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Waterlogging due to rising ground watertable, being a sub-surface phenomenon, is not amenable to detection by optical remote sensing. Microwave and thermal sensor data have, however, shown some promise in the detection of sub-surface waterlogging. The present study was taken up to evaluate the potential of near-IR, short-wave IR (SWIR) and thermal-IR data from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) aboard Terra-1 acquired during day-and-night time postmonsoon data for detection of sub-surface waterlogging. The approach involves retrieval of day-and-night land surface temperature (LST), generation of normalized difference of channel-2 and 6 (ND26); 2 and 7 (ND27); ground truth collection involving concurrent ground water table observations to satellite date of pass, thresholding of normalized differences (NDs) and correlating the NDs with depth of ground water table. Amongst various spectral indices, day and night-time LST difference (DLST) and night-time LST have been found to correlate well with the incidence of waterlogging (water table depth < 2m), followed by normalized difference of band-2 (841–876 nm) and band-7 (2105–2155 nm). The sensitivity of threshold limits for these indices was maximum for DLST followed by ND26 and ND27. Poor accuracy of detecting sub-surface waterlogging with thermal bands during day time is attributed to the non-corresponding of the time of Terra MODIS data acquisitions with thermal maxima of the terrain. Though the ND27 gave better accuracy to detect subsurface waterlogging, it is very sensitive to threshold limits.  相似文献   
The eggs of Cyprinus carpio were irradiated by 5 different strengths: 0.0258, 0.129, 0.258, 0.516 and 1.29 C/kg (100, 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 R) of γ-rays in the batches of 50 fertilized eggs. The activities of eggs and hatched fries were noted after irradiation doses. The hatching percentages of the eggs were reported for each group. The percentage of hatched eggs of Cyprinus carpio after radiation doses of 0.0258, 0.129, 0.258, 0.516 and 1.29 C/kg (100, 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 R) was 30%, 24%, 28%, 30%, and 34%, respectively. The 50% mortality period of fries for the above strengths of the γ-rays was 8 days, 7 days, 6 days. 4 days and 4 days, respectively. The survival period of the fries was 11 days, 9 days, 8 days, 7 days and 6 days, respectively. All fries hatched from the eggs irradiated by γ-rays showed early hatching, a higher percentage of mortality, a retarded and abnormal development of the body. A statistical analysis of the results by the correlation coefficient also proved that the hatching percentages of the fries and the survival period of fries are directly proportional to the strength of the γ-rays and inversely proportional to the strength of γ-rays, respectively.  相似文献   
Colour infrared and panchromatic B & W aerial photographs at 1∶25,000 scale over part of Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh were interpreted stereoscopically for delineating soilscape units. Soils and land properties were evaluated for suitability of the land for agriculture i.e. paddy and wheat. The results indicate that the relative case in delineating physiographic units offered by colour infrared air-photos does not commensurate with their cost. In the study area, 19.57 and 14.78 per cent area have been found to be suitable for paddy and wheat, respectively.  相似文献   
Data on source conditions for the 14 April 2010 paroxysmal phase of the Eyjafjallaj?kull eruption, Iceland, have been used as inputs to a trajectory-based eruption column model, bent. This model has in turn been adapted to generate output suitable as input to the volcanic ash transport and dispersal model, puff, which was used to propagate the paroxysmal ash cloud toward and over Europe over the following days. Some of the source parameters, specifically vent radius, vent source velocity, mean grain size of ejecta, and standard deviation of ejecta grain size have been assigned probability distributions based on our lack of knowledge of exact conditions at the source. These probability distributions for the input variables have been sampled in a Monte Carlo fashion using a technique that yields what we herein call the polynomial chaos quadrature weighted estimate (PCQWE) of output parameters from the ash transport and dispersal model. The advantage of PCQWE over Monte Carlo is that since it intelligently samples the input parameter space, fewer model runs are needed to yield estimates of moments and probabilities for the output variables. At each of these sample points for the input variables, a model run is performed. Output moments and probabilities are then computed by properly summing the weighted values of the output parameters of interest. Use of a computational eruption column model coupled with known weather conditions as given by radiosonde data gathered near the vent allows us to estimate that initial mass eruption rate on 14 April 2010 may have been as high as 108?kg/s and was almost certainly above 107?kg/s. This estimate is consistent with the probabilistic envelope computed by PCQWE for the downwind plume. The results furthermore show that statistical moments and probabilities can be computed in a reasonable time by using 94?=?6,561 PCQWE model runs as opposed to millions of model runs that might be required by standard Monte Carlo techniques. The output mean ash cloud height plus three standard deviations??encompassing c. 99.7?% of the probability mass??compares well with four-dimensional ash cloud position as retrieved from Meteosat-9 SEVIRI data for 16 April 2010 as the ash cloud drifted over north-central Europe. Finally, the ability to compute statistical moments and probabilities may allow for the better separation of science and decision-making, by making it possible for scientists to better focus on error reduction and decision makers to focus on ??drawing the line?? for risk assessment.  相似文献   
