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青藏高原东部的隆升机制一直都是地学界的研究热点,研究学者们提出和发展了多种岩石圈变形模型,而存在多种模型的主要原因之一是对青藏高原东部地壳及岩石圈结构认识不足。本文主要针对SinoProbe-02项目横跨龙门山断裂带、全长400多公里的宽角、折射地震数据及重力数据进行联合反演和综合解释。研究结果表明,龙门山及邻近地区地壳结构可明确划分为上地壳、中地壳和下地壳。上地壳上层为沉积层,龙门山断裂带以西大部分区域被三叠纪复理岩覆盖,而在龙日坝断裂与岷江断裂之间出现了密度为2.7g/cm3的高速异常体;向东靠近龙门山地区,沉积层厚度逐渐减薄。中地壳速度变化不均一,而且变形强烈;若尔盖盆地和龙门山断裂带下方出现明显低速带;中地壳在龙门山西侧厚度加厚,在岷江断裂下方和四川盆地靠近龙门山断裂带地区附近厚度达到最大。莫霍面整体深度从东往西增厚,最厚可达56 km。本次研究得到的地壳结构和密度分布分析结果表明现有的地壳厚度和物质组成不足以支撑龙门山及邻近地区目前所达到的隆升高度,因此四川盆地刚性基底西缘因挤压作用产生的弯曲应力也是该地区抬升的重要条件之一。  相似文献   
The thermal evolution of the only known Alpine (Cretaceous) granite in the Western Carpathians (Rochovce granite) is studied by low-temperature thermochronological methods. Our apatite fission track and apatite (U-Th)/He ages range from 17.5 ± 1.1 to 12.9 ± 0.9 Ma, and 12.9 ± 1.8 to 11.3 ± 0.8 Ma, respectively. The data thus show that the Rochovce granite records a thermal event in the Middle to early Late Miocene, which was likely related to mantle upwelling, volcanic activity, and increased heat flow. During the thermal maximum between ~17 and 8 Ma, the granite was heated to temperatures ? 60 °C. Increase of cooling rates at ~12 Ma recorded by the apatic fission track and (U-Th)/He data is primarily related to the cessation of the heating event and relaxation of the isotherms associated with the termination of the Neogene volcanic activity. This contradicts the accepted concept, which stipulates that the internal parts of the Western Carpathians were not thermally affected during the Cenozoic period. The Miocene thermal event was not restricted to the investigated part of the Western Carpathians, but had regional character and affected several basement areas in the Western Carpathians, the Pannonian basin and the margin of the Eastern Alps.  相似文献   
Analyses of organic carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and iron have been performed in order to understand sources and preservation of organic matter in black shale of the Buxin Formation (Early Paleogene) from the Sanshui Basin. The C/N ratios show that the organic matter is characterized by a mixture of terrestrial and phytoplanktonic contributions. The relative importance of different sources depend on climate conditions and most of organic matter is of terrestrial origin. The relationships between C, S and Fe indicate that the brackish environment with alternation of anoxia and low-O2 developed in the bottom waters during the deposition of these organic-rich sediments as a result of a mixed setting of thermal stratification and salinity stratification, the latter being the consequence of intermittent sea water incursion. Bacterial sulfate reduction is the most effective early diagenesis affecting the preservation of organic matter. The intensity of sulfate reduction is related to the relative proportion of met  相似文献   
通过对菲律宾南部MD06-3075和婆罗洲东北部MD98-2178两个深海钻孔的孢粉分析,结合氧同位素记录以及西太平洋地区已有的孢粉记录,得到末次冰期研究区域海洋孢粉中的红树林花粉和蕨类孢子含量比间冰期时要低,特别是在末次冰盛期。这可能体现了冰期时海平面较低,湿度较低等环境和气候条件。同时,西太平洋一系列海洋孢粉记录的对比发现,南海南部陆坡地区冰期时的红树林含量仍然较高,巽他陆架等地区冰期时的蕨类孢子含量则表现为明显高值。这些记录的差异可能说明了由于不同地区的地形分布特征不同,在冰期海平面下降时,导致陆架出露的幅度存在明显的差异。如果陆架较宽,则海平面波动会显著改变植被分布范围和孢粉传播距离等,从而对孢粉数据的气候、环境指示意义产生影响。因此,海洋孢粉数据解释时需要结合多种沉积记录指标以及地球物理调查等,提高海平面变化以及相应的沉积环境演化对孢粉搬运沉积的了解程度,增强海洋孢粉中古气候、古环境信息的有效提取。  相似文献   
Pulsar nebulae     
Several of the exotic supernova remnants are re-interpreted as pulsar-illuminated former windzones. The class of supernova remnants thus splits into (i) (the usual) shell remnants and (ii) pulsar nebulae in which a (fairly young) pulsar blows its relativistic wind into its low-density environs.  相似文献   
Large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns determine the quantity and seasonality of precipitation, the major source of water in most terrestrial ecosystems. Oxygen isotope (δ18O) dynamics of the present-day hydrologic system in the Palouse region of the northwestern U.S.A. indicate a seasonal correlation between the δ18O values of precipitation and temperature, but no seasonal trends of δ18O records in soil water and shallow groundwater. Their isotope values are close to those of winter precipitation because the Palouse receives  75% of its precipitation during winter. Palouse Loess deposits contain late Pleistocene pedogenic carbonate having ca. 2 to 3‰ higher δ18O values and up to 5‰ higher carbon isotope (δ13C) values than Holocene and modern carbonates. The late Pleistocene δ18O values are best explained by a decrease in isotopically light winter precipitation relative to the modern winter-dominated infiltration. The δ13C values are attributed to a proportional increase of atmospheric CO2 in soil CO2 due to a decrease in soil respiration rate and 13C discrimination in plants under much drier paleoclimate conditions than today. The regional climate difference was likely related to anticyclonic circulation over the Pleistocene Laurentide and Ice Sheet.  相似文献   
