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A suite of 27 oils from the Qinjiatun–Qikeshu oilfields in the Lishu Fault Depression of the Songliao Basin was analyzed using whole oil gas chromatography. In combination with the relative distribution of C27, C28, and C29 regular steranes, detailed geochemical analyses of light hydrocarbons in oil samples revealed crude oils characterized by the dual input of lower aquatic organisms and higher terrestrial plants. Several light hydrocarbon indicators suggest that the liquid hydrocarbons have maturities equivalent to vitrinite reflectances of around 0.78%–0.93%. This is consistent with the maturity determination of steranes C29 20S/(20S + 20R) and C29 ααβ/(ααα + αββ). Crude oils derived from the two distinct oilfields likely both have source rocks deposited in a lacustrine environment based on light hydrocarbon parameters and on higher molecular weight hydrocarbon parameters. The results show that light hydrocarbon data in crude oils can provide important information for understanding the geochemical characteristics of the Qinjiatun–Qikeshu oils during geologic evolution.  相似文献   
作为国内中-新元古界的标准剖面,燕辽裂陷槽蓟县剖面的地层年代学研究历史悠久,一直是备受关注的基础地质问题.蓟县剖面第一个准确可靠的同位素年龄来自于陆松年和李惠民(1991)获得的大红峪组火山岩锆石U-Pb年龄(1625±6 Ma,TIMS),之后很长一段时间,地层年代研究并未获得真正意义上的突破.直到2007年,随着可作为关键测年对象的碎屑岩-碳酸盐岩地层中凝灰岩(斑脱岩)夹层被逐渐识别出来,才开始迎来燕辽裂陷槽中-新元古代地层年代及相关古生物、古环境、古地理研究的新热潮,主要进展包括:(1)常州沟组作为长城群的第一个组,其底界年龄~1650 Ma,比以往认识的1800 Ma要年轻150 Ma;(2)精确标定蓟县群(自下而上包括高于庄组、杨庄组、雾迷山组、洪水庄组和铁岭组)的时限1600~1400 Ma,与国际地层表的盖层系相对应;(3)下马岭组时限为1400~1320 Ma,而不是原来划归的新元古代青白口纪早期(1000~900 Ma).与此同时,仍存在几个亟待解决的重要问题:(1)中元古代早期"长城系"(1800~1600 Ma)年代地层序列的厘定及其标准剖面的建立,包括"长城系""、长城群"术语的取舍问题,因为存在年代地层术语"长城系"和岩石地层术语"长城群"重名的问题;(2)中元古代中晚期(1400~1000 Ma)"待建系"地层的确定,其纪级年代地层单位的建立和标准剖面的建立;(3)青白口系地层的厘定和标准剖面的建立,迄今为止华北克拉通仍未获得可靠的同位素年龄约束青白口纪(1000~800 Ma)地层.  相似文献   
为了进行科学研究和数据共享,需要把在模拟地震台网时期产出的纸介质观测报告实现电子化,本文简要叙述了数据的录入与初步验证工作情况,介绍了数据验证及格式转换程序的实现和使用。  相似文献   
Based on the ionospheric electromagnetic data observed on DEMETER satellite of France, the ionospheric electromagnetic signals were analyzed within 10 days before Chile M7.9 earthquake on November 14, 2007. It is found that, low frequency electromagnetic disturbances began to increase in a large scale of latitude, and reached to a maximum one week prior to the earthquake, and at about three days before the quake, the peak values shifted to lower latitude. Taking three days as a group, spatial images of a fe...  相似文献   
塔中地区是塔里木盆地的重点勘探区域,奥陶系鹰山组蕴藏了丰富的油气资源.鹰山组发育大套台地相碳酸盐岩,以高能相的台内滩沉积为主.鹰山组埋藏较深,但岩溶储层呈大面积厚层状分布.早奥陶世塔中Ⅰ号断裂使得塔中隆起隆升并遭受强烈剥蚀形成下奥陶统鹰山组顶部风化壳,以孔洞型和裂缝-孔洞型储层为主.通过古地貌恢复、地震属性分析和地震测井联合波阻抗反演技术和方法识别溶洞发育带和断层裂缝发育带,确定出有利储层的分布范围.研究认为,岩性岩相是岩溶型储层发育的重要基础,层间岩溶控制了储层的成层性和横向展布规模,断裂和裂缝网络是岩溶水的主要渗滤通道,埋藏岩溶形成大量有效的缝洞空间,极大地提高了储集性能.研究发现,优质储层主要分布在鹰山组顶面以下120 m地层厚度范围内,横向有一定连通性,在断层、构造裂缝和溶蚀作用下形成统一的储集体,呈准层状展布.  相似文献   
