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NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft collected samples from carbonaceous near-Earth asteroid (101955) Bennu on October 20, 2020, and will deliver them to the Earth on September 24, 2023. The samples will be processed at the NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC), where most of the sample collection will be subsequently curated in a new cleanroom suite. The spacecraft collected loose regolith two ways: in a bulk sample chamber capable of holding up to 2 kg, and on industrial Velcro “contact pads” intended to collect small particles at the surface. Included in the JSC collection will be the bulk sample, the contact pads, contamination-monitoring witness plates, and supporting hardware. Planning for the curation of the samples and hardware started at the earliest phase of proposal development and continued in parallel with project development and execution. Because a major mission goal is characterization of organic compounds in the Bennu samples, extra effort was spent in the design stage to ensure a clean curation environment. Here, we describe the preparations to receive the sample, including the design, construction, outfitting, and monitoring of the cleanrooms at JSC; the planned recovery of the sample-containing capsule when it lands on Earth; and the approach to characterizing and cataloging the samples. These curation efforts will result in the distribution of pristine Bennu samples from JSC to the OSIRIS-REx science team, international partners, and the global scientific community for years to come.  相似文献   
The possible cosmological variation of the proton-to-electron mass ratio μ = m p/m e was estimated by measuring the H2 wavelengths in the spectra of distant quasars. We analyze high-resolution (FWHM≈7 km s?1) spectra of the two damped Lyman-α systems at redshifts z abs=2.3377 and 3.0249 observed in the spectra of the quasars Q 1232+082 and Q 0347?382, respectively. Our analysis yielded the most conservative estimate for the possible variation of μ in the past ~ 10 Gyr, Δμ/μ = (5.7 ± 3.8) × 10?5. Since the significance of this result does not exceed 1.5σ, further observations are needed to increase the statistical significance. This is the most stringent limit on the possible cosmological variation of μ to date.  相似文献   
The limit between the West Asturian-Leonese and Central-Iberian Zones in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula is described in the area of Caurel-Truchas (Provinces of Orense and León). From the distribution of the sedimentary formations and the Variscan structures it is inferred that the transition between the two zones was a fault system, which was active during, at least, the Ordovician and Lower Silurian. The faults were supposedly normal, though they had probably some strike-slip component, and gave rise to a half-graben in which a syn-rift sequence was deposited. The latter underwent inversion at the onset of the Variscan tectonism, producing a ramp anticline-syncline pair that forms the more important folds in the area. The varying geometry of these folds is interpreted partly as being due to the existence of previous en échelon folds related to the strike-slip component of the faults and, partly, as a result of the variable intensity of the shear strain undergone during the first variscan phase.
Zusammenfassung Die Grenze zwischen der West-Asturischen-Leonesischen und Zentral-Iberischen Zone im NW der Iberischen Halbinsel wird aus dem Gebiet von Caurel-Truchas (Provinz Orense und León) beschrieben. Aufgrund der Verteilung der sedimentären Formationen, sowie der variszischen Strukturen wird abgeleitet, daß der Übergang zwischen den beiden Zonen durch ein Störungssystem bedingt wurde, das zumindest zwischen Ordovizium und Untersilur aktiv war. Dabei handelte es sich vermutlich um Abschiebungen mit einer Horizontalverschiebungskomponente. Diese Ausbildung führte zu einem Halbgraben mit darin abgelagerter sedimentärer Syn-Riftsequenz. Letztere wurde während der Anfangsphase der variszischen Tektonik invertiert, so daß es zu einem Rampen-Antiklinal-Synklinal Paar kam, welches die wichtigsten Falten der Gegend bildet. Die variable Geometrie der Falten wird zum einen der Existenz von frühen En-échelon Falten zugeschrieben, die durch die Horizontalverschiebungskomponente der Störungen hervorgerufen wurden; zum anderen sind sie das Resultat der veränderlichen Intensität der Scherspannung während der ersten variszischen Phase.

