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古代深海底质氧控的遗迹化石群落   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过中国 9个深海沉积区近 2 0条研究剖面的沉积地质学和古遗迹学的研究 ,获得了判别深海底质遗迹化石群落与含氧量关系的几点认识 :1深海贫氧的底质中因相对含氧量的差异 ,其代表性的遗迹化石组合也不尽相同。以Megagrapton,Paleodictyon和 Protopaleodictyon为代表的 A组合 ,以 Scalarituba和 Phycosiphon为代表的 B组合 ,和以 Chondrites和 Zoophyeos为代表的 C组合 ,所指示贫氧底质中的溶解氧含量 ,是随组合的不同而依次降低 ;2遗迹化石潜穴的粗细通常与底质含氧量呈正相关 ,即潜穴直径随含氧量降低而变细 ;3遗迹化石的分异度随底质含氧量降低而变低 ;4应用个别遗迹化石属判识贫氧环境要慎重 ,如 Chondrites或者 Zoophycos,不能不加分析地视为贫氧环境的遗迹化石标志 ,应结合多种因素综合分析后 ,才能得出更符合客观实际的认识。  相似文献   
We report the discovery of a second field methane brown dwarf from the commissioning data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The object, SDSS J134646.45-003150.4 (hereafter SDSS 1346-00), was selected because of its very red color and stellar appearance. Its spectrum between 0.8 and 2.5 μm is dominated by strong absorption bands of H2O and CH4 and closely mimics those of Gliese 229B and SDSS 162414.37+002915.6 (hereafter SDSS 1624+00), two other known methane brown dwarfs. SDSS 1346-00 is approximately 1.5 mag fainter than Gliese 229B, suggesting that it lies about 11 pc from the Sun. The ratio of flux at 2.1 μm to that at 1.27 μm is larger for SDSS 1346-00 than for Gliese 229B and SDSS 1624+00, which suggests that SDSS 1346-00 has a slightly higher effective temperature than the others. Based on a search area of 130 deg2 and a detection limit of z*=19.8, we estimate a space density of 0.05 pc-3 for methane brown dwarfs with Teff approximately 1000 K in the 40 pc3 volume of our search. This estimate is based on small-sample statistics and should be treated with appropriate caution.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic lead (Pb) inputs to the atmosphere increased greatly over the past century and now dominate Pb supply to the oceans. However, the Pb content of sediments across the equatorial Pacific region is relatively unknown, and data exist only for deep sea sites where Pb deposition lags surface water inputs by up to a century. Here we present ICP-MS analyses of Pb of a core from a lagoon at Palmyra Atoll, northern Line Islands, that spans approximately the past 160 years. The non-bioturbated sediments of the euxinic lagoon, coupled with rapid rates of deposition, provide a unique fine-scale record of atmospheric Pb supply at a remote Pacific location. These first observations of historic Pb sedimentation in an atoll lagoon reveal a 63-fold increase in Pb flux to sediments during the past century and correlate directly with the North American consumption of leaded gasoline that began in 1926.  相似文献   
藏南帕里地区发育有2级湖积阶地,前人对其Ⅱ级湖积阶地的形成时代存在争议。热释光测年结果表明,湖积Ⅱ级阶地形成于89-58kaBP,Ⅰ级阶地形成于约4kaBP。根据湖相地层的分布、沉积物特征和测年结果。将帕里地区湖泊发育划分为帕里湖期(89-58kaBP)、外流湖期(23-10kaBP)和多庆错湖期(10-2.5kaBP)3个演化阶段。Ⅱ级湖积阶地对应于帕里湖期发育阶段;外流湖期发育于末次冰期晚冰阶,以冰碛为主要特征,此时喜马拉雅山主脊带分水岭北移至现今荡拉山的位置;多庆错湖期形成了大型冲积扇(5.7-5.15kaBP)和湖积Ⅰ级阶地,湖面面积大幅度萎缩。2.5kaBP后藏南局部地区开始沙化。帕里地区湖体减少。呈现今天的面貌。  相似文献   
一、原理含锰矿物种类较多,分布普遍,但具有经济价值的锰矿物,主要是锰的氧化物和碳酸盐。其主要矿物有硬锰矿、软锰矿、黑锰矿、水锰矿、菱锰矿等。这些锰矿物一般都能与盐酸作用,其化学反应式为: 2 MnO_2+4HCl→2 MnCl_2+2H_2O+O_2 MnCO_3+2 HCl→MnCl_2+H_2O+CO_2 锰矿物与盐酸作用后的溶液,经干涸后,易生成氯化锰和含水氯化锰晶体,可在正交偏光显微镜下,根据其晶体形状、光性和潮解转变等特征加以鉴别。二、方法该方法只需一台偏光显微镜、酒精灯和数片载物片,以及20~50%的盐酸一滴瓶。其步骤是:刻取粒径为1毫米左右的矿物或矿石置于载物片上,滴入20~50%盐酸,移于酒精灯上缓缓加热  相似文献   
19世纪70年代,一个叫李希霍芬的德国地质地理学家到中国考察时,说了这么一番话:中国的知识分子是迟钝的,对快速发展的社会是持续地阻碍,步行在他们的眼里是低贱的,地质学家的工作更是放弃了所有人类的尊严。由此他预言,中国的其他科学会有发展,唯独地质学不会。  相似文献   
Although reef corals worldwide have sustained epizootics in recent years, no coral diseases have been observed in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean until now. Here we present an overview of the main types of diseases and their incidence in the largest and richest coral reefs in the South Atlantic (Abrolhos Bank, eastern Brazil). Qualitative observations since the 1980s and regular monitoring since 2001 indicate that coral diseases intensified only recently (2005–2007). Based on estimates of disease prevalence and progression rate, as well as on the growth rate of a major reef-building coral species (the Brazilian-endemic Mussismilia braziliensis), we predict that eastern Brazilian reefs will suffer a massive coral cover decline in the next 50 years, and that M. braziliensis will be nearly extinct in less than a century if the current rate of mortality due to disease is not reversed.  相似文献   
0 引言GSDIG3.0版本是一个利用数字化仪,从地图图件上取点,产生包括每个点的标号和坐标的ASCII文件的程序。坐标系可以是笛卡尔坐标或GSDIG支持的(与GSMAP6.0相同)大地测量坐标。生成的数据格式用于表格式实用程序(例如LOTUS-1,2,3)、数据库管理系统或GSMAP/GSDRAW程序。利用同一发布盘上的实用程序DIGGSM,可以把其中的大地测量坐标的数据直接转换为GSMAP的数据库。另一实用程序DIGGSD提供类似的功能,即将X,  相似文献   
<正>内容简介:《敦煌雅丹地貌形成发育过程图谱》是我国乃至世界上首部以雅丹地貌为主题的科普性专著,全书图文并茂,中英文对照。简要介绍了世界雅丹地貌研究历史、研究进展、主要问题及研究意义,以及敦煌地区雅丹地貌的研究历史和研究进展。用精美的图片形象具体、直观地展示了甘肃敦煌雅丹国家地质公园、敦煌北湖雅丹和崔木土三地雅丹地貌形成发育过程的幼年期、青年期、壮年期和老年期等4个阶段,给人  相似文献   
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