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The polymetallic(Pb,Zn,Cu,etc) ore belt on the southwestern margin of Tarim is one of the major regions with the greatest prospecting potential in Xinjiang.Reported in this paper are the lead isotope data for 66 sulfide samples(including 50 galena samples,15 chalcopyrite samples and 1 pyrite sample) collected from such representative deposits as Tamu,Tiekelike,Kalangu,Abalieke,etc.in this ore belt.The Pb isotopic ratios of 206 Pb/204 Pb,207 Pb/204 Pb and 208 Pb/204 Pb in the galena samples range from 17.931 to 18.176,15.609 to 15.818 and 38.197 to 38.944,with the average values of 18.017,15.684 and 38.462,respectively.Those in the chalcopyrite samples range from 17.926 to 18.144,15.598 to 15.628 and 38.171 to 38.583,with the average values of 18.020,15.606 and 38.262,respectively.The pyrite sample has the Pb isotopic ratios of 206 Pb/204 Pb,207 Pb/204 Pb and 208 Pb/204 Pb to be 17.980,15.604 and 38.145,respectively.In combination with the previous Pb isotope data for sulfides,it is found that there is only a slight variation in the Pb isotopic composition of galena,chalcopyrite,sphalerite and pyrite in the ore belt.However,there is some difference in Pb isotopic characteristics between galena and chalcopyrite,especially the Pb isotopic composition of galena shows an obvious linear correlation with some other relevant parameters(e.g.β and γ).The comprehensive analysis suggested that lead in galena(maybe including sphalerite and pyrite) was derived principally from wall rocks and underlying basement,and that in chalcopyrite only originated from the basement.The single-stage model ages of these sulfides couldn’t indicate the time limit of metallogenesis(Pb,Zn,Cu,etc.),and the positive linear correlations for the Pb isotopic composition of galena are of no single-stage and two-stage Pb-Pb isochron significance.Furthermore,there are significant differences in Pb isotopic composition characteristics between the genetic type of deposits in this polymetallic ore belt and the Mississippi Valley type(MVT).In addition,the authors also pointed out that there is a phenomenon of differentiation(not paragenesis) for lead and copper elements during the process of metallogenesis in this ore belt.  相似文献   
本文主要是应用数学地质方法研究山东招掖金矿带原生金矿化地球化学特征,从而确定金矿化的最佳地球化学标志组合,并建立原生金矿化模式及金矿体原生晕的判别模式.  相似文献   
Vibroseis data recorded at short source–receiver offsets can be swamped by direct waves from the source. The signal-to-noise ratio, where primary reflections are the signal and correlation side lobes are the noise, decreases with time and late reflection events are overwhelmed. This leads to low seismic resolution on the vibroseis correlogram. A new precorrelation filtering approach is proposed to suppress correlation noise. It is the ‘squeeze-filter-unsqueeze’ (SFU) process, a combination of ‘squeeze’ and ‘unsqueeze’ (S and U) transformations, together with the application of either an optimum least-squares filter or a linear recursive notch filter. SFU processing provides excellent direct wave removal if the onset time of the direct wave is known precisely, but when the correlation recognition method used to search for the first arrival fails, the SFU filtering will also fail. If the tapers of the source sweeps are badly distorted, a harmonic distortion will be introduced into the SFU-filtered trace. SFU appears to be more suitable for low-noise vibroseis data, and