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Pale-blue to pale-green tourmalines from the contact zone of Permian pegmatites to mica schists and marbles from different localities of the Austroalpine basement units (Rappold Complex) in Styria, Austria, are characterized. All these Mg-rich tourmalines have small but significant Li contents, up to 0.29 wt% Li2O, and can be characterized as dravite, with FeO contents of ?~?0.9–2.7 wt%. Their chemical composition varies from X (Na0.67Ca0.19?K0.02?0.12) Y (Mg1.26Al0.97Fe2+ 0.36Li0.19Ti4+ 0.06Zn0.01?0.15) Z (Al5.31?Mg0.69) (BO3)3 Si6O18 V (OH)3? W [F0.66(OH)0.34], with a?=?15.9220(3), c?=?7.1732(2) Å to X (Na0.67Ca0.24?K0.02?0.07) Y (Mg1.83Al0.88Fe2+ 0.20Li0.08Zn0.01Ti4+ 0.01?0.09) Z (Al5.25?Mg0.75) (BO3)3 Si6O18 V (OH)3? W [F0.87(OH)0.13], with a?=?15.9354(4), c?=?7.1934(4) Å, and they show a significant Al-Mg disorder between the Y and the Z sites (R1?=?0.013–0.015). There is a positive correlation between the Ca content and?<?Y-O?>?distance for all investigated tourmalines (r?≈?1.00), which may reflect short-range order configurations including Ca and Fe2+, Mg, and Li. The tourmalines have XMg (XMg?=?Mg/Mg?+?Fetotal) values in the range 0.84–0.95. The REE patterns show more or less pronounced negative Eu and positive Yb anomalies. In comparison to tourmalines from highly-evolved pegmatites, the tourmaline samples from the border zone of the pegmatites of the Rappold Complex contain relatively low amounts of total REE (~8–36 ppm) and Th (0.1–1.8 ppm) and have low LaN/YbN ratios. There is a positive correlation (r?≈?0.91) between MgO of the tourmalines and the MgO contents of the surrounding mica schists. We conclude that the pegmatites formed by anatectic melting of mica schists and paragneisses in Permian time. The tourmalines crystallized from the pegmatitic melt, influenced by the metacarbonate and metapelitic host rocks.  相似文献   
To what degree the variability of surface features can be identified in the turbulent signals observed in the atmospheric boundary layer is still an unresolved problem. This was investigated by conducting an analytical experiment for a one-dimensional 'chessboard'-type surface-flux distribution on the basis of local free convection scaling. The results showed that, due to their nonlinear dependency on the surface fluxes, the dimensionless gradients of the mean quantities and the dimensionless standard deviations are altered by the surface-flux variability. Furthermore, passive scalars, such as humidity, are considerably more sensitive to surface variability than the main active scalar, temperature. However, the response of the gradients of the mean quantities is fairly negligible in the range of variability studied herein as compared to that of the standard deviations, which were found to be more sensitive to the surface-flux variability. In addition, the phase difference between the active and the passive scalar flux distribution strongly affects the passive scalar turbulence. This dissimilarity between passive and active scalars, or between passive scalars when their source distributions are different, brings into question the use of variance methods for the measurement of a scalar flux, such as evaporation, over variable surfaces. The classical Bowen ratio method, which depends on the validity of the Reynolds analogy for the vertical gradients of the mean quantities, was shown to be relatively more robust. However, under conditions of strong surface variability, it can also be expected to fail.  相似文献   
Wind and temperature profiles in the stable boundary layer were analyzed in the context of MoninObukhov similarity. The measurements were made on a 60-m tower in Kansas during October 1999 (CASES-99). Fluxprofile relationships, obtained from these measurements in their integral forms, were established for wind speed and temperature. Use of the integral forms eliminates the uncertainty and accuracy issues resulting from gradient computations. The corresponding stability functions, which were nearly the same for momentum and virtual sensible heat, were found to exhibit different features under weakly stable conditions compared to those under strongly stable conditions. The gradient stability functions were found to be linear, namely m = 1+ 5.8 and h = 1 + 5.4 up to a limit of the MoninObukhov stability parameter = 0.8; this is consistent with earlier findings. However, for stronger stabilities beyond a transition range, both functions were observed gradually to approach a constant, with a value of approximately 7. To link these two distinct regimes, a general but pliable functional form with only two parameters is proposed for the stability functions, covering the entire stability range from neutral to very stable conditions.  相似文献   
