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We have observed a total of 67 pulsars at five frequencies ranging from 243 to 3100 MHz. Observations at the lower frequencies were made at the Giant Metre-Wave Telescope in India and those at higher frequencies at the Parkes Telescope in Australia. We present profiles from 34 of the sample with the best signal-to-noise ratio and the least scattering. The general 'rules' of pulsar profiles are seen in the data; profiles get narrower, the polarization fraction declines and outer components become more prominent as the frequency increases. Many counterexamples to these rules are also observed, and pulsars with complex profiles are especially prone to rule breaking. We hypothesize that the location of pulsar emission within the magnetosphere evolves with time as the pulsar spins down. In highly energetic pulsars, the emission comes from a confined range of high altitudes, in the middle range of spin down energies the emission occurs over a wide range of altitudes whereas in pulsars with low spin-down energies it is confined to low down in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   
The paper analytically discusses certain palaeoecological criteria in the reconstruction of Lower Miocene (Aquitanian-Burdigalian) palaeobiogeography of the Indian subcontinent. The period is characterised by major marine transgressions and a prolific marine invertebrate and terrestrial vertebrate faunas. Faunal affinities of molluscs from western (Sind-Baluchistan) and eastern (Garo Hills) sectors are distinct and different. Molluscs of Garo Hills show affinity to Burmese species, whereas Sind-Baluchistan species shows similarity to that of the Mediterranean region. Marine molluscs resemble with the present-day taxa of the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal, where more than 35% species are common. This similarity is also evidenced by marine elasmobranchs, where approximately 33% species and 86% genera are similar to that of the Recent taxa. Terrestrial mammals show an intermingling of southern U.S.S.R. and African forms along with the presence of probably some groups belonging to the Indian subcontinent.Angiosperms are the dominant group. The Lower Miocene floras of the eastern and the western sectors are entirely different. The palm,Sabal major andPinus are reported from various localities. The climate in the western sector and South India was tropical, whereas in the eastern sector, it was variable.The Lower Miocene period is also marked by the contraction of Sindhu Sea, Bangla Sea and the Burmese Gulf southwards resulting in the final disappearance of the sea by the Pliocene.
Zusammenfassung Die Paläobiogeographie des unteren Miocän (Aquitan-Burdigal) läßt sich auf dem indischen Subkontinent aus den palökologischen Daten rekonstruieren. Zu dieser Zeit gab es viele marine Invertebraten und terrestrische Vertebraten-Faunen, die große marine Transgression anzeigen. Die Mollusken des Westens (Find-Baluchistan) und Ostens (Garo-Gebirge) sind unterschiedlich. Die Mollusken des Garo-Gebirges sind mit den Spezies von Burma verwandt. Dagegen sind die Faunen von Sind-Baluchistan für die mediterrane Faunenprovinz typisch. Die marinen Mollusken sind verwandt mit den Faunen des Arabischen Meeres und der Bucht von Bengalen; etwa 35% der Spezies sind gleich. Von den marinen Elasmobranchien sind ungefähr 33 % Spezies und 86% Genera gleich wie man sie in den rezenten Faunen findet. Terrestrische Sänger zeigen eine Mischung von südlicher U.S.S.R. und Afrika mit einigen Teilen des Indischen Subkontinentes.In den Pflanzen-Gruppen herrschen die Angiospermen vor. Die Untermiocän-Flora der östlichen und westlichen Gebiete ist ganz unterschiedlich. Der Palme, dieSabal Major undPinus sind aus verschiedenen Lokalitäten bekannt. Das Klima im Westen und im Süden Indiens war tropisch, im Osten dagegen war es wechselfeucht.Das Untermiocän-Meer im Gebiet Sind, Bangladesh und Burma verschwindet vor dem Pliozän.

Résumé Cet article analyse certains critères paléoécologiques dans la reconstitution de la paléogéographie du Miocène inférieur (Aquitanien-Burdigalien) de l'Inde subcontinentale. La période est caractérisée par de grandes transgressions marines et par des faunes abondantes d'invertébrés marins et de vertébrés terrestres. Les affinités fauniques des mollusques sont différentes dans les secteurs occidentaux (Sind-Baluchistan) et orientaux (Garo Hills). Les mollusques des Garo Hills montrent des affinités avec les espèces de Burma, tandis que les espèces de Sind-Béloutchistan montrent des similitudes avec celles de la région méditerranéenne. Les mollusques marins ont des ressemblances avec les taxons actuels de la Mer d'Arabie et du Golfe du Bengal, où plus de 35% des espèces sont les mÊmes. Cette similarité vaut aussi pour les élasmobranches marin, dont 33% des espèces et 86% des genres ressemblent aux taxons récents. Les mammifères terrestres montrent un mélange de formes du sud de l'U.S.S.R. et de formes africaines, allant de pair avec la présence de certains groupes probables appartenant au sous-continent indien.Les angiospermes forment le groupe dominant. Les formes du Miocène inférieur des secteurs orientaux et occidentaux sont entièrement différentes. Le palmier, le grand Sabal et le pin, sont connus dans différentes localités. Le climat dans le secteur occidental et dans l'Inde méridionale était tropical, tandis que dans le secteur oriental, il était variable.La période du Miocène inférieur est également marquée par le rétrécissement de la Mer de Sindhu, de la Mer de Bangla et du Golfe de Burma vers le sud, avec comme résultat la disparition finale de la mer au Pliocène.

(Aquitanian Nurdigalian) . . (Sind- Beluchistan) (Garo Hills) . , . : 35% . Elasmobranchs 33 % 86 % . , . . , Sabal major . , , , , , — . Sindhu, .
