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Robert A. Wharton Jr. Jamison M. Crosby Christopher P. McKay James W. Rice Jr. 《Journal of Paleolimnology》1995,13(3):267-283
Observational evidence such as outflow channels and valley networks suggest that in the past there was flowing water on Mars. The images of fluvial features on Mars logically suggest that there must exist downstream locations in which the water pooled and the sediment load deposited (i.e. lakes). Sediments and morphological features associated with the martian paleolakes are believed to occur in Valles Marineris, and several large basins including Amazonis, Chryse and Elysium planitia. As Mars became progressively colder over geological time, any lakes on its surface would have become seasonally, and eventually perennially ice-covered. We know from polar lakes on Earth that ice-covered lakes can persist even when the mean annual temperature falls below freezing. Thus, the most recent lacustrine sediments on Mars were probably deposited in ice-covered lakes. While life outside of the Earth's atmosphere has yet to be observed, there is a general consensus among exobiologists that the search for extraterrestrial life should be based upon liquid water. The inference that there was liquid water on Mars during an earlier epoch is the primary motivation for considering the possibility of life during this time. It would be of enormous interest from both an exobiological and paleolimnological perspective to discover lakes or the evidence of former lakes on another planet such as Mars. Limnology would then become an interplanetary science. 相似文献
Andrew Morton Colin Waters Mark Fanning Ian Chisholm Matt Brettle 《Geological Journal》2015,50(5):553-574
A study of detrital zircon age populations in Namurian–Westphalian (Carboniferous) sandstones in the southern Central Pennine Basin of the UK has revealed considerable complexity in their provenance history. The Pendleian–Marsdenian Morridge Formation, which is known to have been derived from the Wales‐Brabant Massif to the south on the basis of palaeocurrent and petrographic information, is dominated by zircons ultimately derived from the Caledonian belt to the north. These zircons were recycled from sandstones of northern origin that had been previously deposited over the massif during Middle to Late Devonian times. The Morridge Formation also includes Late Neoproterozoic zircons of local Wales‐Brabant Massif origin. The south lobe of the Yeadonian Rough Rock has been previously interpreted as having a complex provenance including sediment of northern origin interbedded with sediment ascribed to a Wales‐Brabant Massif source. However, the zircon spectrum lacks a Late Neoproterozoic component that would have been diagnostic of input from the Wales‐Brabant Massif, and the provenance history of the Rough Rock south lobe therefore remains enigmatic. The Langsettian Ludgbridge Conglomerate is dominated by Late Neoproterozoic zircons of Wales‐Brabant Massif origin, but even in this evidently proximal deposit, the provenance is complex since the main zircon group (ca. 640 Ma) cannot be matched with known local Neoproterozoic basement sources. The data either indicate the presence of hitherto‐unknown magmatic rocks of this age adjacent to the South Staffordshire coalfield or indicate that the zircons were recycled from sediment with a more distal origin. Finally, the Duckmantian Top Hard Rock contains zircons that can be reconciled with a source in the Irish Caledonides, consistent with the palaeocurrent evidence, supplemented by zircons derived from the Wales‐Brabant Massif, possibly including the Monian Composite Terrane of Anglesey. The study reinforces the important message that failure to recognize the presence of recycled zircon could lead to erroneous reconstructions of sediment provenance and transport history. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Glass droplets of possible pyroclastic origin are present in the lunar regolith at the Apollo 11, 15, and 17 sites. The droplets may be derived from deposits, interbedded with mare lava flows, which have been partly mixed into the regolith by impact processes. Orange glass droplets from the Apollo 17 site (spheres, ovoids, broken droplets) are both chemically and texturally homogeneous and have rare olivine phenocrysts. None of the droplets contain shock damaged crystals which are common in glass produced during meteorite impacts. The droplets are similar to those formed in terrestrial lava fountains and are here interpreted as tephra.The homogeneous glass droplets sampled at the Apollo 11, 15 and 17 sites are located on or close to mare basin rims. Vents for the youngest mare lava flows, located near basin rims, have been identified photogeologically. Dark mantle deposits, interpreted as pyroclastic blankets in some locations, and numerous rules are also present on the mare surface, near basin rims. The glass droplets, having ages nearly contemporaneous with the associated mare lavas, may be concentrated locally near such vent areas. This association is in accordance with the limited extent of ash deposits from terrestrial lava fountains (? km from the vent). 相似文献
As the Internet continues to grow, questions of accessibility and infrastructure equity persist. In the increasingly competitive telecommunications industry, profit-seeking firms continue to upgrade infrastructure in select market areas creating an uneven spatial distribution of access opportunities. This article utilizes a longitudinal database of Internet infrastructure development, highlighting fiber-optic backbone points of presence (POP) established by commercial Internet service providers to examine city accessibility to the commercial Internet. Results indicate that many larger metropolitan areas maintain dominant shares of telecom infrastructure, but several midsized metros are emerging as important centers for telecommunication interconnection. 相似文献
