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传统的空间结构演变理论认为,区域空间结构的演变要经历以农业为主的阶段、工业化初期、工业化阶段,以及后工业化阶段。通过回顾湖北省武汉市东西湖区石榴红村村镇空间结构在21世纪初期的演变,发现在乡村旅游的推动下,石榴红村在居住空间、产业空间和公共服务空间等方面实现了村镇空间结构的优化。在这种模式下,村镇经济可以实现跨越式发展,通过乡村旅游实现城乡协调发展。  相似文献   
A numerical sediment transport model was embedded into a coupled wave-tide-circulation model to quantitatively estimate the suspended sediment fluxes (SSF) and distribution in different areas for the Yellow River derived sediment. The model is validated by comparing model simulated sediment deposition rates with those from observations. Simulated results show that the SSF of the Yellow River across two major sections (the Bohai Strait and the 37° N section) are highest during September and October, whereas for the 32° N section the flux is negligibly small (less than 0.1 kg/s). We demonstrate that the sediment flux is primarily driven by the buoyancy forcing of the Yellow River freshwater discharge and modulated by the wind-driven surface wave and circulation patterns in this region. The SSF across the Bohai Strait is about 30 % of the Yellow River discharge, while across the 37° N section it is 15.8 %. Therefore, about 70 % of the total discharged Yellow River sediments are deposited in the Bohai Sea, 14.1 % in the North Yellow Sea, and 13.9 % in the South Yellow Sea. There are two deposition branches in the Yellow Sea. The primary one is located off the eastern tip of the Shandong Peninsula and extends to the southwest off the coastline, which is consistent with the observed “Ω”-shape deposition pattern. This simulated tongue shape deposition pattern is isolated from the north by the strong resuspension off the eastern tip of Shandong Peninsula. The secondary branch extends to the middle of the South Yellow Sea and has been strengthened by resuspension process. The two deposition branches are separated by the wintertime Yellow Sea Warm Current in the bottom layer.  相似文献   
海洋泥质沉积是流域、古气候及海平面变化信息的重要载体,对该粒级物质的系统研究,是获取环境信息的重要手段。为此,采集北黄海中北部表层沉积物80件,经室内筛分处理,并对细颗粒组分(<63 μm)进行了稀土元素(REE)测试。结果显示REE的含量及分布模式在长山列岛东西两侧差异显著:东侧物质明显富集REE,尤其轻稀土元素(LREE),Eu元素则明显缺失,指示了受鸭绿江的显著控制;长山列岛以西,REE除含量降低外,分布模式也变平缓。造影剂马根维显(Gd-DTPA)在磁共振成像(MRI)中的大量使用,可能是造成Gd明显富集的主要原因。此外,辽南沿岸物质的来源及分布与以往认识存在差异,以往认为辽南沿岸泥质沉积为鸭绿江为主的辽东半岛河流的远端泥沉积,而本文的研究发现:辽东半岛东侧长山列岛至大连湾外海域以黄河来源物质为主,鸭绿江物质对北黄海西部泥质区的贡献在西侧大于东侧,其中陆架环流对物质输运发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   
川西北金木达矿床地质地球化学特征研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
金木达金矿床产于川西北地区阿坝把块西南缘,与中基-中酸性岩脉在空间上有密切关系。通过对该矿床的野外地质观察和室内测试研究。确定了该矿床的产出地质背景和矿化特征,划分了成矿期次,并根据同位素和流体包裹体等地球化学特征的研究。初步提出了该矿床矿质具有地层和岩浆岩两种来源的新观点。  相似文献   
南海的氧同位素3期   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以南海北、西、南部3个沉积速率相对较高而且连续的沉积柱状样MD2904,MD2901和MD2897为基础,通过粒度、碳酸盐、有机地球化学和元素分析,并综合前人研究成果,对南海MIS3期进行探讨。结果显示,南海MIS3是末次冰期中的弱暖期,海水表层古温度比相邻的MIS2和MIS4期略高,但是明显比MIS1和MIS5期低。MIS3的最大特点就在于其气候的不稳定性,发生了多次气候快速变化事件。在格陵兰冰芯中记录的千年尺度快速气候变化事件(D/O事件和Heinrich事件)基本上在南海北、西、南部都有响应,具有与全球同步的特征。南海MIS3古生产力都显示出较高的特点,这与东亚季风有着密切的关系,北部主要受冬季风影响,西部和南部主要受夏季风影响。南海南部MIS3表现出比MIS5更高的古生产力和更强的夏季风强度,这一特点有待更进一步深入研究。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶系为广泛的陆表海碳酸盐岩沉积,其东部马家沟组岩相特征、岩石组合类型和旋回性丰富多样。通过对本区临汾晋王坟剖面的奥陶系马家沟组地层进行精细测量,笔者从剖面的沉积特征入手,进行沉积环境和沉积微相的分析,并以沉积微相的纵向演变规律为基础,结合准层序向上变浅的本质特征,识别划分野外露头剖面的准层序。研究区马家沟组共识别出32个准层序,可分为两种类型:准层序类型Ⅰ跨越若干微环境,相变向上为浅;准层序类型Ⅱ沉积于同一个微环境,向上有层厚的渐变趋势。两种类型准层序的形成取决于沉积物供给、短周期海平面升降和地层沉降三者之间的关系和相互作用。研究区内的准层序类型Ⅰ发育广泛,较为常见,类型Ⅱ则发育较少。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地靖边潜台及相邻区域在马五1-4时总体上为(内)陆棚盆缘坪亚环境。储层主要岩性为粉晶白云岩及含硬石膏结核和/或柱状晶的粉晶白云岩。地层在岩性上的分布差异是控制储层非均质发育的基础性因素,以含硬石膏结核和/或柱状晶的粉晶白云岩对研究区更具控制意义。其他主要控制因素还有地质背景、古岩溶成岩作用、构造裂隙及断层分布等,古地貌、储层有效厚度以及非储层发育程度等对储层非均质性也具一定影响。靖边潜台为目前天然气主产区,靠近研究区的西侧和东侧的储集性均较差,西侧地层剥蚀严重,东侧溶蚀作用过于强烈,储集性能均遭到严重破坏。  相似文献   
