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A parametric study of the instantaneous radiative impact of contrails is presented using three different radiative transfer models for a series of model atmospheres and cloud parameters. Contrails are treated as geometrically and optically thin plane parallel homogeneous cirrus layers in a static atmosphere. The ice water content is varied as a function of ambient temperature. The model atmospheres include tropical, mid-latitude, and subarctic summer and winter atmospheres. Optically thin contrails cause a positive net forcing at top of the atmosphere. At the surface the radiative forcing is negative during daytime. The forcing increases with the optical depth and the amount of contrail cover. At the top of the atmosphere, a mean contrail cover of 0.1% with average optical depth of 0.2 to 0.5 causes about 0.01 to 0.03 Wm−2 daily mean instantaneous radiative forcing. Contrails cool the surface during the day and heat the surface during the night, and hence reduce the daily temperature amplitude. The net effect depends strongly on the daily variation of contrail cloud cover. The indirect radiative forcing due to particle changes in natural cirrus clouds may be of the same magnitude as the direct one due to additional cover.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird über eine Methode zur Feststellung von Schlickmächtigkeiten, von Bodenschichtungen in weichem Boden und zur Ermittlung des Tiefenprofils des harten Untergrundes berichtet. An Hand von Echogrammen und im Vergleich mit Bodenproben wird die Methode diskutiert.
Investigations into the thickness of mud layers with the aid of ultra sound records
Summary A method is discussed allowing to make investigations into the thickness of mud layers and to ascertain the stratification in soft ground as well as to reveal the relief of the solid substratum of the sea bottom. The method is explained by the aid of ultra sound records which are compared with bottom samples.

Recherches sur l'épaisseur des couches vaseuses au moyen d'enregistrements d'ondes ultrasonores
Résumé Une méthode est exposée qui permet de déterminer qualitativement l'épaisseur de couches vaseuses, d'explorer la stratification dans des fonds meubles et de découvrir le relief du substratum solide du fond de la mer. Ensuite, cette méthode est illustrée à l'aide d'enregistrements d'ondes ultrasonores qui sont comparés avec des échantillons du fond de la mer.
A model for the air–sea interface, based on the coupled pair of similarity relations for “aerodynamically” rough flow in both fluids, is presented, which is applied to fetch-limited and high wind speed conditions which occur, for example, in hurricanes. It is shown that the specification of the maximum 10-m drag coefficient and the 10-m wind speed and the peak wave speed at which it occurs are sufficient to uniquely determine the drag law, which asymptotes at low wind speeds to a Charnock constant similar to that for the fully developed wind wave sea and is almost independent of the peak wave speed at the maximum in drag coefficient. A feature of the drag law is that it is of Charnock form, almost independent of the wave age, consistent with the transfer of momentum to the wave spectrum being due to the smaller rather than the dominant wavelengths. The analysis is also applied to a variable sea state in which either the surface wind or the surface Stokes drift vary, but the peak wave speed is kept constant. The corresponding variability in the Charnock constant is in general accord with observations.  相似文献   
An ESR experimental study of artificial optical bleaching of sedimentary quartz has shown that the aluminum center was maximally bleached after a 6-month illumination equivalent to natural light. This duration seems too long to apply in natural conditions. Nevertheless, the measurement of the ESR intensity of aluminum centers in quartz extracted from modern sediments and deposited in sandy bars shows that the maximum bleaching has effectively been reached.

In order to determine the relationship between the bleaching and the distance covered by a quartz grain in a river, samples were collected along the Creuse River (France) from its spring to about 170 km downstream, where maximum bleaching levels were observed in previous studies. The ESR intensities of the aluminum and titanium centers in quartz were measured, using X-band spectroscopy, before and after artificial bleaching. The difference measured between these sub-samples shows that the maximum bleaching level is obtained in the course of the first kilometer. Hence, the assumption that ESR dating of fluvial sediment is based on the optical bleaching was validated.  相似文献   

Outlier trimming and homogeneity checking/correction were performed on the monthly precipitation time series of various lengths from 267 stations in Turkey. Outlier values are usually found during dry summer months, and are concentrated mostly over the southern parts of the country, where the dry period is most pronounced, implying natural extremes rather than wrong measurements. Homogeneity analysis was done using the Standard Normal Homogeneity Test, on an individual monthly basis, which led to many non‐testable series due to lack of reference stations, especially during summer months. Yet, remaining testable months were usually helpful for the assessment of homogenity, revealing a well distributed set of stations that proved to be homogeneous. There were still a number of stations which either could not be tested efficiently, or were classified as inhomogeneous. Lack of metadata is argued to be largely responsible for inefficient homogeneity testing. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Potential pathways in the subsurface may allow upwardly migrating gaseous CO2 from deep geological storage formations to be released into near surface aquifers. Consequently, the availability of adequate methods for monitoring potential CO2 releases in both deep geological formations and the shallow subsurface is a prerequisite for the deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage technology. Geoelectrical surveys are carried out for monitoring a small-scale and temporally limited CO2 injection experiment in a pristine shallow aquifer system. Additionally, the feasibility of multiphase modeling was tested in order to describe both complex non-linear multiphase flow processes and the electrical behavior of partially saturated heterogeneous porous media. The suitability of geoelectrical methods for monitoring injected CO2 and geochemically altered groundwater was proven. At the test site, geoelectrical measurements reveal significant variations in electrical conductivity in the order of 15?C30?%. However, site-specific conditions (e.g., geological settings, groundwater composition) significantly influence variations in subsurface electrical conductivity and consequently, the feasibility of geoelectrical monitoring. The monitoring results provided initial information concerning gaseous CO2 migration and accumulation processes. Geoelectrical monitoring, in combination with multiphase modeling, was identified as a useful tool for understanding gas phase migration and mass transfer processes that occur due to CO2 intrusions in shallow aquifer systems.  相似文献   
Summary ?A code for the simulation of atmospheric flows in 3D is presented. The underlying mathematical model is fully compressible, it takes gravity into account but Coriolis forces, turbulence and viscosity are neglected. The general numerical code consists of a finite volume discretization on unstructured hexahedral grids in 3D. The code is presently being investigated on applications to the calculation of atmospheric gravity waves on a mesh which has a structured type and is locally refined near the orography. We develop two schemes, the main difference between them lies in the different discretizations for the mass fluxes. We show that both schemes resolve typical structures of gravity waves in potential flow, linear hydrostatic motion and nonlinear non-hydrostatic regime. We compare advantages and disadvantages of the developed schemes. Received April 20, 2001; revised September 10, 2001  相似文献   
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