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Summary The space (time) delay of transmitted waves in the vicinity of the interface beyond the critical point is investigated on two-dimensional seismic models of a low velocity channel; results of laboratory experiments are compared with the conclusions of the theory. The effect of the time delay in field measurements is demonstrated by means of two typical geological formations.  相似文献   
We present the first geochemically confirmed finding of the Laacher See Tephra (LST) on the Swedish mainland, now the northernmost extension of the LST. Sediments were sampled at the Körslättamossen fen, southernmost Sweden, and a high‐concentration cryptotephra occurrence (>65 000 shards cm?3) of the LST was found in a sequence of calcareous gyttja. Tephra identification was confirmed by geochemical analysis using field‐emission electron probe microanalysis and through comparison of the results with published LST data from proximal sites and distal sites north‐east of Laacher See. The LST has previously been divided into eruption phases suggested to have spread in several dispersal fans, but it was not possible to confidently determine the phase of the tephra here closer than to the MLST or ULST. The finding of the LST presented here further strengthens the potential of tephrochronological studies in the south Scandinavian region.
High-resolution pollen analyses ( 50 yr) from sediment cores retrieved at Chernyshov Bay in the NW Large Aral Sea record shifts in vegetational development from subdesertic to steppe vegetation in the Aral Sea basin during the late Holocene. Using pollen data to quantify climatic parameters, we reconstruct and date for the first time significant changes in moisture conditions in Central Asia during the past 2000 yr. Cold and arid conditions prevailed between ca. AD 0 and 400, AD 900 and 1150, and AD 1500 and 1650 with the extension of xeric vegetation dominated by steppe elements. These intervals are characterized by low winter and summer mean temperatures and low mean annual precipitation (Pmm < 250 mm/yr). Conversely, the most suitable climate conditions occurred between ca. AD 400 and 900, and AD 1150 and 1450, when steppe vegetation was enriched by plants requiring moister conditions (Pmm  250–500 mm/yr) and some trees developed. Our results are fairly consistent with other late Holocene records from the eastern Mediterranean region and the Middle East, showing that regional rainfall in Central Asia is predominantly controlled by the eastern Mediterranean cyclonic system when the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is in a negative phase.  相似文献   
Geomorphological and glacial geological surveys and multiple cosmogenic nuclide analyses (10Be, 26Al, and 21Ne) allowed us to reconstruct the chronology of variations prior to the last glacial maximum of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) and valley glaciers in the Terra Nova Bay region. Glacially scoured coastal piedmonts with round-topped mountains occur below the highest local erosional trimline. They represent relict landscape features eroded by extensive ice overriding the whole coastal area before at least 6 Ma (pre-dating the build-up of the Mt. Melbourne volcanic field). Since then, summit surfaces were continuously exposed and well preserved under polar condition with negligible erosion rates on the order of 17 cm/Ma. Complex older drifts rest on deglaciated areas above the younger late-Pleistocene glacial drift and below the previously overridden summits. The combination of stable and radionuclide isotopes documents complex exposure histories with substantial periods of burial combined with minimal erosion. The areas below rounded summits were repeatedly exposed and buried by ice from local and outlet glaciers. The exposure ages of the older drift(s) indicate multiple Pleistocene glacial cycles, which did not significantly modify the pre-existing landscape.  相似文献   
