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Knowing the metal extraction capacity of a digestion method is crucial for a better environmental interpretation of metal concentrations determined in sediments. One of the main problems at the present is the lack of harmonization of information obtained by two of the most popular sediment partial digestion methods: ISO 11466.3 (aqua regia) and EPA 3050B (HNO?--H?O?--HCl). In the present work, the amount of Cu, Ni and Pb leached by using both methods was compared with the total content of those elements in marine sediments collected, as an example, from the Cienfuegos Bay, Cuba. Similar amounts of Cu were extracted by both methods; while leaching of Ni and Pb were different. Generally, the EPA method extracted more Ni than the ISO method. In contrast, Pb was extracted in a larger amount by the ISO method. Some explanations are given for the observed results. X-ray Diffraction, X-ray Fluorescence, Particle Induced X-ray Emission Spectrometry and Energy Dispersive X-ray coupled to Scanning Electron Microscopy were employed for this purpose. On the other hand, none of the methods studied extracted simultaneously the fraction of all the metals, probably provided by human activity (Theoretical Anthropogenic Fraction) in both sediments studied. The use of ISO 11466.3 or EPA 3050B is recommended since the analytical performance parameters of both, in combination with Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, are adequate. For a better environmental interpretation of the analytical results, information on the extraction efficiency of the selected method for specific elements and sediments under study should also be provided, together with the determined concentrations.  相似文献   
Flows of different hierarchy, which travel through limestone, schist, sandstone and ultra-basic rocks, with ages from the Paleocene to the Jurassic, at Sierra del Rosario, Pinar del Río, Cuba, were characterized. The waters were sampled from 1984 until 2004 and the data were statistically processed by means of chemical equilibrium and physico-chemical models, under a flow system view of interpretation. Results demonstrate that the physico-chemical properties of the water are controlled by water–rock interaction resulting from residence time since rainwater infiltrate and the path it follows to the discharge zone and the type of aquifer material the different groundwater flows are in contact with. Geochemical indices allow the definition of the different types of flow (local, intermediate, regional) to be characterized, permitting a further definition of the different flow systems and rock type involved, as well as its use for water supply and medical use. The main geochemical processes which control the chemical composition acquisitions mode are: congruent dissolution of calcite, dolomite, and halite; incongruent dissolution of plagioclase and microcline minerals; pyrite oxidation, sulphate reduction, and silica dissolution at the surface or silica precipitation at deep saturation and circulation zones.  相似文献   
Agua Amarga coastal aquifer in southern Spain has been the subject of chemical and physical measurements since May 2008 in order to monitor the potential effects of water withdrawal for the Alicante desalination plants on the salt marsh linked to the aquifer. Electrical conductivity contour maps and depth profiles, piezometric-head contour maps, hydrochemical analyses, isotopic characterizations and temperature depth profiles show not only the saltwater intrusion caused by water abstraction, but also the presence of a pronounced convective density-driven flow below the salt marsh; this flow was a consequence of saltwork activity in the early 1900s which generated saline groundwater contamination. The influence of a seawater recharge programme, carried out over the salt marsh in 2009–2010, on the diminishing groundwater salinity and the recovery of groundwater levels is also studied. Based on collected field data, the project provides a deeper understanding of how these successive anthropogenic interventions have modified flow and mixing processes in Agua Amarga aquifer.  相似文献   
The laboratory tests for the use of sapogenic amphiphilic glycosides as a coagulation–flocculation aid are presented in this paper. These amphiphilic glycosides were obtained, through a natural fermentation process, of the juice, of fique (Furcraea sp.) leaves. Decantation allows for the separation of a supernatant denominated “supernatant fique juice” and a decanted fraction denominated “decanted fique juice.” The latter contains most of the sapogenic amphiphilic glycosides and was mixed with the chemical coagulant ferric chloride hexahydrate, at varying doses. Ferric chloride hexahydrate was also used as a control to ascertain the removal efficiency of persistent contaminants from samples of a textile industry effluent. The parameters of interest were typical indicators of water quality such as color, turbidity, chemical oxygen demand, pH and conductivity. The results indicate that the decanted fique juice, when used as a coagulation–flocculation aid, and upon comparison with the chemical coagulant alone, causes an additional color and turbidity reduction of 31 and 17 %, respectively. No significant differences were noted in the chemical oxygen demand values (α = 0.05; P < 0.001). Thus, there is a scope for further research about the commercial feasibility of DFJ as an industrial water treatment agent, which reduces the toxicity of raw fique juice and its detrimental environmental effects.  相似文献   
