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Labile organic carbon (LOC) is a fraction of soil organic carbon (SOC) with rapid turnover time and is affected by soil fertilization. This investigation characterized the SOC content, LOC content and LOC distribution in the treatment plots of surface soil erosion at five levels (0-, 5-, 10-, 20- and 30-cm erosion). The soil had received contrasting fertilizer treatments (i.e., chemical fertilizer or chemical fertilizer + manure) for 6 years. This study demonstrated that both SOC and various LOC fractions contents were higher in the plots with fertilizer + manure than in those with fertilizer alone under the same erosion conditions. The SOC and LOC contents de- creased as the erosion depth increased. Light fraction organic carbon, particulate organic carbon, easily oxidizable organic carbon (KMnO4-oxydizable organic carbon), and microbial biomass carbon were 27% 57%, 37%-7%, 20%-25%, and 29%-33% higher respectively in the fertilizer + manure plots, than in the fertilizer alone plots. Positive correlations (p 〈 0.05) between SOC content and different fractions contents were observed in all plots except the correlation between total SOC content and water-soluble organic carbon content in the different fertilization treatments. Obviously, fertilizer + manure treatments would be conducive to the accumulation of LOC and SOC in the Black soil of Northeast China.  相似文献   
封闭体系有机质与有机碳氢氮恢复动力学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在封闭体系的条件下,对典型的Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型干酪根在热演化过程中的损失进行生烃动力学研究,获得了Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型干酪根的总量、有机碳、氢以及氮质量损失动力学参数。用Kinetics软件计算了封闭体系干酪根有机碳丰度、氢碳原子比和氮碳原子比的恢复系数。认为在对高成熟—过成熟干酪根进行生烃评价时,Ⅰ、Ⅲ型干酪根残余有机碳丰度需要进行恢复,而Ⅱ型干酪根残余有机碳丰度不需要恢复。三种类型干酪根的氢碳原子比均需要进行恢复。  相似文献   
Chinese temperate grasslands play an important role in the terrestrial carbon cycle. Based on the parameterization and validation of Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM, Version 5.0), we analyzed the carbon budgets of Chinese temperate grasslands and their responses to historical atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate variability during 1951–2007. The results indicated that Chinese temperate grassland acted as a slight carbon sink with annual mean value of 7.3 T?g C, ranging from -80.5 to 79.6 T?g C yr-1. Our sensitivity experiments further revealed that precipitation variability was the primary factor for decreasing carbon storage. CO2 fertilization may increase the carbon storage (1.4 %) but cannot offset the proportion caused by climate variability (-15.3 %). Impacts of CO2 concentration, temperature and precipitation variability on Chinese temperate grassland cannot be simply explained by the sum of the individual effects. Interactions among them increased total carbon storage of 56.6 T?g C which 14.2 T?g C was stored in vegetation and 42.4 T?g C was stored in soil. Besides, different grassland types had different responses to climate change and CO2 concentration. NPP and RH of the desert and forest steppes were more sensitive to precipitation variability than temperature variability while the typical steppe responded to temperature variability more sensitively than the desert and forest steppes.  相似文献   
采用最新研制的岩体应力、应变匹配传感器对西安立井煤柱开采引起的井筒附加应力特别是对井筒穿过断层附近产生的附加应力进行了较系统的观测,并对观测结果进行了分析和总结。  相似文献   
王庆喜  钱遂  庞尧 《地理科学》2017,37(1):92-101
将工业化视为投入,城镇化视为产出,基于中国各省份2001~2012年的工业化、城镇化和污染物排放数据,测算了传统效率值、环境效率值及效率指数,据此分析各省份工业化与城镇化的关系及其演变。研究发现:全国总体层面的城镇化传统效率值和环境效率值均在下降。分地区来看,东部地区通过工业化来推进城镇化的实施空间有限,中部地区需要调整发展方式,西部地区尚有一定余地。在城镇化过程中,工业化存在前期“负向规律机制”和后期“正向反馈机制”两种作用。为实现城镇化低碳发展,需要转变工业和经济发展方式,改善对外贸易结构,同时提高环境污染治理投资效果。  相似文献   
渤海海域W油田新近系明化镇组河流相砂体结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用野外露头、现代沉积和大量岩心以及钻测井资料,以高分辨率层序地层学原理为指导,结合地震和探地雷达,分析了W油田新近系明化镇组明下段河流相层序格架和砂体结构的沉积特征,总结了砂体的发育规模特征,建立了河流相砂体的沉积模式,为海上油田开发及后期调整提供依据和指导。研究表明,渤海海域明化镇组河流相砂体结构划分为堆叠型、侧叠型和孤立型3种类型共7种样式,其中侧叠型又分为紧密型、疏散型和离散型;孤立型又分为下切侵蚀型、孤立河道和决口扇;河道砂体厚度为2.1~15m,平均6.75m;宽度为200~1 225m,平均宽度519m。决口扇砂体厚约2~3m,宽度为150~450m,平均宽度300m。河流相砂体结构受控于湖平面的变化。不同的湖平面变化下发生堆叠型、侧叠型和孤立型规律性的砂体结构变化。  相似文献   
本文讨论了适合于SPOT图象的用光束法平差解算外方位元素的数学模型;介绍了在国产解析测图仪APS—1上进行SOPT图象立体测图的方法;研究了SPOT投影方式的实时循环程序LOOP及SPOT图象的测图软件包。  相似文献   
Previous work on three‐dimensional shakedown analysis of cohesive‐frictional materials under moving surface loads has been entirely for isotropic materials. As a result, the effects of anisotropy, both elastic and plastic, of soil and pavement materials are ignored. This paper will, for the first time, develop three‐dimensional shakedown solutions to allow for the variation of elastic and plastic material properties with direction. Melan's lower‐bound shakedown theorem is used to derive shakedown solutions. In particular, a generalised, anisotropic Mohr–Coulomb yield criterion and cross‐anisotropic elastic stress fields are utilised to develop anisotropic shakedown solutions. It is found that shakedown solutions for anisotropic materials are dominated by Young's modulus ratio for the cases of subsurface failure and by shear modulus ratio for the cases of surface failure. Plastic anisotropy is mainly controlled by material cohesion ratio, the rise of which increases the shakedown limit until a maximum value is reached. The anisotropic shakedown limit varies with frictional coefficient, and the peak value may not occur for the case of normal loading only. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Studies on small-world networks have received intensive interdisciplinary attention during the past several years. It is well-known among researchers that a small-world network is often characterized by high connectivity and clustering, but so far there exist few effective approaches to evaluate small-world properties, especially for spatial networks. This paper proposes a method to examine the small-world properties of spatial networks from the perspective of network autocorrelation. Two network autocorrelation statistics, Moran’s I and Getis–Ord’s G, are used to monitor the structural properties of networks in a process of “rewiring” networks from a regular to a random network. We discovered that Moran’s I and Getis–Ord’s G tend to converge and have relatively low values when properties of small-world networks emerge. Three transportation networks at the national, metropolitan, and intra-city levels are analyzed using this approach. It is found that spatial networks at these three scales possess small-world properties when the correlation lag distances reach certain thresholds, implying that the manifestation of small-world phenomena result from the interplay between the network structure and the dynamics taking place on the network.   相似文献   
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