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Using particle aspect approach, the effect of multi-ions densities on the dispersion relation, growth rate, perpendicular resonant energy and growth length of electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave with general loss-cone distribution function in hot anisotropic multi-ion plasma is presented for auroral acceleration region. It is observed that higher He+ and O+ ions densities enhance the wave frequency closer to the H+ ion cyclotron frequency and growth rate of the wave. The differential heating of He+ ions perpendicular to the magnetic field is enhanced at higher densities of He+ ions. The waves require longer distances to achieve observable amplitude by wave-particle interactions mechanism as predicted by growth length. It is also found that electron thermal anisotropy of the background plasma enhances the growth rate and reduces the growth length of multi-ions plasma. These results are determined for auroral acceleration region.  相似文献   
Incidence of high fluoride (F?) in groundwater (>1.5 mg/L) in two tribal belts of eastern India, one around Chukru in the Palamau district of Jharkhand and the other around Karlakot in the Nuapada district of Odisha, has been studied. The maximum concentration of F? in groundwater from dug wells and tube wells is 10.30 mg/L in Chukru and 4.62 mg/L in Karlakot. The groundwaters are mildly alkaline with pH ranges of 7.52–8.22 and 7.33–8.20 in Chukru and Karlakot, respectively. The F? concentration is positively correlated with pH, electrical conductivity and SO4 2? in both areas. The high F? in groundwater resulted mainly from dissolution of biotite and fluorapatite in quartzofeldspathic gneiss. The ionic dominance pattern (in meq/L) is mostly in the order Ca2+ > Na+ > Mg2+ > K+ among cations and HCO3 ? > SO4 2? > < Cl? > F? among anions in the Karlakot groundwater. Preliminary adsorption experiments were conducted on natural haematite iron ore and synthetic magnetite to evaluate their potential for F? removal from water. Effects of different parameters such as contact time, pH, adsorbent dose and initial F? concentration on the adsorption capacity of these materials were investigated. Strong dependence of F? removal on pH was observed for both the adsorbents. With natural haematite iron ore, the maximum F? removal of 66 % occurred at an initial pH of 3.2 for a solution with F? concentration of 3 mg/L, adsorbent dose of 7 g/L and overnight contact time. The haematite iron ore was observed to increase the pH of the F? solution. Adsorption equilibrium was not achieved with this adsorbent even after a contact time of 45.2 h. In the case of synthetic magnetite, 84 % F? removal was achieved after 2 min of contact time for a solution with F? concentration of 6 mg/L, adsorbent dose of 10 g/L and initial pH of 7. The results indicate high potential of both natural haematite iron ore and synthetic magnetite as adsorbents of F? in water.  相似文献   
This study explores the possible linkages of El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) with vegetation and rainfall patterns, vegetation activity and food grain yields, in arid and semi-arid regions of western India. A sequence of 20-year (1981–2000) monthly maximum Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) and monthly rainfall from 160 stations were examined to study the seasonal patterns and their relation to ENSO activity. In addition, a direct (ENSO-crop yield) linkage and an intermediate (ENSO-NDVI) linkage of agricultural responses to ENSO were also investigated. The results indicate below-normal seasonal NDVI and rainfall associated with El Nino (warm) events, except during 1997, while positive anomalies occur during La Nina (cold) events. Sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies from NINO 3 region (5°N–5°S; 150°W–90°W), as an indicator of ENSO were significantly correlated with NDVI anomalies, rainfall anomalies and yield anomalies but the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) was significantly related to NDVI anomalies only. NDVI anomaly patterns correspond to rainfall variability including that associated with ENSO activity. The observed strong intermediate linkage between yield anomalies and NDVI anomaly signal (r = 0.609) indicates that NDVI is an ideal index for understanding and analysing agricultural response to ENSO climate teleconnections.  相似文献   
A study was conducted in the Bathinda district of Punjab state for mapping the cropping pattern and crop rotation, monitoring long term changes in cropping pattern by using the satellite based remote sensing data along other spatial and non-spatial collateral data. Multi-date IRS LISS I and IRS WiFS sensor data have been used for this study. Cropping pattern maps and crop rotation maps were generated for the years 1988-89 and 1998-99. The present study has shown the increase of cropping intensity significantly, mainly due to increase in rice area. However, crop diversity has decreased mainly due to decline in the area under the minor crops like pearl millet, gram, rapeseed/ mustard. There is increase in area coverage of cotton-wheat and rice-wheat rotation, at the expense of the minor crops.  相似文献   
