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雅鲁矿:一种金属碳化物新矿物   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
雅鲁矿产于中国西藏曲松县罗布莎蛇绿岩铬铁矿山中(29°5′N, 92°5′E, 拉萨市东南约200公里处)。伴生矿物有金刚石、碳硅石、方铁矿、锇铱矿、铱锇矿(自然锇)、方镁石、铬铁矿等。与雅鲁矿伴生的金属碳化物有桐柏矿、陨碳铁矿、钛碳矿和曲松矿(IMA2007-034)。雅鲁矿及其伴生矿物都是从人工重砂大样中经选矿富集后得到的。该矿物为不规则粒状,粒径20~60 μm,钢灰色,不透明。莫氏硬度:5.5~6,性脆{001}解理完全,贝壳状断口。化学分子式为:(Cr4Fe4Ni)∑9C4, 或 (Cr, Fe, Ni)∑9C4。六方晶系,空间群:P63/mc, a=18.839(2), c=4.4960(9), V=745.7(2)3,Z=6,计算密度:7.19 g/cm3。雅鲁矿己被国际新矿物命名及矿物分类委员会(CNMMNC)批准为新矿物(IMA2007035),样品(M11650号)保存在中国地质博物馆  相似文献   
试论西藏全新世古地理的演变   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
本文从冰后期以来湖泊的退缩、泥炭沼泽的发育、冰川与冻土的变化、生物的演替以及人类活动范围的扩大与缩小等方面论述西藏全新世古地理环境特征和演变过程,并结合C14的年龄数据,认为全新世时期西藏自然环境的演变可分为早全新世(10,000-7,500年)环境好转阶段、中全新世(7,500-3,000年)环境最宜阶段以及晚全新世(3,000年至现在)环境恶化阶段.而且全新世不同时期古地理环境具有明显的地域差异.现时西藏地区仍在继续上升,高原内部仍将继续向干冷的自然环境变化.  相似文献   
王国  张青松 《极地研究》1998,10(3):24-33
对巴罗AB-67钻孔岩芯的粒度分析资料和地球化学分析资料进行了系统的多变量沉积过程分析。结果表明,32~60cm岩芯段为陆相沉积,该段沉积环境和沉积过程都较为稳定;20~32cm岩芯段为由陆相向海相转换的过渡时期,此时粗粒的含Cr磁性矿物由峰值跌入谷值,硅、钙质氧化物减少,钛、铁质氧化物增加,有机质成分增加;0~20cm岩芯段为海相沉积,本段沉积粗粒成分很少,氧化物、粘土、有机质和吸附成分波动很大,表层淋溶残余成分迅速增加,物源环境稳定,但动力条件变化较大  相似文献   
青藏高原西北部17000年以来的介形类及环境演变   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:32  
李元芳 Gasse  F 《地理学报》1994,49(1):46-54
通过班公错和松西错两钻孔以及红山湖地层剖面的介形类分析,讨论了昆仑山、喀喇昆仑山地区晚更新世晚期以来的主要气候事件和环境变迁。  相似文献   
Yarlongite: A New Metallic Carbide Mineral   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yarlongite occurs in ophiolitic chromitite at the Luobusha mine (29°5′N 92°5′E, about 200 km ESE of Lhasa), Qusum County, Shannan Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China. Associated minerals are: diamond, moissanite, wüstite, iridium (“osmiridium”), osmium (“iridosmine”), periclase, chromite, native iron, native nickel, native chromium, forsterite, Cr-rich diopside, intermetallic compounds Ni-Fe-Cr, Ni-Cr, Cr-C, etc. Yarlongite and its associated minerals were handpicked from a large heavy mineral sample of chromitite. The metallic carbides associated with yarlongite are cohenite, tongbaite, khamrabaevite and qusongite (IMA2007-034). Yarlongite occurs as irregular grains, with a size between 0.02 and 0.06 mm, steel-grey colour, H Mohs: 5?-6. Tenacity: brittle. Cleavage: {0 0 1} perfect. Fracture: conchoidal. Chemical formula: (Cr4Fe4Ni)Σ9C4, or (Cr,Fe,Ni)Σ9C4, Crystal system: Hexagonal, Space Group: P63/mc, a = 18.839(2) ?, c = 4.4960 (9) ?, V = 745.7(2) ?3, Z = 6, Density (calc.) = 7.19 g/cm3 (with simplified formula). Yarlongite has been approved as a new mineral by the CNMNC (IMA2007-035). Holotype material is deposited at the Geological Museum of China (No. M11650).  相似文献   
A statistical model for the quick reversals during a geomagnetic pole transition is put forward by combining the modern geomagnetic field and paleomagnetic field. The decrease of geomagnetic intensity determines the reversals, and the quick reversals are possibly caused by the interaction between g01 and the other geomagnetic components.  相似文献   
The magnetic properties of loess, lake, and ocean sediments are often used as indicators for paleoclimatic/paleoenvironmental changes. Thermomagnetic analysis is a conventional approach for identifying magnetic phases and thermal alteration of samples. Magnetic concentration parameters are often enhanced after thermal treatment. In this study, the role of clay minerals in magnetic enhancement at elevated temperatures is systematically investigated. The results indicate that the clay minerals (saponite, Ca-montmorillonite, kaolinite, and chlorite) are dominated by paramagnetic behaviour and that the magnetic properties remain relatively stable after heating to 700°C in argon. In contrast, mixtures of hematite and chlorite have a high degree of magnetic enhancement after heating in argon, which indicates that clay minerals play important role in magnetic enhancement. These results improve our understanding of the processes involved in complicated mineral transformations, which is important for retrieving paleoclimatic/paleoenvironemntal signals from magnetic proxies.  相似文献   
