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Takayuki  Uchino  Makoto  Kawamura 《Island Arc》2010,19(1):177-191
The Nedamo Terrane, an Early Carboniferous accretionary complex, is the oldest biostratigraphically dated accretionary complex in Japan. The purpose of this study is to describe and interpret a conglomerate from the Nedamo Terrane that contains clasts of high-pressure/low-temperature (high- P/T ) schist (mainly garnet-bearing phengite schist) and ultramafic rock, and to infer the tectonics of an Early Carboniferous arc–trench system at the eastern margin of the paleo-Asian continent. Clasts of high- P/T schist and ultramafic rock within the conglomerate make up 8.4 and 6.7% of the total clasts, respectively, based on modal counts. These clasts are subangular to subrounded, whereas volcanic clasts are well rounded. The source of the schist clasts, which yield a radiometric age of 347–317 Ma, is considered to be the Renge Metamorphic Rocks of Southwest Japan or equivalent rocks. Based on the chemical composition of chromian spinel, the source of ultramafic clasts is inferred to be the island-arc-type Ordovician Miyamori and Hayachine ultramafic complexes in the Kitakami Massif. The conglomerate records multiple provenance regions, including an island arc (South Kitakami Terrane) and a forearc ridge; the high P/T schist and ultramafic rocks were exhumed in the forearc region. The duration of the interval from the early stages of exhumation of the schist to its deposition in the trench as clasts is estimated to have been less than 30 my.  相似文献   
Future Greenland temperature evolution will affect melting of the ice sheet and associated global sea-level change. Therefore, understanding Greenland temperature variability and its relation to global trends is critical. Here, we reconstruct the last 1,000 years of central Greenland surface temperature from isotopes of N2 and Ar in air bubbles in an ice core. This technique provides constraints on decadal to centennial temperature fluctuations. We found that northern hemisphere temperature and Greenland temperature changed synchronously at periods of ~20 years and 40–100 years. This quasi-periodic multi-decadal temperature fluctuation persisted throughout the last millennium, and is likely to continue into the future.  相似文献   
The processes of flow deformation of marine mass-transport sediments, including their ability to affect the underlying substrate and add mass during sediment flow events, are addressed based on sedimentological analyses of strata from the distal part of a ~61-m-thick mass-transport deposit (MTD 6) drilled during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 333. Our analyses, supported by 3D seismic data, show a cohesive density flow deformed by folding, faulting and shear, except for its lowermost part (~7 m), where no deformation and sediment entrainment was identified. While the lowermost part moved as rigid sediment, the underlying sand layer acted as the basal shear zone for this part of the distal MTD 6. This shear zone was restricted to the sand, not involving the overlying sediments. From this, the studied part of MTD 6 was found to represent a case where the flow behaviour at least partly depended on the location and properties of the underlying sand layer, a situation that so far has received little attention in studies of marine flows. Our results also show that shear-induced mixing, located by the initial layering, is an important process in the flow transformation from cohesive slumps to mud flows and that this may occur over short distances (<4 km) without involving disintegration into blocks, probably due to only moderate prefailure consolidation of the sediments involved. In conclusion, we find that the bulk part of the flow was self-contained from a mass balance point of view and that that the overall amount of entrainment was limited.  相似文献   
