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Summary Data were collected in 1988 and 1989 on the distribution and activity of petroleum hydrocarbon degrading bacteria in the North Sea and Baltic Sea. Crude oil degrading bacteria and the number of bacteria which in particular degrade naphthalene were quantified using a modified dilution method (MPN). Crude oil degrading bacteria were present in all of about 100 water samples, with as many as 103 ml–1 in some samples. Numbers of naphthalene degrading bacteria were at least tenfold lower. There is obviously a greater connection between this bacteria group and petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) contamination than between the more nonspecific group of crude oil degrading bacteria and PHC contamination. Data from the North Sea show an extremely high abundance of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria, even in winter, while in the southern Baltic Sea low numbers of bacteria were found and slower crude oil degradation was observed.
Verteilung und Aktivität von erdölkohlenwasserstoffabbauenden Bakterien in Nord- und Ostsee
Zusammenfassung 1988 und 1989 wurden Daten über Verteilung und Aktivität von erdölkohlenwasserstoffabbauenden Bakterien in Nord- und Ostsee gesammelt. Rohölabbauende Bakterien und die Zahl von Bakterien, die insbesondere Naphthalen abbauen, wurden mit einer modifizierten Lösungsmethode (MPN) bestimmt. Rohölabbauende Bakterien wurden in allen ca. 100 Wasserproben nachgewiesen; in einigen Proben mit nicht weniger als 103/ml. Die Zahl der naphthalenabbauenden Bakterien war mindestens um den Faktor 10 kleiner. Ein stärkerer Zusammenhang zwischen dieser Bakteriengruppe und der Belastung des Meerwassers durch Erdöl-Kohlenwasserstoffe als zwischen der eher unspezifischen Gruppe der rohölabbauenden Bakterien und dieser Belastung ist wahrscheinlich. Daten aus der Nordsee zeigen, selbst im Winter, eine sehr hohe Zahl von kohlenwasserstoffabbauenden Bakterien, während in der südlichen Ostsee eine niedrigere Anzahl von Bakterien bestimmt und ein langsamerer Rohölabbau beobachtet wurde.
The major and trace element geochemistry of magnesite and dolomite samples from alternating rock masses at the Oberdorf/Laming (Styria, Austria) mineralization has been studied. The rare earth elements (REE) are considered to be of importance for the discussion of the origin of sparry magnesite deposits. The Al and REE contents are positively correlated, indicating a clay component as the main source for REE in the magnesites and their precursor rocks. Our data support the view that the Oberdorf and probably other magnesite mineralizations in the Eastern Alps have been formed by metasomatism. Through this process calcite (which was deposited by sedimentation in a marine environment) underwent dolomitization. Subsequently, Mg-rich solutions circulating through the rock masses formed the magnesite bodies.During the formation of the dolomites and the conversion to magnesites, the REE patterns of the original carbonates remained unchanged. The magnesites exhibit patterns that are very similar to sedimentary carbonates (which contain a REE-bearing clay component). Magnesites of purely sedimentary origin, formed in a predominantly evaporitic environment, should have lower total REE contents and different patterns due to the short residence times of these elements in seawater. Analyses of talc pseduomorphs after magnesite indicate as well that the REE patterns are not significantly altered during the talcification. The Mg-rich solutions that led to the formation of the magnesites have probably been derived from serpentinites below the gneiss complexes of eastern Styria and the South Penninic units of the Tauern window.
Zusammenfassung Die Haupt- und Spurenelementgeochemie von Magnesit- und Dolomitproben, die aus alternierenden Gesteinsstöcken in der Magnesitmine von Oberdorf/Laming (Steiermark, Österreich) stammen, wurde untersucht. Besonderes Augenmerk wurde dabei auf die Geochemie der Seltenen Erdelemente (REE) gelegt, da diese für Aussagen über die Entstehung der Magnesitlagerstätten von besonderer Bedeutung sind. Eine positive Korrelation zwischen den Al und REE-Gehalten deutet darauf hin, daß der Hauptteil der REE einer Tonkomponente entstammt. Die Daten unterstützen eine metasomatische Entstehung der Spatmagnesite der Oberdorfer Lagerstätte und anderer Ostalpiner Lagerstätten. Sedimentär angelegter Kalzit wird dabei über Dolomit mit Mg-reichen Lösungen in Magnesit umgewandelt.Während der Metasomatose bleiben die chondritnormierten REE-Verteilungen der Ausgangskarbonate relativ unverändert erhalten. Die so entstandenen Spatmagnesite weisen Verteilungsmuster auf, die jenen der sedimentären Karbonate, aus denen sie entstanden sind, entsprechen. Rein sedimentär entstandene Magnesite werden praktisch nur in evaporitischem Milieu gebildet und sollten infolge der kurzen Verweilzeit dieser Elemente im Meerwasser wesentlich niedrigere REE-Gehalte und andere Verteilungsmuster aufweisen. Analysen einer Talkpseudomorphose zeigen, daß sich die REE-Verteilungsmuster auch bei der metasomatischen Talk-bildung nicht wesentlich ändern. Die Mg-reichen Lösungen, die zur Bildung der Magnesite notwendig waren, entstammen vermutlich tiefliegenden Sepentiniten, auf die es Hinweise im Untergrund der oststeirischen Gneisskomplexe und des südpenninischen Tauernfensters gibt.

