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基于1993—2017年卫星高度计海面高度异常中尺度涡旋追踪数据集,对东海陆架区及从西北太平洋入侵东海的涡旋进行路径分类、季节变化及特征参量统计分析,并结合再分析流场资料,进行背景流场、涡度场分析。研究结果显示,近25 a,在东海追踪到318个气旋涡和276个反气旋涡。根据涡旋运动路径将其分为:东海陆架浅海生成往深海传播型(148个)、深海生成向东海陆架浅海传播型(35个)、沿等深线运动型(180个)、徘徊型(121个)、外来入侵到达东海陆架型(25个)及外来入侵到达东海深海型(85个)。6类涡旋的数量存在明显的季节分布,各个类型气旋与反气旋涡数量的季节分布也各不相同。其中,沿等深线运动型涡在春、夏季的数量高于秋、冬季。陆架浅海区生成往深海运动型涡的季节分布较为平均,气旋式涡在夏季数量最少,在春季和冬季数量较多。黑潮与涡旋数量的季节分布有关。徘徊型涡的平均生命周期最长,约为44 d;陆架浅海生成往深海运动型及外来入侵到达东海陆架的中尺度涡具有最大的平均振幅,为13.2 cm;外来入侵到达东海陆架型涡具有最大的直径,为122 km;外来入侵到达东海深海型涡在进入东海后的生命周期、振幅、直径在数值上均为最小。  相似文献   
全站仪与PDA及其蓝牙通信研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
首先研究如何在全站仪与PDA之间通过数据线进行串行通信,并给出数据线的制作方法以及数据通信的程序代码.在此基础上,进一步研究如何实现全站仪与PDA之间的蓝牙无线通信.  相似文献   
3D Motion parameters determination based on binocular sequence images   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Introduction Amongexistingvisionmoniteringandtheesti mationof3Dmotion,nearlyallinvestigations aremoniteringandtracingthemotionobject basedonsinglesequenceimages.Themotionin formationbyanalyzingthesinglesequenceima gesisrelative,whichincludesascaleoffactor…  相似文献   
董喆  刘少军  胡小舟  文豪  彭舸 《海洋工程》2018,36(3):110-116
针对具有颗粒粒级跨度大且粒径大特点的固液两相流系统,如深海采矿系统等,开发新型粗颗粒—均质浆体计算模型,该模型采用欧拉—拉格朗日计算法,大粒径颗粒视为固相粗颗粒,其余视为细颗粒与海水组成液相均质浆体。固—液相间滑移速度v_(slip)作为粗细颗粒划分标准,通过联立颗粒雷诺数Re_p,液相对颗粒绕流阻力系数C_d,颗粒粒径d_p等参数,得到滑移速度v_(slip)与颗粒粒径d_p的相关函数,获得粗细颗粒的划分粒径,进而得到两相流控制方程。利用CFD软件,使用该方法对粗颗粒固—液两相流垂直管提升系统进行仿真计算,并将所获得的仿真结果与已发表成果进行对比,发现数据较为吻合,从一定程度上验证了该计算模型的准确性。  相似文献   
For studies in bio-optical oceanography, visible light properties by classes of dissolved organic matter should be characterized. The regional adjustment of model parameters is one approach which is being widely used to refine bio-optical models. In the present study, buoy and laboratory data were acquired, and during the 15-day observation period an algal bloom event occurred. The absorption coefficient of CDOM at 443 nm, ag(443), changed in the range of 0.09–0.35 m−1 and 0.1–0.34 m−1 for two depths, 0.32 m and 2.3 m., respectively, throughout the entire period. CDOM absorption was larger for bloom conditions than for non-bloom conditions. In addition, the fraction of CDOM in total absorption was higher during the bloom event than that of non-bloom conditions. The spectral slope of CDOM absorption, Sg, regressed over 400–500 nm, ranged from 0.015 to 0.0185 nm−1 with an average of 0.0166 nm−1. CDOM fluorescence intensity (Fcdom) was obtained using an internal Raman standard and varied over the range of 467.44–1538.23 in relative units. Variations in Fcdom showed a similar pattern to that of CDOM absorption. A robust non-linear relationship between Fcdom and CDOM absorption was found, with a correlation coefficient of 0.893, throughout the whole observation. An attempt to describe Sg with absorption showed a promising consequence that can be described with a negative correlation during the bloom, however, without any distinguishable tendency for non-bloom time span. A two-band ratio algorithm was also carried out for retrieving CDOM absorption. The variations in optical properties of CDOM may be related to the complicated environment in the estuarine waters, which may result from different sources of CDOM.  相似文献   
以榆中县为样本,研究利用Landsat-8卫星遥感数据,提取和分析不透水面变化信息,用于辅助第三次全国国土调查统一时点更新工作.研究结果表明,使用归一化差值不透水面算法提取的不透水面变化信息准确度高、适用范围大,可以为统一时点更新工作提供指引,减轻人工目视判读寻找变化区的工作量并避免遗漏.  相似文献   
人工神经网络方法在桩基检测中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
提出了一种基于桩基动测波动数据的人工神经网络识别方法,所建立的多层神经网络通过对已知样本的学习,可实现对未学习样本(桩基检测数据)的识别,指出桩基中存在的缺陷。实际检验的结果表明该方法具有良好的应用前景  相似文献   