Even when we consider Newtonian stars, that is, stars with surface gravitational redshift   z ≪ 1  , it is well known that, theoretically, it is possible to have stars supported against self-gravity almost entirely by radiation pressure. However, such Newtonian stars must necessarily be supermassive. We point out that this requirement for excessively large M in the Newtonian case is a consequence of the occurrence of low   z ≪ 1  . However, if we remove such restrictions, and allow for the possible occurrence of a highly general relativistic regime,   z ≫ 1  , we show that it is possible to have radiation pressure supported stars (RPSSs) at an arbitrary value of M . Since RPSSs necessarily radiate at the Eddington limit, in Einstein gravity, they are never in strict hydrodynamical equilibrium. Further, it is believed that sufficiently massive or dense objects undergo continued gravitational collapse to the black hole (BH) stage characterized by   z =∞  . Thus, late stages of BH formation, by definition, would have   z ≫ 1  , and hence would be examples of quasi-stable general relativistic RPSSs. It is shown that the observed duration of such Eddington limited radiation pressure dominated states is   t ≈ 5 × 108 (1 + z ) yr  . Thus,   t →∞  as BH formation  ( z →∞)  takes place. Consequently, such radiation pressure dominated extreme general relativistic stars become eternally collapsing objects (ECOs) and the BH state is preceded by such an ECO phase. This result is also supported by our previous finding that trapped surfaces are not formed in gravitational collapse and the value of the integration constant in the vacuum Schwarzschild solution is zero. Hence the supposed observed BHs are actually ECOs.  相似文献   
Solubility and dissolution rate of silica in acid fluoride solutions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We performed 57 batch reactor experiments in acidic fluoride solutions to measure the dissolution rate of quartz. These rate data along with rate data from published studies were fit using multiple linear regression to produce the following non-unique rate law for quartz
where 10−5.13 < aHF < 101.60, −0.28 < pH < 7.18, and 298 < T < 373 K. Similarly, 97 amorphous silica dissolution rate data from published studies were fit by multiple linear regression to produce the following non-unique rate law for amorphous silica
where 10−2.37 < aHF < 101.61, −0.32 < pH < 4.76 and 296 < T < 343 K. Regression of the rates versus other combinations of solution species, e.g.  + H+, F + H+, HF + , HF + F, or  + F, produced equally good fits. Any of these rate laws can be interpreted to mean that the rate-determining step for silica dissolution in fluoride solutions involves a coordinated attack of a Lewis acid, on the bridging O atom and a Lewis base on the Si atom. This allows a redistribution of electrons from the Si–O bond to form a O–H group and a Si–FH group.  相似文献   
The negative effective magnetic pressure instability discovered recently in direct numerical simulations (DNSs) may play a crucial role in the formation of sunspots and active regions in the Sun and stars. This instability is caused by a negative contribution of turbulence to the effective mean Lorentz force (the sum of turbulent and non-turbulent contributions) and results in the formation of large-scale inhomogeneous magnetic structures from an initially uniform magnetic field. Earlier investigations of this instability in DNSs of stably stratified, externally forced, isothermal hydromagnetic turbulence in the regime of large plasma ?? are now extended into the regime of larger scale separation ratios where the number of turbulent eddies in the computational domain is about 30. Strong spontaneous formation of large-scale magnetic structures is seen even without performing any spatial averaging. These structures encompass many turbulent eddies. The characteristic time of the instability is comparable to the turbulent diffusion time, L 2/?? t, where ?? t is the turbulent diffusivity and L is the scale of the domain. DNSs are used to confirm that the effective magnetic pressure does indeed become negative for magnetic field strengths below the equipartition field. The dependence of the effective magnetic pressure on the field strength is characterized by fit parameters that seem to show convergence for larger values of the magnetic Reynolds number.  相似文献   
An experimental study involving the Mainz vertical wind tunnel is described where the rate of SO2 removed from the air by freely suspended water drops was measured for SO2 concentrations in the gas phase ranging between 50 and 500 ppb, and for various H2O2 concentrations in the liquid phase. In a first set of experiments, the pH inside the SO2 absorbing drops was monitored by means of colour pH indicators added to the drops. In a second set of experiments, the amount of SO2 scavenged by the drops was determined as sulfate by an ionchromatograph after the drops had been removed from the vertical air stream of the wind tunnel after various times of exposure to SO2. The results of our experimental study were compared with the theoretical gas diffusion model of Walcek and Pruppacher which was reformulated for the case of SO2 concentrations in the ppbv(v) range for which the main resistance to diffusion lies in the gas phase surrounding the drop. Excellent agreement between experiment and theory was obtained. Encouraged by this agreement, the theory was used to investigate the rate of sulfate production inside a drop as a function of pH. The sulfate production rate, which includes transport and oxidation, was compared with the production rate based on bulk equilibrium, as cited in the literature.  相似文献   
An experimental study of the scavenging of dichloromethane vapor by water drops falling at terminal velocity, has been carried out in the UCLA precipitation shaft, in order to test the predictions of theoretical washout models. Whereas good agreement between theory and experiment was found for drops of radius 0.332 mm, computed gas uptake rates for 1.253 and 2.21 mm radius drops were much slower than those measured, just as reported previously for the washout of both sulfur dioxide and acetaldehyde. An analysis shows that theory can be reconciled with all of the experimental data by replacing the compound specific aqueous phase Fickian molecular diffusion coefficient used in the theory, by an effective diffusivity, having a constant value, (3×10-4 cm2 s-1), independent of the physical and chemical nature of the absorbed species, for all drops of equivalent radii greater than 0.9 mm.  相似文献   
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