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The time scale of the response of the high-latitude dayside ionospheric flow to changes in the North-South component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) has been investigated by examining the time delays between corresponding sudden changes. Approximately 40 h of simultaneous IMF and ionospheric flow data have been examined, obtained by the AMPTE-UKS and -IRM spacecraft and the EISCAT “Polar” experiment, respectively, in which 20 corresponding sudden changes have been identified. Ten of these changes were associated with southward turnings of the IMF, and 10 with northward turnings. It has been found that the corresponding flow changes occurred simultaneously over the whole of the “Polar” field-of-view, extending more than 2° in invariant latitude, and that the ionospheric response delay following northward turnings is the same as that following southward turnings, though the form of the response is different in the two cases. The shortest response time, 5.5 ± 3.2 min, is found in the early- to mid-afternoon sector, increasing to 9.5 ± 3.0 min in the mid-morning sector, and to 9.5 ± 3.1 min near to dusk. These times represent the delays in the appearance of perturbed flows in the “Polar” field-of-view following the arrival of IMF changes at the subsolar magnetopause. Overall, the results agree very well with those derived by Etemadi et al. (1988, Planet. Space Sci. 36, 471) from a general cross-correlation analysis of the IMF Bz and “Polar” beam-swinging vector flow data.  相似文献   
The TOPMODEL framework was used to derive expressions that account for saturated and unsaturated flow through shallow soil on a hillslope. The resulting equations were the basis for a shallow‐soil TOPMODEL (STOPMODEL). The common TOPMODEL theory implicitly assumes a water table below the entire watershed and this does not conceptually apply to systems hydrologically controlled by shallow interflow of perched groundwater. STOPMODEL provides an approach for extending TOPMODEL's conceptualization to apply to shallow, interflow‐driven watersheds by using soil moisture deficit instead of water table depth as the state variable. Deriving STOPMODEL by using a hydraulic conductivity function that changes exponentially with soil moisture content results in equations that look very similar to those commonly associated with TOPMODEL. This alternative way of conceptualizing TOPMODEL makes the modelling approach available to researchers, planners, and engineers who work in areas where TOPMODEL was previously believed to be unsuited, such as the New York City Watershed in the Catskills region of New York State. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We show that the non-radial field-boundary condition (or the line-of-sight boundary condition) for the Laplacian-like equation developed by Bogdan and Low (1986) is sufficient to uniquely determine the model coronal magnetic field provided the electric currents are horizontal (or zero, the current-free case) at the solar surface as well as in the solar atmosphere between the photosphere and the source surface. The derived recursion formulae for the spherical harmonic coefficients can be used to determine the spherical harmonic coefficients in the solutions of the horizontal current models very efficiently.  相似文献   
A statistical analysis of possible clumping (not periodicity) of emission line redshifts of QSO's shows the available data to be compatible with random fluctuations of a smooth, nonclumped distribution. This result is demonstrated with Monte Carlo simulations as well as with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. It is in complete disagreement with the analysis by Varshni, which is shown to be incorrect.  相似文献   
Mountain ranges are known to have a first-order control on mid-latitude climate, but previous studies have shown that the Andes have little effect on the large-scale circulation over South America. We use a limited-domain general circulation model (RegCM3) to evaluate the effect of the Andes on regional-scale atmospheric dynamics and precipitation. We present experiments in which Andean heights are specified at 250 m, and 25, 50, 75, and 100% of their modern values. Our experiments indicate that the Andes have a significant influence on moisture transport between the Amazon Basin and the central Andes, deep convective processes, and precipitation over much of South America through mechanical forcing of the South American low-level jet (LLJ) and topographic blocking of westerly flow from the Pacific Ocean. When the Andes are absent, the LLJ is absent and moisture transport over the central Andes is mainly northeastward. As a result, deep convection is suppressed and precipitation is low along the Andes. Above 50% of the modern elevation, a southward flowing LLJ develops along the eastern Andean flanks and transports moisture from the tropics to the subtropics. Moisture drawn from the Amazon Basin provides the latent energy required to drive convection and precipitation along the Andean front. Large northerly moisture flux and reduced low-level convergence over the Amazon Basin leads to a reduction in precipitation over much of the basin. Our model results are largely consistent with proxy evidence of Andean climate change, and have implications for the timing and rate of Andean surface uplift.  相似文献   