The Borrobol Tephra has been identified as one of the key tephra horizons for the Lateglacial time period but it also exemplifies many of the promises and problems of tephrochronology. Additional horizons with similar major element composition and approximately the same age have been identified around the North Atlantic region. Here, we revisit the Borrobol Tephra identified at two Swedish sites, Hässeldala port and Skallahult, and also the Borrobol type‐site in Scotland. We present the first set of minor element data (trace and rare earth analyses) along with new analyses of major elements from these three sites. The analysed minor and the trace elements have a similar signature; however, the glass from the Scottish type‐site seems to imply two populations. To answer if this truly represents two populations, or if it reflects magmatic differentiation additional and larger data sets of minor elements are needed. The new major elements are compared to other Borrobol‐type tephras identified in the North Atlantic region. Our results are in line with earlier investigations, which showed no differences in major elements. Further, comparison of minor elements from glass analyses from our sites with those for eruptions associated with Icelandic central volcanoes implies an Icelandic origin for the Borrobol‐type tephras.  相似文献   
Summary Seasonal variations of the atmospheric circulation on the western flanks of the North Atlantic Anticyclone imply upward motion over the Caribbean Sea during the summer half-year, with a secondary minimum in July and August, while ascending motion decreases from November onward, and a strong subsidence develops towards the end of the winter half-year. This is associated with variations in the persistence of the trade inversion and the development of the Easterly Waves.The precipitation regime over the Caribbean Sea follows closely the seasonal variations in the field of large-scale vertical motion. A large variety in rainfall distribution and regime is found, on the other hand, on the Central American Isthmus. In qualitative terms, this is controlled by the orientation of mountain ranges and the configuration of coast lines relative to the seasonal flow patterns, that is orographic and stress-differential induced divergence and convergence effects. Due to the latitudinal variation of the Coriolis parameter, stress-differential induced divergence effects should be particularly pronounced in the tropics. The causes for the regional variations in the beginning of the rainy season and the secondary rainfall minimum in midsummer are discussed particularly.An altitudinal belt of maximum rainfall below the 1,000 m level is found in large parts of the Central American mountains. Recent climatic fluctuations display regional differences which appear to be greatly due to orographic and stressdifferential induced divergence effects.
Zusammenfassung Jahreszeitliche Zirkulationsschwankungen auf der Westflanke der Nordatlantischen Hochdruckzelle sind verbunden mit aufsteigender Bewegung über dem Karibischen Meer während des Sommerhalbjahrs, mit einem sekundären Minimum im Hochsommer; von November an wird die Aufwärtsbewegung geringer, und ein starkes Absinken entwickelt sich gegen Ende des Winterhalbjahres. Änderungen der großräumigen Vertikalbewegung gehen mit Schwankungen in der Intensität der Passatinversion und der Ausbildung der Easterly Waves einher.Das Niederschlagsregime über dem Karibischen Meer folgt im wesentlichen den jahreszeitlichen Schwankungen der großräumigen Vertikalbewegung. Starke Gegensätze in Niederschlagsverteilung und-regime prägen sich andererseits auf der mittelamerikanischen Landbrücke aus. Sie sind im wesentlichen bestimmt durch Orientierung der Gebirge und des Küstenverlaufes in bezug zum jahreszeitlich veränderlichen Strömungsfeld. Orographische Effekte und Schubspannungs-unterschiede zwischen Land und Meer haben eine große Bedeutung für horizontale Strömungsdivergenzen in der Reibungsschicht. Wegen der Breitenabhängigkeit des Coriolis-Parameters sollten sich diese Effekte besonders stark in den Tropen auswirken. Die Ursachen für die ausgeprägten regionalen Unterschiede im Beginn der Regenzeit sowie das sekundäre Niederschlagsminimum im Hochsommer werden besonders diskutiert.In weiten Teilen der mittelamerikanischen Gebirge kann eine Höhenstufe maximalen Niederschlags unterhalb des 1000 m-Niveaus festgestellt werden. Klimaschwankungen der letzten Jahrzehnte zeigen regionale Unterschiede, die vor allem durch orographische Effekte und Schubspannungsunterschiede bedingt zu sein scheinen.