The application of piezo-ceramic elements for measuring shear and compression wave velocities in the soil mass is increasing day-by-day. Depending upon the configuration and polarity, these elements can either be used as benders or extenders, which can transmit and receive shear and compression waves, respectively. Though, several researchers have successfully employed these elements for characterizing the soil mass based on the shear and compression wave velocities, determination of the “time lag” between the input and output waves remains debatable. Even, the existing literature does not clearly present the response of these elements with respect to the frequency of excitation and the type of the material to be characterized. With this in view, extensive investigations were made to capture the performance of piezo-ceramic elements by changing their (a) wiring configuration (i.e., series or parallel) and (b) polarization (i.e., same or opposite) in the compacted soils of different characteristics (i.e., moisture content, dry density and type of the soil). Details of the methodology are presented in this paper and special attention has been paid to address various problems (i.e., wave attenuation, crosstalk phenomena, near field effect and overshooting of transmitting waves) that are associated with signal interpretation and may yield misleading results.  相似文献   
Well preserved ichnofossils were found in Kulakkalnattam sandstone exposed at Kulakkalnattam stream in Ariyalur area, Cauvery Basin. It consists of infaunal structures of both suspension and deposit feeders. Five ichnofossils are present in a fine to coarse grain sandstone which includes Ophiomorpha, Palaeophycus, Planolites Skolithos, and Thalassinoides. The study infers that ichnofossils Skolithos and Ophiomorpha are infaunal colonization of the suspension feeders in high energy condition in shifting substrate, whereas Thalassinoides and Planolites-Palaeophycus ichnofossils indicate infaunal deposit feeders living at the sediment-sediment interface in low to moderate energy conditions. Furthermore, the abundance and diversity of the trace fossils indicates there was alternatively fluctuations in energy conditions which lead to development of Skolithos and Cruziana ichnofacies type condition during the deposition of Kulkkallanattam sandstone in foreshore-shoreface environments.  相似文献   
Both Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) and Soft Gamma Repeaters (SGRs) are thought to be manifestations of magnetars. However, the specific physical characteristics that differentiate the two classes of objects remain unclear. There is some evidence that the progenitors of these sources and/or the environment in which they form might influence the type of phenomena the resulting magnetar displays. Several of the AXPs appear to be associated with supernova remnants, while embedded clusters of massive stars have been found in the immediate vicinity of some SGRs. Since both AXPs and SGRs are distributed close to the Galactic plane, high extinction makes studies in the optical difficult. We present early results from our Spitzer program aimed at probing the environmental factors that might contribute to the difference in the observed characteristics between AXPs and SGRs.  相似文献   
Microwave sensors having all-weather capabilities provide an opportunity to monitor rice grown in monsoon season. An attempt has been made to identify rice crop using multitemporal ERS-1 SAR data in C-band (5.3 GHz). Data acquired on August 15 (D1), September 19 (D2), October 24 (D3) and November 28 (D4) 1993 were taken. Combinations of data acquired on different dates were used for identification of rice crop. Single-date IRS-1B LISS II data in visible and NIR bands acquired on October 23, 1993 was also used for comparison of estimated rice area. Analysis of the results has shown that a combination of SAR data acquired at the tillering (August), booting (September) and heading (October) stages of rice crop enabled identification and area estimation of rice crop grown under lowland conditions. Single-date SAR data acquired in the month of October was found to be better for identification of rice compared to other dates.  相似文献   
Summary Mineralogical characteristics of eclogite xenoliths from three kimberlite pipes (KL2, P2 and P10) of the Proterozoic Wajrakarur kimberlite field of southern India have been studied. In a rare sample of enstatite eclogite from the KL2 pipe garnet contains microscopic triangular arrays of needles or blebs of omphacite, enstatite and rutile consistent with an origin by exsolution parallel to the isometric form {111}. Discrete omphacite grains in the sample contain exsolved needles or blebs of enstatite and garnet. Kyanite eclogites are abundant in the KL2 pipe which occasionally show a secondary ring of pure celsian around kyanite grains. Omphacite Na2O contents in the eclogites of the KL2 and P2 pipes are typically between 3 and 6 wt%, and garnet has widely variable composition with end member ranges of Prp22-81Grs0-47Alm10-30Sps0-1Adr0-5Uv0-3. Eclogites of the P10 pipe comprise chromian omphacite and garnet. Phase relations in the ACF projection exhibit systematic increase of the Ca-Tschermak’s component in omphacite from enstatite eclogite through biminerallic eclogite to kyanite eclogite. Garnet-clinopyroxene Fe–Mg geothermometry yields temperatures mostly in the range of 900–1100 °C. A formerly supersilicic nature of garnet in enstatite eclogite as inferred from exsolution mineralogy indicates minimum peak pressure of 5 GPa.  相似文献   
I he aim of the piesent study was to suggest an approach for national level acreage estimation for wheat using satellite remote sensing data and demonstrate its perfromantee Multi-date moderate resolution (188 m) IRS-IC WiFS data sets were used as the core data Sampie segment approach with stratified random sampling was used for the data analysis For making meaningful comparisons over time, multi-date sets were geometncally registered and radiometrically normalised by extracting pseudo-invariant Features and performing regression analysis on the digital numbers of such features The corrected multi-temporal data sets were used in hierarchical classification scheme. The results of this exercise are presented. It appeals that there is an overestimatoin of wheat acreage The sampling effieieney was also low, indicating need to improve sampling strategy Some of the problems encountered and the corrections planned to overcome them are also discussed  相似文献   
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