The eastern boundary of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre (NASG) is an upwelling favorable region characterized by a mean southward flow. The Canary Upwelling Current (CUC) feeds from the interior ocean and flows south along the continental slope off NW Africa, effectively providing the eastern boundary condition for the NASG. We follow a joint approach using slope and deep-ocean data together with process-oriented modeling to investigate the characteristics and seasonal variability of the interior–coastal ocean connection, focusing on how much NASG interior water drains along the continental slope. First, the compiled sets of data show that interior central waters flow permanently between Madeira and the Iberian Peninsula at a rate of 2.5?±?0.6 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3 s-1 109 km s-1), with most of it reaching the slope and shelf regions north of the Canary Islands (1.5?±?0.7?Sv). Most of the water entering the African slope and shelf regions escapes south between the easternmost Canary Islands and the African coast: In 18 out of 22 monthly realizations, the flow was southward (?0.9?±?0.4?Sv) although an intense flow reversal occurred usually around November (1.7?±?0.9?Sv), probably as the result of a late fall intensification of the CUC north of the Canary Islands followed by instability and offshore flow diversion. Secondly, we explore how the eastern boundary drainage may be specified in a process-oriented one-layer quasigeostrophic numerical model. Non-zero normal flow and constant potential vorticity are alternative eastern boundary conditions, consistent with the idea of anticyclonic vorticity induced at the boundary by coastal jets. These boundary conditions cause interior water to exit the domain at the boundary, as if recirculating through the coastal ocean, and induce substantial modifications to the shape of the eastern NASG. The best model estimate for the annual mean eastward flow north of Madeira is 3.9?Sv and at the boundary is 3.3?Sv. The water exiting at the boundary splits with 1?Sv flowing into the Strait of Gibraltar and the remaining 2.3?Sv continuing south along the coastal ocean until the latitude of Cape Ghir. The model also displays significant wind-induced seasonal variability, with a maximum connection between the interior and coastal oceans taking place in autumn and winter, in qualitative agreement with the observations.  相似文献   
Rainfall over West Africa shows strong interannual variability related to changes in Sea Surface Temperature (SST). Nevertheless, this relationship seem to be non-stationary. A particular turning point is the decade of the 1970s, which witnessed a number of changes in the climatic system, including the climate shift of the late 1970s. The first aim of this study is to explore the change in the interannual variability of West African rainfall after this shift. The analysis indicates that the dipolar features of the rainfall variability over this region, related to changes in the Atlantic SST, disappear after this period. Also, the Pacific SST variability has a higher correlation with Guinean rainfall in the recent period. The results suggest that the current relationship between the Atlantic and Pacific El Ni?o phenomena is the principal responsible for these changes. A fundamental goal of climate research is the development of models simulating a realistic current climate. For this reason, the second aim of this work is to test the performance of Atmospheric General Circulation models in simulating rainfall variability over West Africa. The models have been run with observed SSTs for the common period 1957?C1998 as part of an intercomparison exercise. The results show that the models are able to reproduce Guinean interannual variability, which is strongly related to SST variability in the Equatorial Atlantic. Nevertheless, problems in the simulation of the Sahelian interannual variability appear: not all models are able to reproduce the observed negative link between rainfall over the Sahel and El Ni?o-like anomalies in the Pacific, neither the positive correlation between Mediterranean SSTs and Sahelian rainfall.  相似文献   
