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The study place is in the Barreirinhas region, Maranhão State, northeastern Brazil. A vegetation transect of 78 km was studied among four vegetation types: Restinga (coastal vegetation), Cerrado (woody savanna), Cerradão (dense woody savanna), and Forest, as well as three forested sites around Lagoa do Caçó, located approximately 10 km of the transect. Soil profiles in this transect were sampled for δ13C analysis, as well as buried charcoal fragments were used for 14C dating. The data interpretation indicated that approximately between 15,000 and ∼9000 14C yr B.P., arboreal vegetation prevailed in the whole transect, probably due to the presence of a humid climate. Approximately between ∼9000 and 4000-3000 14C yr B.P., there was the expansion of the savanna, probably related to the presence of drier climate. From ∼4000-3000 14C yr B.P. to the present, the results indicated an increase in the arboreal density in the area, due to the return to a more humid and probably similar climate to the present. The presence of buried charcoal fragments in several soil depths suggested the occurrence of palaeofires during the Holocene. The vegetation dynamic inferred in this study for northeastern Brazil is in agreement with the results obtained in areas of Amazon region, based on pollen analysis of lake sediments and carbon isotope analysis of soil organic matter (SOM), implying than similar climatic conditions have affected these areas during the late Pleistocene until the present.  相似文献   
We present a detailed study of a 1B/M6.9 impulsive flare combining high time resolution (1 ms) and instantaneous emission source localization observations at submillimeter frequencies (212 GHz), obtained with the solar submillimeter telescope (SST), and Hα data from the Hα solar telescope for argentina (HASTA). The flare, starting at 16:34 UT, occurred in active region (AR) 9715 (NOAA number) on November 28, 2001, and was followed by an Hα surge. We complement our data with magnetograms from the Michelson Doppler Imager (SOHO/MDI). SST observed a short impulsive burst at 212 GHz, presenting a weak bulk emission (of about 90 sfu) composed of a few shorter duration structures. The integrated Hα and the 212 GHz light curves present a remarkable agreement during the impulsive phase of the event. The delay between both curves stays below 12 s (the time resolution of the Hα telescope). The flare as well as the surge are linked to new flux emergence very close to the main AR bipole. Taking into account the AR magnetic field evolution, we infer that magnetic field reconnection, occurring at low coronal levels, could have been at the origin of the flare; while in the case of surge this would happen at the chromospheric level.  相似文献   
We constrain the multistage tectonic evolution of the Palaeoproterozoic UHT metamorphic(P=0.9–1.0 GPa,T>1000℃,t=2088–2031 Ma)Bakhuis Granulite Belt(BGB)in Surinam on the Guiana Shield,using large-to small-scale structures,Al-in-hornblende thermobarometry and published fluid inclusion and zircon geochronological data.The BGB forms a narrow,NE–SW striking belt between two formerly connected,~E–W oriented granite-greenstone belts,formed between converging Amazonian and West African continental masses prior to collision and Transamazonian orogeny.Inherited detrital zircon in BGB metasediments conforms agewise to Birimian zircon of West Africa and suggests derivation from the subsequently subducted African passive margin.Ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism may have followed slab break-off and asthenospheric heat advection.Peak metamorphic structures result from layer-parallel shearing and folding,reflecting initial transtensional exhumation of the subducted African margin after slab break-off.A second HT event involves intrusion,at ca.0.49 GPa,of charnockites and metagabbros at 1993–1984 Ma and a layered anorthosite at 1980 Ma,after the BGB had already cooled to<400℃.The event is related to northward subduction under the greenstone belts,along a new active margin to their south.A pronounced syntaxial bend in the new margin points northward towards the BGB and is likely the result of indentation by an anticlinorial flexural bulge of the subducting plate.Tearing of the subducting oceanic plate along this bulge explains why the charnockites are restricted to the BGB.The BGB subsequently experienced doming under an extensional detachment exposed in its southwestern border zone.Exhumation was focused in the BGB as a result of the flexural bulge in the subducting plate and localised heating of the overriding plate by charnockite magmatism.The present,straight NE–SW long-side boundaries of the BGB are superimposed mylonite zones,overprinted by pseudotachylites,previously dated at ca.1200 Ma and 950 Ma,respectively.The 1200 Ma mylonites reflect transpressional popping-up of the BGB,caused by EW-directed intraplate principal compressive stresses from Grenvillian collision preserved under the eastern Andes.Further exhumation of the BGB involved the 950 Ma pseudotachylite decorated faulting,and Phanerozoic faulting along reactivated Meso-and Neoproterozoic lineaments.  相似文献   
The upflow anaerobic sludge blanket process followed by the biological aerated filter process was employed to improve the removal of color and recalcitrant compounds from real dyeing wastewater. The highest removal efficiency for color was observed in the anaerobic process, at 8-h hydraulic retention time, seeded with the sludge granule. In the subsequent aerobic process packed with the microbe-immobilized polyethylene glycol media, the removal efficiency for chemical oxygen demand increased significantly to 75 %, regardless of the empty bed contact time. The average influent non-biodegradable soluble chemical oxygen demand was 517 mg/L, and the average concentration in effluent from the anaerobic reactor was 363 mg/L, suggesting the removal of some recalcitrant matters together with the degradable ones. The average non-biodegradable soluble chemical oxygen demand in effluent from the aerobic reactor was 87, 93, and 118 mg/L, with the removal efficiency of 76, 74, and 67 %, at 24-, 12-, and 8-h empty bed contact time, respectively. The combined anaerobic sludge blanket and aerobic cell-entrapped process was effective to remove the refractory compounds from real dyeing wastewater as well as in reducing organic loading to meet the effluent discharge limits. This integrated process is considered an effective and economical treatment technology for dyeing wastewater.  相似文献   
