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The effect of raising temperature on spin-allowed dd-transitions of octahedral Cr3+ was studied for various point symmetries of the Cr3+-bearing structural sites, i.e. 3 m and 3 with inversion center in spinel and garnets, respectively, or 32, 3, 2 and 1, lacking the inversion centre, in beryl, corundum, diopside and topaz, respectively. For this purpose, crystals of Cr3+-bearing spinel, pyrope, andradite, grossular, uvarovite, emerald, ruby, diopside and topaz were analyzed by microprobe, oriented, and measured in polarized radiation (except for the cubic minerals) in the spectral range 30 000 to 11 100 cm-1 and at temperatures between 77 and 797 K. The evaluation of the intensities, half widths, and energy positions of bands due to Cr3+-transitions derived from 4 A 2g 4 T 2g (F) and 4 T 1g (F) as well as of Dq- and B-values derived, had the following results:In all cases, red shift of the above bands and, hence, independent on the site symmetry of Cr3+, decreases in the Dq-values were obtained. The dependcies of Dq on T are nearly linear above room temperature and amount between -1.6% in topaz and -5.1% in pyrope in the temperature range studied. From this, values for the local thermal expansion of the Cr3+-centered octahedra, loc, were derived on the basis of the R M-0 -5 -proportionality of 10Dq. Such values are consistently higher than those obtained from X-ray refinements, a method averaging rm-o for all the respective octahedral positions.  相似文献   
A comprehensive Sr–Nd–Pb–O isotopic study is reported for rhyolites from the Maroa Volcanic Centre in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) of New Zealand. The Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of the rhyolites (87Sr/86Sr=0.705236 to 0.705660 and Nd = 2.0 to 0.2) are intermediate between those of primitive basalts (87Sr/86Sr=0.70387 and Nd = 5.3) and the Torlesse basement (87Sr/86Sr=0.709 and Nd = -4.5). The relatively low mantle-like oxygen isotopic compositions of 18 O = 7 ± 0.5 are consistent with the Nd-Sr isotopic constraints in that they can be accounted for by 15% to 25% crustal contamination of a basaltic parent by relatively 18 O-rich Torlesse metasediment. High precision Pb isotopic analyses of plagioclase separates from the Maroa rhyolites show that they have essentially the same compositions as the Torlesse metasedimentary terrane which is itself distinctive from the Western or Waipapa metasediments. Due to the high concentration of Pb in the Torlesse metasediments (>20 ppm) compared to the basalts (<2 ppm), the Pb isotopic composition of the volcanics may be controlled by relatively small amounts (>10%) of crustal contamination. All these results are shown to be consistent with derivation of the rhyolites by 15% to 25% contamination of relatively primitive basaltic magmas with Torlesse metasedimentary crust, followed by extensive, essentially closed system fractionation of the basalt to a magma of rhyolite composition. It is argued that the processes of assimilation and fractionation are separated in both space and time. The voluminous high silica rhyolites, which make up >97% of the exposed volcanism in the continental margin back-are basin environment of the TVZ, therefore appear to be a product of predominantly new additions to the crust with assimilation-recycling of pre-existing crust being of secondary importance.  相似文献   
A petrographic, geochemical, and oxygen isotopic study of the Bali CV3 carbonaceous chondrite revealed that the meteorite has undergone extensive deformation and aqueous alteration on its parent body. Deformation textures are common and include flattened chondrules, a well-developed foliation, and the presence of distinctive (100) planar defects in olivine. The occurrence of alteration products associated with the planar defects indicates that the deformation features formed prior to the episode of aqueous alteration. The secondary minerals produced during the alteration event include well-crystallized Mg-rich saponite, framboidal magnetite, and Ca-phosphates. The alteration products are not homogeneously distributed throughout the meteorite, but occur in regions adjacent to relatively unaltered material, such as veins of altered material following the foliation. The alteration assemblage formed under oxidizing conditions at relatively low temperatures (<100 degrees C). Altered regions in Bali have higher Na, Ca, and P contents than unaltered regions which suggests that the fluid phase carried significant dissolved solids. Oxygen isotopic compositions for unaltered regions in Bali fall within the field for other CV3 whole-rocks, however, the oxygen isotopic compositions of the heavily altered material lie in the region for the CM and CR chondrites. The heavy-isotope enrichment of the altered regions in Bali suggest alteration conditions similar to those for the petrographic type-2 carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   
