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Global sea level change and thermal contribution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The global long-term sea level trend is obtained from the analysis of tide gauge data and TOPEX/Poseidon data. The linear trend of global mean sea level is highly non-umiform spatially, with an average rate of 2.2 mm year-1 in T/P sea-level rise from October 1992 to September 2002. Sea level change duc to temperature vanation (the thermosteric sea level) is discussed. The results are compared with TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter data in the same temporal span at different spatial scales. It is indicated that the ther-mal effect accounts for 86% and 73% of the observed seasonal variability in the northern and southern hemispheres, respectively. The TOPEX/Poseidon observed sea level lags behind the TSI, by 2 months in the zonal band of 40°-60° in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Systematic differences of about 1-2cm between TOPEX/Poseidon observations and thermosteric sea level data are obtained. The potential causes for these differences include water exchange among the atmosphere, land, and oceans, and some pos-sible deviations in thermosteric contribution estimates and geophysical corrections to the TOPEX/Poseidon data.  相似文献   
GPS????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ó??淽?????????????????????????????EM?????????????????????????????????????????????????????Ч????????????μ?GPS??????????  相似文献   
In situ Microphytobenthic community dynamics were combined with laboratory measurement of predominant species by fluorescence methods to estimate the areal primary production. Field investigation of community dynamics of microphytobenthos (MPB) was conducted from August 2006 to August 2007 in intertidal flats of the Nakdong River estuary, Korea. MPB Biomass varied between 0.47 and 16.58 μg cm?3 in the surface 1 cm sediment, with two dominant diatom species, Amphora coffeaeformis and Navicula sp., occupying average 77.2 ± 14.9% of total number of MPB cells. The biomass was higher in the slightly muddy sand sites than that in the sand site, and showed different pattern of seasonal variation. The profile of vertical distribution of biomass was an exponential decrease trend with depth in sediments. The biomass proportions in the uppermost 3 mm were 57.6% and 37.8% with and without the presence of biofilm, respectively. The two dominant species were cultured in laboratory, and their photosynthetic parameters, rETRmax (relative maximum electron transport rate), α (light utilization coefficient) and E k (light saturation parameter) were derived from rETR (relative ETR)-irradiance curves by Imaging- PAM (pulse amplitude modulated) fluorometry. The rETR-irradiance curves showed no significant difference of photosynthetic activities between the two species. The areal potential production ranged from 0.74 to 2.22 g C m?2 d?1.  相似文献   
The microscopic organisms from sediments are classified into microbenthos and meiobenthos. The former groups are usually referred to protozoa, microalgae and bacteria, whereas the latter comprise micrometazoa defined by mesh-size. Micro- and meiobenthos have been suggested as being one complex and are characterized by their small size, relative short life spans, high turnover rate, and complicated trophic structure. The quantification of the exchange rate of carbon seems a prerequisite for understanding the processes regulating the trophic structure in this complex, where the basic interactions of micro- and meiobenthos include nutrition, competition, synergy and inhibition, etc. The ecological processes mediating the interactions between these groups are poorly understood and invite our attention to more detailed studies. In this paper, we summarize literature data to outline the interactions of the two major assemblages and discuss the main progress in benthic microbial food web.  相似文献   
Special primers were designed based on the sequence information of superoxide dismutase genes reported in the Iiterature and were used for RT-PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends(RACE) to clone Tegillarca granosaMn-superoxide dismutase gene successfully.The length cDNA of Tegillarca granosaMn-superoxide dismutase gene was of 635bp by including a 3'untranslated region(UTR)of 230bp and an open reading frame(ORF) of 4.5bp encoding a polypeptide of 135 amino acids. TheTegillarca granosaMn-superoxide dismutase gene shares 66%~73% homology with Mizuhopecteb yessoensis's,Danio rerio's,Xenopus Laevis's,Human's,Callinectes sapidus'sSOD CDS, while the corresponding amino acids shares 68%-78% homology and 80%~89% comparability. These indicate the SOD gene is high evolutional conservation in animals.  相似文献   
Brief Review of Some CLIVAR-Related Studies in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) program is one of the sub-programs of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP). In this paper, CLIVAR related research in China (2003-2006) is briefly reviewed, including four major components, namely, low-frequency intraseasonal oscillations, interannual variability, decadal variations in East Asia, and global warming simulations.  相似文献   
陕西黄土高原人工林土壤干层及形成原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 Introduction Abroad, a lot of research on soil water removal, seeping and evaporation has been done (Ole, 1998; Rapp, 2000). A seeping model of soil water was suggested (Yuin, 1998) and it was known that water removal is very slow in the unsaturated zon…  相似文献   
本文使用云南滇西地区、红河断裂带北段1984——1985年由PDR-2数字事件记录仪记录到的84张地震记录图,按文献〔4〕中所述的理论和方法,用直达(?)波资料计算了该区的分区粘性多Q_α值,初步结论是:整个场区内介质粘弹性可用非线性体去近似模拟。Q_α值分布情况为:由云龙、洱源、漾濞三点所成的三角区内,其值约为50±30左右较低,而沿弥渡向北,经下关至剑川所示的整个断裂带上所测Q_α值较高,约在160±30左右。反映了明显的构造差异性。  相似文献   
滇西昌宁─孟连带南部地层地质问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
滇西孟连以南,整合于南段组浊积岩之上的拉巴群硅质岩含晚二叠世早期放射虫化石,南段组时代不仅限于石炭纪,可能延入二叠纪。二者为晚古生代思茅地块的外陆坡沉积。其西面的南基河杂岩(新名)由层序混乱的晚古生代硅质岩、泥岩和少量砂岩、玄武岩构成。放射虫化石证据表明,硅质岩时代不仅限于晚泥盆世-早二叠世,还延入晚二叠世,而有的砂岩时代为早石炭世,它们是经过强烈构造变动的古特提斯洋的沉积记录。昌宁-孟连带向南可能延至泰国北部的清迈带,而非东北部的难河带。  相似文献   
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