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We review high spatial resolution microwave observations of solar active regions, coronal loops and flares. Observations of preflare active regions are presented; in particular we discuss the interpretations of reversal of polarization at the flare site and the role of newly emerging flux in triggering the onset of flares. We discuss the spatial locations of microwave burst emitting regions; loops or arcades of loops appear to be the sites of flare energy release in microwave bursts. We provide direct observational evidence of magnetic reconnection as the primary cause of acceleration of electrons in microwave bursts.  相似文献   
In order to examine the spatial variability of the aerosol characteristics across the Brahmaputra valley, a land campaign was conducted during late winter (February 3–March 2) 2011. Measurements of particulate matter (PM, PM10, PM2.5) and black carbon (BC) concentrations were made onboard an interior redesigned vehicle. The length of the campaign trail stretched about 700 km, covering the longitude belt of 89.97°–95.55°E and latitude belt of 26.1°–27.6°N, comprising 13 measurement locations. The valley is divided into three sectors longitudinally: western sector (R1: 89.97°–91.75°E), middle sector (R2: 92.5°–94.01°E) and eastern sector (R3: 94.63°–95.55°E). Spatial heterogeneity in aerosol distribution has been observed with higher PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations at the western and middle sectors compared to the eastern sector. The locations in the western sector are found to be rich in BC compared to the other two sectors and there is a gradual decrease in BC concentrations from west to east of the Brahmaputra valley. Two hotspots within the western and middle sectors with high PM and BC concentrations have been identified. The associated physico-optical parameters of PM reveal abundance of PM2.5 aerosols along the entire valley. High population density in the western and middle sectors, together with the contribution of remote aerosols, leads to higher anthropogenic aerosols over those regions. Spectral Radiation-Transport Model for Aerosol Species (SPRINTARS) slightly underestimates the measured PM10 and PM2.5 at the eastern sector while the model overestimates the measurements at a number of locations in the western sector. In general, BC is underestimated by the model. The variation of BC within the campaign trail has not been adequately captured by the model leading to higher variance in the western locations as compared to the middle and eastern locations.  相似文献   
An objective NWP-based cyclone prediction system (CPS) was implemented for the operational cyclone forecasting work over the Indian seas. The method comprises of five forecast components, namely (a) Cyclone Genesis Potential Parameter (GPP), (b) Multi-Model Ensemble (MME) technique for cyclone track prediction, (c) cyclone intensity prediction, (d) rapid intensification, and (e) predicting decaying intensity after the landfall. GPP is derived based on dynamical and thermodynamical parameters from the model output of IMD operational Global Forecast System. The MME technique for the cyclone track prediction is based on multiple linear regression technique. The predictor selected for the MME are forecast latitude and longitude positions of cyclone at 12-hr intervals up to 120 hours forecasts from five NWP models namely, IMD-GFS, IMD-WRF, NCEP-GFS, UKMO, and JMA. A statistical cyclone intensity prediction (SCIP) model for predicting 12 hourly cyclone intensity (up to 72 hours) is developed applying multiple linear regression technique. Various dynamical and thermodynamical parameters as predictors are derived from the model outputs of IMD operational Global Forecast System and these parameters are also used for the prediction of rapid intensification. For forecast of inland wind after the landfall of a cyclone, an empirical technique is developed. This paper briefly describes the forecast system CPS and evaluates the performance skill for two recent cyclones Viyaru (non-intensifying) and Phailin (rapid intensifying), converse in nature in terms of track and intensity formed over Bay of Bengal in 2013. The evaluation of performance shows that the GPP analysis at early stages of development of a low pressure system indicated the potential of the system for further intensification. The 12-hourly track forecast by MME, intensity forecast by SCIP model and rapid intensification forecasts are found to be consistent and very useful to the operational forecasters. The error statistics of the decay model shows that the model was able to predict the decaying intensity after landfall with reasonable accuracy. The performance statistics demonstrates the potential of the system for improving operational cyclone forecast service over the Indian seas.  相似文献   