Resumen Variaciones estacionales de la circulación atmosférica al lado occidental del Anticiclón del Atlántico del Norte están relacionados con el campo del movimiento vertical sobre el Mar Caribe. Hay un movimiento ascendente durante la mitad vernal del año, mostrando cierta disminución en los meses de Julio y Agosto. Una subsidencia pronunciada, por otra parte, suele desarrollarse hacia el final de la mitad invernal del año. Los cambios estacionales en el campo del movimiento vertical van junto con variaciones en la intensidad de la inversion de alísios y de las Ondas del Este.El régimen de lluvias sobre el Mar Caribe está conforme con las variaciones estacionales en el campo del movimiento vertical. En el Istmo Centroamericano, por otra parte, hay grandes contrastes en la distribucion regional y el régimen de lluvias, las cuales se deben a la orientación de las cordilleras y de las costas con respecto a los flujos atmosféricos dominantes. Diferencias en las condiciones aerodinámicas entre la superficie del mar y superficies terrestres, por otra parte, causan efectos de divergencia o convergencia en la faja costera. Debido a la variación latitudinal del parametro de Coriolis, dichos efectos deberían de ser particularmente importantes en los trópicos. Se discutan especialmente las causas para las differencias regionales que existen respecto al comienzo de la estación lluviosa.En gran parte de las montanas de Centro America hay un piso con lluvias máximas, situado debajo de 1,000 m, con una disminución pronunciada monte arriba. Las fluctuaciones climáticas de los ultimos decénios demuestran un carácter distinto en las varias partes del Istmo, lo que parece ser debido a efectos regionales de divergencia y convergencia.

Résumé Les variations saisonnières de la circulation atmosphérique sur le flanc ouest de l'anticyclone situé sur l'Atlantique septentrional impliquent un mouvement ascendant de l'air au-dessus de la Mer des Caraïbes durant le semestre d'été. Ce mouvement est interrompu par un minimum secondaire en juillet et août. La durée de ces mouvements ascendants diminue à partir du mois de novembre et un fort courant subsident s'y développe vers la fin du semestre d'hiver. Ces mouvements sont associés aux variations de l'inversion des alizés et à l'évolution de l'ondulation de l'est.Le régime des précipitations de la Mer des Caraïbes suit étroitement les variations saisonnières du champ des mouvements verticaux à grande échelle. On recontre par contre une grande diversité dans les régimes et la distribution des précipitations en Amérique Centrale. Cette constatation se contrôle qualitativement par l'orientation des chaînes de montagne et la configuration des côtes par rapport aux modèles d'écoulement saisonnier. C'est à dire que cette diversité est due à des effets de divergence et de convergence provenant des conditions orographiques et des conditions de frottement différencié entre la terre et la mer. Du fait de la variation du paramètre de Coriolis avec la latitude, les effets de divergence provoquée par le dit frottement différencié doivent être spécialement prononcés sous les tropiques. On discute ici en particulier les causes des variations régionales du début de la saison des pluies et du minimum secondaire des précipitations au milieu de l'été.Une ceinture du maximum des précipitations se retrouve au-dessous de 1000 m d'altitude dans la plus grande partie des montagnes de l'Amérique Centrale. Des fluctuations climatiques récentes présentent des différences régionales qui semblent dues principalement à des effets orographiques et à la divergence produite par le frottement différencié de l'air sur la terre et la mer.

With 16 Figures

A financial support by the University of Wisconsin Research Committee during the writing stage of this work is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   
This study presents an evaluation of a comprehensive dataset with information on about 700 recorded rockfall events in Germany for the first time. The focus is on the analysis of monthly distributions of three rockfall clusters in German low mountain ranges and of three elevation classes to provide an overview of the characteristic seasonal occurrence of rockfalls in Germany. Each rockfall distribution is correlated with records of meteorological station clusters which are representative for the long-term climate conditions of the particular rockfall cluster and elevation class, respectively. The stored parameters in the dataset (year of occurrence, rock volumes, slope angles, affected objects) are evaluated to complete the extensive and differentiated overview of rockfalls in Germany. The analyses of the distributions of the three rockfall clusters show a distinct event concentration in the winter months. Differences are apparent between the monthly distributions of the elevation classes in which clear peaks are partially visible. Freeze–thaw cycles are considered to be the major trigger of winter rockfalls in Germany. Overall, the presented results may serve as a basis for further studies in the German low mountain ranges. