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After dividing the source regions of the Yellow River into 38 sub-basins, the paper made use of the SWAT model to simulate streamflow with validation and calibration of the observed yearly and monthly runoff data from the Tangnag hydrological station, and simulation results are satisfactory. Five land-cover scenario models and 24 sets of temperature and precipitation combinations were established to simulate annual runoff and runoff depth under different scenarios. The simulation shows that with the increasing of vegetation coverage annual runoff increases and evapotranspiration decreases in the basin. When temperature decreases by 2oC and precipitation increases by 20%, catchment runoff will increase by 39.69%, which is the largest situation among all scenarios.  相似文献   
郑文俊  田山  邵永新 《中国地震》2005,21(2):260-268
开展了华北地电阻率异常参数提取的研究,以1980—2001年的异常参数为输入进行了全时空扫描,并对其动态图像演化做全面分析,由此提取出华北地区5级以上地震的地电阻率短期前兆的判别标志。为了进行初步检验,本文依上述判别标志对华北近年地电阻率动态图像做了对比分析。  相似文献   
Under Rayleigh equilibrium condition, stable isotopic ratio in residual water increases with the decrease of the residual water proportion f exponentially, and the fractionation rate of stable isotopes is inversely proportional to temperature. However, under kinetic evaporation condition, the fractionation of stable isotopes is not only related to the phase temperature but also influenced by the atmospheric humidity and the mass exchange between liquid and vapor phases. The ratio δ in residual water will not change with f after undergoing evaporation of a long time for great relative humidity. The rate that the evaporating water body reaches isotopic steady state is mainly dependent on the relative humidity in atmosphere. The analysis shows that the actual mean linear variety rates, about -30.0, of the δ18O in residual water versus the residual water proportion at Nagqu and Amdo stations are consistent with the simulated process under temperature of 20 oC and relative humidity of 50%. The distillation line simulated under Rayleigh equilibrium condition is analogous to the global meteoric water line (MWL) as the temperature is about 20 oC. Under non-equilibrium condition, the slope and constant values of distillation line are directly proportional to temperature and relative humidity. According to the basic data, the simulated distillation line is very consistent with the actual distillation line of Qinghai Lake.  相似文献   
粤港澳大湾区是中国重点建设的战略区域,其协同结构的有效认知是打造世界级湾区的核心研究内容.作为一种重要的城镇群发展模式,大湾区内部具有复杂的城镇协同关系,这一关系充分体现在城镇间的人群流动特性上,而跨城职住迁徙是区域人口流动的一种直观、稳定的表现,基于高精度跨城职住迁徙数据开展湾区协同结构的认知意义显著.文章在总结归纳...  相似文献   
田苗壮 《地质论评》2024,70(1):2024010006-2024010006