地铁盾构隧道通常不可避免地会穿越城市密集的建筑楼群,盾构切桩穿越会对住宅楼的形变产生较大的影响。本文使用TS30测量机器人对深圳某小区的9-13号楼群在盾构切桩穿越过程中进行了实时动态监测。监测结果表明:同一幢建筑物上的监测点变化趋势基本一致,离中线越近,沉降变化越大,反之沉降较小;相同距离切桩数量越多,相应建筑变形越大;刀盘到达监测点正下方切桩时,下沉突然增加,此时下沉速度最快,达1.49 mm/m;刀盘脱离房屋时,下沉继续增加,从刀盘进入房屋到盾尾脱离房屋期间,累计下沉占总沉降量的60%以上;房屋长边上监测点距中线垂直距离大于15 m时,沉降值小于5 mm,可以减少监测布点个数;距离大于30 m时,沉降值小于3 mm,可以不再布设监测点。这些研究可为后期建立盾构隧道不同埋深时与建筑物沉降的函数关系提供数据资料,也为以后盾构切桩穿越既有建筑群变形监测点优化设计提供宝贵实践经验。  相似文献   
Shandong Province is currently experiencing fast urbanization and economic booming. However, low energy efficiency, energy shortage and other energy related issues are becoming the limiting factors for further economic development. Based on the analysis of Resource and Environmental Performance Index (REPI) of the past decade, the energy saving index shows that the energy saving level in Shandong fell behind the national average level in China. The sulfur dioxide saving index, however, shows that sulfur dioxide reduction in Shandong was significant. The energy demands of Shandong in 2010, 2015 and 2020 have been forecasted with the environmental load model. In a projected ideal scenario, the energy consumption does not increase with economic development. On the contrary, Shandong can achieve rapid economic development with less energy consumption and affordable environmental load if the industrial structure is being further optimized, technological upgrading efforts are strengthened, strict pollutant control measures are implemented, and reasonable plans for energy development are established.  相似文献   
The Xu-2 Member of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation (Hechuan area, southwestern China) is an important potential sedimentary sequence for gas exploration in the central Sichuan Basin. Thus, we performed a comprehensive study of drilling parameters, sedimentary cores, well logging, and core test data and combined our results with previous research and the geological background of the basin. We found that the Hechuan area was a delta front that included underwater distributary channels, interchannels, and mouth and distal bars during deposition of the Xu-2 Member. The sand body genetic types were divided into three categories based on where they developed: an underwater distributary channel, a mouth bar, or a distal bar. The lithology of the Xu-2 reservoirs is mainly feldspathic litharenite, lithic arkose, subarkose, litharenite, and sublitharenite. Residual intergranular pores and intergranular dissolution pores are the major pore types in the reservoirs. Reservoirs with porosities of 0.18–15.84% and permeabilities of 0.001–8.72?×?10?3 μm2 showed a correlation coefficient of 0.7592. The reservoir throats are mainly tubular and constricted. Overall, the sedimentary environment and diagenesis are the major controlling factors for reservoir formation in the study area. The reservoir zones with relatively high porosity and permeability mainly developed in a delta front with underwater distributary channels and mouth bars. Chlorite growth preserved the primary pores during early diagenesis stage B, and intergranular dissolution pores resulted from contact with organic acids derived from source rocks during middle diagenesis stage A1. Compaction and cementation significantly decreased porosity during middle diagenesis stage A2. These important factors influenced reservoir quality.  相似文献   
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