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趋磁细菌(magnetotactic bacteria,MTB)是一类能够沿着磁力线运动的特殊细菌。MTB在胞内磁小体的导向下借助自身鞭毛进行趋磁趋氧运动,以到达适宜的生境。本研究在青岛潮间带沉积物中发现大量的趋磁球菌,通过光镜与透射电镜对其运动方式与显微结构进行观察。结果显示优势趋磁细菌为卵球形,大小为2.5μm×2.1μm,宽长比为0.85,将其命名为QH-3。QH-3为趋北型(North-seeking)MTB,运动速度88μm/s,细胞内两侧各有一条由棱柱形颗粒组成的磁小体链。QH-3在菌体同一侧有两个由直径62 nm±9 nm的鞘包裹7根鞭毛组成的鞭毛束。这种特殊的鞭毛结构与已报道的致病菌的不同,而与法国地中海趋磁球菌MO-1的相似。  相似文献   
当前国内酸雨研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
回顾了我国在酸雨研究方面所获得的成果,包括酸雨的时空分布特征、影响因素、生态影响模拟以及控制对策等4个方面的内容。大量的研究表明,近些年来酸雨污染的范围有所增加、程度有所加重。酸雨的形成是多种自然和人为因素共同作用的结果,与特定的气象条件、天气类型和大气环流等有密切的关系。针对酸雨污染有所加重的趋势,必须采取有效的控制对策。  相似文献   
2018年12月底,在四川盆地二叠系火山岩发育地区部署的风险探井永探1井测试获得22.5万m3/d的高产工业气流,实现了二叠系火山碎屑岩的重大勘探突破,展现了火山碎屑岩气藏的巨大勘探潜力。本文根据该钻井成果资料,应用分析化验数据,采用不同地区气-气对比方法,开展了成都—简阳地区天然气地球化学特征分析、源-储接触关系解剖及气源综合对比。在此基础上,对二叠系火山碎屑岩气藏天然气成因进行了鉴别,对天然气来源进行了判识。结果表明:永探1井火山岩气藏天然气均为典型的干气,干燥系数达0.997,CH4质量分数高,平均为99.03%,C2H6质量分数低,平均为0.35%,C3H8几乎没有,不含H2S;天然气甲烷、乙烷碳同位素值均较轻,甲烷碳同位素平均值为-32.17‰,乙烷碳同位素平均值为-34.27‰,且岩心及镜下可见大量残余沥青,天然气成因鉴别分析表明永探1井火山岩气藏天然气为原油二次裂解气;通过源-储接触关系解剖以及天然气甲烷、乙烷碳同位素对比分析,表明永探1井火山碎屑岩气藏天然气主要来源于德阳—安岳台内裂陷内发育的巨厚下寒武统筇竹寺组优质烃源岩,部分来源于中二叠统。  相似文献   
胡艳华  顾明光  徐岩  余盛强  王加恩  贺跃 《地质通报》2011,30(11):1661-1670
陈蔡群是浙东南地区重要的岩石单位之一,一直被认为是华夏地块变质基底的重要组成部分,20世纪众多地质学家对其开展过研究工作。选取浙江省诸暨市孝四地区的陈蔡群为研究对象,对其开展了详细的LA-ICP-MS同位素定年工作。锆石CL图像和微量元素特征显示其锆石均为变质锆石,17个分析点获得206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值435Ma±4Ma,属于加里东期,此年龄代表了诸暨地区陈蔡群的主变质年龄。结合华南已报道的高精度加里东期年龄纪录,探讨了华南加里东运动发生的时限和运动性质。研究结果表明,华南加里东运动主要发生于420~445Ma之间,435Ma为其一个峰值。  相似文献   
我国大部分地区的小新生代盆地的成生、演化受断裂构造的控制,泰和盆地即是严格受断裂构造控制的走滑拉张型盆地。本文着重从盆地的基底构造、盆缘断裂构造及盆地同生、后期构造阐述了它们与盆地形成和演化的关系。  相似文献   
Researchonthespectralanalysisandtestmethodofperiodsignalsinmonthlymeansealevel¥MaJirui;TianSuzhen;ZhengWenzhenandChaiXinmin(R...  相似文献   
川北地区寒武系筇竹寺组钙质结核泥页岩中早成岩期钙质结核较发育,结核裂缝中见多期次矿物充填。为揭示钙质结核裂缝形成机理,本次结合岩石学特征及地球化学特征等开展系统研究。川北筇竹寺组钙质结核裂缝中见三~四期矿物充填。第一期微晶方解石表面较脏,阴极发光暗淡,δ13C_(PDB)、δ18O_(PDB)平均值分别为-4.26‰及-7.69‰;第二期为细—中晶粒状方解石充填,阴极发光为橘黄色,流体包裹体均一温度为平均值为86.4℃,δ13C_(PDB)、δ18O_(PDB)平均值分别为-3.15‰及-7.41‰;第三期为粗晶方解石充填阴极发光暗淡,流体包裹体均一温度平均值为96.6℃,δ~(13)C_(_(PDB))、δ~(18)O_(_(PDB))平均值分别为-1.73‰及-10.28‰;第四期为重晶石充填。结合区域构造史—热演化史分析表明,钙质结核裂缝中四期充填物分别指示早期脱水、烃源岩早成熟期生烃、加里东构造运动抬升释压及深埋藏期硫酸盐热还原作用事件。  相似文献   
近年来的一些研究表明,由于地震前孕震区地下介质的电性结构的变化,将导致地磁短周期转换函数发生异常变化。通过对地震前后的地磁短周期转换函数的参数的计算、分析和研究,有可能提取出可靠的地震短临前兆异常(曾小苹等,1990)。为了进一步开展对该方法研究工作并使其在我区地震预测预报研究中得到应用,我们使用了静海台的地磁记录资料,分析计算了该台地磁短周期转换函数在地震前后的变化情况,确立了该方法应用天津地区地震预报的短临异常特征及指标,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
