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The harmful cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii is a widespread species increasingly being recorded in freshwater systems around the world. Studies have demonstrated some key attributes of this species which may explain its global dominance. It has a high level of flexibility with respect to light and nutrients, being capable of growth under low and variable light conditions. However, it is the strategy with respect to nutrient utilization that has received more attention. Unlike many bloom forming species, the dominance of this species is not simply linked to higher nutrient loads. In fact it appears that it is more competitive when phosphorus and nitrogen availability is low and/or variable. An important component of this flexibility appears to be the result of within-population strain variability in responses to nutrients, as well as key physiological adaptations. Strain variability also appears to have an effect on the population-level cell quota of toxins, specifically cylindrospermopsins (CYNs). Field studies in Australia showed that populations had the highest proportion of toxic strains when dissolved inorganic phosphorus was added, resulting in stoichiometrically balanced nitrogen and phosphorus within the cells. These strategies are part of an arsenal of responses to environmental conditions, making it a challenging species to manage. However, our ability to improve bloom prediction will rely on a more detailed understanding of the complex physiology and ecology of this species.  相似文献   
In western Jutland deposits with a texture and structure similar to Dutch cover sands have been found. Investigations have been carried out on the lithology and the lithostratigraphic sequences. Pollen analysis is used for biostratigraphic correlation, and ages have been obtained by the radiocarbon method as well as by thermoluminescence techniques using both quartz and eldspar. The five sites are presented separately and the data are integrated into a general stratigraphic outline of the Late Glacial cover-sand sequence in Jutland. During the latest part of the Upper Pleniglacial and the earliest Late Glacial, older cover-sand type was deposited. Locally this sediment was also deposited during the later parts of the Late Glacial. Younger cover-sand type was deposited primarily during the Early Dryas and Late Dryas, but some sand of this type was also laid down during the Allerød and the earliest Holocene. The palaeobotanical records are discontinuous, but plant growth was probably present throughout the Late Glacial; only during the Altered did the deposition of sand decrease long enough to allow a relatively stable vegetational development. The investigation shows that the sequence of events in Jutland is similar to the Dutch record.  相似文献   
Single-crystal structure determinations at pressure have shown that the structural response of synthetic (Mg0.6Fe0.4)SiO3 orthopyroxene to compression is the same as that previously observed in MgSiO3 orthoenstatite. At pressure below ~4?GPa there is no significant compression of the SiO4 tetrahedra, while above ~4?GPa the tetrahedra decrease in volume as a result of Si?O bond shortening. A study of the compressional behaviour of synthetic FeSiO3 orthoferrosilite also shows the same behaviour below 4?GPa, but studies at higher pressures are precluded due to the transformation of the sample to the higher density C2/c high-clinoferrosilite polymorph. A further single-crystal study to 6?GPa of a Ca2+-containing natural orthopyroxene shows that chemical substitution of, primarily, Al3+ and Ca2+ into the structure of orthopyroxene inhibits the initial rapid compression of the M2?O3 bonds observed in the synthetic samples, and no significant tetrahedral compression is observed in this sample. Raman data collected from synthetic MgSiO3 orthoenstatite show that there is a change in the rate of change of frequency with pressure, δν/δP, between 3.5 and 6.0?GPa, but no changes in the number of observed bands. These observations indicate a non-symmetry-breaking change in the properties of the orthoenstatite, which is associated with the change in compression mechanism observed using X-ray diffraction techniques at this pressure.  相似文献   
The loamy ?brickearth’? deposits overlying coarse cold climate Kempton Park, Lynch Hill and Taplow Gravels of the R. Thames in west London are dated by thermoluminescence and mineralogical comparisons with loesses of three known ages. Although much of the ?brickearth’? resembles loess, it often contains more sand or clay than typical loess, and the mineralogical studies suggest that even the coarse silt (16–63 μm) fraction is rarely similar in composition to any known English loess. The thermoluminescence measurements suggest that most of the ?brickearth’? on the Taplow and Lynch Hill Gravels was deposited in the late Devensian, whereas that on the Park Gravel is mainly Flandrian. It is suggested that the latter is mainly floodloam, whereas the earlier ?brickearth’? is a mixed aeolian sediment derived from various local sources in and close to the Thames Valley.  相似文献   