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Knowledge on the stresses in shotcrete tunnel shells is of great importance, as to assess their safety against severe cracking or failure. Estimation of these stresses from 3D optical displacement measurements requires shotcrete material models, which may preferentially consider variations in the water–cement and aggregate–cement ratios. Therefore, we employ two representative volume elements within a continuum micromechanics framework: the first one relates to cement paste (with a spherical material phase representing cement clinker grains, needle-shaped hydrate phases with isotropically distributed spatial orientations, a spherical water phase, and a spherical air phase; all being in mutual contact), and the second one relates to shotcrete (with phases representing cement paste and aggregates, whereby aggregate inclusions are embedded into a matrix made up by cement paste). Elasticity homogenization follows self-consistent schemes (at the cement paste level) and Mori–Tanaka estimates (at the shotcrete level), and stress peaks in the hydrates related to quasi-brittle material failure are estimated by second-order phase averages derived from the RVE-related elastic energy. The latter permits upscaling from the hydrate strength to the shotcrete strength. Experimental data from resonant frequency tests, ultrasonics tests, adiabatic tests, uniaxial compression tests, and nanoindentation tests suggest that shotcrete elasticity and strength can be reasonably predicted from mixture- and hydration-independent elastic properties of aggregates, clinker, hydrates, water, and air, and from strength properties of hydrates. At the structural level, the micromechanics model, when combined with 3D displacement measurements, predicts that a decrease of the water–cement ratio increases the safety of the shotcrete tunnel shell.  相似文献   
The Hackthorne 1 site (southern Tuli Basin, South Africa) is situated on a sand-covered plateau adjacent to the Limpopo River Valley. Although the site is well known for its Stone Age archaeology, the past environmental contexts (particularly sedimentological/geomorphological) are not well known. We examine the Hackthorne sand grain surface textures, so as to provide some insight on the site specific and regional depositional history. Quartz sands at Hackthorne were collected from surface sands and from underlying weathered calcrete. SEM analysis was performed on sand grains, through which several mechanical and chemical microtextures were identified. Microtextures typical of fluvial environments were found only on grains derived from the plateau calcrete host sediment, whilst the surface sands exhibited only textures associated with aeolian environments. The results indicate that the calcrete host sediment is composed of alluvium, and that the surface sands mantling the Hackthorne Plateau are not deflated from the alluvial deposits in the Limpopo Valley, but may rather be derived from distant aeolian sources. The deposition of aeolian sands is consistent with OSL dates which place sand deposition, or remobilization, at 23 and 15 kya, periods in southern Africa associated with increased aridity.  相似文献   
Investigation of the sedimentary record of pre‐Alpine Lake Mondsee (Upper Austria) focused on the environmental reaction to rapid Lateglacial climatic changes. Results of this study reveal complex proxy responses that are variable in time and influenced by the long‐term evolution of the lake and its catchment. A new field sampling approach facilitated continuous and precisely controlled parallel sampling at decadal to sub‐annual resolution for µ‐XRF element scanning, carbon geochemistry, stable isotope measurements on ostracods, pollen analyses and large‐scale thin sections for microfacies analysis. The Holocene chronology is established through microscopic varve counting and supported by accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dating of terrestrial plant macrofossils, whereas the Lateglacial age model is based on δ18O wiggle matching with the Greenland NGRIP record, using the GICC05 chronology. Microfacies analysis enables the detection of subtle sedimentological changes, proving that depositional processes even in rather large lake systems are highly sensitive to climate forcing. Comparing periods of major warming at the onset of the Lateglacial and Holocene and of major cooling at the onset of the Younger Dryas reveals differences in proxy responses, reflecting threshold effects and ecosystem inertia. Temperature increase, vegetation recovery, decrease of detrital flux and intensification of biochemical calcite precipitation at the onset of the Holocene took place with only decadal leads and lags over a ca. 100 a period, whereas the spread of woodlands and the reduction of detrital flux lagged the warming at the onset of the Lateglacial Interstadial by ca. 500–750 a. Cooling at the onset of the Younger Dryas is reflected by the simultaneous reaction of δ18O and vegetation, but sedimentological changes (reduction of endogenic calcite content, increase in detrital flux) were delayed by about 150–300 a. Three short‐term Lateglacial cold intervals, corresponding to Greenland isotope substages GI‐1d, GI‐1c2 and GI‐1b, also show complex proxy responses that vary in time. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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