Coastal wetlands are located in the ecotone of interaction between the land surface and sea, and anthropogenic activities extensively interfere with these wetlands through the reclamation of large tidal wetlands and destruction of the function of the ecosystems. In this study, we investigated the dynamic evolutionary characteristics of the Bohai Rim coastal area over the past 40 years using the Modified Normalized Difference Water Index, the fractal dimension, object-oriented classification, the land-use transfer trajectory, and regression analysis. Additionally, we quantified and monitored the evolution of reclamation and analyzed the correlation between reclamation and coastal wetlands based on 99 Landsat-2, -5, and -8 images (at 60 m and 30 m spatial resolution) over the period 1980–2019. The results are as follows. (1) The coastline of the Bohai Rim increased by 1 631.2 km from 1980 to 2019 with a zigzag variation. The artificial coastline increased by 2 946.1 km, whereas the natural coastline decreased by 90%. (2) The area of man-made wetlands increased by 3 736.9 km2, the area of construction land increased by 1 008.4 km2, and the natural wetland area decreased by 66%. The decrease of tidal flats is the main contributor to the decrease of natural wetland area (takes account for 91.1%). Coastal areas are affected by intense human disturbance, which was taken place across a large area of tidal flats and caused the landscape to fragment and be more heterogeneous. The coastal zone development activities were primarily concentrated in the southern Laizhou Bay, the Yellow River Delta, the Bohai Bay, the northern Liaodong Bay, and the Pulandian Bay. The solidified shorelines and increase in sea level have resulted in intertidal wetlands decreasing and impaired wetland ecology. (3) There is a good agreement between reclamation and the size of the coastal wetlands. Both land reclamation and the reduction in coastal wetland areas are significantly related to the population size, fishery output value, and urbanization rate. In summary, human activities, such as the construction of aquaculture ponds and salt pans, industrialization, and urbanization, are the primary forces that influence the environmental changes in the coastal region. This study is beneficial for establishing and improving the systems for the rational development and utilization of natural resources, and provides theoretical references for restoring wetland ecology and managing future reclamation activities in other coastal zone-related areas.  相似文献   
介绍了能够加强Ms Office功能的二次开发工具VBA语言,以及VBA的特点与优点;介绍了在Visul Basic中利用VBA的强大功能来实现具有Office界面、功能的方法。  相似文献   
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