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The Lavrion ore district contains carbonate-replacement and vein-type Pb–Zn–Ag deposits as well as low-grade porphyry Mo, Cu–Fe skarn, and minor breccia-hosted Pb–Zn–Cu sulfide mineralization. These ore types are spatially related to a Late Miocene granodiorite intrusion (7 to 10 Ma), and various sills and dikes of mafic to felsic composition. Samples of sphalerite and pyrite from the Ilarion carbonate replacement deposit, and galena from Vein 80 (vein-type mineralization) in the Adami deposit show heterogeneous Re–Os values. These values were partially disturbed by hydrothermal activity associated with the formation of hydrothermal veins (e.g., Vein 80). A plot of initial 187Os/188Os versus 1/Oscommon ratios for pyrite and sphalerite from the Ilarion deposit form a mixing line (r2?=?0.78) between high concentration crustal-like and low concentration mantle-like end-members, or two crustal end-members one of which was more radiogenic than the other. Based on the Re–Os systematics and previously published geological and geochemical evidence, the most plausible explanation for the Re–Os isotope data is that ore-forming components were derived from mixed sources, one of which was a radiogenic crustal source from schists and carbonates probably near intrusion centers and the other, intrusive rocks in the district that are less radiogenic. Although the Re and Os concentrations of galena from Vein 80 are above background values they cannot be used as a chronometer. However, the results of the current study suggest that although pyrite, sphalerite, and galena are poor geochronometers in this ore deposit, due to partial open-system behavior, they still yield valuable information on the origin of the source rocks in the formation of bedded replacement and vein mineralization in the Lavrion district.  相似文献   
As soon as the first data became available online over the Internet, it was obvious that different sites holding related datasets should appear to the end user as a single data system, even if the data itself is stored at multiple locations. To achieve this objective in the context of continuing parallel development of multiple data centres, in 2003 several actors in the realm of space plasmas created the international consortium Space Physics Archive Search and Extract (SPASE). Since 2005 US participation in SPASE has been supported by NASA, and early in 2006 NASA funded five new Virtual Observatories to cater for different aspects of solar system plasma science. This paper outlines the current status of the SPASE effort, the opportunities it offers, its specificities with respect to other parts of the astronomical virtual observatory, and the possibilities it offers for space weather.
Christopher C. HarveyEmail:
For almost a decade the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve in Oklahoma has been used as a field laboratory for the investigation of aspects of the remediation and restoration of oil and brine spills. Objectives of this work have included: (1) simplification of the remediation process and lowering the cost of remediation; (2) the development of methods to accelerate or jump-start the restoration process; and (3) determining appropriate metrics for assessing the status of soil ecosystem recovery. This research has resulted in a number of lessons learned that will be presented here which can be exported to other exploration and production sites, especially sites located in sensitive ecosystems. Key observations have included the role of a fertilizer amendment in linking the remediation and restoration process at an oil-impacted site, the use of nematodes as ecological indicators in the restoration of oil- and brine-impacted sites, and the development of a two-stage process for remediation of brine impacted sites that does not include significant use of gypsum.  相似文献   
Groundwater beneath the former Nebraska Ordnance Plant (NOP) is contaminated with the explosive hexahydro‐1,3,5‐trinitro‐1,3,5‐triazine (RDX) and trichloroethene (TCE). Previous treatability experiments confirmed that permanganate could mineralize RDX in NOP aquifer material. The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of permanganate to transform RDX in the field by monitoring a pilot‐scale in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) demonstration. In this demonstration, electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) was used to create two‐dimensional (2‐D) images of the test site prior to, during, and after injecting sodium permanganate. The ISCO was performed by using an extraction‐injection well configuration to create a curtain of permanganate. Monitoring wells were positioned downgradient of the injection zone with the intent of capturing the permanganate‐RDX plume. Differencing between ERI taken preinjection and postinjection determined the initial distribution of the injected permanganate. ERI also quantitatively corroborated the hydraulic conductivity distribution across the site. Groundwater samples from 12 downgradient wells and 8 direct‐push profiles did not provide enough data to quantify the distribution and flow of the injected permanganate. ERI, however, showed that the permanganate injection flowed against the regional groundwater gradient and migrated below monitoring well screens. ERI combined with monitoring well samples helped explain the permanganate dynamics in downgradient wells and support the use of ERI as a means of monitoring ISCO injections.  相似文献   
Groundwater, surface water, and soil in the Goose Lake oil field in northeastern Montana have been affected by Cl-rich oil-field brines during long-term petroleum production. Ongoing multidisciplinary geochemical and geophysical studies have identified the degree and local extent of interaction between brine and groundwater. Fourteen samples representing groundwater, surface water, and brine were collected for Sr isotope analyses to evaluate the usefulness of 87Sr/86Sr in detecting small amounts of brine. Differences in Sr concentrations and 87Sr/86Sr are optimal at this site for the experiment. Strontium concentrations range from 0.13 to 36.9 mg/L, and corresponding 87Sr/86Sr values range from 0.71097 to 0.70828. The local brine has 168 mg/L Sr and a 87Sr/86Sr value of 0.70802. Mixing relationships are evident in the data set and illustrate the sensitivity of Sr in detecting small amounts of brine in groundwater. The location of data points on a Sr isotope-concentration plot is readily explained by an evaporation-mixing model. The model is supported by the variation in concentrations of most of the other solutes.  相似文献   