Gogoi  Rekha Bharali  Kundu  S. S.  Raju  P. L. N. 《Natural Hazards》2021,109(1):221-236
Natural Hazards - This study describes the impact of assimilation of INSAT-3D radiances data from both imager and sounder for Indian summer monsoon simulation and rainfall forecast over a hilly...  相似文献   
Comparison of maps of the Sun obtained over the period June 29 to July 8, 1982 at 169 MHz with the Nançay Radioheliograph and at 73.8, 50, and 30.9 MHz with the Clark Lake Radioheliograph shows that the slowly varying component at meter and decameter wavelengths is not always thermal emission. During the period under study weak noise storm continua were the most frequent sources of slowly varying component at 169 and 73.8 MHz. Most filaments show no radio counterpart on the disk. A streamer has been detected on the disk from 169 to 30.9 MHz with an optimum observability at 50 MHz. The brightest source of the slowly varying component from 73.8 to 30.9 MHz for most of the period was located above an extended coronal hole in a region where a depression was observed at 169 MHz. In favorable cases, electron densities can be derived from the positions of noise storms and radio streamers; these are in agreement with previous K-corona eclipse observations.  相似文献   
Some properties of solar active regions at 9 and 3.5 mm wavelengths under disturbed conditions are discussed. New regions develop or weak regions intensify at millimeter wavelengths as a result of flares at distant sites. The spectra of the peak flux density of moderately strong bursts observed at 9 mm show a sharp drop toward the shorter millimeter wavelengths. The weak bursts at 3.5 mm manifest mainly as heating phenomena.  相似文献   
We investigate accelerated electron energy spectra for different sources in a large flare using simultaneous observations obtained with two instruments, the Nobeyama Radio Heliograph (NoRH) at 17 and 34 GHz, and the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) at hard X-rays. This flare is one of the few in which emission up to energies exceeding 200 keV can be imaged in hard X-rays. Furthermore, we can investigate the spectra of individual sources up to this energy. We discuss and compare the HXR and microwave spectra and morphology. Although the event overall appears to correspond to the standard scenario with magnetic reconnection under an eruptive filament, several of its features do not seem to be consistent with popular flare models. In particular we find that (1) microwave emissions might be optically thick at high frequencies despite a low peak frequency in the total flux radio spectrum, presumably due to the inhomogeneity of the emitting source; (2) magnetic fields in high-frequency radio sources might be stronger than sometimes assumed; (3) sources spread over a very large volume can show matching evolution in their hard X-ray spectra that may provide a challenge to acceleration models. Our results emphasize the importance of studies of sunspot-associated flares and total flux measurements of radio bursts in the millimeter range.  相似文献   
We compare the millimeter, microwave, and soft X-ray emission from a number of solar flares in order to determine the properties of the high-frequency radio emission of flares. The millimeter observations use a sensitive interferometer at 86 GHz which offers much better sensitivity and spatial resolution than most previous high-frequency observations. We find a number of important results for these flares: (i) the 86 GHz emission onset appears often to be delayed with respect to the microwave onset; (ii) even in large flares the millimeter-wavelength emission can arise in sources of only a few arc sec dimension; (iii) the millimeter emission in the impulsive phase does not correlate with the soft X-ray emission, and thus is unlikely to contain any significant thermal bremsstrahlung component; and (iv) the electron energy distributions implied by the millimeter observations are much flatter (spectral indices of 2.5 to 3.6) than is usual for microwave or hard X-ray observations.  相似文献   
M. R. Kundu 《Solar physics》1996,169(2):389-402
We present a review of selected studies based upon simultaneous radio and X-ray observations of solar flares and coronal transients. We use primarily the observations made with large radio imaging instruments (VLA, BIMA, Nobeyama, and Nançay) along with Yohkoh/SXT and HXT and CGRO experiments. We review the recent work on millimeter imaging of solar flares, microwave and hard X-ray observations of footpoint emission from flaring loops, metric type IV continuum bursts, and coronal X-ray structures. We discuss the recent studies on thermal and nonthermal processes in coronal transients such as XBP flares, coronal X-ray jets, and active region transient brightenings.Dedicated to Cornelis de Jager  相似文献   
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