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Coupled thermo‐hydro‐mechanical‐chemical modelling has attracted attention in past decades due to many contemporary geotechnical engineering applications (e.g., waste disposal, carbon capture and storage). However, molecular‐scale interactions within geomaterials (e.g., swelling and dissolution/precipitation) have a significant influence on the mechanical behaviour, yet are rarely incorporated into existing Thermal‐Hydro‐Mechanical‐Chemical (THMC) frameworks. This paper presents a new coupled hydro‐mechanical‐chemical constitutive model to bridge molecular‐scale interactions with macro‐physical deformation by combining the swelling and dissolution/precipitation through an extension of the new mixture‐coupling theory. Entropy analysis of the geomaterial system provides dissipation energy, and Helmholtz free energy gives the relationship between solids and fluids. Numerical simulation is used to compare with the selected recognized models, which demonstrates that the swelling and dissolution/precipitation processes may have a significant influence on the mechanical deformation of the geomaterials.  相似文献   
本文选择贵州松桃高地锰矿作为研究对象,从实际情况出发,编写了实施方案,在勘查过程中,分别从现场分区规划、道路修筑、生活区、工作区、安全环保文化建设、水资源保护以及固体废弃物管理七个方面进行具体实施,采用\"一基多孔\"技术,选择环保型清洗液,对开挖的地块进行了复垦复绿工作,整个勘查过程实现了生态环境的保护,环境恢复治理的落...  相似文献   
Wang  Xuechao  Liu  Qin-Yan  Sui  Dandan  Wang  Dongxiao 《Ocean Dynamics》2020,70(10):1315-1323
Ocean Dynamics - Global warming is changing the global wave climate, making waves stronger. In this study, we find that the wave climate in the South China Sea (SCS) undergoes an intensifying trend...  相似文献   
The active North China block consists of three second-order blocks: Ordos, North China Plain, and East Shandong-Huanghai Sea blocks. Two active tectonic zones, the Anyang-Heze-Linyi and Tangshan-Cixian zones, exist in the active North China Plain block and have separated the active block into 3 third-order active blocks, Taihangshan, Hebei-Shandong, and Henan-Huai blocks. The 3 third-order active blocks are characterized by their entire motion and are clearly different in their Cenozoic structures and deep structures. The active boundary tectonic zones between the third-order active blocks are less than those between the first- and second-order active blocks in their movement strength, extent, and seismic activity. The density of M· ·6 earthquakes in the boundary zones between active blocks is higher than that within the blocks by 9–22 times in the North China region, up to one order of magnitude on average. M· · 7 earthquakes occurred basically in the boundary zones between active blocks. The difference is not occasional, but reflects the nature of intraplate movement and the characteristics of strong seismic activity and is the powerful evidence for hypothesis of active blocks.  相似文献   
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica - In this contribution, an iterative algorithm for variance-covariance component estimation based on the structured errors-in-variables (EIV) model is proposed. We...  相似文献   
侯立春  林振山  何亮 《地理科学》2018,38(1):151-160
基于主要温室气体(CO2、CH4和N2O)强迫因子和石笋δ18О观测资料(1~2002 年),分别利用关联性耦合模型和非线性统计-动力学方法,分析温室气体强迫与东亚亚热带季风演变耦合度的时序规律和定量反演模拟温室气体强迫对近2 000 a东亚亚热带季风演变影响的非线性趋势和相对贡献。研究发现:温室气体与季风演变耦合度的高低对应季风的强弱变化,即两者耦合作用越强,东亚亚热带季风越强;反之,两者耦合强度越小,东亚亚热带季风越弱;耦合度峰谷值对应季风极强降水和极端干旱时段。 时序演变规律为:N2O和CO2相互作用与季风演变间耦合效应最强,成为东亚亚热带季风演变的主要驱动力。其次,N2O一次项和CO2非线性项对季风演变起主要的负反馈调节机制。时序演变阶段上有所不同:1~180年,CH4因子对季风演变主要起负反馈调节机制;180~1760年和1760~2002年,对季风演变起主要的驱动和调节机制分别为CO2因子和N2O因子;但1900年后N2O和CO2相互作用与季风演变的耦合驱动效应近百年来明显增强,耦合度在中等-较强(或极强)之间来回波动转换,耦合作用明显增强,在耦合度由较强(或极强)转弱至中等时,东亚亚热带季风也随之减弱。  相似文献   
目前,由空间数据引擎管理遥感影像数据的技术已经非常成熟,但在对多源遥感影像数据的合理组织和有效管理以及数据共享方面,还需要寻求更有效的方法。本文在分析不同遥感影像类型的基础上,结合罗布泊“大耳朵”地区研究的需要,设计实现了该区多源遥感影像数据库。讨论了逻辑上设计相同空间分辨率和不同空间分辨率的多源遥感影像数据存储的方法。即根据遥感影像数据的空间分辨率进行分类,并通过遥感影像元数据表建立多源遥感影像数据之间的逻辑关联来组织和管理影像数据的设计方法。该方法的成功运用,为多源遥感影像数据库的设计与建设提供了参考。  相似文献   
文章利用通辽地区10个站点1971—2007年37a逐日雷暴统计资料,建立雷暴日数及雷暴次数的时间序列。通过趋势分析、小波分析等统计方法对通辽地区的雷暴特征进行分析,得出了通辽地区雷暴的地理分布特征、年代际及年际变化特征、月际变化特征、日变化特征、初雷和终雷日及持续期变化特征、震荡周期性等结果。  相似文献   
内蒙古气象影视服务科开发引进非线性编辑系统(以下简称非编系统)制作电视天气预报节目已有几年时间了,在实际工作中各地都积累了一些操作和使用的经验并有所改进和完善。文章根据非编系统的特点,结合平时业务工作中的使用情况,探讨其在天气预报制作中的具体运用和维护。  相似文献   
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