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为精准识别贫困山区农居房屋结构现状完好程度,本文开展略阳县境内41894栋农居房屋抗震现状实地调查,搜集整理域内孕灾环境和致灾因子强度,统计分析域内各行政镇(办)经济水平、农居房屋抗震结构类型和震害等级,预测震害矩阵,计算平均震害指数,并评价抗震能力。研究结果表明:域内农居房屋抗震结构类型包括土木结构、砖木结构和砖混结构;域内农居房屋在VI度地震作用下基本完好的比例为74.04%,在VII度地震作用下发生轻微破坏以下震害等级的比例为83.45%,在VIII度地震作用下发生中等破坏以下震害等级的比例为85.46%;域内农居房屋在地震烈度为VI、VII、VIII、IX、X度时的平均震害指数分别为0.13、0.23、0.32、0.49、0.71,抗震性能较差,不满足“小震不坏、中震可修、大震不倒”的抗震设防目标。  相似文献   
Dissolved pollutants in stormwater are a main contributor to water pollution in urban environments. However, many existing transport models are semi-empirical and only consider one-dimensional flows, which limit their predictive capacity. Combining the shallow water and the advection–diffusion equations, a two-dimensional physically based model is developed for dissolved pollutant transport by adopting the concept of a ‘control layer’. A series of laboratory experiments has been conducted to validate the proposed model, taking into account the effects of buildings and intermittent rainfalls. The predictions are found to be in good agreement with experimental observations, which supports the assumption that the depth of the control layer is constant. Based on the validated model, a parametric study is conducted, focusing on the characteristics of the pollutant distribution and transport rate over the depth. The hyetograph, including the intensity, duration and intermittency, of rainfall event has a significant influence on the pollutant transport rates. The depth of the control layer, rainfall intensity, surface roughness and area length are dominant factors that affect the dissolved pollutant transport. Finally, several perspectives of the new pollutant transport model are discussed. This study contributes to an in-depth understanding of the dissolved pollutant transport processes on impermeable surfaces and urban stormwater management.  相似文献   
The relative amplitude method(RAM) is more suitable for source inversion of low magnitude earthquakes because it avoids the modeling of short-period waveforms.We introduced an improved relative amplitude method(IRAM) which is more robust in practical cases.The IRAM uses a certain function to quantify the fitness between the observed and the predicted relative amplitudes among direct P wave,surface reflected pP and sP waves for a given focal mechanism.Using the IRAM,we got the fault-plane solutions of two ea...  相似文献   
青海共和盆地下白垩统烃源岩地球化学特征及其生油意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孟元林  侯创业 《岩石学报》1999,15(4):630-637