在对莱州湾南岸8个钻孔沉积物沉积结构及有孔虫特征分析基础上,识别相关海面标志层位,辅以加速器质谱AMS14C测年,重建了全新世相对海面变化历史,并讨论了海面变化的沉积响应及控制因素。约9200cal BP以前,海面快速上升,研究区海侵时海面于-21.5m左右;9200~8400cal BP海面上升速率减缓至约2mm/a;8400~8000cal BP海面由-14m快速上升至-5.5m,速率约为33mm/a;8000~7600cal BP,海面持续数百年停滞或微弱下降;7600~7000cal BP海面由-5.5m快速上升至0m以上,速率至少约为13mm/a;7000~6000cal BP海面缓慢上升至+2~+3m位置,速率约为3mm/a;约6000cal BP以后海面缓慢下降至现今水平。约9200cal BP以前、8400~8000cal BP、7600~7000cal BP时期的3次海面快速上升,是MWP-1C融水脉冲、诱发8.2ka冷事件的融水脉冲,以及MWP-2融水脉冲的中纬度地区响应。中全新世全球冰融趋于停滞后,由于研究区沉积盆地沉降速度较慢,在冰川均衡调整效应下,使+2~+3m的相对高海面得以呈现。  相似文献   
The hydrocarbon potential of the Hangjinqi area in the northern Ordos Basin is not well known, compared to the other areas of the basin, despite its substantial petroleum system.Restoration of a depth-converted seismic profile across the Hangjinqi Fault Zone(HFZ) in the eastern Hangjinqi area shows one compression that created anticlinal structures in the Late Triassic, and two extensions in ~Middle Jurassic and Late Early Cretaceous, which were interrupted by inversions in the Late Jurassic–Early Early Cretaceous and Late Cretaceous, respectively.Hydrocarbon generation at the well locations in the Central Ordos Basin(COB) began in the Late Triassic.Basin modeling of Well Zhao-4 suggests that hydrocarbon generation from the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian coal measures of the northern Shanbei Slope peaked in the Early Cretaceous, predating the inversion in the Late Cretaceous.Most source rocks in the Shanbei Slope passed the main gas-migration phase except for the Hangjinqi area source rocks(Well Jin-48).Hydrocarbons generated from the COB are likely to have migrated northward toward the anticlinal structures and traps along the HFZ because the basin-fill strata are dipping south.Faulting that continued during the extensional phase(Late Early Cretaceous) of the Hangjinqi area probably acted as conduits for the migration of hydrocarbons.Thus, the anticlinal structures and associated traps to the north of the HFZ might have trapped hydrocarbons that were charged from the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian coal measures in the COB since the Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   
柴北缘绿梁山地区辉长岩的锆石U-Pb年龄及意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
柴达木盆地北缘绿梁山地区的辉长岩侵入到古生代滩间山群及超基性岩中,地球化学、微量元素、稀土元素显示出源幔特征.选自其中的锆石明显具岩浆型锆石特点,4个单颗粒锆石U-Pb同位素年龄均为谐和年龄,206Pb/238U表面年龄统计权重平均值为(496.3±6.2)Ma,代表了该岩体的结晶年龄,从而间接地否定了本区滩间山群的时代为晚奥陶世-志留纪的认识.辉长岩与滩间山群是柴北缘活动大陆边缘火山岛弧的组成部分.此类岩体同位素地质年龄的确定对柴北缘榴辉岩、滩间山群时代及大地构造性质的重新认识具有重要意义.  相似文献   
黄河三角洲新生湿地土地覆被演替图谱   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文根据黄河三角洲新生湿地盐生、湿生、中生以及人工等不同生境的生态景观类型 ,将本区土地覆被类型分为 9类 ,即研究区海域、滩涂、柽柳 -翅碱蓬群落、獐毛 +白茅群落、芦苇 +荻群落、有林地、天然河流与人工水体、耕地和居民工矿用地。从遥感影像数据 (包括LandsatTM432、CBERS 1CCD432 )和专题矢量数据中提取了 1 984、 1 991、 1 996和 2 0 0 0年四期土地覆被数据 ,采用区域质心函数计算四个时期 9类覆被的分布重心 ,并合成土地覆被重心演替过程图谱 ,通过图谱分析 ,归纳出湿地植被演替的三种模式 ,即陆进模式、海退模式以及人类活动影响模式 ,为认识新生湿地植被演替规律以及人类活动的影响、制定湿地保护措施提供参考依据。  相似文献   
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