km,最长为304.99 km,集中于植被覆盖较好的山地丘陵地区,中部无廊道分布;3)生态源地辐射区面积为28 929.5 km2,达到湾区总面积的51.88%,若要实现60%的覆盖率,则需要至少新增生态源地辐射面积4 524.856 km2;4)为了更好地优化粤港澳大湾区生态安全格局,提出在惠州市北部和南部新增两处生态源地辐射区,并构建以“一带、一轴、四组团”为核心的生态安全格局优化模式。  相似文献   
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