Summary Early Proterozoic ultrapotassic dikes, lava flows, and pyroclastic rocks of the Christopher Island Formation (CIF) erupted throughout an area 600 × 300 km within the Churchill Province of the Canadian Shield at 1.84 Ga. The rocks range from mafic lamprophyres (mg # 60; SiO2 47–54%, mean K2O/Na2O > 4) with phenocrysts of phlogopite + diopside + apatite ± olivine ± magnetite, to phenocryst-poor felsic rocks and sanidine porphyries (SiO255–69%). All samples have high incompatible element contents and display large depletions of high field strength elements relative to K, Rb, Sr, Ba, and Th. The CIF has geochemical and petrographic characteristics of both minettes and lamproites, but overall most closely resembles young Mediterranean lamproites. Felsic rocks of the CIF were produced by crystal fractionation and crustal contamination of mafic ultrapotassic magma, and include both high-silica lamproites strongly enriched in Zr, U, and Th, and weakly potassic to sodic rocks of trachytic composition. Flows and feeder dikes have relatively homogeneous Nd, 1840 Ma (–6 to –11) but highly variable ES., 1840 Ma (–40 to + 100); samples classified as lamproites have higher average Sr. Dike samples have highly variable present-day Pb isotope compositions, ranging from moderately to strongly nonradiogenic. Geochemical and isotopic data are consistent with contributions from depleted Archean lithospheric mantle, and OIB-type convecting mantle, both metasomatized by subduction-related processes during the Early Proterozoic. The lithospheric mantle probably contained Archean enriched domains as well. Proterozoic enrichment may have accompanied shallow underplating of subducted oceanic lithosphere beneath the Churchill Province during amalgamation of the Laurentian supercontinent. There are strong analogies in isotopic composition, and interpreted source region history, between the CIF and lamproites and minettes of the Wyoming Province and western Greenland, which suggest the existence of a Laurentian ultrapotassic superprovince.
Geochemie und Entstehung der Proterozoischen ultrapotassischen Gesteine der Churchill Provinz, Kanada
Zusammenfassung Altproterozoische, ultrapotassische Gänge, Lavaströme und pyroklastische Gesteine der Christopher Island Formation (CIF), eruptierten in einem Gebiet von 600 × 300 km in der Churchill Provinz des Kanadischen Schildes vor 1.84 Ga. Die Zusammensetzung dieser Gesteine variiert von mafischen Lamprophyren (mg > 60; SiO2 = 47–54%, durchschnittliches K2O/Na2O > 4) mit Phänokristallent von Phlogopit + Diopsid + Apatit + Olivin + Magnetit, bis zu phänokristallarmen felsischen Gesteinen und Sanidinporphyren (SiO2 = 55–69%). Alle Proben zeigen hohe Gehalte an inkompatiblen Elementen und zeigen beträchtliche Verarmung an high field strength Elementen relativ zu K, Rb, Sr, Ba und Th. Die CIF hat geochemische und petrographische Eigenschaften sowohl von Minetten wie von Lamproiten, aber im allgemeinen ähnelt sie am stärksten jungen mediterranen Lamproiten. Felsische Gesteine der CIF wurden durch Fraktionierung und Krustenkontamination aus mafischen ultrapotassischen Magmen gebildet. Letztere umfassen sowohl siliziumreiche Lamproite, die deutlich an Zr, U und Th angereichert sind und schwach potassische bis sodische Gesteine von trachytischer Zusammensetzung. Lavenergüsse und zufuhrgänge zeigent ein relativ homogenes Nd, 1840 Ma (–6 bis –11) aber ein sehr variables Sr, 1840 Ma (-40 bis + 100); Proben die als Lamproite klassifiziert wurden, zeigent höhere durchschnittliche Sr-Werte. Proben von Gängen haben sehr variable Bleiisotopen-Zusammensetzungen, die von mäßig bis stark nichtradiogen variieren. Geochemische und Isotopendaten weisen auf Beiträge aus verarmtem archaischen lithosphärischen Mantel und aus konvektierendem OIB-Typ Mantel hin, die beide während des Alproterozoikums durch Subduktions-Vorgänge metasomatisiert wurden. Der lithosphärische Mantel enthielt wahrscheinlich auch angereicherte archaische Domänen. Proterozoische Anreicherungsvorgänge dürften seichtes Underplating subduzierter ozeanischer Lithosphäre unter der Churchill Provinz während der Amalgamation des laurentischen Superkontinentes begleitet haben. Es gibt starke Analogien in der Isotopenzusammensetzung und in der interpretierten Geschichte der Ursprungsregion, zwischen den CIF und Lamproiten und Minetten der Wyoming Provinz, und des westlichen Grönland. Diese weisen auf die Existenz einer laurentischen ultrapotassischen Superprovinz hin.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   
The inner regions of the circumstellar disk around Pictoris might be dust-free due to a possible planet which may have cleared up dust particles. We present a new observational technique based on the use of an anti-blooming CCD in order to directly image this zone. The structure of the disk is revealed down to 2 arcsec from the star (30 AU). We show that the Pic disk brightness is neutral inV, R, andI C , but drops down when going inward inB, possibly related to a change in the dust composition. Also, a slight disk asymmetry is present but inverted from the outer to the inner zones.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   