Résumé Cette note présente les résultats d'une étude géochimique des éléments majeurs et en trace d'échantillons de magnésite et de dolomite qui se présentent en masses alternées dans la mine de magnésite de Oberdorf/Laming (Steiermark, Autriche). Une attention particulière a été apportée aux terres rares, considérées comme fournissant des arguments importants dans la discussion de l'origine des gisements. Les teneurs en Al et en terres rares montrent une corrélation positive, ce qui permet de rapporter à un composant argileux la source principale des terres rares. Les résultats obtenus plaident en faveur d'une origine métasomatique des minéralisations en magnésite d'Oberdorf et d'autres endroits des Alpes orientales. Au cours de ce processus, la calcite, d'origine sédimentaire marine, a été le siège d'une dolomitisation avec, subséquemment, formation de corps de magnésite grâce à la circulation de solutions riches en Mg.Au cours de la métasomatose, la distribution des terres rares des carbonates originels n'est pas modifiée: les magnésites montrent des répartitions très semblables à celles des carbonates sédimentaires (lesquels renferment un constituant argileux porteur des terres rares). Des magnésites d'origine purement sédimentaires, formées en milieu évoporitique, doivent présenter un contenu total en terres rares moins élevé et une distribution différente de ces éléments, eu égard à la brièveté de leur séjour dans l'eau de mer. Des analyses de pseudomorphoses de magnésite en talc montrent de même que la distribution des terres rares n'est pas modifiée de manière significative au cours de la talcification. Les solutions riches en Mg responsables de la formation de la magnésite sont probablement dérivées de serpentines situées sous les complexes gneissiques de Styrie et les unités penniques méridionales de la fenêtre des Tauern.

dorf/Laming'a (, ) . , . , . , , - . . . .. , , . , , , , ; . , . , , , , , - - .
Two seismic refraction and gravity lines were obtained along and normal to the axis of the Aegir Rift, an extinct spreading centre in the Norway Basin. Velocity-depth solutions and crustal structure models are derived from ocean-bottom records using two-dimensional ray tracing and synthetic seismogram modelling techniques. Gravity data are used to generate models consistent with the lateral variations in thickness of the layers in the crustal models. The resulting models require considerable degree of lateral inhomogeneity along and perpendicular to the rift axis. Crust within the extinct spreading centre is found to be thinner and of low P-wave velocity when compared with the crust sampled off-axis. To explain reduced velocities of the lower crust we suggest that, due to the relationship between fracturing and seismic velocity, the decreasing spreading rate leading up to extinction let the mechanically strong layer thicken, so that faulting and fracturing extended to greater depths . Low velocities are also observed in the uppermost mantle underlying the extinct spreading ridge. This zone is attributed to hydrothermal alteration of upper mantle peridotites. Furthermore, after spreading ceased 32-26 my ago, ongoing passive hydrothermal circulation was accompanied by the precipitation of alteration products in open void spaces, thereby decreasing the porosity and increasing the velocity. Consequently the typical low velocities of layer 2 found at active mid-ocean ridges have been replaced by values typical of mature oceanic crust.  相似文献   

Close-range hyperspectral images are a promising source of information in plant biology, in particular, for in vivo study of physiological changes. In this study, we investigate how data fusion can improve the detection of leaf elements by combining pixel reflectance and morphological information. The detection of image regions associated to the leaf structures is the first step toward quantitative analysis on the physical effects that genetic manipulation, disease infections, and environmental conditions have in plants. We tested our fusion approach on Musa acuminata (banana) leaf images and compared its discriminant capability to similar techniques used in remote sensing. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our fusion approach, with significant improvements over some conventional methods.  相似文献   
Z-Less stratification under stable conditions   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Turbulent fluctuations were measured at a height of 2.5 m in stable conditions over grass to investigate the variability of the second- and third-order moments involving temperature, humidity and vertical wind velocity. With the exception of the normalized second moment of temperature, very little variation of the normalized moments was found with changes in the dimensionless stability parameter =z/L, whereL is the Obukhov stability length. Such limited variation is expected for stable conditions, and the normalized second moment of temperature might have been affected by nonstationary conditions. In addition, the variability of the normalized moments was lessened by computing the turbulence statistics over 56 min, instead of 26 min. Values of third-order moments involving the vertical velocity were all close to zero.  相似文献   
Glacier hazards threaten societies in mountain regions worldwide. Glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) pose risks to exposed and vulnerable populations and can be linked in part to long-term post-Little Ice Age climate change because precariously dammed glacial lakes sometimes formed as glaciers generally retreated after the mid-1800s. This paper provides an interdisciplinary and historical analysis of 40?years of glacier hazard management on Mount Hualcán, at glacial Lake 513, and in the city of Carhuaz in Peru’s Cordillera Blanca mountain range. The case study examines attempted hazard zoning, glacial lake evolution and monitoring, and emergency engineering projects to drain Lake 513. It also analyzes the 11 April 2010 Hualcán rock-ice avalanche that triggered a Lake 513 GLOF; we offer both a scientific assessment of the possible role of temperature on slope stability and a GIS spatial analysis of human impacts. Qualitative historical analysis of glacier hazard management since 1970 allows us to identify and explain why certain actions and policies to reduce risk were implemented or omitted. We extrapolate these case-specific variables to generate a broader socio-environmental framework identifying factors that can facilitate or impede disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. Facilitating factors are technical capacity, disaster events with visible hazards, institutional support, committed individuals, and international involvement. Impediments include divergent risk perceptions, imposed government policies, institutional instability, knowledge disparities, and invisible hazards. This framework emerges from an empirical analysis of a coupled social-ecological system and offers a holistic approach for integrating disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.  相似文献   
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