Prolonged heating (1–248 days) of a recent sediment was conducted under mild conditions (65 and 83°C) to understand the thermal behavior of extractable (unbound and bound) fatty acids (C12C32). In the course of the heating, the concentrations of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids first decreased, and then increased. This indicates that extractable fatty acids can be converted to a tightly bound form upon heating, before fatty acids are extensively released from sediment matrices. Changes in molecular distributions of extractable fatty acids upon heating were also observed. The higher molecular weight fatty acids (?C20) are more likely to become tightly bound than are lower molecular weight (<C20). Monounsaturated fatty acids (C16:1 and C18:1) are more easily converted to the tightly bound form than polyunsaturated fatty acids (C18:2 and C18:3). These differences probably reflect their mode of occurrence in sediments, which are closely related to their origin.  相似文献   
Manganiferous quartz-mica schists (4 m in stratigraphic thickness) overlie epidote amphibolite in the Chiroro River area, Hidaka Mountains, Hokkaido. The schist layers have a considerable range of A/F ratios and bulk oxidation ratios which vary from 21.5 to 100. Manganese contents are from 4 to 30 times higher than that of the average shale with 0.09% MnO. The schists are essentially quartz-white mica-biotite-Mn garnet-tourmaline-±epidote-magnetite assemblages. A highly oxidized layer (5–8 cm thick) 95 cm above the epidote amphibolite contact is characterized by viridine-piemontite-spessartine-Mn white mica-Mn tourmaline-Ti-Mn haematite indicative of both high initial manganese content and very high f O2 conditions of recrystallization.Viridine contains up to 17 mol% Mn3+SiO5 and coexists with piemontite with between 13.6 and 15.4 wt% Mn2O3. Mn-poor-Fe-rich (Ps32) epidote occurs in the less oxidized schist enclosing the viridine-piemontite bearing seam. Garnets vary widely in composition with end member variations (mol%) of Spess22.9–80.5; And0.2–11.7; Alm1.1–57.1; Pyr2.0–12.2; Gross7.0–49.0. The more manganiferous garnets occur in rocks with higher oxidation ratios while almandiferous varieties occur in schists with low oxidation ratios. Biotite ranges from green to red-brown varieties (increasing Ti and Fe) with Mg/ (Mg+Fe) ratios varying from 56 to 48. Ten to fifteen percent octahedral R2+ is replaced by Al indicating a trend towards eastonite-siderophyllite. The white micas deviate only slightly from dioctahedral stoichiometry but have up to 25% of octahedral sites occupied by Fe, Mg and to a lesser extent Mn and Ti as R2+ Si4+2Al3+ and in highly oxidized rocks as (Fe,Mn)3+Al3+. The white mica in the highly oxidized viridine-piemontite schist is pale pinkishorange, exhibits reverse pleochroism, and has between 0.30 and 0.43 wt% Mn2O3.There is a close comparison, both in terms of stratigraphic thickness and Fe-Mn variation, between the Chiroro schist sequence and many oceanic cores so that the bulk chemistry and mineralogy of the pelitic schists is largely an extension of the original Eh-pH conditions of hemipelagic sedimentation and post-depositional adjustments during diagenesis. The thin viridine-piemontite bearing schist is correlated with an oxidized, Fe-Mn rich layer commonly found in present day oceanic cores. The viridine presumably formed by reaction of original ferro-manganese microgranules and clay minerals. Halmrolytic alteration of the underlying metabasalt resulted in leaching of Mn and Fe (in particular) into the overlying sediments and the formation of concentrations of haematite — manganese oxide — Mn garnet along the schist-epidote amphibolite contact.Estimation of the P-T conditions of metamorphism from the phase relations and compositions in the epidote amphibolite associated with the manganiferous schist gives T °C = 530560 and a minimum P fluid > 3 kb which corresponds to the epidote amphibolite facies of Barrovian-type terrains.This paper is dedicated to Professor Kenzo Yagi on the occasion of his retirement from the Chair of Mineralogy, Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan  相似文献   
从20世纪50年代到80年代长江宜昌水文站观测的泥沙输送量逐年增加,但是到了90年代却出现了逐渐减少的趋势。泥沙量增加的原因主要是乱伐森林和土地利用方式的快速改变,而减少的原因则可能是采取了一系列防止水土流失的对策和在上游修建了许多大坝而造成的。嘉陵江流域是长江泥沙的主要源区之一,90年代每年从嘉陵江流域到长江的输沙量减少到1988年前的约36%。因此,分析该流域每年泥沙输送动态及其变化原因,对制定减小水土流失的森林规划,防止三峡水库的淤积以及保护长江流域的生存环境和生态系统等具有重大意义。本研究开发并改进了一个流域集水坡面上的侵蚀模型,并将它应用到1987年的嘉陵江流域,以对其适用性进行了研究。结果表明,该模式可被用于月度泥沙生产量的评估中。  相似文献   
