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The effect of an abundant sandy beach polychaete, Scolelepis squamata, on the colonisation of defaunated sediments by marine nematodes indicates that sandy beach fauna can be partially controlled by biological interactions within and across size groups. Experimental cores, equipped with windows allowing infaunal colonisation, were filled with defaunated sandy beach sediment containing two different treatments with and without S. squamata. These cores were inserted into microcosms filled with sediment with indigenous meiofauna collected from the field. The treatments were incubated in the laboratory at ambient temperature and salinity for 2, 7, 14 and 21 days, in order to follow the colonisation process of the defaunated sediments by the indigenous nematode fauna over time. Nematodes initially colonised both treatments, with abundances of up to 10% of the densities in the control; after 2 weeks, nematode densities in the cores without S. squamata surpassed the control densities. Nematode assemblages in both treatments were not species rich, and also differed in composition from the natural assemblages. The most successful colonising species, Enoplolaimus litoralis, was rare in the surrounding sediment, suggesting that colonisation was determined by species-specific characteristics such as body size, motility and feeding strategy. Initially the presence of macrofauna did not affect the nematode community composition, but after 2 weeks of the experiment, the presence of the polychaete seemed to facilitate the earlier establishment of non-opportunistic species.  相似文献   
The results of the experimental studies of the ionospheric effects originating under the action of high-power HF radiowaves, emitted by the SPEAR heating facility into the sporadic E s layer of the polar ionosphere, are presented. The experiment was performed on March 2, 2007, simultaneously at two spaced points: Barentsburg (Spitsbergen, a distance of about 40 km from the SPEAR facility) and Gor’kovskaya observatory near St. Petersburg, located at a distance of about 2000 km from SPEAR. The distributions of the heating signal intensity in the 100 kHz frequency band were measured in Barentsburg. Bistatic backscatter of diagnostic HF signals by small-scale artificial ionospheric irregularities was observed at Gor’kovskaya observatory. Based on an analysis of the experimental data obtained in Barentsburg, it has been found out that a broadband noise-like component originated and additional maximums appeared in the heating signal spectrum. The broadband emission intensity was a factor of 1.5–3 as high as the noise level. The additional maximums were formed in the regions of the positive and negative frequency shift relative to the heating signal frequency and were observed when the heating frequency was lower than the critical frequency of the E s layer; e.g., a high-power HF radiowave reflected from E s . The expression for determining the frequency shift of the additional maximum in the heating signal spectrum at altitudes of the ionospheric E region, taking into account the ion-electron collision frequency, has been obtained. The heating signal spectrum registration was compared with the observations of small-scale artificial ionospheric irregularities and the trajectory modeling of signals scattered by the considered irregularities. The observation results have been analyzed and interpreted taking into account the magnetic and ionospheric data characterizing the background geophysical conditions.  相似文献   
A long-standing problem in operational seismology is that of reliable focal depth estimation. Standard analyst practice is to pick and identify a ‘phase’ in the P-coda. This picking will always produce a depth estimate but without any validation it cannot be trusted. In this article we ‘hunt’ for standard depth phases like pP, sP and/or PmP but unlike the analyst we use Bayes statistics for classifying the probability that polarization characteristics of pickings belong to one of the mentioned depth phases given preliminary epicenter information. In this regard we describe a general-purpose PC implementation of the Bayesian methodology that can deal with complex nonlinear models in a flexible way. The models are represented by a data-flow diagram that may be manipulated by the analyst through a graphical-programming environment. An analytic signal representation is used with the imaginary part being the Hilbert transform of the signal itself. The pickings are in terms of a plot of posterior probabilities as a function of time for pP, Sp or PmP being within the presumed azimuth and incident angle sectors for given preliminary epicenter locations. We have tested this novel focal depth estimation procedure on explosion and earthquake recordings from Cossack Ranger II stations in Karelia, NW Russia, and with encouraging results. For example, pickings deviating more than 5° off ‘true’ azimuth are rejected while Pn-incident angle estimate exhibit considerable scatter. A comprehensive test of our approach is not quite easy as recordings from so-called Ground Truth events are elusive.  相似文献   
The relicts of large meandering palaeochannels are found throughout the territory of the periglacial zone of the Last (Valdai=Weichselian) Glaciation on the Russian Plain. Channel widths of macromeanders can be 15 times larger than the recent meanders of the same rivers. Palaeolandscape and palaeohydrological reconstructions show that these periglacial river channels were formed under conditions of high spring water flow, up to eight times greater than the modern discharges, when the flow coefficient was close to 0.9-1.0 due to presence of permafrost, summers were dry and streams lacked ground water supply. Permafrost degradation increased soil permeability in spring and increased ground water flow in summer, causing a decrease of annual flow (due mainly to the flood flow decrease in spring). As a result, large periglacial channels were abandoned and transformed into lakes and bogs. Late Holocene channels have much smaller channel widths and meander lengths. These were formed under conditions of lower annual flows and much steadier flow regime.  相似文献   
The mathematical model for simulating deformations of river channels composed of heterogeneous alluvium has been developed. The combination of shallow water equations and a three-layer model is used to describe the fluid flow and non-uniform sediment transport in bed (layer II) and suspended (layer III) loads. Changes in the fractional composition of unerodible bottom sediments (layer I) are also considered. The algorithm provides mass conservation for each fraction. The comparison of calculations results and experimental data (hydraulic washing of a desilting basin from sediments and armoring processes in heterogeneous soils) confirms the operability of the model. The model is applied to calculate the silting and hydraulic washes of the reservoir of a hydroelectric power station on a mountain river.  相似文献   