A spatial data set is consistent if it satisfies a set of integrity constraints. Although consistency is a desirable property of databases, enforcing the satisfaction of integrity constraints might not be always feasible. In such cases, the presence of inconsistent data may have a negative effect on the results of data analysis and processing and, in consequence, there is an important need for data-cleaning tools to detect and remove, if possible, inconsistencies in large data sets. This work proposes strategies to support data cleaning of spatial databases with respect to a set of integrity constraints that impose topological relations between spatial objects. The basic idea is to rank the geometries in a spatial data set that should be modified to improve the quality of the data (in terms of consistency). An experimental evaluation validates the proposal and shows that the order in which geometries are modified affects both the overall quality of the database and the final number of geometries to be processed to restore consistency.  相似文献   
In-stream mining is a common aggregate mining practice around the world. However, the impacts of such practice are not always taken into account when the mines are established, and the environmental cost of in-stream aggregate mining is generally not assessed. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impacts of aggregate mining conducted in La Puerta River (Tafí valley, Northwest Argentina), a dry-pit in-stream mine, by considering the geomorphological, geoarchaeological, and human effects. Multitemporal analysis of the area using remote sensors (aerial photographs and satellite images 1970–2020), high-resolution drone digital elevation models and orthomosaics (2018–2019), and an intensive survey demonstrated that the mining area grew exponentially between 2002 and 2020 under unregulated mining. As a result, this practice exerts great environmental impact, including channel section alterations and destabilization of riverbanks, soil loss, river profile changes, and the formation of lag deposits of discarded materials, thus increasing environmental hazard under unpredictable flows. Finally, this is a highly touristic area that has suffered substantial landscape degradation and irreversible archaeological damage.  相似文献   
In this paper, the applicability of the Newmark method at regional, sub-regional and site scales has been investigated in the Lorca Basin (Murcia). This basin is located in one of the most seismically active regions of Spain. The area is very interesting for studying earthquake-induced slope instabilities as there are well-known cases associated with specific earthquakes. For the regional and sub-regional scales, a geographic information system has been used to develop an implementation of Newmark sliding rigid block method. Soil and topographic amplification effects have been particularly considered. Subsequently, ‘Newmark displacement’ maps for deterministic seismic scenarios have been produced. Some specific studies have also been performed using limit equilibrium methods to estimate the safety factor and the critical acceleration of certain slope instabilities at a site scale. These instabilities were the rock slides related to recent seismic series at the Lorca Basin: 2002 Bullas (M w = 5.0) and 2005 La Paca (M w = 4.8). Finally, the safety factor, critical acceleration and Newmark displacement values estimated at different scales have been compared to determine which scale is most suitable for the Newmark method.  相似文献   
The oil spill from Prestige tanker showed the importance of scientifically based protocols to minimize the impacts on the environment. In this work, we describe a new forecasting system to predict oil spill trajectories and their potential impacts on the coastal zone. The system is formed of three main interconnected modules that address different capabilities: (1) an operational circulation sub-system that includes nested models at different scales, data collection with near-real time assimilation, new tools for initialization or assimilation based on genetic algorithms and feature-oriented strategic sampling; (2) an oil spill coastal sub-system that allows simulation of the trajectories and fate of spilled oil together with evaluation of coastal zone vulnerability using environmental sensitivity indexes; (3) a risk management sub-system for decision support based on GIS technology. The system is applied to the Mediterranean Sea where surface currents are highly variable in space and time, and interactions between local, sub-basin and basin scale increase the non-linear interactions effects which need to be adequately resolved at each one of the intervening scales. Besides the Mediterranean Sea is a complex reduced scale ocean representing a real scientific and technological challenge for operational oceanography and particularly for oil spill response and search and rescue operations.  相似文献   
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