We study intensity oscillations near the apex of a coronal loop to find the signature of MHD oscillations. We analyse the time series of the strongest Fe XII 195.12 Å image data, observed by 40″ SLOT of the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) onboard the Hinode spacecraft. Using a standard wavelet tool, we produce power spectra of intensity oscillations at location ‘L3’ near the apex of a clearly visible coronal loop. We detect intensity oscillations of a period of ≈322 s with a probability of 96%. This oscillation period of ≈322 s is found to be in good agreement with theory of the (second) harmonics of standing slow acoustic oscillations of P2ndslow313±31s. We detect, for the first time, the observational signature of multiple (first and second) harmonics of slow acoustic oscillations in the non-flaring coronal loop. Such oscillations have been observed in the past in hot and flaring coronal loops only, but have been predicted recently to exist in comparatively cooler and non-flaring coronal loops as well. We find the periodicities ~497 s and ~592 s with the probability 99–100% at the ‘L1’ and ‘L2’ locations, respectively, near the clearly visible western footpoint of the loop. We interpret these oscillations to be likely associated with the first harmonics (fundamental mode) of slow acoustic oscillations. Using the period ratios P1/P2=1.54and1.84, we estimate the density scale heights in the EUV loop as ~10 Mm and 21 Mm, respectively, in which the latter value (~21 Mm) is compared well with the loop half length. We also find an evidence of propagating bright blob at its lower bound sub-sonic speed of ≈6.4 km/s, suggesting that they are caused by the mass flow from one end to the other in the coronal loop. We also suggest that standing oscillations, and propagating bright blobs caused probably by the pulse of plasma flow, co-exist in comparatively cooler and non-flaring coronal loop.  相似文献   
Galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) encounter an outward-moving solar wind with cyclic magnetic-field fluctuation and turbulence. This causes convection and diffusion in the heliosphere. The GCR counts from the ground-based neutron monitor stations show intensity changes that are anti-correlated with the sunspot numbers with a lag of a few months. GCRs experience various types of modulation from different solar activity features and influence space weather and the terrestrial climate. In this work, we investigate certain aspects of the GCR modulation at low cut-off rigidity (R c≈1 GV) in relation to some solar and geomagnetic indices for the entire solar cycle 23 (1996?–?2008). We separately study the GCR modulation during the ascending phase of cycle 23 including its maximum (1996?–?2002) and the descending phase including its minimum (2003?–?2008). We find that during the descending phase, the GCR recoveries are much faster than those of the solar parameters with negative time-lag. The results are discussed in light of modulation models, including drift effects and previous results.  相似文献   
Using one-arcsecond-slit-scan observations from the Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on 5 February 2007, we find the plasma outflows in the open and expanding coronal funnels at the eastern boundary of AR 10940. The Doppler-velocity map of Fe?xii 195.120 Å shows the diffuse closed-loop system to be mostly red-shifted. The open arches (funnels) at the eastern boundary of AR exhibit blue-shifts with a maximum speed of about 10?–?15 km?s?1. This implies outflowing plasma through these magnetic structures. In support of these observations, we perform a 2D numerical simulation of the expanding coronal funnels by solving the set of ideal MHD equations in appropriate VAL-III C initial temperature conditions using the FLASH code. We implement a rarefied and hotter region at the footpoint of the model funnel, which results in the evolution of slow plasma perturbations propagating outward in the form of plasma flows. We conclude that the heating, which may result from magnetic reconnection, can trigger the observed plasma outflows in such coronal funnels. This can transport mass into the higher corona, giving rise to the formation of the nascent solar wind.  相似文献   
In this paper, a comparison of two methods for the calculation of the height of atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), using balloon-borne GPS radiosonde data is presented. ABL has been characterized using vertical profiles of meteorological parameter. The gradient of virtual potential temperature (?? v ) profile for the determination of mixed layer heights (MLH) and the mean value of turbulent flow depth (TFD) obtained from the vertical profile of Bulk Richardson Number (R i B ) have been used in this study. One-year data have been used for the study. There is large seasonal variability in MLH with a peak in the summer and winter whereas the TFD remained steady throughout the year. Results from the present study indicate that the magnitudes of TFD are often larger than the MLH.  相似文献   
We study an active region coronal jet that evolved from southward of a major sunspot of NOAA AR12178 on 04 October 2014. This jet is associated with an onset of the GOES C1.4 flare. We use SDO/AIA, SDO/HMI, GONG \(H\upalpha\) and GOES data for analysing the observed event. We term this jet as a two-stage confined eruption of the plasma. In the first stage, some plasma erupts above the compact flaring region. In the second stage, this eruptive jet plasma and associated magnetic field lines interact with another set of distinct magnetic field lines present in its south-east direction. This creates an X-point region, where the second stage of the jet eruption is deflected above it on a curvilinear path into overlying corona. The lower part of the jet is followed by a cool surge eruption, which is visible only in \(H{\upalpha}\) emissions. The magnetic flux cancellation at the footpoint causes the triggering of C-class flare eruption. This flare energy release further triggers first stage of the coronal jet eruption. The second stage of the jet eruption is a consequence of an interaction of two distinct sets of magnetic field lines in the overlying corona. The first stage of the coronal jet and co-spatial but lagging cool surge may have common origin due to the reconnection generated heating pulses. This complex evolution of the coronal jet involves flare heating induced first stage plasma eruption, guiding of jet’s material above a junction of two distinct sets of field lines in the corona, and intra-relationship with cool surge. In effect, it imposes rigid constraints on the existing jet models.  相似文献   
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