Ransom Bruce H.; Steig Tracey W.; Nealson Patrick A. 《ICES Journal of Marine Science》1996,53(2):477-481
The parasite faunas of tarakihi Cheilodactylus macropterus (Bloch & Schneider) from East Cape, Tasman Bay, and the Chatham Islands were compared. A total of seven parasite species were found of which four were recorded in tarakihi for the first time: Nybelinea sp., Hepatoxylon trichiuri (Holten), Echinorhynchus sp. and Clavellodes sp. The last two of these were new records for New Zealand. The other parasites were: Contracaecum sp., Anisakis sp. and Aethon garricki Hewitt. The nematode Anisakis sp. and the copepods Aethon garricki Hewitt and Clavellodes sp. were the commonest parasites. Incidence and intensity of Anisakis sp. were high off the Chatham Islands, moderate off East Cape, and low in Tasman Bay. These differences in infestation were truly regional and were only partially caused by differences in age composition of the fish samples. Intensity of infestation with Anisakis sp. was related to age of fish off the Chatham Islands, but not in the other two areas, and this probably reflects regional differences in the diet of the tarakihi. Incidence of Clavellodes sp. was low in Tasman Bay. This parasite was absent from the other two areas, which either may indicate a true regional difference in the distribution of the parasite or may be caused by differences in the age composition of the samples. Incidence of Aethon garricki was moderate in Tasman Bay and off East Cape, but this parasite did not occur in the Chatham Islands tarakihi. Thus, tarakihi populations from three widely separated areas differed from each other in the incidence and intensity of at least one of the three commonest parasites. 相似文献
Floating offshore systems are exposed to a multivariate environment with wind, waves and current all making a significant contribution to the mooring forces. The design of such systems requires an appreciation of the extreme conditions but the concept of the return period value has to be extended to reflect multiple environmental variables. This study examines the practicalities of employing a multivariate point process model in extreme value analyses, using a moored semi-submersible and its responses to the wind and waves as an example. The output from this illustrative bivariate analysis includes both estimates of the 50-year mooring force and also return period contours which indicate the likely combinations of wind and wave which might give rise to the 50-year condition. 相似文献
John R. Kelly Suzanne N. Levine Linda A. Buttel Kelly A. Carr David T. Rudnick R. Dana Morton 《Estuaries and Coasts》1990,13(3):301-310
Flow-through seagrass core microcosms were used to examine responses of species and processes to a logarithmic gradient of dosing with14C-labeled tributyltin-chloride (TBT-CI). Experiments involved delivery of TBT-CI to the water column of replicate cores of a treatment (n=16) once per week; one-half of the cores were sacrificed after 3 wk of dosing, the others were dosed for 6 wk. Initial water column concentrations for the three treatments averaged 0.205, 2.23, and 22.21 μg I?1, expressed as the TBT+ cation, but these concentrations dropped rapidly. Retained14C tracer, an estimate of total organotin species, was distributed to sediments, plants, and other biological tissues, all of whose tracer concentrations increased with time. Measures to indicate responses of both autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms were made; in general, treatment effects were demonstrable statistically only at the highest dose level. Accumulation of chlorophyll and biomass on glass slides was highest when suspended for the entire experiment in the water of the highest treatment; this unexpected result was perhaps an indirect effect related to reduced grazing activity in the microcosms. The highest dose of TBT-CI resulted in virtual population mortality of a few macrobenthic species and decreased loss of plant material in litter bags, both demonstrated within the first 3 wk of dosing. Reduced litter loss was coincident with mortality of an amphipod (Cymadusa compta) capable of shredding plant material, and a causal relation between the two effects is plausible. Thus, if concentrated to similar levels in aThalassia bed, TBT+ may have direct species-level effects and process-level effects, potentially causing ecosystem change via disruption of a species-process linkage influential in seagrass detrital food web dynamics. 相似文献
Mark P. S. Krekeler Julie Morton Jill Lepp Cynthia M. Tselepis Mikhail Samsonov Lance E. Kearns 《Environmental Geology》2008,55(1):123-147
Clay-rich mine tailings from phosphate mine operations in Florida are a major environmental and economic problem. Options
for reclamation and restoration for these tailings are very limited and are fundamentally restricted by poor physical properties
such as low mechanical strength, low hydraulic conductivity, and heavy metal content. The major control on these bulk physical
properties is the mineralogy of the materials. Eight continuous push borings were obtained to investigate stratigraphy, mineralogy,
aspects of geochemistry, and bulk properties of a deposit of clay-rich mine tailings from a phosphate mine near Bartow, Florida
that ceased operations in the early 1970s. Stratigraphy is dominated by laminated clay-rich sediment with minor units of silt
and sand. An intact kaolinite liner occurs near the impoundment walls and the impoundment floor has approximately 4 m of relief.