Mountainous areas exhibit highly variable decomposition rates as a result of strong local differences in climate and vegetation type. This paper describes the effect of these factors on two major determinants of the local carbon cycle: litter decomposition and carbon stabilization. In order to adequately reflect local heterogeneity, we have sampled 12 typical plant communities of the Russian Caucasus. In order to minimize confounding effects and encourage comparative studies, we have adapted the widely used tea bag index (TBI) that is typically used in areas with low decomposition. By incubating standardized tea litter for a year, we investigated whether (1) initial litter decomposition rate (k) is negatively correlated with litter stabilization (S) and (2) whether k or S exhibit correlations with altitude and other environmental conditions. Our results show that S and k are not correlated. Altitude, pH, and water content significantly influenced the stabilization factor S, while soil-freezing had no influence. In contrast, none of these factors predicted the decomposition rate k. Based on our data, we argue that collection of decomposition rates alone, as is now common practice, is not sufficient to understand carbon input to soils and can potentially lead to misleading results. Our data on community-specific decomposition and stabilization rates further constrain estimates of litter accumulation in subalpine communities and the potential effects of climate change.  相似文献   
Paleoclimatic settings have been reconstructed for the Campanian using original oxygen-isotopic analyses of well-preserved molluskan and foraminifera shells from Russian Far East, Hokkaido, USA, Belgium and some DSDP holes (95, 98, 102, 390A, and 392A) in North Atlantic. Early Early Campanian climatic optimum has been recognized from data on high bottom shelf water paleotemperatures in middle latitudes of both the western circum-Pacific (to 24.2°C) and the eastern circum-Pacific (to 26.4°C) areas and high bottom shallow water paleotemperatures in high latitudes of the Koryak Upland (22.4–25.5°C), which agrees with the data on the Campanian Barykovskaya flora in high latitudes (Golovneva and Herman, 1998) and Jonker flora and its equivalents in middle latitudes. Judging from the data on comparatively high bottom shallow water paleotemperature values in high latitudes, South Alaska (19.4°C) and the Koryak Upland (22.4–25.5°C), we also expect Latest Campanian temperature maximum, which has not been confirmed, however, for low and middle latitudes by neither of isotopic nor paleobotanic data now. Main climatic tendency during the Campanian (with the exception of Latest Campanian) has been learned from isotopic composition of Campanian aragonitic ammonoid shells from the Hokkaido-South Sakhalin (Krilyon) marine basin. In contrary to Huber’s et al. (2002) assumption, we expect warm greenhouse conditions during the most part of the Campanian.  相似文献   
New palynological and sedimentological data from St. Lawrence Island present a rare view into late-glacial and Holocene environments of the central Bering Land Bridge. The late glaciation was a time of dynamic landscape changes in south-central Beringia, with active thermokarst processes, including the formation and drainage of thaw lakes. The presence of such a wet, unstable substrate, if widespread, probably would have had an adverse impact on food sources and mobility for many of the large mammal populations. The establishment of Betula shrub tundra on the island suggests late-glacial summers that were warmer than present, consistent with regional paleoclimatic interpretations. However, the increasing proximity to the Bering Sea, as postglacial sea levels rose, modified the intensity of warming and prevented the establishment of deciduous forest as found in other areas of Beringia at this time. The mid- to late Holocene is marked by more stable land surfaces and development of Sphagnum and Cyperaceae peat deposits. The accumulation of organic deposits, decline of shrub Betula, and decrease in thermokarst disturbance suggest that conditions were cooler than the previous. A recent decline in peat accumulation at the study sites may relate to local geomorphology, but similar decreases have been noted for other arctic regions.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes and analyzes the results of radio optical, infrared, and X-ray observations of a large sector of the sky in the constellation Cygnus (19h20m-22h, =30–50°;l II=65–90°, |b II|10°). This region is associated with an extended X-ray source referred to as the Cygnus superbubble. About a quarter of the superbubble region is occupied by the extensively investigated multicomponent thermal radio source Cyg X. The region contains eight OB-associations which, when projected on the sky, duplicate the outline of the X-ray superbubble. These associations contains 110 stars of high luminosity (about 40 Wolf-Rayet and Of stars). The observations suggest that the X-ray superbubble is not a single object. Between 50 and 75% of its X-ray emission can be ascribed to discrete sources, the rest being probably due to regions of coronal gas about 100 pc in diameter, created by stellar winds and, possibly, supernova explosions in individual associations. The objects that produce the X-ray and optical radiation of the presumed superbubble are located at distances from 0.5 to 2.5 kpc from the Sun in the Carina-Cygnus spiral arm. The eastern portion of the region presumed superbubble contains the associations Cyg OB7 and Cyg OB4 and is generally less than 1 kpc distant, while the western portion contains the associations Cyg OB1, 2, 3, 8, and 9 and is 1 to 2 kpc distant.  相似文献   
An unusual feature of the saline stratified lakes that were formed due to ongoing postglacial uplift on the White Sea coast is the presence of several differently colored thin layers in the zone with sharp gradients. Colored layers in five lakes at various stages of separation from the sea were investigated using optical microscopy, spectrophotometry, spectrofluorimetry, and photobiology. The upper greenish colored layer located in the aerobic strata of all lakes near the compensation depth of 1% light penetration contains green algae. In the chemocline, another layer, brightly green, red or pink, is dominated by mixotrophic flagellates. Despite the very low light intensities and the presence of H 2 S, active photosynthesis by these algae appears to be occurring, as indicated by high values of the maximum quantum yield of primary photochemistry, electron transport activity, photosynthetic activity of photosystem II, the fraction of active centers, and low values of heat dissipation. In the reduced zone of the chemocline, a dense green or brown suspension of anoxygenic phototrophs(green sulfur bacteria) is located.  相似文献   
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