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季节强降雨是诱发滑坡失稳的重要因素之一,特别是在我国中山丘陵地区,滑坡发生场景相对复杂,探究复杂情景下的滑坡检测方法对灾情评估、灾后应急调查等工作具有重要研究意义。针对遥感特征相近地物干扰造成滑坡识别精度低的问题,本文提出了一种结合PCA与IR-MAD的滑坡检测方法,实现了新生滑坡准确提取。结果表明,与现有方法相比,本文方法有效抑制了由作物播种收获、洪水汛期等季相因素产生的裸地、滩涂等滑坡遥感特征相似地物对滑坡检测造成的干扰,其在滑坡检测精确率和滑坡识别模型稳定性方面均有一定提升。  相似文献   
黄土高原地区,具有大孔隙、弱胶结特征的黄土遭遇地震荷载影响后,其内部结构受到扰动,微结构的变化会在后期物理力学性质中集中反映出来.通过动三轴试验对原状黄土试样进行模拟历史地震预处理,对处理试样依次进行饱和、固结、不排水剪切试验.结果表明:黄土试样的初始含水率为10%时,经历历史地震扰动的黄土较未扰动黄土相比,其偏应力明...  相似文献   
重塑黄土饱和与固结时间三轴试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饱和黄土三轴试验中,土样饱和及固结过程是否完成对试验结果至关重要。土工试验饱和方法中,通常所使用的抽气饱和是提高土样饱和度的有效方法,但对于重塑马兰黄土样,抽气饱和中试样浸水后会发生结构溃散。因此,土样只能在三轴仪上进行饱和。本研究基于GDS非饱和三轴仪对兰州地区的马兰黄土重塑样进行多次饱和试验与固结试验,提出在GDS三轴仪外压力室外部设置三通接头,将试样顶部和底部接通汇集为同一路径,将饱和路径与排水路径均缩短为原来的一半,可明显缩短试验饱和时间与固结时间,进而实现在土样达到预定饱和度情况下缩短试验总时间的目标。而且,本试验中土样上、下同时进水或排水,也符合土体在自然界真实赋存状态下的饱和与固结过程。经反复验证,该方法在粉质黏土重塑样的三轴试验中使用效果较好。  相似文献   
In order to assess the performance of the common temperature-index melt model at both spatial and temporal scale in Qilian Mountains, we performed the sensitivity and uncertainty analysis on the parameters of a common temperature-index method and evaluated the glacier mass balance on a small alpine glacier, which is separated into two relatively independent branches, with the daily mass balance and the meteorological data in the summer of 2011 and 2012. Sensitivity analysis was conducted by perturbation analysis and uncertainty analysis was carried out by Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) for different conditions. The results showed that the temperature-index method could properly capture the diurnal variability of the glacier mass balance. But strong equifinality of model parameter existsed in model calibration due to the uncertainty in the parameters. The model was very sensitive to changes in the value of Kice, followed by the Ksnow and Ts. It was also found that the GLUE approaches could estimate and derive the posterior distributions of 3 parameters properly. Moreover, there existed an acceptable range, which ensured high precision under different conditions.  相似文献   
GPS�㲥�����Ĺ��������   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
??????2002??2006??GPS?????????????仯???????????????????????????? ?????????? ????L-AII???????????????????2006??GPS???????????????2002?????????????  相似文献   
四川木里梭罗沟金矿床位于甘孜—理塘构造成矿带的南段、唐央复式背斜南东倾伏端(或唐央穹窿南缘),目前已探明储量属大型岩金矿床。矿体产于上三叠统曲嘎寺组蚀变基性火山岩中,受近东西向断裂控制。矿床具多期成矿特点,属构造蚀变岩型—中低温热液型金矿床。  相似文献   
介绍一种新型的交流电动机VVVF调速装置,该装置用普通的SCR作主开关元件,采用交一交变频的新方法,以自然换流为基点,能够获得5~50Hz的输出频率,频率分辨率可达0.5Hz,且结构简单,性能价格比高,适合作为节能装置.  相似文献   
“地球界限(Planetary Boundaries)”是指用于界定“安全运行空间(safe operating space)”的边界值,是Johan Rockstr?m等近年来提出的旨在保障人类生存和发展的重要概念框架。该框架一经提出就引起了广泛关注,一方面质疑者对这一概念框架的科学意义以及评估方法提出批评;另一方面支持者则对其评估方法、研究内容和研究尺度进行了完善和扩展,并取得了重要的成果。为了促进国内学者对该领域的了解和应用,论文在回顾相关文献的基础上,首先介绍了“地球界限”的概念内涵,并将其与中国学者所熟知的环境承载力等概念进行了比较分析;随后总结了该概念框架的争议观点,同时也对其近期的发展状况进行了评述;最后结合中国目前的发展状况,分析了“地球界限”概念框架对中国可持续发展的借鉴意义,并对未来的研究提出了展望,包括① 进一步了解不同地球系统过程的相互作用机制,完善“地球界限”的指标评估体系;② 明确“地球界限”与生态系统服务以及人类福祉三者之间的内在联系;③ 结合“地球界限”的评估结果,加强变革式环境治理的研究。  相似文献   
Sedimentary successions and internal structure of the coastal barrier-lagoon system of Boao, eastern Hainan Island were studied through utilizing data from test holes and trenches and ground-penetrating-radar (GPR) profiles. During late Pleistocene, fluvial and delta plains developed over an unevenly eroded bedrock during low sea level stand, followed by the formation of littoral and lagoon facies and defined coastal barrier-lagoon-estuary system during the post-glacial uppermost Pleistocene-lower Holocene eustatic rise of the sea level, and the upper Holocene high stand. GPR results show that Yudaitan, a sandy coastal bar backed by a low-laying land (shoal) just east of the active lagoon, is a continuous, parallel and slightly-wavy reflectors indicating homogeneous sandy or sandy gravel sediments, and inclined reflectors partly caused by progradation and accumulation of beach sand and gravel. Quasi-continuous, hummocky and chaotic reflectors from the shoal of Nangang village correspond to mixed accumulation of sands and clay. This research indicates the GPR is a non-intrusive, rapid, and economical method for high-resolution profiling of subsurface sediments in sandy gravelly coast.  相似文献   
苏皖北部新元古界碳酸盐岩地层中广泛发育臼齿碳酸盐岩脉体.根据这些脉体的产出特征,将其划分为两大类型.类型1主要产出于新元古界下部的刘老碑组、九里桥组和倪园组中,多形成于沉积期,脉体杂乱分布且与叠层石透镜体、砾屑、滑塌构造、冲刷沟槽、透镜状交错层理等共生.类型2主要产出于新元古界中、上部九顶山组、张渠组、魏集组和望山组中...  相似文献   
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