Sub-millimeter 12CO (346 GHz) and 13CO (330 GHz) line absorptions, formed in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere of Venus (70–120 km), have been mapped across the nightside Venus disk during 2001–2009 inferior conjunctions, employing the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). Radiative transfer analysis of these thermal line absorptions supports temperature and CO mixing profile retrievals, as well as Doppler wind fields (described in the companion paper, Clancy et al., 2012). Temporal sampling over the hourly, daily, weekly and interannual timescales was obtained over 2001–2009. On timescales inferred as several weeks, we observe changes between very distinctive CO and temperature nightside distributions. Retrieved nightside CO, temperature distributions for January 2006 and August 2007 observations display strong local time, latitudinal gradients consistent with early morning (2–3 am), low-to-mid latitude (0–40NS) peaks of 100–200% in CO and 20–30 K in temperature. The temperature increases are most pronounced above 100 km altitudes, whereas CO variations extend from 105 km (top altitude of retrieval) down to below 80 km in the mesosphere. In contrast, the 2004 and 2009 periods of observation display modest temperature (5–10 K) and CO (30–60%) increases, that are centered on antisolar (midnight) local times and equatorial latitudes. Doppler wind derived global (zonal and should be SSAS) circulations from the same data do not exhibit variations correlated with these CO, temperature short-term variations. However, large-scale residual wind fields not fit by the zonal, SSAS circulations are observed in concert with the strong temperature, CO gradients observed in 2006 and 2007 (Clancy et al., 2010). These short term variations in nightside CO, temperature distributions may also be related to observed nightside variations in O2 airglow (Hueso, H., Sánchez-Lavega, A., Piccioni, G., Drossart, P., Gérard, J.C., Khatuntsev, I., Zasova, L., Migliorini, A. [2008]. J. Geophys. Res. 113, E00B02. doi:10.1029/2008JE003081) and upper mesospheric SO and SO2 layers (Sandor, B.J., Clancy, R.T., Moriarty-Schieven, G.H., Mills, F.P. [2010]. Icarus 208, 49–60).The retrieved temperature profiles also exhibit 20 K long-term (2001–2009) variations in nightside (whole disk) average mesospheric (80–95 km) temperatures, similar to 1982–1991 variations identified in previous millimeter CO line observations (Clancy et al., 1991). Global average diurnal variations in lower thermospheric temperatures and mesospheric CO abundances decreased by a factor-of-two between 2000–2002 versus 2007–2009 periods of combined dayside and nightside observations. The infrequency and still limited temporal extent of the observations make it difficult to assign specific timescales to such longer term variations, which may be associated with longer term variations observed for cloud top SO2 (Esposito, L.W., Bertaux, J.-L., Krasnopolsky, V., Moroz, V.I., Zasova, L.V. [1997]. Chemistry of lower atmosphere and clouds. In: Bougher, S.W., Hunten, D.M., Phillips, R.J. (Eds.), VENUS II, 1362pp) and mesospheric water vapor (Sandor, B.J., Clancy, R.T. [2005]. Icarus 177, 129–143) abundances.  相似文献   
Gemmrich  Johannes  Mudge  Todd  Thomson  Jim 《Ocean Dynamics》2021,71(3):343-356
Ocean Dynamics - Several years of surface wave observations in the Chukchi Sea reveal wave groups are a common feature in open water and ice-covered conditions. The strength of the groupiness, here...  相似文献   
Private industry, the Government of Gabon and two international NGOs collaborated to conduct marine surveys off the coast of Gabon, Central Africa. Surveys addressed multiple objectives of surveillance and monitoring, the documentation of the distribution of and threats to the marine megafauna, and capacity-building among government agents and local early-career scientists. During 22 days of survey effort over a two-year period, observers documented humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae, bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus, Atlantic humpback dolphins Sousa teuszii and common dolphins Delphinus delphis. Humpback whale presence was limited to the months of July to November. Bottlenose dolphins were present year-round and photo-identification of individuals indicated a closed, resident population, with an abundance estimate of 118 (CV = 21.6%, 95% CI 78–180). Small open-decked fishing vessels with gillnets were observed concentrated around river mouths within 2 km of shore, while commercial trawlers were at least 10 km offshore; all were confirmed to be registered and legal. Observations of marine turtles, flocks of marine birds, and floating logs and other debris were sparse. This multi-stakeholder collaboration to conduct a marine survey can serve as an effective model by which funding and logistic support from private industry paired with technical expertise from NGOs and academic institutions can benefit marine and coastal conservation.  相似文献   
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