Resumen Se describe el límite entre las Zonas Asturoccidental-Leonesa y Centroibérica en el NO de la Península Ibérica en el área del Caurel-Truchas (Provincias de Orense y León). Partiendo de la distribución de las formaciones sedimentarias y de la geometría de las estructuras varíscicas, se deduce que la transición entre las dos zonas fue un sistema de fallas, que fue activo al menos durante el Ordovício y el Silúrico Inferior. Se supone que la principal componente de las fallas fue normal, aunque debió de existir también una componente de desgarre, y su juego originó un semi-graben en el que se acumuló una secuencia sin-rift. Esta última experimentó una inversión al principio de la tectogénesis Varíscica, formándose un par de pliegues de rampa que son los pliegues más importantes del área. La geometría variable de esos pliegues se interpreta como debida, en parte, a la existencia previa de pliegues en escalón relacionados con la componente de desgarre de las fallas y, en parte, como consecuencia de la variable intensidad de la deformación por cizallamiento sufrida durante la primera fase de deformación varíscica.

- - - Caurel-Truchas, Orense León. , , . , , . . , - . , - , , , , -, .
The (J, K)=(1,1) ammonia transition emission has been observed toward six regions with signs of active star formation (AFGL 5142, HH 33/40, AFGL 5157, AFGL 6366S, HHL 73, and S140N), using the 37 m antenna of the Haystack Observatory. We detected and mapped the ammonia emission in all of these sources with the exception of HH 33/40. The (J, K)-(2,2), ammonia transition was also observed at the peak position of each source in order to obtain the rotational temperature of the ammonia clumps.Paper presented at the 11th European regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   
Delineating alluvial aquifer heterogeneity using resistivity and GPR data   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Conceptual geological models based on geophysical data can elucidate aquifer architecture and heterogeneity at meter and smaller scales, which can lead to better predictions of preferential flow pathways. The macrodispersion experiment (MADE) site, with >2000 measurements of hydraulic conductivity obtained and three tracer tests conducted, serves as an ideal natural laboratory for examining relationships between subsurface flow characteristics and geophysical attributes in fluvial aquifers. The spatial variation of hydraulic conductivity measurements indicates a large degree of site heterogeneity. To evaluate the usefulness of geophysical methods for better delineating fluvial aquifer heterogeneities and distribution of preferential flow paths, a surface grid of two-dimensional ground penetrating radar (GPR) and direct current (DC) resistivity data were collected. A geological model was developed from these data that delineate four stratigraphic units with distinct electrical and radar properties including (from top to bottom) (1) a meandering fluvial system (MFS); (2) a braided fluvial system (BFS); (3) fine-grained sands; and (4) a clay-rich interval. A paleochannel, inferred by other authors to affect flow, was mapped in the MFS with both DC resistivity and GPR data. The channel is 2 to 4 m deep and, based on resistivity values, is predominantly filled with clay and silt. Comparing previously collected hydraulic conductivity measurements and tracer-plume migration patterns to the geological model indicates that flow primarily occurs in the BFS and that the channel mapped in the MFS has no influence on plume migration patterns.  相似文献   
DPFT is a lumped approach for operational flash flood forecasting, based on the unit hydrograph. Using a multi-event alternating iterative algorithm, it identifies a robust and stable average transfer function and a consistent set of effective rainfall series associated with each event at the same time. This key ingredient allows an objective calibration of different loss functions, relating gauged precipitation and effective rainfall. A case study based on an operational French basin (545 km2) is presented. Three lumped production functions have been calibrated and compared. The results show that more elaborate models of loss functions must be proposed, and some possible directions for this are pointed out.Presently at the Institut de Ciences de la Terra Jaume Almera, Apartat 30102, 08080 Barcelona, Spain.Presently at EDF-DTG. Service de Ressources en Eau, BP 4348, 31029 Toulouse Cedex, France.  相似文献   
The Tinto-Odiel estuary area in SW Spain presents a high concentration of industrial, agricultural and mining activities that seriously affect water quality, producing significant concentrations in trace metals and other contaminant elements. Previous studies have highlighted the important environmental effect of these contaminated waters discharged into the Gulf of Cadiz, contributing in a marked way to trace-metal concentrations in the Mediterranean Sea by water inflow through the Strait of Gibraltar. A global biogeochemical characterization of these waters was the main objective of a multidisciplinary research study funded by the European Union, in which remote sensing and GIS techniques, among other methodologies, were jointly applied. The main results confirmed the usefulness of this integrated methodological approach as an effective tool for the assessment of current biogeochemical conditions. Digital image processing provided valuable thematic information for temporal hydrodynamic analysis and water quality parameters mapping, which was integrated into a GIS database together with experimental information sampled in oceanographic cruises.  相似文献   
Scientific and technical information can increase the ability of policy makers to make strategic decisions. However, climate change policy is often formulated without significant input from science. We examine whether the availability and accessibility of information related to climate change is a major barrier for policy action on climate change adaptation for smallholder farmers. We also investigate whether scientific information related to climate change is available and used in policy making in Central America and Mexico. Our online survey of 105 decision makers indicated that a lack of scientific and technical information hinders policy makers from developing policies to help smallholder farmers adapt to climate change. Specific needs include information on the impacts of climate change on water availability for agriculture and the areas that are or will be prone to flooding, droughts or landslides. Information about the location of the farmers who are most vulnerable to climate change, the projected temperature and precipitation in agricultural areas and the expected impacts of climate change on crop yields or animal productivity, is also needed. Despite high interest in having scientific information guide policy making, many respondents indicated that policy makers rarely use this information in adaptation planning. In addition to ensuring that relevant information is available to inform policy making, technical and scientific information must be published in venues that are readily accessible for policy makers, easy to understand, and written in a format that is policy-relevant. It is also critical that scientific articles provide specific recommendations for achieving desired policy outcomes.  相似文献   

