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Many fish stocks in the world are depleted as a result of overexploitation, which reduces stock productivity and results in loss of potential yields. In this study we analyzed the catch trends and approximate thresholds of sustainable fishing for fished stocks to estimate the potential loss of catch and revenue of global fisheries as a result of overexploitation during the period of 1950–2010 in 14 FAO fishing areas. About 35% of stocks in the global marine ocean have or had suffered from overexploitation at present. The global catch losses amounted to 332.8 million tonnes over 1950–2010, resulting in a direct economic loss of US$298.9 billion(constant 2005 US$).Unsustainable fishing caused substantial potential losses worldwide, especially in the northern hemisphere.Estimated potential losses due to overfishing for different groups of resources showed that the low-value but abundant small-medium pelagics made the largest contribution to the global catch loss, with a weight of 265.0 million tonnes. The geographic expansion of overfishing not only showed serial depletion of world's fishery resources, but also reflected how recent trends towards sustainability can stabilize or reverse catch losses.Reduction of global fishing capacity and changes in fishery management systems are necessary if the long-term sustainability of marine fisheries in the world is to be achieved.  相似文献   
基于DEM的分布式水文模型构建方法   总被引:52,自引:4,他引:52  
基于 DEM的分布式水文模型是现代水文学同高科技 (如计算机技术、 3S技术等 )相结合的产物 ,是研究变化环境下水文循环与水资源演化规律的理想工具 ,代表了水文模型的最新发展方向。从 DEM的特性出发 ,本文探讨并总结了分布式水文模型的特点、建模思路和模型基本结构框图。在流域离散化方面 ,重点介绍了分布式水文模型常用的三种单元划分方法 ;最后 ,针对分布式水文模型构建问题 ,从“输入模块”、“单元水文模型”、“河网汇流模型”三方面 ,阐述了分布式水文模型微结构构建方法。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地东胜砂岩型铀矿中铀矿物的电子显微镜研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鄂尔多斯盆地东胜铀矿是我国一个重要的大型砂岩型铀矿床。通过电子显微技术,对该铀矿床中铀矿物的种类、产出特征进行详细的研究。研究确定东胜砂岩型铀矿床中铀矿物主要为铀石和水硅铀矿,两者紧密共生,它们均为表生铀矿物。铀矿物的颗粒十分细小,一般粒度均为微米级。铀石和水硅铀矿往往呈板状、不规则微粒状产出,铀矿物的表面溶蚀现象明显,有的还具纳米级的溶蚀孔。铀矿物的产出与蚀变黑云母、蚀变黄铁矿密切相关,也见到微脉状铀矿物集合体穿切碎屑石英等现象。研究表明在表生作用下,该铀矿床中的铀元素存在溶解(迁移)-沉淀(富集)的反复过程。  相似文献   
The hydrology and water balance of megadunes and lakes have been investigated in the Badain Jaran Desert of China. Field observations and analyses of sand layer water content, field capacity, secondary salt content, and grain size reveal 3 types of important natural phenomenon: (a) vegetation bands on the leeward slope of the megadunes reflect the hydrological regime within the sandy vadose zone; (b) seepage, wet sand deposits, and secondary salt deposits indicate the pattern of water movement within the sandy vadose zone; (c) zones of groundwater seeps and descending springs around the lakes reflect the influence of the local topography on the hydrological regime of the megadunes. The seepage exposed on the sloping surface of the megadunes and gravity water contained within the sand layer confirm the occurrence of preferential flow within the vadose zone of the megadunes. Alternating layers of coarse and fine sand create the conditions for the formation of preferential flows. The preferential flows promote movement of water within the sand layer water that leads to deep