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Four sounding rocket payloads were launched in early 1977 to measure heating parameters in the auroral oval. Geophysical conditions were different for the four flights: auroral arc substorm main phase diffuse aurora, and auroral arc with negative bay. The conductivity tensor and the heating rates of particle and Joule heating are determined. The heating rates range in the order of a few tens of mWm?2. These magnitudes accord with those determined with the aid of backscatter facilities and other sounding rocket observations.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der innerste Bereich des Tauernfensters kann als Helvet betrachtet werden. Hier findet sich auf dem voralpinen Kristallin oberjurassischer Hochstegenkalk, gefolgt von einer Serie mit Metaarkosen, Brekzien und Schiefern vermutlich kretazischen Alters. Es lassen sich dabei autochthone, parautochthone und allochthone Anteile unterscheiden. Von Süden her überschoben folgt darauf mit verkehrten und aufrechten Serien das penninische Deckensystem der Oberen Schieferhülle. Der Fensterrahmen wird von einer tektonischen Mischserie (Richbergkogelserie) sowie vom unterostalpinen Innsbrucker Quarzphyllit mit dem Tarntaler Mesozoikum gebildet, welch letzteres sich in drei Decken mit unterschiedlicher fazieller Ausbildung gliedern läßt.
The lowermost structural elements exposed in the Tauern window can be taken for Helvetikum. Within this unit the crystalline socle is overlain by the Upper Jurassic Hochstegen limestone and a variegated series of meta-arkoses, breccias, and phyllites probably of Cretaceous age. Autochthonous, parautochthonous, and allochthonous elements can be distinguished. Thereupun follows the Penninic nappe system of the Obere Schieferhülle which displays inverted and normal rock sequences. The frame of the Tauern window is formed by a tectonically mixed series (Richbergkogel series) and the Lower East Alpine Innsbruck quartz phyllite with the Tarntal Mesozoic. The latter can be divided into three nappes.

Résumé La domaine le plus interne de la fenêtre des Tauern peut être considéré comme relevant de l'Helveticum. Ici reposent d'abord sur le cristallin préalpin après un Jurassique inférieur rudimentaire, une épaisse sédimentation transgressive calcaire appartenant au Jurassique supérieur (calcaire de Hochstegen), suivie d'une série de métaarkoses, brèches et phyllites probablement d'âge crétacé. On peut y distinguer des parties autochthones et des parties parautochthones et allochthones.L'élément structural suivant, venu du sud, doit être consideré comme appartenant au Penninicum; c'est le système de nappes de 1'«Obere Schieferhülle», où on peut distinguer des séries renversées et normales.L'enveloppe de la fenêtre des Tauern comprend une série tectonique composite (série de Richbergkogel) ainsi que les Phyllades d'Innsbruck et les séries mésozoïques de la Tarntal.Dans ces dernières, on peut distinguer trois nappes: l'inférieure, celle de Torwand (ou Hippold), avec à la base, des phyllades paléozoïques, des sédiments rudimentaires triasiques, d'épaisses brèches posttriasiques, des radiolarites, et enfin des arkoses, grès et conglomérats avec composantes sporadiques de radiolarite. Au-dessus vient la nappe de Reckner avec des séries triasiques et jurassiques et des serpentinites. En haut se trouve une nappe (nappe de Möls) comprenant des sédiments rudimentaires mésozoïques et les Phyllades d'Innsbruck.

, . - , , . , . « » , . (Richbergkogelserie) -- , .
SAR stereo image analysis for 3D information extraction is mostly carried out based on imagery taken under same-side or opposite-side viewing conditions. For urban scenes in practice stereo is up to now usually restricted to the first configuration, because increasing image dissimilarity connected with rising illumination direction differences leads to a lack of suitable features for matching, especially in the case of low or medium resolution data. However, due to two developments SAR stereo from arbitrary viewing conditions becomes an interesting option for urban information extraction. The first one is the availability of airborne sensor systems, which are capable of more flexible data acquisition in comparison to satellite sensors. This flexibility enables multi-aspect analysis of objects in built-up areas for various kinds of purpose, such as building recognition, road network extraction, or traffic monitoring. The second development is the significant improvement of the geometric resolution providing a high level of detail especially of roof features, which can be observed from a wide span of viewpoints. In this paper, high-resolution SAR images of an urban scene are analyzed in order to infer buildings and their height from the different layover effects in views taken from orthogonal aspect angles. High level object matching is proposed that relies on symbolic data, representing suitable features of urban objects. Here, a knowledge-based approach is applied, which is realized by a production system that codes a set of suitable principles of perceptual grouping in its production rules. The images are analyzed separately for the presence of certain object groups and their characteristics frequently appearing on buildings, such as salient rows of point targets, rectangular structures or symmetries. The stereo analysis is then accomplished by means of productions that combine and match these 2D image objects and infer their height by 3D clustering. The approach is tested using real SAR data of an urban scene.  相似文献   
Waterflooding is a common secondary oil recovery process. Performance of waterfloods in mature fields with a significant number of wells can be improved with minimal infrastructure investment by optimizing injection/production rates of individual wells. However, a major bottleneck in the optimization framework is the large number of reservoir flow simulations often required. In this work, we propose a new method based on streamline-derived information that significantly reduces these computational costs in addition to making use of the computational efficiency of streamline simulation itself. We seek to maximize the long-term net present value of a waterflood by determining optimal individual well rates, given an expected albeit uncertain oil price and a total fluid injection volume. We approach the optimization problem by decomposing it into two stages which can be implemented in a computationally efficient manner. We show that the two-stage streamline-based optimization approach can be an effective technique when applied to reservoirs with a large number of wells in need of an efficient waterflooding strategy over a 5 to 15-year period.  相似文献   
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