The relationship of the hydrological variability of the Rio Negro in Manaus and the dominant large-scale climate variability patterns for the 1902–2007 period is investigated using the quantile method and composite analyses. Variations of the Rio Negro Level (RNL) during its 3-month high (May to July—MJJ) and low (October to December—OND) phases are examined separately. The El Niño (La Niña) related maximum warming (cooling) in the central tropical Pacific during its mature and decaying stages modulates the atmospheric circulation in the tropics and displaces the Walker circulation cell eastward (westward), so that its sinking (rising) branch occurs over western Amazon and causes negative (positive) precipitation anomalies in this region. These anomalous climate conditions occur before the Rio Negro high phase (MJJ) and contribute to reduce (increase) the RNL and lead to a very low (very high) event in the river. On the other hand, the SST variability modes in the tropical Atlantic mainly during the transition from wet to dry season modulate the precipitation variations over western Amazon in OND. The very high events are more frequent after the 1960’s decade and the very low events, before the 1930’s decade. Therefore, the occurrence of these events contains a multidecadal scale variability. The results also indicate that the variations in the rainfall in western Amazon occur up to 9 months in advance and modulate the RNL in Manaus. The results presented here might be useful for monitoring purposes of the RNL.



LiDAR remote sensing is a rapidly evolving technology for quantifying a variety of forest attributes, including aboveground carbon (AGC). Pulse density influences the acquisition cost of LiDAR, and grid cell size influences AGC prediction using plot-based methods; however, little work has evaluated the effects of LiDAR pulse density and cell size for predicting and mapping AGC in fast-growing Eucalyptus forest plantations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of LiDAR pulse density and grid cell size on AGC prediction accuracy at plot and stand-levels using airborne LiDAR and field data. We used the Random Forest (RF) machine learning algorithm to model AGC using LiDAR-derived metrics from LiDAR collections of 5 and 10 pulses m?2 (RF5 and RF10) and grid cell sizes of 5, 10, 15 and 20 m.


The results show that LiDAR pulse density of 5 pulses m?2 provides metrics with similar prediction accuracy for AGC as when using a dataset with 10 pulses m?2 in these fast-growing plantations. Relative root mean square errors (RMSEs) for the RF5 and RF10 were 6.14 and 6.01%, respectively. Equivalence tests showed that the predicted AGC from the training and validation models were equivalent to the observed AGC measurements. The grid cell sizes for mapping ranging from 5 to 20 also did not significantly affect the prediction accuracy of AGC at stand level in this system.


LiDAR measurements can be used to predict and map AGC across variable-age Eucalyptus plantations with adequate levels of precision and accuracy using 5 pulses m?2 and a grid cell size of 5 m. The promising results for AGC modeling in this study will allow for greater confidence in comparing AGC estimates with varying LiDAR sampling densities for Eucalyptus plantations and assist in decision making towards more cost effective and efficient forest inventory.
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