2014年南水进京后,持续开展地下水回补对于遏制和减缓地面沉降发展起到重要作用,但地下水回升由此带来的不同区域、不同层位的地面沉降与回弹机制及其控制因素尚不明确。深入探讨和研究回补时间、回补量、回补地点与水位及地表形变之间的关系,了解地表形变发生机理和识别主控因素,为后续如何科学回补,发挥最大化水资源回补效益、对地面沉降防治和超采区治理具有极其重要意义。本文以潮白河冲洪积扇中上部区域为例,采用永久散射体差分干涉测量(PS InSAR)技术获取研究区地面沉降形变信息,并结合区域分层地下水位动态变化、分层沉降变化等多手段进行耦合,查明研究区地表形变与多因素之间的响应与控制因素。结果表明:南水持续回补导致区域地面沉降减缓,并在牛栏山地区出现地表抬升,抬升范围也随着水位上升逐渐向中下游扩展,2022年最大回弹速率达46.9 mm/a;地表形变具有明显的受断裂所控制的第四系沉积差异特性,以黄庄—高丽营断裂、顺义断裂和南口—孙河断裂所分割的后沙峪凹陷范围内变化明显大于其他地区;地下水位变幅与富水性差异决定水位上升范围与响应变化,而沉积构造作用所造成第四系沉积差异在地下水流向上具有一定控制作用。结果为地面沉降防控和机理研究提供理论和科学依据,同时也为后续开展地下水科学回补和方案优化提供指导和借鉴。  相似文献   
The X-band phased array radar offers faster scanning speed and higher spatial resolution compared to the S-band radar, making it capable of enhancing tornado monitoring and early warning capabilities. This study analyzed the char- acteristics and nowcasting signals of a tornado case that occurred on June 16, 2022 in the Guangzhou region. Our findings indicate that the violent contraction of rotation radius and the dramatic increase in rotation speed were important signal characteristics associated with tornado formation. The X-band phased array radar, with its high temporal and spatial resolution, provided an opportunity to capture early warning signals from polarimetric characteristics. The X-band phased array radar demonstrated noteworthy ability to identify apparent tornado vortex signature (TVS) features in a 10-minute lead time, surpassing the capabilities of the CINRAD/SA radar. Additionally, due to its higher scanning frequency, the X- band phased-array radar was capable of consistently identifying TVS with shorter intervals, enabling a more precise tracking of the tornado’s path. The application of professional radars, in this case, provides valuable insights for the monitoring of evolutions of severe local storms and even tornadoes and the issuance of early warning signals.  相似文献   
对2018年飞机人工增雨作业时的77个天气样本进行分析,以大气环流形势配合冷空气入侵青海的不同路径将人工增雨降水过程分为4种环流型:两槽一脊型、东高西低型、纬向环流型、横槽转竖型。作业云系以层状云和积层混合云为主;主要作业层风速在16 m·s-1左右;作业层主导风向在230°~280°。雷达回波强度和雷达回波顶高在4种环流型中没有明显区别。卫星反演云顶高度中东高西低型云系平均发展较深厚,纬向环流型和横槽转竖型中云系发展较高但并不深厚;云顶温度最低在-40℃;最大光学厚度在13左右;过冷层厚度在2.7 km左右。云内微观条件中:有效粒子半径在13 μm左右;液水路径在东高西低型中较高在209 μm左右。  相似文献   
高原湿地保护区具有自己独特的生态结构特征,其功能区分区不应照搬传统的3级规划模式。本文通过对纳帕海湿地保护区功能区分区的特点、现状以及存在问题的分析,提出了适合纳帕海保护区湿地特征的分区模式。  相似文献   
利用郑州市主城区1961—2020年气象观测资料和2014—2018年空气质量监测数据,分析了郑州主城区大气自净能力指数的长期变化趋势与影响因子以及2014—2018年主城区大气自净能力与PM2.5的关系。结果表明:郑州主城区大气自净能力指数30 a气候均值为4.42 t·(d·km2)-1,春季大气自净能力最强,为5.20 t·(d·km2)-1;秋季大气自净能力最弱,为3.88 t·(d·km2)-1,不利于对大气污染物的清除。1961—2020年郑州主城区大气自净能力呈显著的减弱趋势,其中1969年最强为6.85 t·(d·km2)-1,2020年最弱为3.06 t·(d·km2)-1。影响因子中,1961—1980年混合层厚度与大气自净能力指数呈正相关;日平均风速≥2.5 m·s-1的日数和小风日数与大气自净能力分别呈...  相似文献   
基于空间语义的地质剖面自动连接算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
地质条件的复杂性决定了地质剖面图完全自动连接的准确性较低。提出一种基于空间语义关系的空区域搜索算法,通过人机交互方式将专家知识应用于剖面连接过程,实现了融合人工编辑的剖面自动化连接方法。该算法通过读入交互结果获得专家知识,在此基础上对剖面地层进行自动化连接。通过语义分解的策略,可以针对实际情况任意组合需要的连接命令。  相似文献   
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