Unambiguous detection of the consequences of mutual perturbations of the hypothesized planets about the pulsar PSR1257+12 would be unassailable proof of their existence. Nearly all of the residuals in the times of arrival (TOA) of the pulses after subtraction of the TOA predicted from the best fit constant period model are accounted for by including the effects of two orbiting planets with constant orbital parameters. The nature and magnitude of additional residuals in the TOA due to the gravitational interactions between the planets are determined by numerically calculating the TOA residuals for the orbital motion including the perturbations and subtracting the TOA residuals from analytic expressions of the orbital motion with orbital parameters fixed at averaged values. The TOA residual differences so obtained oscillate with periods comparable to the orbital periods with the oscillations varying in amplitude as a function of epoch within any given observational period. The signature of the perturbations is thus a quasiperiodic modulation of the residual differences obtained after removal of the effects of the orbital motion with best fit, constant orbital parameters. The amplitudes of this modulation reach about 10sec for observational periods exceeding 1000 days for the minimum planetary masses with sini = 1, and they increase as 1 / sini for 1 / sini < 5, wherei is the inclination of the orbit plane to that of the sky. Greater accumulated phase differences between the effects of perturbed and unperturbed orbital motions are available in the times of zero values in the observed and predicted TOA residuals and these comprise a second signature of the perturbations. The perturbation signatures should become detectable as the observation interval approaches 1000 days.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   
The shadowing effects of the molecular clouds in the nearby interstellar medium on the soft x-ray background has been investigated, using ROSAT WFC data in conjunction with previous rocket B and C band surveys. Shadowing over a 5° extent occurs only for a few percent of the sky, but the mixed model of the ISM is supported.Detailed modelling of the Draco shadowing region shows little evidence for a multi-temperature, hot ISM component.  相似文献   
Doing a homogenious and fast survey requires an intelligent model for the observing-strategy. This contribution shows a model simulating the parameters for the survey of the southern hemisphere. Input parameters are weather statistics and requirements of the photometry and of the technical equipment. It does not include priorities for special zones of the sky or deeper observations, even if the program is already able to consider such parameters.  相似文献   
The correlation between the long-term intensity variations of cosmic rays at neutron monitor energies and the LDE index measure of solar flares with long-lasting soft X-ray emissions is reported. Three subsequent solar cycles, 20–22, are taken into account and half-monthly data are analyzed. Possible explanation of this correlation is discussed in terms of the recent concepts of cosmic-ray modulation, in particular with merged interaction regions affecting the cosmic-ray intensity.  相似文献   
Calculations which predict that a phenomenon analogous to stellar negative pre-flares could also exist on the Sun were published by Hénouxet al. (1990), and Aboudarhamet al., (1990), who showed that at the beginning of a solar white-light flare (WLF) event an electron beam can cause a transient darkening before the WLF emission starts, under certain conditions. They named this event a black light flare (BLF). Such a BLF event should appear as diffuse dark patches lasting for about 20 seconds preceding the WLF emission, which would coincide with intense and impulsive hard X-ray bursts. The BLF location would be at (or in the vicinity of) the forthcoming bright patches. Their predicted contrast depends on the position of the flare on the solar disc and on the wavelength band of the observation.TheYohkoh satellite provided white-light data from the aspect camera of the SXT instrument (Tsunetaet al., 1991), at 431 nm and with a typical image interval of 10–12 s. We have studied nine white-light flares observed with this instrument, with X-ray class larger than M6. We have found a few interesting episodes, but no unambiguous example of the predicted BLF event. This study, although the best survey to date, was not ideal from the observational point of view. We therefore encourage further searches. Successful observations of this phenomenon on the Sun would greatly strengthen our knowledge of the lower solar atmosphere and its effects on solar luminosity variations.  相似文献   
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