The location of the suture between the Yangtze craton and the Cathaysia block is uncertain in the west. Three proposed locations for the western segment of the suture all go through Guangxi but are up to ~150 km apart. Inherited zircon crystals from the Darongshan Permian S‐type granitoid plutons, which are derived from the lower crust and occur north of the southernmost location for the suture, yield U–Pb ages with a major peak at ~960 Ma. The εHf (t) values of the inherited zircons with ages around the major peak vary from +6.4 to ?23.4. The age distribution and Hf isotope variations of the inherited zircons are remarkably similar to those of Precambrian detrital zircon crystals from the western Cathaysia block but strikingly different from those of Precambrian detrital zircon crystals from the Yangtze craton. These results indicate that the western part of the suture is situated to the north of the Darongshan granitoid belt.  相似文献   
Tree-ring width (TRW) and stable carbon isotope (??13C) in tree-ring cellulose of subalpine fir (Abies fabri) were used to develop high-resolution climate proxy data to indicate snow-depth variations in the Gongga Mountain, west China. Tree radial growth- and ??13C-climate response analyses demonstrated that the TRW and ??13C at the timberline (3,400?m.a.s.l.) are mainly influenced by temperature and precipitation of previous growth seasons and current summer (June to August) under cold and humid conditions. Considering the analogous control factors on both tree growth and carbon isotope discrimination (??13C) and snow accumulation, the negative and significant relationships between tree-ring parameters (TRW and ??13C) and mean monthly snowpack depth were found. Herein, by combining two tree-ring parameters, a primary snow-depth reconstruction (previous October to current May) over the reliable period A.D. 1880?C2004 was estimated. The reconstruction explains 58.0% of the variance in the instrumental record, and in particular captures the longer-term fluctuations successfully. Except the period with extreme higher snowpack depth around 1990, the snowpack depth seems to fluctuate in a normal way. The reconstruction agrees with the nearby snowpack depth record in Kangding and the mean observed snowpack-depth variations of the stations on the Tibetan Plateau, particularly at long-term scales. The snowpack depth in low-frequency fluctuations, during the past century, agrees quite well with the Eastern India precipitation covering the period of previous October?Ccurrent May. Our results suggest that combing tree-ring width and ??13C in certain subalpine tree species growing on the Tibetan Plateau may be an effective way for reconstructing regional snowpack variations.  相似文献   
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