more effective when we know the sweep tapers exactly. SFU requires uncorrelated data, and is thus cpu intensive, but since it is automatic, it is not labour intensive. With non-linear sweeps, there are two approaches to the S,U transformations in SFU. The first requires the non-linear analytical sweep formula, and the second is to search and pick the zero nodes on the recorded pilot trace and then carry out the S,U transformations directly without requiring the algorithm or formula by which the sweep was generated. The latter method is also valid for vibroseis data with a linear sweep. SFU may be applied to the removal of any undesired signal, as long as the exact onset time of the unwanted signal in the precorrelation domain is known or determinable.  相似文献   
东亚季风是全球气候系统的重要组成部分[16]。了解北大西洋地区温度变化和东亚夏季风之间的关系对了解东亚季风的控制机制具有重要意义。葫芦洞和董哥洞石笋δ18O记录显示距今7510ka北大西洋地区千年尺度温度变化对东亚夏季风变化具有重要影响:较强的东亚夏季风与北大西洋地区较高气温对应,反之亦然[7,8]。但是,在此之前东亚夏季风变化与北大西洋地区温度变化之间是否具有类似的联系?到目前为止对这一问题尚没有明确的探讨。  相似文献   
地层水化学特征及流体成因的分析对油气成藏的研究具有重要意义,对库车坳陷克拉苏构造带的地层水化学特征及流体成因的研究有助于油气藏的勘探开发。塔里木盆地库车坳陷克拉苏构造带构造特征复杂,地层水化学特征及流体系统缺乏系统研究。为了明确克拉苏构造带地层水化学特征及其流体系统,对地层水的溶解性总固体(TDS)、离子比例系数及压力分布特征进行了分析。研究结果表明:克拉苏构造带地层水以高TDS的卤水为主(平均值为154.92 g/L),按照苏林分类主要为CaCl2型,按照舒卡列夫分类为Cl-Na型和Cl-Na·Ca型,为典型的沉积埋藏水。地层水的脱硫系数较低(平均值小于1.2)、变质系数较高(平均值大于6),表明地层的封闭性较好,地层水经历了较强的水岩反应。参照地层压力场、岩性特征及地层水特征,将库车凹陷克拉苏构造带划分为第四系—新近系、古近系、白垩系、侏罗系及下伏地层四套流体系统。结合研究区岩性组成、构造演化特征及地层水化学特征分析,明确了白垩系巴什基奇克组地层水的成因为白垩系原始沉积水与侏罗系烃源岩生烃时排出的有机物转化流体、沉积水及古近系膏盐层高盐度流体的混合。  相似文献   
姚燕  姜立鹏  祝婷  张涛  姚爽  张志森 《气象科学》2022,42(5):703-710
针对全球实时气象数据,重点研制面向全球大气再分析的观测资料前处理关键技术,主要包括实现大量实时文件快速解析分类的数据分拣技术,实现多类气象观测要素并行解码的信息提取技术,满足同化数据格式需求和实现分级分类有效存储的自定义模板统一编码技术。关键技术已于2019年6月在国家气象信息中心业务应用,为我国第一代全球大气和陆面再分析业务提供着稳定的实时观测数据支撑。  相似文献   
介绍了基于Web的流动地震监测数据库查询系统的开发背景和目的,描述了数据库查询系统的设计和实现过程。该系统借助Internet/Intranet网络,以B/S(浏览器/服务器)体系结构作为基础架构,采用WAMP集成化软件开发,具有系统加密、数据查询、数据维护、数据导出和资料下载等功能。  相似文献   
1 IntroductionThroughoutthegeologicalhistory ,almostallthetectonicplateactivities,suchasearthquakes,volcaniceruption ,andmountainbuilding ,takeplaceatactiveplateboundaries.Forexample,approxi mately 90 percentoftheearthquakesoccuratactiveplateboundaries[1 - 4 ] ,andthehighestmountainsofTibetandAndesresultfromthecontinualcollisionbetweenIndiaandAsia ,NazcaandSouthAmericaplates,respectively .Aplateboundaryisafracturethatseparatesaplatefromanother;theneighboringplatesmoverelativetooneanotherin…  相似文献   
The building of railways on seasonally frozen ground is inevitable as China pursues economic development and the improvement of its citizens' living standards. However, railway construction in seasonally frozen soil areas is often faced with frost heave, leading to uneven subgrades which seriously threaten traffic safety. This article summarizes extant research results on frost heave mechanism, frost heave factors, and anti-frost measures of railway subgrades in seasonally frozen soil areas.  相似文献   
The deterioration of air quality is threatening the life and health of people. Scientists in China and other countries have done a great deal of research work on the details of air pollution and the methods of preven-tion and control during the past decades. Up to now, most of the achievements are concentrated on the techniques of controlling pollutant sources and the programs of reduction, which focus on the improve-ment of air quality and the restoration of environment. The techniques of con…  相似文献   
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