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用历年北半球500hPa月平均高度场及北太平洋海温资料,运用合成分析,奇异值分解等方法,分析了我国夏季降水型与同期,前期环流及海温场的关系,结果表明我国夏季降水型与大气环流及北太平海之间有密切的关系。  相似文献   
Wang  Shujuan  Yan  Yihua  Zhao  Ruizhen  Fu  Qijun  Tan  Chengming  Xu  Long  Wang  Shijin  Lin  Huaan 《Solar physics》2001,204(1-2):153-164
25 MHz–7.6 GHz global and detailed (fine structure – FS) radio spectra are presented, which were observed in the NOAA 9077 active region for the Bastille Day (14 July 2000) flare at 10:10–11:00 UT. Besides broadband radio bursts, high-resolution dynamic spectra reveal metric type II burst, decimetric type IV burst and various decimetric and microwave FSs, such as type III bursts, type U bursts, reverse-slope (RS)-drifting burst, fiber bursts, patch and drifting pulsation structure (DPS). The peak-flux-density spectrum of the radio bursts over the range 1.0–7.6 GHz globally appears as a U-shaped signature. Analyzing the features of backbone and herringbones of the type II burst, the speeds of shock and relevant energetic electron beams were estimated to be 1100 km s−1 and 58 500 km s−1, respectively. Also the time sequence of the radio emission is analyzed by comparing with the hard X-rays (HXRs) and the soft X-rays (SXRs) in this flare. After the maxima of the X-rays, the radio emission in the range 1.0–7.6 GHz reached maxima first at the higher frequency, then drifted to the lower frequency. This comparison suggested that the flare included three successive processes: firstly the X-rays rose and reached maxima at 10:10–10:23 UT, accompanied by fine structures only in the range 2.6–7.6 GHz; secondly the microwave radio emission reached maxima accompanied by many fine structures over the range 1.0–7.6 GHz at 10:23–10:34 UT; then a decimetric type IV burst and its associated FSs (fibers) in the range 1.0–2.0 GHz appeared after 10:40 UT.  相似文献   
基于MAPGIS的地质矿产勘查项目信息管理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以MapGIS为平台,二次开发实现了地质矿产勘查项目信息管理系统,并建立了重庆市矿产地和勘查项目库。该系统利用GIS技术合理规划矿产资源勘查,信息化管理矿产开发项目,为制定可持续发展的矿产资源开发利用方案提供辅助决策。  相似文献   
本文系统地介绍了~(231)Pa测量法在某些方面应用的研究成果,主要包括:在普查阶段鉴别地面放射性测量的异常,在勘探阶段研究不平衡铀矿床以及在地质研究工作中测定某些近期地质事件发生的年代。另外,还给出了一些实例。  相似文献   
2015年7月3日新疆皮山M_S6.5级地震灾区地处塔里木盆地南缘,该地自然条件恶劣,经济极为落后,灾区农村的民房除了抗震安居工程建设的房屋外,还有大量抗震性能较差的民居,在地震中受损严重,经济损失较大。灾区大部分位于山前溢出带,地下水位浅、地基土层软弱等场地条件对地震动有放大作用,震害影响范围较大。灾后重建中应继续加大安居富民工程的经费投入力度。灾区北部人口密集,地基土层软弱,工程地质条件差,建议在今后的安居富民建设中加强地基处理。  相似文献   
海洋碳循环与全球气候变化相互反馈的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海洋作为地球上一个主要吸收二氧化碳的汇,储存大量的二氧化碳.海-气间的二氧化碳交换,使得海洋中碳对气候产生反馈作用,从而影响着大气中CO2的浓度,甚至影响到全球气候的变化.本文主要介绍了海洋碳循环的过程,以及海洋碳循环过程对气候的反馈作用.  相似文献   
滇西兰坪盆地五茂林剖面下白垩统景星组沉积相   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
实测了云南西部兰坪盆地东部下白垩统下部景星组的五茂林剖面,建立了曲流河、三角洲和湖泊3种沉积序列,其中三角洲序列在云南下白垩统中属首次建立。分析了粗碎屑岩的组成,将该剖面上出露的砾岩分成4类。早白垩世时兰坪盆地属丹那沙林-高黎贡弧的弧后盆地,景星组自下而上为曲流河沉积、三角洲沉积和湖泊沉积,且随湖侵发生,湖泊向西扩大。  相似文献   
Wang  Yutian  Tan  Bingqi  Wang  Yifeng  Wu  Jiangtao 《Natural Resources Research》1994,3(4):284-294
We propose an information-structure-analysis (ISA) method to quantify the correlations between quantitative and qualitative variables as well as within each type of variable. This method is applied to the evaluation of mineral resources in the western Zheijiang Province of China. The district contains a number of silver-bearing Fe–Cu–Pb–Zn mineral deposits near igneous complexes and FeCuPbZn zones away from the complexes. Silver anomalies occur not only in the known Fe–Cu–Zn–Pb deposits, but also in the country rock, suggesting the possible existence of silver deposits far from the igneous complexes.The tonnage distribution of silver is modeled by Monte Carlo simulation. This simulation is conducted on the basis of the correlations between silver (Ag) and lead (Pb), since no known data on silver is available. The known tonnage distribution of lead in 11 control cells was used to approximate the tonnage distribution of silver in the Monte Carlo simulation. With ISA and Monte Carlo methods, the total amount of potential polymetallic resources in 49 cells in the western Zhejiang Provice is predicted. Significantly, a deposit with about 24 tonnes of silver has been found within our exploration target area.  相似文献   
个旧锡矿高松矿田综合信息矿产预测   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
个旧超大型锡铜多金属矿床是我国和世界上重要的锡产地,近年来面临严重的资源危机。通过分析个旧锡矿高松矿田的地质、地球化学、地球物理等信息特征,用统计排序法和地质统计学方法解决了断裂、褶皱、地层、花岗岩等定性信息的量化、分级,用分维确定了考虑线性和面状因素的最佳信息单元大小,利用以Shannon信息论基本原理为基础的分层次自相似信息量加和法在信息类型内部和类型之间进行了信息的有机综合,得到了三级18个预测区,经云南锡业公司工程和已知矿区验证,取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   
安宁河-则木河断裂带位于川滇地块、巴颜喀拉地块和华南地块的交接部位,是川滇菱形块体的东部重要边界。利用布设在安宁河-则木河断裂带周边区域的西昌台阵和川西台阵均历时两年、共187个宽频带地震台站的垂直分量的背景噪声数据,采用噪声层析成像方法获得了这一区域4~20s的Rayleigh波群速度分布图像。与前人研究相比,本文结果的横向分辨率有明显改进,在安宁河-则木河断裂带可达20km左右,在其它区域可以达到20~40km。成像结果表明,安宁河-则木河断裂地区上地壳的速度结构存在明显横向不均匀性,速度分布特征与地表地质构造基本一致,不同周期的速度分布变化较小。盐源盆地、西昌盆地和四川盆地西南缘表现为低速异常。九龙附近和南部的德昌-盐边-巧家附近表现为高速异常,分别与出露的花岗岩体和峨眉山玄武岩有关。在安宁河断裂南段和则木河断裂北段能观测到断裂两侧的速度存在明显差异,其余断裂带两侧的速度对比不明显。贡嘎山附近的中上地壳表现为明显的低速异常,其东侧和西南侧高速体的阻挡,以及鲜水河-安宁河断裂带走向的变化,在贡嘎山区形成一个挤压弯曲段,使得川滇菱形块体的东南向水平运动转换为垂直于断裂的挤压作用和垂直隆升,导致了贡嘎山的快速隆起。  相似文献   
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