Mean wind velocity profiles were measured by means of radio-windsondes over the Landes region in southwestern France, which consists primarily of pine forests with scattered villages and clearings with various crops. Analysis of neutral profiles indicated the existence of a logarithmic layer between approximately zd 0 = 67(±18)z 0 and 128(+-32)z 0 (z is the height above the ground, z 0 the surface roughness and d 0 the displacement height). The upper limit can also be given as zd 0 = 0.33 (±0.18)h, where h is the height of the bottom of the inversion. The profiles showed that the surface roughness of this terrain is around 1.2 m and the displacement height 6.0 m. Shear stresses derived from the profiles were in good agreement with those obtained just above the forest canopy at a nearby location with the eddy correlation method by a team from the Institute of Hydrology (Wallingford, England).  相似文献   
The roughness height z 0 and the zero-plane displacement height d 0 were determined for a region of complex terrain in the Pre-Alps of Switzerland. This region is characterized by hills of the order of 100 m above the valley elevations, and by distances between ridges of the order of 1 km; it lies about 20 to 30 km north from the Alps. The experimental data were obtained from radiosonde observations under near neutral conditions. The analysis was based on the assumption of a logarithmic profile for the mean horizontal wind existing over one half of the boundary layer. The resulting (z 0/h) and (d 0/h) (where h is the mean height of the obstacles) were found to be in reasonable agreement with available relationships in terms of placement density and shape factor of the obstacles, which were obtained in previous experiments with h-scales 2 to 4 orders of magnitude smaller than the present ones.  相似文献   
Profiles of wind velocity and temperature in the outer region of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) were used together with surface temperature measurements, to determine regional shear stress and sensible heat flux by means of transfer parameterizations on the basis of bulk similarity. The profiles were measured by means of radiosondes and the surface temperatures by infrared radiation thermometry over hilly prairie terrain in northeastern Kansas during the First ISLSCP Field Experiment (FIFE). In the analysis, the needed similarity functions were determined and tested; the main scaling variables used for the ABL were h i , the height of the convectively mixed layer, and V a and a, the wind speed and potential temperature averaged over the mixed layer. Good agreement (r = 0.80) was obtained between values of friction velocity u * determined by this ABL bulk similarity approach and those obtained by Monin-Obukhov similarity in the surface sublayer. Similarly, values of surface flux of sensible heat H determined by this method compared well (r = 0.90) with the regional means measured at six ground stations. The corresponding regional evaporation values, determined with the energy budget equation, also compared favorably (r = 0.94).  相似文献   
The Polish Outer Carpathians consist of several flysch series of unknown original basement. They were deposited from Late Jurassic to Miocene in a large basin dissected by tectonically uplifted ridges (cordillieras) which acted as source terrains. The actual nappe pile is correlated with palaeogeographic basin realms. From N to S the Skole, Silesian, Dukla and Magura basins are distinguished. Our paper presents a first compilation of heavy mineral data and pebble analysis in the various turbiditic fan systems. It is assumed that the heavy minerals primarily reflect the nature of basement rocks exposed in the source terrains.The individual flysch basins were supplied generally from unmetamorphosed granitic to highgrade metamorphic continental basement series. But staurolite-bearing high-grade metamorphics appear to have been present only in the northernmost provenance area (Silesian and Subsilesian ridges). A few reworked chromian spinel mineral grains in the northern parts of the basin were derived from small Caledonian/Variscan ultrabasic sutures present in the source ridges. Increased chromian spinel contents are revealed in the southern part of the basin (Maastrichtian-Eocene Magura series) and in Cretaceous Pieniny Klippen belt flysch formations. The chromian spinel in the Magura series was derived, either directly from Alpine oceanic crust obducted in the southern part of the Pieniny realm, or from re-eroded Pieniny flysch series. Hence, our heavy mineral data indicate that in the Outer Carpathian basin during Cretaceous convergence no Alpine ophiolitic crust was obducted. Therefore, an ophiolitic basement to the individual basins appears inprobable. The Outer Carpathians presumably occupied, with respect to the internal suture zone, the position of a deep continental basement floored foreland basin.
