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Discrepancies between the computed and actual values of the structural element stiffness imply that a building with nominally symmetric plan is actually asymmetric to some unknown degree and will undergo torsional vibration when subjected to purely translational ground motion. Such accidental torsion leads to increase in structural element deformations which is shown to be essentially insensitive to the uncoupled lateral vibration period of the system but is affected strongly by the ratio of uncoupled lateral and torsional vibration periods. The structural deformations increase, in the mean, by at most 10 and 5 per cent for R/C and steel buildings, respectively, and by much smaller amounts for a wide range of system parameters. The increase in structural deformations due to stiffness uncertainty is shown to be much smaller than implied by the accidental torsional provisions in the Uniform Building Code and most other building codes.  相似文献   
Integrated resource study in Ropar wetland ecosystem was undertaken to analyse physiography, drainage, landuse and vegetation status. Various thematic maps have been prepared using black and white aerial photographs on 1:20,000 scale and IRS 1A LISS-II (FCC) on 1:50,000 scale. The Ropar wetland ecosystem is comprised of six major landforms i.e. Siwalik hills, Valley, Piedmont plain, Alluvial plain, River terraces and River courses. The study area show high drainage density with sub dendritic and sub parallel drainage. The area has poor vegetative cover which results in extensive erosion and sedimentation of Ropar lake. The water spread and. qualitative turbidity level in the notified wetland area was also monitored. Anthropogenic pressure, industrial pollution, sedimentation, eutrophication, illegal fishing and flooding have been identified as major threats to the wetland. Keeping in view the threats to Ropar wetland, the conservation measures have been suggested.  相似文献   
The soil conservation service (SCS) methodology for computing direct run-off, using soil-cover-moisture complexes involves the selection of a runoff curve number (CN) for such complex events. This method has been further simplified by introducing an assumption on initial abstraction, with only one unknown parameter CN, which is represented by the potential retention capacity of the watershed (S). In this study, coupled SCN-CN with USLE model was used for the estimation of the runoff and sediment yield for eleven watersheds of different land uses (urban, agricultural, and forest) from Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC), Hazaribagh district, Jharkhand, India. For the validation, runoffsediment yield model is employed to a large set of rainfall-runoff-sediment yield data (68 storm events) observed from eleven watersheds. Model performance was assessed by using Nash and Sutcliffe statistical method. The efficiency of results was varying from 60.42 to 92.99 % for sediment yield and 54.23 to 96.12 % for runoff; this efficiency showed a reliable performance of model for estimating the sediment yield and runoff.  相似文献   
The primary objective of bioreactor landfill is to achieve adequate and rapid distribution of moisture in landfilled municipal solid waste (MSW) to accelerate the anaerobic biodegradation of the organic fraction within MSW. A horizontal trench system (HT) is commonly adopted for leachate distribution in MSW under pressurized conditions. However, this approach should be implemented carefully due to the potential instability of landfill slopes that comes from the generation and distribution of excessive pore fluid pressures. In this study, HT design charts are presented that determine the optimal location of horizontal trench systems from the side slope (i.e., minimum lateral setback distance) under continuous leachate addition with maximum applied injection pressures, for which the landfill slopes remain stable [factor of safety (FOS) where FOS ≥ 1.5]. Use of any higher injection pressure and/or shorter lateral setback distance of HT than the one presented in the design charts would result in an unacceptable design of the bioreactor side slope (FOS < 1.5). The design chart was developed based on a parametric study that used a numerical two-phase flow model that involved different slope configurations and landfill waste depths. MSW heterogeneity and anisotropy, as well as unsaturated hydraulic properties, were taken into consideration in these simulations. Transient changes in pore water and gas pressures due to leachate recirculation were accounted for dually in the slope stability computations. The importance of these design charts is illustrated using a practical example. Site-specific conditions and the expertise and prior experience of a designer or operator must also be adequately considered and utilized with the design charts presented here for the safe design of a horizontal trench system in a bioreactor landfill.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the photo-gravitational restricted four-body problem (PR4BP) with variable mass. Following the procedure given by Gascheau (C. R. 16:393–394, 1843) and Routh (Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 6:86–97, 1875), the conditions of linear stability of Lagrange triangle solution in the PR4BP are determined. The three radiating primaries having masses \(m_{1}\), \(m_{2}\) and \(m_{3}\) in an equilateral triangle with \(m_{2}=m_{3}\) will be stable as long as they satisfy the linear stability condition of the Lagrangian triangle solution. We have derived the equations of motion of the mentioned problem and observed that there exist eight libration points for a fixed value of parameters \(\gamma (\frac{m \ \text{at time} \ t}{m \ \text{at initial time}}, 0<\gamma\leq1 )\), \(\alpha\) (the proportionality constant in Jeans’ law (Astronomy and Cosmogony, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1928), \(0\leq\alpha\leq2.2\)), the mass parameter \(\mu=0.005\) and radiation parameters \(q_{i}, (0< q_{i}\leq1, i=1, 2, 3)\). All the libration points are non-collinear if \(q_{2}\neq q_{3}\). It has been observed that the collinear and out-of-plane libration points also exist for \(q_{2}=q_{3}\). In all the cases, each libration point is found to be unstable. Further, zero velocity curves (ZVCs) and Newton–Raphson basins of attraction are also discussed.  相似文献   