我国西北大部分地区在早白垩世处于挤压为主的构造环境,但共和地区处于伸展的构造环境,发育了巨厚的下白垩统湖相沉积。我们首次在共和盆地下白垩统发现了一套258.15m 厚的烃源岩。这一发现改变了以往西北白垩系烃源岩仅分布在祁连-秦岭以北的观点, 这对于研究我国西北地区白垩系烃源岩的分布和油气田的形成具有重大意义。共和盆地下白垩统从下到上分为万一段、万二段、万三段、万四段。万一段和万四段是炎热干旱气候条件下形成的红色沉积, 基本没有生烃能力。万二段烃源岩是一套炎热潮湿气候条件下形成的浅湖-半深湖相沉积, 烃源岩有机质丰度达到了中到好烃源岩的丰度标准, 干酪根类型以Ⅰ2 型为主。该烃源岩在K2 早期(90.01Ma) 进入生油门限, 开始生油, 从K2 晚期(74.11Ma) 以来,一直处于大量生油的成熟阶段。下白垩统万三段沉积时期, 水体时深时浅, 暗色泥岩和红色泥岩交替出现。暗色泥岩属于中等烃源岩, 其有机质类型主要为Ⅱ型。它在晚白垩世 (78.02Ma) 进入生油门限, 但一直到第四纪 (1.5Ma) 才进入大量生油的成熟阶段。共和盆地下白垩统烃源岩发育, 具有形成中小型油气田的可能性。  相似文献   
碳酸盐岩潜山储层垂向分带及油气藏流体分布规律   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
从古岩溶形成的基本条件出发,提出可溶性岩石和具溶蚀性的流动水是岩溶发育的基本条件,古岩溶与古风化壳常共生.受储层结构的非均质性、构造圈闭分割性、流体分布不完善性及高地温场等因素影响,流体在古潜山奥陶系储层的分布很复杂,孔、洞、缝发育程度及搭配好坏是决定油气产量的核心,圈闭条件与流体分布也密切相关.  相似文献   
Chemical investigation of the ethanol extract of the marine green alga Chaetomorpha basiretorsa Setchell led to the isolation of a new sterol stigmast-4,28-dien-3α,6β-diol 1 in addition to the five known sterols of β-lawsaritol 2, saringosterol 3, 24-hydroperoxy-24-vinyl - cholesterol 4, β-stigmasterol 5, 29-hydroxystigmasta-5, 24 (28) -dien-3β-ol 6. Compounds were isolated by normal phase silica gel and Sephadex LH - 20 gel colum chromatography, reverse phase HPLC and recrystalization. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods including MS, IR 1D/2D NMR and X-ray analysis. Cytotoxicity of compounds was screened by using the standard MTF method. All these compounds were isolated from the green alga Chaetomorpha basiretorsa Setchell for the first time and they were inactive (50% inhibitory concentration was greater than 10 μg/cm^3) against KB, Bel -7402, PC - 3M, Ketr 3 and MCF-7 cell lines.  相似文献   
潘常周  靳平  肖卫国 《地震学报》2007,29(6):625-634
针对中国的乌鲁木齐台(WMQ)和哈萨克斯坦的马坎奇台(MAK),采用贝叶斯克里金技术建立了新疆及附近地区地震事件的震相幅值比的校正曲面,并分析了校正曲面与地震波传播路径的关系,以及校正曲面对于改善震相幅值比判据识别效果的有效性.分析结果表明,建立的校正曲面基本合理,结合传播路径差异和地震波传播规律,能够较好地解释校正曲面的起伏特征. 而且,在传播路径差异较大,使得震相幅值比经震中距校正后离散度仍然较高的情况下,利用校正曲面修正震相幅值比,可以进一步降低其离散度,从而改善判据的识别效果.经校正曲面修正后,对天然地震的误识率由16.3%下降为5.2%.  相似文献   
通过分析市县地震部门的地震应急组织机构、主要职能、关键流程,设计了地震应急工作助手的需求方案。并应用ASP.NET MVC、HTML5等开发技术,基于企业微信,开发了包括震情服务、灾情服务、应急服务、工作报告、资料查询、通知公告、通信录等7大功能的地震应急工作助手软件。该软件具有相对机动灵活、成本低、易于推广使用的优势。多次地震应急演练使用表明,软件能在较大程度上提高地震应急工作的规范化程度和处置效率。  相似文献   
赣西南下奥陶统樟木曲组笔石带的修正和补充   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在对笔石作系统研究的基础上,对樟木曲组的笔石带进行了补充和修正。由原来的9个笔石带划分为11个笔石带,厘定了各笔石带的范围和笔石群的总体面貌,并逐带与国内外进行了对比。文内还涉及到宁国阶的顶界、上下两层下垂时笔石以及关于肿笔石与心笔石混生的问题。  相似文献   
西秦岭早子沟金锑矿床含矿英安斑岩年代学及其成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早子沟超大型金锑矿床位于西秦岭造山带西部,矿体赋存于三叠系古浪堤组板岩和中酸性侵入岩内.因与岩浆岩围岩具有密切的空间关系,早子沟矿床被认为是岩浆热液矿床.本研究选择早子沟Au1矿体英安斑岩围岩为研究对象,进行锆石U-Pb年代学和Lu-Hf同位素分析.结果表明,早子沟Au1矿体英安斑岩成岩年代为235.3±3.3 Ma,锆石εHf(t)值为-12.78~-8.76,对应的二阶段模型年龄为1.82~2.07 Ga,表明岩浆可能来源于古元古代下地壳物质的部分熔融.本次发现的英安斑岩表明早子沟地区岩浆活动从约250 Ma持续到约235 Ma,矿体与围岩的穿切关系暗示成矿年代不可能早于235.3 Ma.结合前人年代学结果,我们认为早子沟可能形成于约210 Ma,矿床的形成与岩浆活动没有成因联系.  相似文献   
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