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Spectra taken by the Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) of Saturn’s C ring, B ring, Cassini Division, and A ring have been analyzed in order to characterize ring particle surface properties and water ice abundance in the rings. UVIS spectra sense the outer few microns of the ring particles. Spectra of the normalized reflectance (I/F) in all four regions show a characteristic water ice absorption feature near 165 nm. Our analysis shows that the fractional abundance of surface water ice is largest in the outer B ring and decreases by over a factor of 2 across the inner C ring. We calculate the mean path length of UV photons through icy ring particle regolith and the scattering asymmetry parameter using a Hapke reflectance model and a Shkuratov reflectance model to match the location of the water ice absorption edge in the data. Both models give similar retrieved values of the photon mean length, however the retrieved asymmetry (g) values are different. The photon mean path lengths are nearly uniform across the B and A rings. Shortward of 165 nm the rings exhibit a slope that turns up towards shorter wavelengths, while the UV slope of 180/150 nm (reflectance outside the water absorption ratioed to that inside the absorption band) tracks I/F with maxima in the outer B ring and in the central A ring. Retrieved values of the scattering asymmetry parameter show the regolith grains to be highly backscattering in the FUV spectral regime.  相似文献   
The proposed plan for enrichment of the Sulu Sea, Philippines, a region of rich marine biodiversity, with thousands of tonnes of urea in order to stimulate algal blooms and sequester carbon is flawed for multiple reasons. Urea is preferentially used as a nitrogen source by some cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates, many of which are neutrally or positively buoyant. Biological pumps to the deep sea are classically leaky, and the inefficient burial of new biomass makes the estimation of a net loss of carbon from the atmosphere questionable at best. The potential for growth of toxic dinoflagellates is also high, as many grow well on urea and some even increase their toxicity when grown on urea. Many toxic dinoflagellates form cysts which can settle to the sediment and germinate in subsequent years, forming new blooms even without further fertilization. If large-scale blooms do occur, it is likely that they will contribute to hypoxia in the bottom waters upon decomposition. Lastly, urea production requires fossil fuel usage, further limiting the potential for net carbon sequestration. The environmental and economic impacts are potentially great and need to be rigorously assessed.  相似文献   
Dissolved iodine in waters overlying and in the Orca Basin,Gulf of Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution and speciation of iodine, a biophilic redox-sensitive trace element, in waters overlying and in the Orca Basin, Gulf of Mexico, which contains hypersaline, anoxic and yet non-sulfide-bearing brine have been determined. The distribution of iodate and iodide in the oxic waters overlying the anoxic brine are similar to those reported in other oceans. However, in the oxic-anoxic mixing zone, iodate disappears while the concentration of iodide reaches a maximum of 8.1 μM, the highest concentration ever reported in open oceans. There is also a maximum in specific iodine of 30.7 nM‰?1 at this depth. Specific iodine in oxic seawater is only about 10–14 nM ‰?1. These features may be explained by the preferential dissolution of biogenic particles that have accumulated in a strong pycnocline. In the anoxic brine proper, the concentration of iodide is 3.8 μM and can be explained almost entirely by the simultaneous mobilization of chloride and iodide during the dissolution of evaporite beds as the specific iodine of 14.5 nM‰?1 is only slightly higher than those observed in the oxic waters.  相似文献   
The Taylor Creek Rhyolite of southwest New Mexico consists of 20 lava domes and flows that were emplaced during a period of a few thousand years or less in late Oligocene time. Including genetically associated pyroclastic deposits, which are about as voluminous as the lava domes and flows, the Taylor Creek Rhyolite represents roughly 100 km3 of magma erupted from vents distributed throughout an area of several hundred square kilometers. Major-element composition is metaluminous to weakly peraluminous high-silica rhyolite and is nearly constant throughout the lava field. The magma reservoir for the Taylor Creek Rhyolite was vertically zoned in trace elements, 87Sr/86Sr, and phenocryst abundance and size. Mean trace-element concentrations, ranges in concentrations, and element-pair correlations are similar to many subalkaline silicic ignimbrites. However, the polarity of the zonation was opposite that in reservoirs for ignimbrites, for most constituents. For example, compared to the Bishop Tuff, only 87Sr/86Sr and Sc increased upward in both reservoirs. Quite likely, a dominant but nonerupted volume of the magma reservoir for the Taylor Creek Rhyolite was zoned like that for the Bishop Tuff, whereas an erupted, few-hundred-meter-thick cap on the magma body was variably contaminated by roof rocks whose contribution to this part of the magma system moderated relatively extreme trace-element concentrations of uncontaminated Taylor Creek Rhyolite but did not change the sense of correlation for most element pairs. The contaminant probably was a Precambrian rock of broadly granitic composition and with very high 87Sr/86Sr. Although examples apparently are not yet reported in the literature, evidence for a similar thin contaminated cap on reservoirs for large-volume silicic ignimbrites may exist in the bottom few meters of ignimbrites or perhaps only in the pumice fallout that normally immediately precedes ignimbrite emplacement. 87Sr/86Sr in sanidine phenocrysts of the Taylor Creek Rhyolite is higher than that of their host whole rocks. Covariation of this isotope ratio with sanidine abundance and size indicates positive correlations for all three features with decreasing distance to the roof of the magma reservoir. The sanidine probably is more radiogenic than host whole rock because growing phenocrysts partly incorporated Sr from the first partial melt of roof rocks, which contained the highly radiogenic Sr of Precambrian biotite ± hornblende, whereas diffusion was too slow for sanidine to incorporate much of the Sr from subsequently produced less radiogenic partial melt of roof rocks, before eruption quenched the magma system. Disequilibrium between feldspar phenocrysts and host groundmass is fairly common for ignimbrites, and a process of contamination similar to that for the Taylor Creek Rhyolite may help explain some of these situations.  相似文献   
The crystal/liquid partition coefficients of Lu, Hf, Ti, Mn and Ca have been measured between olivine, clinopyroxene and basaltic melt. The Ti, Mn, and Ca partition coefficients were determined at natural abundance levels. The Lu and Hf partition coefficients were determined at doping levels ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 wt% “trace element” as oxide in order to allow analysis by electron microprobe. Olivine/liquid partition coefficients for Lu, Hf, Ti, Mn, and Ca were determined at 1 bar and temperatures from 1150 to 1177° C. Clinopyroxene/liquid partition coefficients were determined for Lu, Hf, Ti, and Mn at pressures of 10, 15, and 20 kbars and temperatures from 1250 to 1290° C. The olivine/liquid partition coefficients of Hf, Lu, Ti, and Ca are small. D(Hf-ol) is zero within the analytical uncertainty. Both D(Lu-ol) and D(Mn-ol) decrease with increasing temperature, but D(Ti-ol) and D(Ca-ol) are constant over the narrow temperature range studied. The partition coefficient results are summarized below.