An analysis procedure in the frequency domain is developed for determining the earthquake response of two-dimensional concrete gravity and embankment dams including hydrodynamic effects; responses of the elastic dams and compressible water are assumed linear. The dam and fluid domain are treated as substructures and modelled with finite elements. The only geometric restriction is that an infinite fluid domain must maintain a constant depth beyond some point in the upstream direction. For such an infinite uniform region, a finite element discretization over the depth is combined with a continuum representation in the upstream direction. The fluid domain model approximately accounts for interaction between the fluid and underlying foundation medium through a damping boundary condition applied along the reservoir bottom, while the dam foundation is assumed rigid. Several examples are presented to demonstrate the accuracy of the fluid domain model and to illustrate dam responses obtained from the analysis procedure.  相似文献   
A general substructure method for analysis of response of structures to earthquake ground motion, including the effects of structure-soil interaction, is presented. The method is applicable to complex structures idealized as finite element systems and the soil region treated as either a continuum, for example as a viscoelastic halfspace, or idealized as a finite element system. The halfspace idealization permits reliable analysis for sites where essentially similar soils extend to large depths and there is no rigid boundary such as soil-rock interface. For sites where layers of soft soil are underlain by rock at shallow depth, finite element idealization of the soil region is appropriate; in this case, the direct and substructure methods would lead to equivalent results but the latter provides the better alternative. Treating the free field motion directly as the earthquake input in the substructure method eliminates the deconvolution calculations and the related assumption—regarding type and direction of earthquake waves—required in the direct method. Spatial variations in the input motion along the structure-soil interface of embedded structures or along the base of long surface supported structures are included in the formulation. The substructure method is computationally efficient because the two substructures—the structure and the soil region—are analysed separately; and, more important, it permits taking advantage of the important feature that response to earthquake ground motion is essentially contained in the lower few natural modes of vibration of the structure on fixed base.  相似文献   
The strong ground motions for the 2001 Bhuj (M w 7.6) India earthquake have been estimated on hard rock and B/C boundary (NEHRP) levels using a recently modified version of stochastic finite fault modeling based on dynamic corner frequency (Motazedian and Atkinson in Bull Seismol Soc Am 95, 995–1010 2005). Incorporation of dynamic corner frequency removes the limitations of earlier stochastic methods. Simulations were carried out at 13 sites in Gujarat where structural response recorder (SRR) recordings are available. In addition, accelerograms were simulated at the B/C boundary at a large number of points distributed on a grid. The corresponding response spectra have also been estimated. The values of peak ground accelerations and spectral accelerations at three periods (0.4, 0.75 and 1.25 s) are presented in the form of contour maps. The maximum value of peak ground acceleration (PGA) in the center of meizoseismal zone is 550 cm/s2. The response spectral acceleration in same zone is 900 cm/s2 (T = 0.4 s), 600 cm/s2 (T = 0.75 s) and 300 cm/s2 (T = 1.25 s). The innermost PGA contour is on the fault plane. A comparison of the PGA values obtained at 13 sites in this study with those obtained in earlier studies on the same sites, but employing different methods, show that the present PGA values are comparable at most of the sites. The rate of decay of PGA values is fast at short distances as compared to that at longer distances. The PGA values obtained here put some constraints on the expected values from a similar earthquake in the region. A synthetic intensity map has been prepared from the estimated values of PGA using an empirical relation. A comparison with the reported intensity map of the earthquake shows the synthetic MMI values, as expected, are lower by 1 unit compared to reported intensity map. The contour map of PGA along with the contour maps of spectral acceleration at various periods permit the assessment of damage potential to various categories of houses and other structures. Such information will be quite important in planning of mitigation and disaster management programs in the region.  相似文献   
An inexpensive method using natural earthquake data is utilized for determining the sedimentary thickness in Kachchh. The Institute of Seismological Research (ISR) is operating a network of broadband seismographs and strong motion accelerographs in Gujarat. We used data from 13 broadband seismographs and two strong motion accelerographs in the study. The stations are within 5 to 80?km from the epicenters. In this study the S-to-P converted phase, SP, is used. This phase is generated due to large impedance contrast between sediments and basement. This phase is clear in the vertical component. The difference in the travel times of S and SP phases and velocities of P and S waves is used for determining the sedimentary layer thickness. The thickness of sediments beneath each of these 15 stations was determined covering an area of 23,500?sq km.  相似文献   
This study presents a novel approach for evaluating ground motion selection and modification (GMSM) procedures in the context of probabilistic seismic demand analysis. In essence, synthetic ground motions are employed to derive the benchmark seismic demand hazard curve (SDHC), for any structure and response quantity of interest, and to establish the causal relationship between a GMSM procedure and the bias in its resulting estimate of the SDHC. An example is presented to illustrate how GMSM procedures may be evaluated using synthetic motions. To demonstrate the robustness of the proposed approach, two significantly different stochastic models for simulating ground motions are considered. By quantifying the bias in any estimate of the SDHC, the proposed approach enables the analyst to rank GMSM procedures in their ability to accurately estimate the SDHC, examine the sufficiency of intensity measures employed in ground motion selection, and assess the significance of the conditioning intensity measure in probabilistic seismic demand analysis. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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