Increasing attention is being given to investigations of failure mechanisms of unstable slopes influenced by water fluctuation during impoundment, such as in the case of reservoir landslides surrounding the Three Gorges, China. In this paper, two typical soil slopes with thin and thick rear edges are considered in a systematic investigation of the large-scale landslides triggered by reservoir impoundment. Physical model test, centrifugal modelling and numerical analysis are presented; these show the deformation evolution process and are aimed at obtaining the physical and mechanical laws that govern deformation and failure of such typical slopes during increasing water levels in a reservoir. The results indicate that deformation of the soil slopes triggered by impoundment can be divided into three stages: the rapid deformation stage, the slow development stage and the convergence creep stage. Moreover, deformation increases rapidly in the initial water level increase, and deformation growth slows with continued increase in water levels. Although the failure modes of the two typical slopes were not identical, the deformation in both started when soil softening occurred, suggesting that the initial phase of water level rise is likely the most dangerous phase with respect to soil slope stability. The results are likely to provide a foundation for further disaster mechanism studies, as well as disaster prevention and reinforcement design of reservoir soil slopes.  相似文献   
Traditional positioning methods, such as conventional Real Time Kinematic (cRTK) rely upon local reference networks to enable users to achieve high-accuracy positioning. The need for such relatively dense networks has significant cost implications. Precise Point Positioning (PPP) on the other hand is a positioning method capable of centimeter-level positioning without the need for such local networks, hence providing significant cost benefits especially in remote areas. This paper presents the state-of-the-art PPP method using both GPS and GLONASS measurements to estimate the float position solution before attempting to resolve GPS integer ambiguities. Integrity monitoring is carried out using the Imperial College Carrier-phase Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring method. A new method to detect and exclude GPS base-satellite failures is developed. A base-satellite is a satellite whose measurements are differenced from other satellite’s measurements when using between-satellite-differenced measurements to estimate position. The failure detection and exclusion methods are tested using static GNSS data recorded by International GNSS Service stations both in static and dynamic processing modes. The results show that failure detection can be achieved in all cases tested and failure exclusion can be achieved for static cases. In the kinematic processing cases, failure exclusion is more difficult because the higher noise in the measurement residuals increases the difficulty to distinguish between failures associated with the base-satellite and other satellites.  相似文献   
以湖北省鄂州程潮铁矿和黄石大冶铁矿为例,利用GIS空间分析功能对研究区数据进行提取分级、赋值统计及归一化等处理,构建了包括高程、坡度、地层、地下开采点的分布密度、相距最近地下开采点的距离、开采厚度与深度比值、蚀变接触带缓冲区、地下水深度以及地表地物类型的矿区采空塌陷易发性评价指标数据集;借助IDL语言调用Matlab神经网络工具箱,将研究区2011和2012年的指标数据集作为输入数据,塌陷易发性作为期望输出,建立基于BP神经网络的矿区采空塌陷易发性预测模型;通过选取并优化训练样本,实现对2013年矿山塌陷易发性的预测。结果表明,高易发区及以上的区域包含89.91%的采空塌陷,随着易发等级的提高,采空塌陷面积占易发等级面积比也随之增大;采空塌陷的分布具有明显的地带性,高易发区基本沿着岩体与围岩的接触带分布。模型解决了塌陷预测中的非线性映射问题,预测结果与实际调查情况基本吻合。BP神经网络模型与GIS技术相结合预测矿区采空塌陷的易发性具有可行性。  相似文献   
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