Zusammenfassung Die Äußeren Karpathen in Polen bestehen aus mehreren von ihrem Untergrund abgescherten Flysch-Serien, die von oberem Jura bis Miozän in einem Großbecken abgelagert wurden, das durch mehrere tektonisch hochgehobene Rücken (Cordillieren oder Liefergebiete) in Teilbecken gegliedert war. Das ursprüngliche Substrat der verschiedenen Becken ist unbekannt und die heutige Deckenstruktur wird mit der ursprünglichen Beckenanordnung korreliert. Von N nach S werden die Skole-, Silesien-, Duklaund Magura-Becken unterschieden. Die vorliegende Arbeit präsentiert eine erste Zusammenfassung von Schwermineraldaten und Geröllanalysen in den verschiedenen turbiditischen Schüttungssystemen. Dabei wird davon ausgegangen, daß die Schwermineralgehalte der Sandsteine primär die Zusammensetzung des kristallinen Grundgebirges in den Liefergebieten widergeben.Die einzelnen Flyschbecken wurden zumeist von unmetamorphem granitischem bis hochgradig metamorphem kontinentalem Grundgebirge beliefert. Staurolith-führende hochgradige Metamorphite waren jedoch nur in den nördlichst gelegenen Liefergebietsprovinzen (Silesischer und Subsilesischer Rücken) anstehend. Geringe Vorkommen von Chromspinell in den nördlichen Beckenteilen stammen von kleineren caledonisch/variszischen ultrabasischen Einschlüssen (Suturen) in den Cordillieren. Erhöhte Chromspinellgehalte werden nur im südlichen Becken (Maastricht bis Tertiär des Magura-Beckens) und in kretazischen Flyschen der Pieniny-Klippen festgestellt. Der Chromspinell in den Magura-Serien stammt von alpiner ozeanischer Kruste, die während der Kreide im südlichen Pieniny-Raume obduziert wurde oder von neuerlich erodierten Flyschen aus den Pieniny-Becken. Unsere Schwermineraldaten weisen folglich darauf hin, daß während der kretazischen tektonischen Konvergenz im Bereich der Äußeren Karpathen keine alpin gebildete ophiolithische Kruste aufgeschuppt wurde. Die Anwesenheit eines ozeanischen Untergrundes der einzelnen Teilbecken erscheint deshalb unwahrscheinlich. Die Äußeren Karpathen nahmen deshalb vermutlich gegenüber der internen Suturzone die Stellung eines tiefen Foreland-Beckens über kontinentaler Kruste ein.

Résumé Les Carpathes externes, en Pologne, sont composées de plusieurs séries de flysch d'âge jurassique à miocène déposées dans un grand bassin alimenté par l'érosion de rides tectoniques internes et externes (cordillères). Ces séries de flysch sont préservées en nappes, classiquement corrélées avec différents domaines paléogéographiques du bassin. Le substratum originel de ces bassins individuels n'est pas connu et reste discuté. On distingue, du nord au sud, les bassins de Skole, de Silésie, de Dukla et de Magura. Nous présentons ici les premiers résultats de l'analyse des minéraux lourds et des lithoclastes reconnus dans les principaux éventails turbiditiques sous-marins. Nous partons de l'hypothèse que le contenu des grès en minéraux lourds reflète la nature du socle cristallin qui était à l'affleurement dans les diverses régions-source.D'une manière générale, les bassins de flysch ont été alimentés par des terrains granitiques non métamorphiques et par des formations métamorphiques de moyenne et haute température. Il semble cependant que les terrains métamorphiques de haut degré à staurotide étaient présents seulement dans les sources les plus septentrionales (rides silésienne et subsilésienne). Le spinelle chromifère présent en petite quantité dans la partie nord du bassin peut être expliqué par la présence d'inclusions ultramafiques calédoniennes ou varisques (zones de sutures) dans les cordillères. Une proportion élevée de grains de spinelle chromifère ne s'observe que dans la partie méridionale du bassin des Carpathes externes (séries maastrichtiennes et tertiaires du bassin de Magura) et dans les flyschs crétacés des clippes de Pieniny. Il est suggéré que le spinelle chromifère du bassin de Magura a été fourni par la croûte océanique alpine, obductée au cours du Crétacé dans la partie interne du domaine des clippes de Pieniny, ou par l'érosion secondaire des flyschs de Pieniny.La rareté et l'origine probablement ancienne des spinelles chromifères dans la partie septentrionale indique que lors des mouvements convergents crétacés aucune roche ophiolitique alpine n'était exposée à l'érosion. Par conséquent, la présence de fonds océaniques dans ces bassins individuels semble peu probable. Les Carpathes externes représentent probablement un bassin profond, de type «foreland» par rapport à une zone de suture ophiolitique plus interne.

, , , . , . : Skole, Silesien, Dukla Magura. . , . , . , , , , , .. . - () . ( ) Pieniny . , Pieniny, . , , . , , . .. , .
Crustal extension during and following continental collision is well documented in the Arctic Caledonian fold belt. However, models for the post-collisional extension of the Caledonides are mainly based on geoscientific data from Scandinavia. For a more complete understanding of the evolution of the Caledonides, knowledge of the crustal structure of East Greenland is vital. Seismic and gravity studies have revealed a pronounced Moho topography and a west-dipping lower crustal reflector beneath the fjord region of East Greenland. These deep crustal structures are related to Late Caledonian extensional structures at the surface. The observations can be satisfactorily explained by applying simple shear or eduction models proposed for upper crustal extension in Scandinavia to the complementing lower crustal structures in East Greenland. However, exhumation of the Caledonian Northeast Greenland eclogite province cannot be accomplished by these models. Instead, a synthesis of geoscientific data has shown marked differences in the crustal structure of East Greenland north and south of about 76°N, indicating a different crustal evolution of the northern and southern parts of the East Greenland Caledonides.  相似文献   
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