Moisture content varies from 4.35 to 57.40 wt% and organic content varies from 0.41 to 9.53 wt%. Bulk XRF investigation indicates
that the P2O5 concentrations vary from approximately 4 to 21 wt%. A very strong correlation (r
2 = 0.92) between CaO and P2O5 indicates that apatite is a major control on the phosphate. The strong correlation (r
2 = 0.77) of Al2O3 and TiO2 suggests that the source materials for this deposit are comparatively uniform. A number of heavy metal elements and trace
elements occur. Cr, V, Ni, Cu are interpreted to be in phosphate minerals, largely apatite. Sr and Pb are interpreted to be
in both phyllosilicates and phosphate minerals. Two populations of apatite were observed in the clay-sized fraction, one that
was Fe and Si- bearing and another that was only Si-bearing. Fe-bearing apatite had Fe2O3 contents that varied from 0.38 to 5.32 wt% and SiO2 contents that varied from 0.90 to 3.32 wt%. The other apatite population had a wider range of SiO2 contents that varied from 0.77 to 8.80 wt%. TEM imaging shows that apatite grains are dominantly single crystals with lesser
amounts of aggregates. Wavellite commonly occurs as individual or clusters of lath-like crystals and the chemical composition
differs from the pure aluminium phosphate end member with average concentrations of components being that of CaO (1.57 wt%),
Fe2O3 (1.98 wt%), SiO2 (5.94 wt%). In the clay-sized phosphate minerals investigated no fluorine was found above detection limit (approximately
0.15 wt%), nor was any uranium, radium, heavy metal, or REE element detected. The phyllosilicate mineralogy of the deposit
is dominated by smectite (montmorillonite with lesser amounts of nontronite), palygorskite, illite and kaolinite. No systematic
variation in the relative proportions of phyllosilicates was observed in the clay deposit. Energy dispersive spectroscopy
EDS analysis indicates that chemical compositions of phyllosilicates are somewhat typical but overall are enriched with respect
to Fe compared to theoretical end members. The relative enrichment of Fe is interpreted to be a primary sedimentary feature.
Ca content in smectite minerals is high and may inhibit stabilization using lime or similar methods. The high percentages
of montmorillonite and palygorskite explain the high bulk water contents observed. This investigation provides fundamentally
new details regarding clay tailing deposits from closed phosphate mines in central Florida which can be used in restoration
and reclamation efforts. 相似文献
The geochemistry and mineralogy of samples collected along depth profiles from an As-rich tailing deposit with abundant calcite was studied to determine the processes that influence the mobility of Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd, As, Sb, Cr and Tl. In spite of their near neutral pH, almost all of them are acid potential generators. Total concentrations decreased as: Fe > As > Zn > Pb > Cu > Sb > Cd > Cr > Ni > Tl. Soluble contents were lower and followed a slightly different order. Mobility decreased as: Tl > Cd, Zn, Cu, Sb, Ni, As > Fe, Pb > Cr. Higher soluble concentrations of Fe, Cu, Zn, As, Pb, and Ni were found in low-pH samples and of Sb and Tl in near-neutral samples. Sulfide oxidation processes are developing in the tailing’s dam. These processes do not have a trend with depth but occur mainly in acid layers. Near neutral layers formed by primary sulfides and calcite probably correspond to wastes produced from the processing of ore coming mainly from pods within the skarn, and acid layers with abundant secondary minerals from material mined from chimneys and mantos. The presence of calcite influences speciation, neutralizes acid mine drainage (AMD), and decreases the mobility of most toxic metals and metalloids (TMMs). However, a hard-pan layer was not observed in the studied profiles. Retention of TMM within tailings probably occurs through the formation of low solubility metal carbonates and from elevation of pH that promotes Fe hydroxides precipitation that may retain As, Sb and metals. Calcite occurrence promotes As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Zn, Pb, Cd and Cr retention, does not play a role on Tl and Ni mobilization, and increases Sb release. 相似文献