Gas exchange between seepage water and soil air within the unsaturated and quasi-saturated zones is fundamentally different from gas exchange between water and gas across a free boundary layer, e.g., in lakes or rivers. In addition to the atmospheric equilibrium fraction, most groundwater samples contain an excess of dissolved atmospheric gases which is called “excess air”. Excess air in groundwater is not only of crucial importance for the interpretation of gaseous environmental tracer data, but also for other aspects of groundwater hydrology, e.g., for oxygen availability in bio-remediation and in connection with changes in transport dynamics caused by the presence of entrapped air bubbles. Whereas atmospheric solubility equilibrium is controlled mainly by local soil temperature, the excess air component is characterized by the (hydrostatic) pressure acting on entrapped air bubbles within the quasi-saturated zone. Here we present the results of preliminary field experiments in which we investigated gas exchange and excess air formation in natural porous media. The experimental data suggest that the formation of excess air depends significantly on soil properties and on infiltration mechanisms. Excess air was produced by the partial dissolution of entrapped air bubbles during a sprinkling experiment in fine-grained sediments, whereas similar experiments conducted in coarse sand and gravel did not lead to the formation of excess air in the infiltrating water. Furthermore, the experiments revealed that the noble gas temperatures determined from noble gases dissolved in seepage water at different depths are identical to the corresponding in situ soil temperatures. This finding is important for all applications of noble gases as a paleotemperature indicator in groundwater since these applications are always based on the assumption that the noble gas temperature is identical to the (past) soil temperature.  相似文献   
The low‐temperature form of CuFe2S3, cubanite, has been identified in the CI chondrite and NASA Stardust mission collections. The presence of this mineral constrains the maximum temperature to 210 °C since the time of its formation. However, until now, the conditions under which cubanite forms were less well constrained. In order to refine the history of the time‐varying, low‐temperature fluids which existed on the CI‐chondrite parent body and Comet 81P/Wild 2 (Wild 2), we synthesized cubanite. The experimental synthesis of this mineral was achieved, for the first time, under low‐temperature aqueous conditions relevant to the CI‐chondrite parent body. Using a variant of in situ hydrothermal recrystallization, cubanite formed in aqueous experiments starting with temperatures of 150 and 200 °C, pH approximately 9, and oxygen fugacities corresponding to the iron‐magnetite buffer. The composition and structure of the cubanite were determined using electron microprobe and transmission electron microscopy techniques, respectively. The combined compositional, crystallographic, and experimental data allow us to place limits on the conditions under which the formation of cubanite is feasible, which in turn constrains the nature of the fluid phase on the CI‐chondrite parent body and Wild 2 when cubanite was forming.  相似文献   
Journal of Seismology - Seismologists found a significant deterioration in station quality after installation of wind turbines (WTs), which led to conflicts between WT operators and seismic...  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Hemipelagic deposits are widespread in Triassic sequences of the Alpine belt and provide important data for stratigraphy and the study of bedding rhythms. The area of the western and central Dolomites of northern Italy escaped strong alpidic deformation and preserves such deposits in their original palaeogeographic setting. The Buchenstein Formation, the object of this study, was deposited in up to 1000 m deep, Middle Triassic interplatform basins, which extend over an area of 500 km2 within the Dolomites. Excellent outcrops and volcaniclastic markers allow a detailed correlation of the formation in both laminated (anoxic) and bioturbated facies down to a bed scale, and show its relationship to coeval carbonate platforms. Correlation of lithostratigraphically well‐constrained intervals in the bioturbated facies reveal that lateral thickening and thinning of the deposits depends on the amount of shallow‐water debris in the succession and is a function of the distance to coeval carbonate platform sources. In the laminated background deposit, thickness variations in limestones and marls parallel the thickness variations in ash layers, and were caused by local redeposition of sediment on the basin floor. Lateral persistence of laminae indicates that bottom currents were weak in the Buchenstein basin, but were able to redeposit mud in a significant way. In the area around Seceda and Geisler (western Dolomites), a lateral transition from dark‐grey laminated to grey bioturbated to red bioturbated facies is observed, which is probably linked to local relief with different oxygenation conditions on the sea floor. A comparison shows that decimetre‐scale bedding is preserved in all facies types and that the bedding rhythm is partly the result of different cementation of the sediment during early diagenesis. Correlation of individual layers in the bioturbated facies reveals that beds are thicker and enriched in lime mud in the western part of the basin, and decrease in thickness and contain less micrite towards the east, further away from the main shallow‐water areas. Nearslope calciturbidites change gradually from distinct layers into lateral arrays of micrite nodules and bands further out in the basin. These observations point to a platform source of lime mud in the Buchenstein basin.  相似文献   
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