T°C  相似文献   
Organizations that hire GIS professionals look for entry‐level employees with specialized technical skills but also other competencies such as effective communication and a capacity to think critically and creatively. Indeed, the success of GIS projects and initiatives often depends on individuals who possess a combination of specialized GIS skills and more general competencies that influence their ability to collaborate and manage resources. This article presents findings from a survey of GIS employers and educators concerning the importance of hard and soft skills among entry‐level GIS professionals. A key finding is the high level of consistency in ratings assigned by employers and educators concerning hard skills such as data editing and GIS analysis and soft skills including problem solving and adaptability. However, the groups were less similar in ratings assigned to data capture skills, project management, and written/verbal skills. GIS qualifications were also compared, revealing a greater emphasis on internships among educators and higher ratings assigned to academic GIS certificates among employers.  相似文献   
This paper presents analytical solutions for determining non-steady-state capture zones produced by a single recovery well and steady-state capture zones produced by multiple recovery wells. Analysis of non-steady-slate capture zones is based on the lime-dependent location of caplure zone stagnation points and the geometric similarity between steady-slate and non-steady-state capture zones. The analytical solution of steady-state capture zones is obtained from spatial variations of discharge potential across the capture zone boundary. Both capture zone analyses are based on the assumptions of uniform flow field with a constant hydraulic conductivity, the Dupuit assumption of insignificant vertical flow, a negligible delayed yield, and a fully penetrating well with a constant pumping rate. For a ground water pump-and-trcat remediation program, the pumping rate and well location design variables can be adjusted to ensure containment of the ground water contaminant plume.  相似文献   
International borders, ground water flow, and hydroschizophrenia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A substantial body of research has been conducted on transboundary water, transboundary water law, and the mitigation of transboundary water conflict. However, most of this work has focused primarily on surface water supplies. While it is well understood that aquifers cross international boundaries and that the base flow of international river systems is often derived in part from ground water, transboundary ground water and surface water systems are usually managed under different regimes, resulting in what has been described as "hydroschizophrenia." Adding to the problem, the hydrologic relationships between surface and ground water supplies are only known at a reconnaissance level in even the most studied international basins, and thus even basic questions regarding the territorial sovereignty of ground water resources often remain unaddressed or even unasked. Despite the tensions inherent in the international setting, riparian nations have shown tremendous creativity in approaching regional development, often through preventive diplomacy, and the creation of "baskets of benefits," which allow for positive-sum, integrative allocations of joint gains. In contrast to the notion of imminent water wars, the history of hydropolitical relations worldwide has been overwhelmingly cooperative. Limited ground water management in the international arena, coupled with the fact that few states or countries regulate the use of ground water, begs the question: will international borders serve as boundaries for increased "flows" of hydrologic information and communication to maintain strategic aquifers, or will increased competition for shared ground water resources lead to the potential loss of strategic aquifers and "no flows" for both ground water users?  相似文献   
Vector magnetic field synoptic charts from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) are now available for each Carrington Rotation (CR) starting from CR 2097 in May 2010. Synoptic charts are produced using 720-second cadence full-disk vector magnetograms remapped to Carrington coordinates. The vector field is derived from the Stokes parameters (\(I, Q, U, V\)) using a Milne–Eddington-based inversion model. The \(180^{\circ}\) azimuth ambiguity is resolved using the minimum energy algorithm for pixels in active regions and for strong-field pixels (the field is greater than about 150 G) in quiet-Sun regions. Three other methods are used for the rest of the pixels: the potential-field method, the radial acute-angle method, and the random method. The vector field synoptic charts computed using these three disambiguation methods are evaluated. The noise in the three components of the vector magnetic field is generally much higher in the potential-field method charts. The component noise levels are significantly different in the radial-acute charts. However, the noise levels in the random-method charts are lower and comparable. The assumptions used in the potential-field and radial-acute methods to disambiguate the weak transverse field introduce bias that propagates differently into the three vector-field components, leading to unreasonable pattern and artifacts, whereas the random method appears not to introduce any systematic bias. The current sheet on the source surface, computed using the potential-field source-surface model applied to random-method charts, agrees with the best solution (the result computed from the synoptic charts with the minimum energy algorithm applied to each and every pixel in the vector magnetograms) much better than the other two. Differences in the synoptic charts determined with the best method and the random method are much smaller than those from the best method and the other two. This comparison indicates that the random method is better for vector field synoptic maps computed from near-central meridian data. The vector field synoptic charts provided by the Joint Science Operations Center (JSOC) are therefore produced with the random method.  相似文献   
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