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Complete sorption isotherm characteristics of methane and CO2 were studied on fourteen sub-bituminous to high-volatile bituminous Indian Gondwana coals. The mean vitrinite reflectance values of the coal samples are within the range of 0.64% to 1.30% with varying maceral composition. All isotherms were conducted at 30 °C on dry, powdered coal samples up to a maximum experimental pressure of ~ 7.8 MPa and 5.8 MPa for methane and CO2, respectively.The nature of the isotherms varied widely within the experimental pressure range with some of the samples remained under-saturated while the others attained saturation. The CO2 to methane adsorption ratios decreased with the increase in experimental pressure and the overall variation was between 4:1 and 1.5:1 for most of the coals. For both methane and CO2, the lower-ranked coal samples generally exhibited higher sorption affinity compared to the higher-ranked coals. However, sorption capacity indicates a U-shaped trend with rank. Significant hysteresis was observed between the ad/desorption isotherms for CO2. However, with methane, hysteresis was either absent or insignificant. It was also observed that the coal maceral compositions had a significant impact on the sorption capacities for both methane and CO2. Coals with higher vitrinite contents showed higher capacities while internite content indicated a negative impact on the sorption capacity.  相似文献   
Using the Schwartz-Christofel transformation and numerical integration, the effect of a sloping topographic irregularity on the telluric field measurements in a sedimentary basin is estimated. Results show that in the vicinity of the topographic feature, the distortion introduced would increase with the angle of inclination of the sloping feature. It is noticed that, for moderate inclinations (20°–50°), the telluric field measured near the topographic feature is within 10% of its undisturbed value for distance greater than 0.1H–0.3H from the topographic feature, whereH is the thickness of the sedimentary column overlying the resistive basement. Suitable charts are prepared to aid as means to arrive at the estimates of errors for various angles of inclinations of such topographic feature and also to help in formulating approximate rules of thumb for selection of station sites in a field survey to minimize such topographic effects.  相似文献   
Dried, mature leaves of Aegle Marmelos tree were converted to a powder, which was used as a biosorbent for dyes in water with methylene blue as a case study. The biosorbent had a surface area of 52.63 mg/g, and FTIR spectra showed the presence of –COOH, –NH2, –R–SC=O (thioester) and R1–S(=O, =O)-N(–R2, –R3) groups on the surface. The particles were found to be porous in nature from scanning electron micrographs, and EDX measurements showed the elements C, O, Na, Mg, K, Ca and Fe on the surface. Batch adsorption experiments showed that the adsorption of the dye was preferred at near-neutral conditions. Adsorption equilibrium was achieved in ~120 min with maximum dye uptake of 19.9 mg/g. Investigation into the kinetics of adsorption indicated that second-order kinetics gave the best fit to the experimental data, and a rate coefficient of 8.0 × 10?2 to 32.3 × 10?2 g mg?1 min?1 was obtained.  相似文献   
It is noticed that few geophysical studies have been carried out to decipher the crustal structure of southwestern part of the Northeast India comprising of Tripura fold belt and Bengal basin as compared to the Shillong plateau and the Brahmaputra basin. This region has a long history of seismicity that is still continuing. We have determined first-order crustal features in terms of Moho depths (H) and average VP/VS ratios (κ) using H-κ stacking technique. The inversion of receiver functions data yields near surface thick sedimentary layer in the Bengal basin, which is nearly absent in the Shillong plateau and Tripura fold belt. Our result suggests that the crust is thicker (38–45 km) in the Tripura fold belt region with higher shear-wave velocity in the lower crust than the Shillong plateau. The distribution of VP/VS ratio indicates heterogeneity throughout the whole region. While low to medium value of Poisson’s ratio (1.69–1.75) indicates the presence of felsic crust in the Shillong plateau of the extended Indian Archean crust. The medium to high values of VP/VS ratio (> 1.780) in the Bengal basin and the Tripura fold belt region represent mafic crust during the formation of the Bengal delta and the Tripura fold belt creation in the Precambrian to the Permian age. The depth of the sediments in the Bengal basin is up to 8 km on its eastern margin, which get shallower toward its northeastern and southeastern margins.  相似文献   