Agricultural tourism incorporates visits to farms for the purposes of on‐site retail purchases, enjoyment, and education. Long popular in the European Union (EU), agritourism is gaining popularity throughout the United States. Interest has grown as a result of stagnant grain prices, rising farm costs, and growing international competition. For rural areas seeking new economic options, the potential of these operations to generate new sources of income through sales and horizontal linkages to other tourism‐based activities has sparked interest beyond the farm gate. This article, based on a survey and a statistical analysis of 300 agritourism operations in Michigan, summarizes factors associated with successful operations.  相似文献   
Geografisk Tidsskrift—Danish Journal of Geography 109(2):161–179, 2009

A key feature of globalization is the way that local landscapes are progressively opened up to the influence of global markets, consumers and capital. The transformations that result are frequently politically contested, and can profoundly and quickly affect cultural landscapes that have evolved slowly over long periods. The contests over policy direction may draw upon long established ideals of occupancy and ownership, and such ‘policy myths’ may paradoxically serve to undermine the very landscapes from which they are drawn. The New Zealand South Island High Country is a distinctive continuing cultural landscape that is currently undergoing radical change as a result of land tenure reform. The unarticle demonstrates the way that cultural and political narratives and ideals are critical factors in mediating the relationship between globalization and local landscape change in this iconic landscape.  相似文献   
Recognition of the possible consequences of global‐scale pollution has spawned research programs loosely termed ‘global change’. These programs are hampered by the problems of academic apartheid first identified by those attempting to examine the Gaia hypothesis. Global change is, in many ways, a synonym for global geography: the study of processes and their consequences at the human/environment interface. Assessment of highly complex systems demands integrative, interdisciplinary research; the search for, and recognition of, negative feedbacks; and, most importantly, the courage to formulate hypotheses which bridge many single disciplines. I illustrate some of the pitfalls of interdisciplinary research with reference to my own research in atmospheric science, by the application of atmospheric science to the study of climatic impacts and consideration of the integration of climatic impacts into global change.  相似文献   
This is the first article to describe mineralization of midplate submarine rift zones and hydrothermal manganese oxide mineralization of midplate volcanic edifices. Hydrothermal Mn oxides were recovered from submarine extensions of two Hawaiian rift zones, along Haleakala and Puna Ridges. These Mn oxides form two types of deposits, metallic stratiform layers in volcaniclastic rocks and cement for clastic rocks; both deposit types are composed of todorokite and bimessite. Thin Fe‐Mn crusts that coat some rocks formed by a combination of hydrogenetic and hydrothermal processes and are composed of δ‐MnO2. The stratiform layers have high Mn contents (mean 40%) and a large fractionation between Mn and Fe (Fe/Mn = 0.04). Unlike most other hydrothermal Mn oxide deposits, those from Hawaiian rift zones are enriched in the trace metals Zn, Co, Ba, Mo, Sr, V, and especially Ni (mean 0.16%). Metals are derived from three sources: mafic and ultramafic rocks leached by circulating hydrothermal fluids, clastic material (in Mn‐cemented sandstone), and seawater that mixed with the hydrothermal fluids. Mineralization on Haleakala Ridge occurred sometime during the past 200 to 400 ka, when the summit was at a water depth of more than 1,000 m. Hydrothermal circulation was probably driven by heat produced by intrusion of dikces, magma reservoirs, and flow of magma through axial and lateral conduits. The supply of seawater to ridge interiors must be extensive because of their high porosity and permeability. Precipitation of Mn oxide below the seafloor is indicated by its occurrence as cement, growth textures that show mineralizing fluids were introduced from below, and pervasive replacement of original matrix of clastic rocks.  相似文献   
A three-dimensional finite difference transport model appropriate for the coastal environment is developed for the solution of the three-dimensional convection-diffusion equation. A higher order upwind scheme is used for the convective terms of the convection-diffusion equation, to minimise the numerical diffusion. The validity of the numerical model is verified through five test problems, whose exact solutions are known.  相似文献   
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