Over the past 35 years, the Upper Penticton Creek (UPC) Watershed Experiment has supported forest hydrology research in south-central British Columbia (BC), Canada. This paper provides a synthesis of research results, highlights the challenges facing UPC and identifies new research directions. Clearcutting approximately 50% of two small, snow-dominated (Dfb Koppen classification) watersheds advanced the timing of snowmelt-generated high flows and decreased late-summer low flows, relative to predictions based on pre-treatment regressions. Changes in high flows did not have a significant effect on stream channels due to low stream power, coarse substrate, and limited riparian disturbance. Changes in summer low flows reduced modelled useable fish habitat by 20%–50%. Evaporation averaged 52% of the annual precipitation in the mature forest, was reduced to 30% in a clearcut, and recovered to 40% and 47% in a 10 and 25 year-old stand, respectively. Groundwater recharge to the bedrock was estimated at 19% of annual precipitation, indicating that, even with the large uncertainty associated with this estimate, deep groundwater should not be ignored in the water balance. Suspended sediment, turbidity, and colour increased post-logging; however, chemical surface water quality did not change. Aquatic community structure changed post-logging; and although this affected the processing of organic matter, the effects on habitat quality were considered minimal. The information gained at UPC has supported provincial policies, management guidelines, forest stewardship plans and watershed risk assessments. The undisturbed control watershed, re-growing treatment watersheds and ongoing long-term hydrometric monitoring continue to provide opportunities for future research addressing issues such as the effects of young forests on streamflow and hydrologic recovery, and the influence of climate change on the hydrologic regime.  相似文献   
Rapid temporal variability of SO2 and SO in the Venus 85–100 km mesosphere (Sandor, B.J., Clancy, R.T., Moriarty-Schieven G.H. [2007]. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 39, 503; Sandor, B.J., Clancy, R.T., Moriarty-Schieven, G.H., Mills, F.P. [2010]. Icarus 208, 49–60) requires in situ sources and sinks for these molecules. While many loss mechanisms are recognized, no process for in situ production is known. Observational investigations to find, or constrain other potential sulfur reservoirs offer one method toward understanding the applicable photochemistry. Here, we report upper limits for gas-phase H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) abundances in Venus’ 85–100 km upper mesosphere, derived from 16 ground-based sub-mm spectroscopic observations in the period 2004–2008. Unlike the ubiquitous sulfuric acid solid/liquid aerosol, the gas phase would be photochemically active, potentially both source and sink for SO and SO2. H2SO4 is retrieved from sub-mm lines located in the same bandpass as the SO2 and SO lines described by Sandor et al. (Sandor, B.J., Clancy, R.T., Moriarty-Schieven, G.H., Mills, F.P. [2010]. Icarus 208, 49–60). H2SO4 upper limits reported here are thus simultaneous and spatially coincident with measurements of SO2 and SO, providing for analysis of the three sulfur species collectively. The average H2SO4 abundance over 16 observations is 1 ± 2 ppb (i.e. <3 ppb). Upper limits for individual observations range from 3 to 44 ppb, where quality of the observing weather is the dominant constraint on measurement precision. The sum of H2SO4, SO2 and SO varies widely. In one comparison, the sum [H2SO4 + SO2 + SO] measured on one date differs by 10-σ from the sum measured 2 months later. We conclude that upper mesospheric sulfur atoms are not conserved among the three molecules, that H2SO4 is not a significant sulfur reservoir for balancing the observed variations of [SO2 + SO], and is not relevant to the (still unknown) photochemistry responsible for observed behavior of SO2 and SO. Having ruled out H2SO4, we infer that elemental sulfur is the most probable candidate for the needed third reservoir.  相似文献   
Mm-wave spectra of HDO in the Venus mesosphere (65-100 km) were obtained over the period March 1998 to June 2004. Each spectrum is a measurement of the hemispheric-average H2O vapor mixing ratio in the Venus mesosphere. Observations were conducted for wide ranges of Venus solar elongations (46° W to 47° E), and fractional disk illuminations (f=0% to 99%), yielding water vapor abundances on 17 dates and over a full range of local solar time (LST) at the sub-Earth point on Venus. Our mesopheric H2O values are more numerous and far more precise than the earliest mm-derived H2O measurements [Encrenaz, Th., Lellouch, E., Paubert, G., Gulkis, S., 1991. First detection of HDO in the atmosphere of Venus at radio wavelengths: An estimate of the H2O vertical distribution. Astron. Astrophys. 246, L63-L66; Encrenaz, Th., Lellouch, E., Cernicharo, J., Paubert, G., Gulkis, S., Spilker, T., 1995. The thermal profile and water abundance in the Venus mesosphere from H2O and HDO millimeter observations. Icarus 117, 162-172], allowing an analysis of variability that was previously impossible. Measured 65-100 km H2O ranged from 0.0±0.06 to 3.5±0.3 ppmv, with significantly different variability than found in previous infrared (lower altitude, cloudtop) studies. Strong global variability on a 1-2 month timescale is clear and unambiguous. A limited number of excellent s/n measurements tentatively indicate the 1-2 month variability manifests most rapidly as change in the lower mesosphere, and more slowly as change in the upper mesosphere. Neither long term (1998-2004) nor diurnal variability in 65-100 km H2O is evident. While six-year and/or diurnal variabilities are not ruled out, they are weaker than the 1-2 month timescale variation. These conclusions are supported by initial (2004) sub-mm measurements.  相似文献   
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