We tested the effect of two algal diets (Chlorella vulgaris at 1 · 106 cells mL?1and Scenedesmus acutus at 0.57 · 106 cells mL?1) offered alone or in combination (50 % each, 75 % or 25 % of either alga), at a total dry weight of 14.2 μg mL?1on the life table demography of two rotifer species, Brachionus calyciflorus and Brachionus patulus. Data on fecundity indicated that, for any given algal food type or combination of food types, B. calyciflorus had a higher rate of offspring production than B. patulus. Regardless of the rotifer species, the average lifespan varied from 4 to 6 days. The gross and net reproductive rates were higher for B. calyciflorus than for B. patulus. These values ranged from 45 to 71 offspring female?1 lifespan?1 and 15 to 24 offspring female?1 lifespan?1, respectively, for B. calyciflorus. Generation times (around 4…5 days) were similar for both rotifer species in most of the treatments. Whatever the algal food combination, the rate of population increase (d?1) of B. patulus was less than half (i.e. 45 %) of that for B. calyciflorus. The observed differences in the life history variables of Brachionus probably explain species‐specific adaptations to the changing phytoplankton composition occurring seasonally in natural waterbodies.  相似文献   
TheUBV light curves obtained by Duerbeck (1975) andHa (wide) and Ha (narrow) light curves obtained by Chambliss & Davan (1987) of the detached eclipsing binary VV Orionis (VV Ori) were analysed using the Wilson-Devinney method fixing the two parametersT h (25,000 K) and q(0.4172), resulting in the following absolute elements:A = 13.605 ± 0.03 LR,R h = 5.03 ±0.03R , Rc = 2.43 ±0.02R ,M bol,h = -5.18 ± 0.11,M bol,c = -1.54 ± 0.06,m h =10.81 + 0.42m andm c = 4.51 ± 0.41m . The de-reddened colours obtained from applying the reddening corrections ofE(B-V) = 0m.05 andE(U-B) = O m .04, and the derived temperatures of the components, gave spectral types ofB 1.5V for the primary and 54-5V with anUV excess of 0 m ·3 for the secondary component. A comparison of the logL and logT e of the components with the observed ZAMS shows the primary component to be a little above and the secondary component to be a little below/or on the ZAMS. A comparison of the properties of the components of VV Ori and a few other detached systems with the normal stars in the logL, logR and logT e versus logm planes, indicated a need for either a readjustment of the scales of the above parameters or modifications in the theoretical models. From the position of the components on the evolutionary tracks of Pop I composition computed by Schaller et al. (1992) it is noticed that while the primary component of W Ori had slightly evolved along the main-sequence, its secondary is still unevolved. The age of VV Ori is found to be 10 ± 1 million years and it is at a distance of 368 ± 10 pc.  相似文献   
Extensive Cenozoic lignite-bearing sediments in the western part of Kutch, western India provide a unique opportunity to study the floral diversity at a crucial time of early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO). Rock samples representing a lignite-bearing sequence from the open cast mine at Matanomadh, Gujarat, western India were collected to study the palynofloral composition and to interpret the palaeoclimate and environment of deposition. The sequence mainly composed of lignites, shales and calcareous mudstones yielded rich assemblage consists of pteridophytic spores (7 genera, 10 species), angiosperm pollens (20 genera, 26 species), fungal remains (14 genera, 16 species) and dinoflagellate cysts. The palynofloral assemblage is marked with dominance of angiospermic pollen, particularly those having affinity with the family Arecaceae. Occurrence of fungal remains in high abundance is also noticed. Based on palynomorph contents, the studied sequence is divisible into two palynozones. It is inferred that lower part of the sequences was deposited in a near-shore environment with intermittent marine incursions whereas the depositional regime of upper part was shallow marine. The climate is found to be tropical-subtropical, humid with heavy precipitation during the deposition of Matanomadh lignite-bearing sequence.  相似文献   
The population growth of the freshwater chlorophyte, Scenedesmus acutus and the cladoceran Moina macrocopa cultured in the laboratory and in microcosms of a wastewater treatment plant was studied. S. acutus was cultured in a defined algal medium and mixed with wastewater. On diets of S. acutus cultured using Bold medium or a mixture with wastewater, the peak densities of M. macrocopa were 6–7 ind. mL?1, while on a diet of algae cultured on wastewater alone the cladoceran density fluctuated around 2 ind. mL?1. Population growth rates of M. macrocopa, which ranged from 0.3 to 0.4 d?1, were significantly lower on alga cultured in wastewater alone. The body size structure of M. macrocopa was larger on algae cultured in Bold medium than in wastewater. Peak densities of M. macrocopa were around 700 ind. L?1 when the organic matter in the containers was supplemented with algae but it reached lower densities (400 ind. L?1) when cultured on the organic matter in wastewater alone. Our study indicates that the nutrients in the final stages of wastewater treatment can support the growth of both phytoplankton and zooplankton.  相似文献   
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