penetration of water within the megadunes and ultimately to the recharging of groundwater and lake water. Our results indicate that a positive water balance promotes recharge of the megadunes, which depends on the high permeability of the megadune material, the shallow depth of the surface sand layer affected by evaporation, the occurrence of rainfall events exceeding 15 mm, and the sparse vegetation cover. Water balance estimates indicate that the annual water storage of the megadunes is about 7.5 mm, accounting for only 8% of annual precipitation; however, the shallow groundwater per unit area under the megadunes receives only 3.6% of annual precipitation, but it is still able to maintain a dynamic balance of the lake water. From a water budget perspective, the annual water storage in the megadunes is sufficient to serve as a recharge source for lake water, thereby enabling the long‐term persistence of the lakes. Overall, our findings demonstrate that precipitation is a significant component of the hydrological cycle in arid deserts.  相似文献   
作为环境类内分泌干扰物之一,双酚A由于被广泛作为化工原料使用而对环境和人类健康产生了严重的危害。文章对近年来国内外环境及生物样品中残留双酚A的最新前处理及检测技术的研究进展进行了综述。除常规前处理技术外,还介绍了包括搅拌棒吸附萃取及分子印迹等新型分离、富集技术在双酚A提取中的应用;另外,在着重介绍双酚A的色谱-质谱分析技术的基础上,对免疫分析、传感器检测和光学检测在双酚A检测中的应用也进行了详细报道。展望双酚A分析的发展趋势,二级串联质谱由于具有比其他分析方法更低的检出限,因此将会成为检测环境及生物样品中痕量双酚A的最具潜力的手段之一;研制价格低廉、重现性好、高通量的微型化、便携式、自动化仪器将是在线快速分析双酚A的另一个主要发展方向。  相似文献   
生物气研究现状与勘探前景   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
综合论述了生物气的特征及其研究进展,着重探讨了生物气成因、地球化学特征、勘探研究现状、生物气形成机制和控制因素,并介绍了生物气系统概念和特征,最后叙述了生物气藏的分布和我国生物气藏的远景。生物气是在还原环境的生物化学作用带内有机质为厌氧微生物所分解的最终产物,它以甲烷为主,并含部分二氧化碳及少量氮气和其它微量气体组分,生物甲烷气δ13C1值一般小于-55‰。生物甲烷气的形成途径主要有乙酸发酵和CO2还原2种类型。生物气生成与其所处的沉积环境、古气候、有机质的类型和丰度、水介质性质、地质作用、沉积时间等众多因素密切相关。生物气埋藏浅,分布广泛,一般存在于三角洲、大陆架和部分陆相沉积环境中,储层时代主要为白垩纪、古近纪、新近纪和第四纪。白垩纪的储量最丰富,古近纪、新近纪次之,第四纪生物气藏的规模一般较小。我国生物气勘探研究历史虽然不长,但生物气资源量丰富,具有良好的勘探前景。  相似文献   
针对北京市地铁丰益桥南站和丰益桥南站—终点区间施工降水回灌场地周边复杂环境,基于抽水试验、场地回灌试验、周边回灌试验等,从回灌池的深度、回灌井的深度、单井回灌水量、回灌井布置等方面设计了回灌系统.分别采用解析法和数值法检验了回灌系统方案的合理性,最终确定了以84眼小口径井和1眼大口井进行补充的回灌方案能满足施工降水排水需求.经实际运行显示,系统回灌总量7261×104 m3,实现了地铁降水排水100%资源性回灌.  相似文献   
位于贵州铜仁松桃国家锰矿整装勘查区内的高地富锰矿床,(332)+(333)类碳酸锰富锰矿石资源量达7 166. 84万吨,锰平均品位25. 75%,矿体平均厚度4. 52 m,富锰矿体赋存于总资源量达1. 61亿吨的高地超大型锰矿床之中,由一个单一的富锰矿体构成,是我国新发现的首个特大型富锰矿床,富锰矿资源量相当于我国富锰矿资源量总和的2倍。成因类型属古天然气渗漏沉积型锰矿床,富锰矿产于古天然气渗漏沉积成矿系统中心相区。高地富锰矿床地处独特的"新月形"南华纪早期李家湾-高地-道坨(Ⅳ级)地堑盆地中心,菱锰矿体中均出现以块状构造夹被沥青充填的气泡状富菱锰矿石。地表燕山期北北东向的断裂构造十分发育,但主要为上陡下缓犁式正断层,未触及高地深部隐伏巨型锰矿体,以致富锰矿体保存亦十分完整,易于开发利用。  相似文献   
行程时间不确定性导致了可达性随时间的变化,相关研究表明忽略行程时间不确定性会高估可达性水平。既有可达性研究往往用行程时间可靠性表示行程时间不确定性,但未考虑不同可达性模型结果的差异以及行程时间可靠性价值。本文结合各OD之间的行程时间分布特征,构建方差型的行程时间可靠性来描述行程时间不确定性,并进一步将行程时间可靠性纳入到广义出行时间成本中,建立了时间距离模型、潜力模型、累计机会模型和高斯模型4种基于位置的可达性测算方法,以比较在不同测算方法下,行程时间不确定性对可达性的影响。深圳的案例研究表明:(1)忽略行程时间不确定性会使全区域的可达性至少被高估5.04%,最大被高估95.04%。潜力模型、时间距离模型、累计机会模型和高斯模型的高估幅度由低到高;(2)行程时间不确定性对可达性的影响存在阈值效应,阈值越高,可达性受影响的程度越小;(3)从空间分布来看,行程时间不确定性对可达性水平高和低的区域都有一定影响。若不考虑行程时间不确定性,可达性高的区域高估值大,而在可达性低的区域,可达性高估的百分比较大,高估百分比中位数的差异程度最大可达77.1%;(4)行程时间不确定性对潜力模型可达性分类的...  相似文献   
中国北方超大型热水沉积硫化物矿床成矿模式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国北方超大型热水沉积硫化物矿床成矿模式李英祁思敬(西安地质学院,西安710054)关键词超大型矿床热水沉积作用大陆边缘盆地热旋回中国北方超大型热水沉积硫化物矿床(SEDEX)集中产出于华北地台北缘西段与扬子地台北缘西段,即秦岭与狼山两区。可确定的矿...  相似文献   
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