A technique for density measurement under high pressure and high temperature was developed using the X-ray absorption imaging method combined with an externally heated diamond anvil cell. The densities of solid and liquid In were measured in the pressure and temperature ranges of 3.2–18.6 GPa and 294–719 K. The densities obtained through the X-ray absorption imaging method were in good agreement (less than 2.0% difference) with those obtained through X-ray diffraction. Based on the measured density, the isothermal bulk modulus of solid In is determined as 48.0 ± 1.1?40.9 ± 0.8 GPa at 500 K, assuming K′ = 4 to 6. The compression curve of liquid In approaches that of solid In at higher pressures and does not cross over the solid compression curve in the measurement range. The present technique enables us to determine the densities of both solids and liquids precisely in a wide pressure and temperature range.  相似文献   
The effects of bacterial films on diatom attachment were examined in short-term laboratory experiments, comparing the density of immotile pennate diatoms attached to plates previously coated with bacterial films (BP) with that of sterile plates (SP). The predominant diatom and bacterium wereSynedra sp. andAlcaligenes sp., respectively. There was no significant difference between densities of diatoms on SP and those on BP at each contact time (2, 5, 10, 30, 60 min), although bacterial densities on BP were 17 to 185 times those on SP. Moreover, SEM observations showed that the percentage of diatoms in contact with bacteria on SP were quite low. The results of this study indicate that a bacterial film is not always necessary for diatoms to attach to substrata and that the film ofAlcaligenes sp. had no effect on the attachment ofSynedra sp.  相似文献   
Dissolved and labile particulate Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Mo and W were determined at stations K1 (51°N, 165°E), K2 (47°N, 160°E), KNOT (44°N, 155°E) and 35N (35°N, 160°E) in the western North Pacific Ocean. A portion of seawater for dissolved species (D) was passed through a 0.2 μm Nuclepore filter and acidified to pH 2.2 with HCl and HF. A portion of seawater for acid-dissolvable species (AD) was acidified without filtration. Labile particulate (LP) species is defined as AD minus D, which represents a chemically labile fraction of particulate species. D-Zr, Hf and Ta increase with depth, Nb shows a slight depletion in surface water, whereas Mo and W have a conservative vertical profile. The concentration range of D-Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta and W is 31–275, 0.14–0.95, 4.0–7.2, 0.08–0.29 and 40–51 pmol kg−1, respectively, whereas that of Mo is 97–105 nmol kg−1. LP-species of Zr, Hf and Ta account for 10–14% of AD in average and increase up to 25% below 4000 m, whereas those for Mo and W are negligible. In contrast, LP-Nb shows maxima (up to 27%) in surface water. We also found that D-Zr/Hf, Nb/Ta and Mo/W mole ratios generally increase in the order continental crust < river water < coastal sea < open ocean.  相似文献   
Diurnal Sea Surface Temperature (SST) variations and the near-surface thermal structure of the tropical hot event (HE) have been investigated using advanced in-situ equatorial observations with hourly temporal resolution. The information on the HE area defined by the satellite cloud-free SSTs is used to sample the in-situ observations. The in-situ SSTs sampled for the HE conditions show that a maximum (minimum) SST has a histogram mode at 30.8°C (29.0°C), and frequently appears at 15:00 (07:00) local time. The amplitude of the diurnal SST variation (DSST) is defined by the difference between the maximum and minimum SSTs. The mean DSST during HEs is greater than 0.5°C, and has a maximum of about 0.75°C at the HE peak. The time series of mean DSST gradually increases (rapidly decreases) before (after) the peak. The satellite SST has a systematic positive bias against the corresponding daytime SST measured by the Triangle Trans-Ocean buoy Network. This bias is enhanced under conditions of large in-situ DSST. One-dimensional numerical model simulation suggests that the systematic bias is caused by the sharp vertical temperature gradient in the surface layer of HE. The near-surface thermal structure is generated by conditions of high insolation and low wind speed, which is the typical HE condition.  相似文献   
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