To understand the retention of As on a natural manganese sand, the structural, textural and chemical properties of the solid were first investigated by combining scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron-energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), BET N2 gas adsorption, diffuse reflectance Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. Manganese sand could be mainly described as a mixture of a phyllomanganate, lithiophorite [(Al,Li)MnO2(OH)2], and pyrolusite (MnO2). Iron particle, kaolinite and gibbsite type-phases were also observed. Particles organization led to the presence of a mesoporosity with pore diameters ranging from 100 to 200 Å and a specific surface area of 23 m2 g−1. Contact with an As(V) solution (0.67 mmol L−1) led to an average fractional surface coverage of 0.4. Both As (V) and (III) were present on the surface of the sand in a 1:1 ratio. As(V) was sorbed on lithiophorite-type particles through surface complexation type reaction. As(III) was thought to result from As(V) reduction mechanism on iron particles.  相似文献   
The major Ghanaian lode gold deposits are preferentially aligned along the western and eastern contacts of the Kumasi Basin with the Ashanti and Sefwi Belts, respectively. The investigated area of the Abawso small-scale concession, covering the workings of the old Ettadom mine, is situated 3 km west of the lithological contact of the Birimian metavolcanic rocks of the Akropong Belt in the east with the Birimian metasedimentary rocks of the Kumasi Basin in the west. The rocks of the Abawso concession represent a steeply NW-dipping limb of a SE-verging anticline with an axis plunging to the SW. Quartz veining occurs predominantly in the form of en échelon dilatational veins along NNE–SSW-striking shear zones of a few metres width and shows evidence of brittle and ductile deformation. Also stockwork-style quartz veining occurs in the vicinity of the main shaft of the old Ettadom mine. Hydrothermal alteration includes sericitisation, sulphidation and locally carbonatisation. The auriferous quartz veins mainly follow the trend of brittle to ductile deformed quartz veins; however, some occur in stockwork. Fluid inclusion studies reveal a large number of H2O inclusions along intragranular trails in auriferous quartz vein samples, as well as an overall dominance of H2O and H2O-CO2 inclusions over CO2 inclusions. Textural observations and physico-chemical fluid inclusion properties indicate post-entrapment modifications for all quartz vein samples due to grain boundary migration recrystallisation. This process is interpreted to be responsible for the generation of the CO2 inclusions from a H2O-CO2 parent fluid. In comparison with mineralisation at the Ashanti and Prestea deposits, which are characterised by CO2±N2 inclusions, the observed inclusion assemblage may be due to a shallower crustal level of mineralisation, or different degrees and styles of recrystallisation, or a less pronounced development of laminated quartz veins due to comparably restricted pressure fluctuations. Furthermore, the microthermometric observations allow the reconstruction of a possible retrograde P-T path, depicting near-isothermal decompression in the P-T range of the brittle/ductile transition.Editorial handling: E. Frimmel  相似文献   
The easternmost stratovolcano along the Central American arc is El Valle volcano, Panama. Several andesitic and dacitic lava flows, which range in age 5–10 Ma, are termed the old group. After a long period of quiescence (approximately 3.4 Ma), volcanic activity resumed approximately 1.55 Ma with the emplacement of dacitic domes and the deposition of dacitic pyroclastic flows 0.9–0.2 Ma. These are referred to as the young group. All of the samples analyzed are calc-alkaline andesites and dacites. The mineralogy of the two groups is distinct; two pyroxenes occur in the old-group rocks but are commonly absent in the young group. In contrast, amphibole has been found only in the young-group samples. Several disequilibrium features have been observed in the minerals (e.g., oscillatory zoning within clinopyroxenes). These disequilibrium textures appear to be more prevalent among the old- as compared with the young-group samples and are most likely the result of magma-mixing, assimilation, and/or polybaric crystallization. Mass-balance fractionation models for major and trace elements were successful in relating samples from the old group but failed to show a relationship among the young-group rocks or between the old- and young-group volcanics. We believe that the old-group volcanics were derived through differentiation processes from basaltic magmas generated within the mantlewedge. The young group, however, does not appear to be related to more primitive magmas by differentiation. The young-group samples cannot be related by fractionation including realistic amounts of amphibole. Distinctive geochemical features of the young group, including La/Yb ratios〉15, Yb〈1, Sr/Y〉150, and Y〈6, suggest that these rocks were derived from the partial melting of the subducted lithosphere. These characteristics can be explained by the partial melting of a source with residual garnet and amphibole. Dacitic material with the geochemical characteristics of subducted-lithosphere melting is generated apparently only where relatively hot crust is subducted, based on recent work. The young dacite-genesis at El Valle volcano is related to the subduction of relatively hot lithosphere.  相似文献   
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